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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Well, hope you can enjoy the game whenever it comes out!

Well, unless I had a console that could play it, sadly I can't. Being on Steam means little when, like the other SRW games on Steam, it will be region locked and thus not buyable for me.

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...Why is the Ornstein and Smough fight so infamous? Unless you deliberately don't go for Ornstein, it's really not hard at all...

I still adore it a lot, though: Tremendous fun, and easily my favorite track in the game. What an absolute slapper.


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Yes! I can finally bench everyone (well, except for Estelle, but, to put this in fe terms, she’s basically the lord, and because of that I wouldn’t want to bench her anyway). I can finally pull off the dream team:

Estelle, Olivier, Kloe and Tita!

Kind of ironic that my dream team consists of all three characters I have right now who aren’t actual bracers.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nooooo they nerfed the Wave Beam? Lame.

I wouldn't say it was nerfed to me. I actually used it whenever I could over the Power Beam once I got it. Purple electricity > a lemon-shooting Mega Buster.

  • The Power Beam is the weakest of the four Beam, but has highest rate of fire and the best Charge Combo to compensate. Deals no special effects to enemies.
  • For the Wave Beam, each shot is actually three little shots, which make it stronger than a Power Beam shot. It is slow to fire however. On the positives again, a charged shot can stun enemies for a second as they reel from the voltage.
    • I never seriously relied on rapid fire, it seems pathetic compared to charged shots, so any sluggishness from the Wave Beam I didn't mind.

Ultimately, you'll have to use all of them at some point of course, although there is room for personal bias.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:




This is weird. I'm not quite sure what is happening to the fourth wall, not that I'd expect it to have a clean bill of health in a crossover, but kicks the severity of the injuries up a degree.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:




Well uh... as long as it's consensual, and legal.😆


40 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm, as someone point out in the video comments, it wouldn't be surprising if Masaki once again shows up since his seiyuu will already be in the game due to Gridman. Then again, it might be also since they're adding Ryusei in too, and the two are basically the face of SRW.

Although I have seen some people say the absence of Banpresto First Girl and Shu are a little jarring. It is completely understandable Masaki, being the original Original hero, would show up, but I know he made an appearance somewhere in the VTX games already, so it's also repetitive. -But who cares when Originals aren't why SRW exists?

SRX ought to be strong, assuming it keeps its two subpilots. But without R-Gun for HTB Cannon, are they going to be making the Z.O. Sword reign supreme?

Slightly odd the Original (Not-Senki-Born) Real is getting an update (will it be upgraded to XXX Boxer and XXX Gunner later?), but the Original Super isn't in sight. It's Super Robot Wars! Is SRX here to maintain the balance?

The few comments I've read show some disappointment with the roster. A little small, no enough new debuts, not worthy of the 30th anniversary. To which I remind myself Japan is in various pandemic-related states of emergency right now. Like the Olympics, maybe this isn't the developers wanted, but it's what the impersonal world gave them. I forgive.

-I don't mean to douse any excitement you might have, just contributing the critiques I saw. I hope it's good, I know Banpresto didn't release a game last year.

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Yeah! Got the Souls of Ornstein! Super Ornstein was actually pretty dang tricky.

...My point about the fight not being too bad if you don't deliberately get S!Ornstein still stands, but they sure give you one heck of a fight if you do.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although I have seen some people say the absence of Banpresto First Girl and Shu are a little jarring. It is completely understandable Masaki, being the original Original hero, would show up, but I know he made an appearance somewhere in the VTX games already, so it's also repetitive. -But who cares when Originals aren't why SRW exists?

SRX ought to be strong, assuming it keeps its two subpilots. But without R-Gun for HTB Cannon, are they going to be making the Z.O. Sword reign supreme?

Slightly odd the Original (Not-Senki-Born) Real is getting an update (will it be upgraded to XXX Boxer and XXX Gunner later?), but the Original Super isn't in sight. It's Super Robot Wars! Is SRX here to maintain the balance?

The few comments I've read show some disappointment with the roster. A little small, no enough new debuts, not worthy of the 30th anniversary. To which I remind myself Japan is in various pandemic-related states of emergency right now. Like the Olympics, maybe this isn't the developers wanted, but it's what the impersonal world gave them. I forgive.

-I don't mean to douse any excitement you might have, just contributing the critiques I saw. I hope it's good, I know Banpresto didn't release a game last year.

Yeah, like how in X (and T) it was only Masaki and the cats. I wouldn't be surprised if 30 also goes for that again, and just Ryusei in SRX, with Rai and Aya not showing up. Despite, you know, SRX being a three-person team. But then, it's too early to tell.

It's certainly weird, yeah. More so when V included both. Perhaps as more info comes out, we might find out. Then again, the Huckebein line did went through that weird censoring phase. So perhaps having a 30th Anniversary version is like an apology.

We definitely have to keep that in mind. It's unfortunate that such a milestone is happening during the pandemic.

Certainly. In its 30 years, SRW has only missed two years without a new game. 2020... and 1992. At least SRW DD kept going, so 2020 still had SRW stuff going on. But yeah.

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Oh yeah! Also, the name for this chapter is (massive SC spoilers (probably (if I’m right about my prediction, which has so far been like 90% of them)) BENICE, THAT MEANS DO NOT OPEN THIS


Whereabouts of Bonds, which immediately makes me think of whereabouts of light and whereabouts of the stars, both of which (especially the former) immediately make me think of Joshua. Plus (Benice, if you’re reading this, really look away)


This chapter opened with another playable Joshua segment, so… Joshua confirmed?

He was super cool, though, he just casually hitched a ride with an Ouroboros ship by jumping from one airship to another with some sort of grapple device. Although what his plans are is an interesting question. It would be out of character for him to try to take on all of Ouroboros alone, I feel like.



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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Well uh... as long as it's consensual, and legal.😆


I mean, at this point Sakura should already be over the required age. The youngest she has ever been is 17 during the first SW game. And I doubt PxZ2 takes place during that time frame for her.

In fact, the ad with Segata was for SW2, when she was 19.


Also, woah, he went out like the Iron Giant...


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Huh, after completing the quest in the mines there was a scene of two Jaegars talking and one of them had their helmet off but their back turned, so all they revealed was that they blue hair.

I wonder who that was… they’ve apparently met us before. Hmm… other than Blueblanc, what men have blue hair? Gilbert? Lol.


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Weather forecast for the upcoming days does not look hot at all. Massive rain with risk of flooding is forecasted, probably a few km south of my area. Still it does not look good at all for some parts of my country. Flooding already happened a few days ago. Summer has been such a bit** so far. Extremely wet and also cool.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

That's Xenoblade X in a nutshell. The renmants of humanity crashland on an alien planet, a planet that they are not part of the natural order of.

Xenoblade X handles the raw nature of Planet Mira very well.

I see! That's really awesome.
This is one of the things Ys 8 does really well, too. You get shipwrecked on a forgotten island no sailor even dares going near, and it shows. From the beginning, the game basically tells you "you do NOT belong here". Especially when the first dinosaurs start showing up.

9 hours ago, Maof06 said:

one of the only three works that left me sobbing uncontrollably like a little child

Ayy, same number as me! xD

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Ys 9 is hitting us with the Trails level plot twists

The good kind or the bad kind?

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

@lightcosmo @DragonFlames how do you two feel about the fact that Yuri and Flynn are gonna throw hands with the one, the only, Segata Sanshiro?

I honestly have no idea who that even is. xD

4 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Anyways I fought the probably worst boss in Ys Origin yesterday, the sand monster. Not only that the controls were annoying since I had to move against the direction of the swallowed sand the entire time, it also ended up in a bullet hell by all the thrown projectiles at me. It was a very chaotic, so unfun boss. However after like ten attempts I could beat it with me having about 10 HP left. I felt satisfied!

I only watched Ys Origin, but that boss looked like complete bullcrap to me.
Congrats on making it through that! ^^

4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Everything points to us getting a game there, and the downfall of the Empire eventually. How Adol will be involved in that however is another question.

This might be a hot take, but I personally think Ys is at its most interesting to me when you're exploring unknown regions and deal with the mythologies and history of those regions (hence why the parts of Ys 8 that focus on Dana are the most interesting to me). And I feel like the series should keep focusing on that, rather than trying to be Trails 2.0. I mean, yeah, it's part of the world, but I'd like it if they managed to strike a balance between both, at the very least, like Ys VI or Oath in Felghana did.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

The good kind or the bad kind?

Good kind

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

This might be a hot take, but I personally think Ys is at its most interesting to me when you're exploring unknown regions and deal with the mythologies and history of those region

Nah that's not a hot take, it's a pretty popular opinion

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

And I feel like the series should keep focusing on that, rather than trying to be Trails 2.0.

Definetly. I have been complaining all the time about Ys 9 being too trailsfied.

But Myths and politics can be mixed together (and did before, in Ys 7) and it can work well, and it would be a shame for the series to ignore a plot point it has been building up for a long while now.

Especially since Adol is wanted by the Empire, and Ys 9 is a consequence of them clashing through the whole series

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Good kind

That's good!

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Nah that's not a hot take, it's a pretty popular opinion

Oh, okay!

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Definetly. I have been complaining all the time about Ys 8 bding too trailsfied.

I think for Ys 8, the larger focus on story really works.
I'm lovin' it, anyway! Especially since it's exactly the kind of story I can get behind!

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

But Myths and politics can be mixed together [...] and it can work well,

That is true.
See Final Fantasy XII, and plenty of other games (like the aforementioned Oath and Ys VI). It's more that my fear is that such a game will put too much focus on the politics and less on the stuff I actually like about the series.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

and it would be a shame for the series to ignore a plot point it has been building up for a long while now.

That is also true.
I just think they should spice things up a little instead of having it just be yeah, you're fighting an empire now. No myths, no history, no nothing, just mountains upon mountains of exposition on which corrupt politician and general does what, which would be in stark contrast  to what the series has been up to this point, you know?
It'd be like if FE suddenly went away from the focus on countries warring with each other and was like "you know what? You're an explorer now! Hooray!"
Ys VI did really well in balancing this in its story, and if anything, I would like a game where you're in the Romun Empire (I really have to resist writing Roman Empire XD) to be more like Ys VI instead of another Cold Steel 2 or 3.

Also, I don't really trust Falcom to be able to make a story like that engaging to me.
Though I will say... with how much the politics in Trails varied between boring me to tears and pissing me off to no end, those games have by far the most realistic portrayal of politics I have seen in a game so far.
Though I don't play games to get bored by or pissed off at politics, so me saying that is not to be seen as praise.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Especially since Adol is wanted by the Empire,


Yup. XD
He did tear one of their generals a new one, so... no wonder.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

and Ys 9 is a consequence of them clashing through the whole series

I see!

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

think for Ys 8, the larger focus on story really work

I meant Ys 9 xD

Ys 8 is perfect the way it is haha

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

No myths, no history, no nothing, just mountains upon mountains of exposition on which corrupt politician and general does what, which would be in stark contrast  to what the series has been up to this point, you know?

Yeah that would be dumb, and i doubt they will do that

Especially since romn have been after the Myths themselves from the beginning

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

to be more like Ys VI

I think like 7 would be better personally. 6 is too light on story for such a big event as Romn downfall

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I meant Ys 9 xD

Oh! xD

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ys 8 is perfect the way it is haha

So far, yes, definitely! ^^

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah that would be dumb, and i doubt they will do that

Especially since romn have been after the Myths themselves from the beginning

I think it would be cool if they could somehow tie it back to Ys Origin.
Like... reveal that someone from Origin actually founded Romn, or fought the founder and lost, or something.
Or involve the Darklings again somehow, and give more history on them, since Origin was kinda lacking in that, particularly after VI really left me wondering who exactly they were, and Ernst was a descendant of theirs (I think? I don't remember exactly, haha).

Point is, there is a LOT of neat stuff they can do with it.
And I sure as heck hope they will take the opportunity to do that!

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I think like 7 would be better personally

Maybe, but that one I have not seen yet, and I wanted to bring up a game I have seen, so as to make my argument slightly more credible! xD

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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

it's not stupid dw, but it's funny to see you wanting stuff that has happened already in games you didn't play xD

I see! xD
I just thought it'd be appropriate, since one guy of Romn was already tied to them!
inb4 the ruler is somehow tied to the Facts. XD

Another thing I kinda hope they will do when they have a game in Romn eventually is that they bring back Euron. Possibly even as a playable character. That would be awesome, I think!

I'll definitely get to the rest of the series at some point in the very near future (once I finish Ys 8)! Possibly even actually playing them, if I can, as opposed to just watching playthroughs! I just gotta check which platforms the games are on, and which of those I have available to me!

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Another thing I kinda hope they will do when they have a game in Romn eventually is that they bring back Euron. Possibly even as a playable character. That would be awesome, I think!


The series does bring characters back all the time (even in 8 there is some, but you didn't play their games), but usually as NPCs.


nah, Spoilers about Ys 7 (not Euron dw)

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Well, I think this is as far as I go in CrossCode. This boss is way too much, and I refuse to go back and do more bland fetch quests to earn the money I'd need to purchase more gear. Plus, I've read that the story only starts going somewhere at some point after getting all the elements, and up to that point it's just trite MMORPG nonsense. I value my time at least a little bit, I'm not going to spend 20 hours on a game I don't enjoy because perhaps it gets interesting at the 21th hour.

Soooooo fuck it, I think I'll play Berwick Saga again. Maybe. Unless something else comes up.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

The series does bring characters back all the time

Except Adol's love interests. xD
Which makes me  a little sad, because that means we'll likely never see Dana again outside of maybe a spin-off.

At this point, I legit want an Ys Musou with a roster consisting of all major characters throughout the series.
Including Origin. I wanna see a meeting between Yunica and Adol. XD

Also, Tarf should be in there, throwin' rocks like a champ!
And at least one Pikkard. I wanna play as a Pikkard. XD

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

(even in 8 there is some, but you didn't play their games)


1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

but usuall as NPCs.

Sad times.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


nah, Spoilers about Ys 7 (not Euron dw)

That's it, Ys 7 is next! xD
Unless I REALLY feel like playing Ys V first.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm not going to spend 20 hours on a game I don't enjoy because perhaps it gets interesting at the 21th hour.

Completely understandable.
I tend to give games an hour or two to hook me. Depends on the game, but that is usually my benchmark.

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