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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Ah, you got to be kidding me! After a two-phase boss battle I jump straight to the final boss of the storyline! Hopefully there's some midpoint here, considering the preceding cutscene...

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Here's a word of advice. You want your equipment level to be equal or higher than your player level because the former is what determines whether your overleveled or underleveled. Equipment gotten from the trading posts is generally better than what you can find in the shops.

Ah, I see. Equipment > level, one of those games. The relative importance of the RPG variables are inconstant in their ranking from game to game.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Also, don't forget, the game has custom difficulty so you can fine tune it to your liking.

The was nice enough to say this up front without giving me a tutorial on it. I'll stick with the default until I hit a brick wall, then I'll tune it down. 


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

This game has given me even more appreciation for Monolith Soft, because if there's one thing they are consistently good at, it's improving tremendously with sequels. Even on the very rare times they make a bad game, the chances are high that should a sequel ever come, it'll be a tremendous improvement and it just shows how good Monolith Soft is at improving.


Glad to see it was quite the improvement for you! A Monolith "XxX" game you were able to play to completion for once.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Admittedly, this game does occasionally get repetitive at times and it's pretty long so that might definitely be an issue for some. But as long as it's not the only game your playing, the repetitiveness shouldn't sting too much. Besides, the very cool spritework and attack animations this game has can distract you from the occasional repetitiveness.

This criticism and "the sequel is flat-out better gameplay-wise" both apply to the Endless Frontier duology as a heads-up.

Considering Exceed is a direct story sequel to EF1 however, you'd want to see to it the end no matter what. Maybe watching a no-commentary Let's Play from whichever point you choose to drop it. Or, if you can input them, just use some cheat codes to win- maximum money, HP, attack, whatever you want.

-I'm not shoving you into playing them anytime soon. Go have fun in propeller & penguin land, enjoy the story of thirteen hand-drawn high school students, explore that beautiful arachnophilic NYC, continue the postgame of the Atelier you've thrown on the backburner, plus whatever else your heart desires. All I'm doing is providing a forewarning for when you get to EF, whenever ends up being.



7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ryoma is like

10x times as broken as Xander lol

atleast on the ship map

Buy a Dual Katana and tell me if Not-Fuma Kotaro is any easier via peerless dodge-tanking. You can't be debuffed if the Shuriken hit doesn't land IIRC. I don't think that's the case with Seal skills however, or Poison Strike.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Buy a Dual Katana and tell me if Not-Fuma Kotaro is any easier via peerless dodge-tanking

also Calamity Gate.

It's how i usually do Ninja hell, my strongest Mage (CornCob usually, or Ophelia) paired up and Calamity Gate solo with some healers while the rest just blocks Speedwing boy fron leaving the initial room lol

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Okay, this battle wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for that "HP Stopper forcing a five-turn survival phase before boss is damageable once again". But well, I've put now someone in the party to better deal with this.

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There was a second stopper plus waiting time again... kill me now...

Well, I did it. But this is a two-phase final boss. On the plus side, another checkpoint, so if I fail I can just refight the second phase.

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Banner Saga spoilers, even though no one will probably read them unless Ruben reads back


Hogun’s death when he thinks he sees his brother as a warped if you force everyone to keep watch hits ten times harder when you see his talk in the second return to Arberrang, where he admits that he feels incredibly guilty for letting his brother leave with the ravens and keeps looking at the darkness, thinking he’ll see his brother come out warped. He even says he loves his brother, which doesn’t seem like a very Hogun thing to say.

42 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

while the rest just blocks Speedwing boy fron leaving the initial room lol

That’s a lot of units to have laying around.

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So @Saint Rubenio, I did indeed get all returns to Arberrang. MASSIVE Banner Saga spoilers.


My general strategy after leaving the dredge goldstone was to waste as much time as possible on the way to the white tower and pick the options that added the least to my timer and didn’t kill anyone in the returns to Arberrang. So that’s what I did in the second and third returns, the new stuff I saw being Hogun’s talk in the second (which I posted about a page or two back, it was good) return and the consequences of Petrus being put in charge of the wall, mainly the fact that he’s worse than Ludin, which the game didn’t need to tell me. But of course, the big thing was Egil and Alette’s talk in the third return.

Their relationship is… weird. Really weird. The talk is just standard Egil being Egil until the confession, in which Alette can say she feels the same or she’s glad he said that or something like or she can say she doesn’t know what to say, pretty standard stuff. But then she can say “we’ve come so far together, but I barely know you” which, I mean, okay, the idea that that could be true makes all of this very weird and it’s kind of hard to believe considering the beginning of the game, but okay. But then, a little bit of dialogue later, Alette can kiss him on the cheek, say now isn’t the time or… say he’s like a brother to her. What? The guy she could have just said she barely knew could also be like a brother to her? Now there’s a couple of explanations for this, Alette thinks Hogun and Mogun’s current… state of things is normal for brothers, Alette just wanted an excuse to reject him but not be too cruel, the developers just hate Egil (which wouldn’t be surprising) or Alette actually suffers from crippling amnesia. But there’s more, if Alette kisses him on the cheek, afterward she says they should “get to know each other later”, which implies either that they aren’t actually that close or Alette is extremely horny. Going with the more likely of the two, all of this just makes Alette and Egil’s relationship feel incredibly forced. I can buy Egil pining after her from afar growing up in Skogr and as a result wanting to protect her with his big shield, but then they barely talk to each other until the end of the world and actually she was interested the whole time (or, at least, at some point)? This feels forced in here because Rook and Oddleif is a thing, and they wanted something to compensate for Alette. But Alette also calls him Gil, which is weird if they barely know each other… Eh, either way, Rook and Oddleif have much better chemistry. Although a lot of that stems from Oddleif just being much more likable than Egil, since Rook and Alette become almost blank skates after the first game, Rook’s grief for Alette withstanding.

Well after that and some more time wasting as the ravens, I made it to return four where I won the battle and had Gunnulf let go of the door. After that I listened to the talk with Mogr and Hakon, stopped Hakon and Canary’s fight by asking them who isn’t ready to die (or something like that, the one where they both join you if they’ve left), told the bread guy that I wouldn’t let anyone starve, anyone, and then put an arrow in Rugga’s head. Ruben said that here you could give Rugga very satisfying fates, so I reset through every choice. Choosing to put an arrow in between his eyes does exactly what it sounds like it will and then Hakon lifts the throne with him still inside of it and throws it out of the hall. Meh. If you wait and see what happens, Josurr (the mayor of Lundar who goes with you after the attack and takes over if you kill Rugga) tries to stop Rugga after he comes at you with a knife himself and Rugga just sort of… accidentally stabs himself and then bleeds to death on the ground. Kind of underwhelming. The third option, which is probably the one Ruben meant, was to banish him from the great hall, which had Zefr use a gust of wind to throw him out into the darkness where he was warped. Meaning he went completely insane and his body deformed in all sorts of strange ways. That is way too cruel, of course I wouldn’t do that! Rugga is the worst but he doesn’t deserve to suffer like that, I went with just shooting him with a bow.

A very short amount of time with the ravens later, it became very clear that I was going to cut it very close if I got to the tower in time, but I got the fifth return. It was great, probably my favorite, I liked the overall atmosphere a lot. I chose to fight for as long as possible and did pretty well in all three fights. The first one forces you to use Hakon and Canary, which makes sense, the former leads the varl and the latter leads the largest herd of horse born, but then it forces you to use… Oddleif and Zefr, of all people. That seems really random. I mean, Zefr is one of the ones producing the dome of light, which is of course important, but it feels a little out of place with these other people being leaders of big groups, and then you have Oddleif, who is just a really cool person who gets a lot of screen time. Okay, game. If you wanted to force four people, I would have done Hakon and Canary, but then threw in the protagonist and Bastion, to represent the dredge. There, all four races. Of course, bastion can be not recruited, but it makes since that the dredge can be skipped out on, since you can choose to turn your back on them.

Anyway, I won all three fights and had 3 days to get to the white tower, which I was pretty sure I would be able to make, but if the timer still went while they were climbing the white tower, I was completely screwed. So I held my breath as they approached the white tower and started the Bolverk battle with three quarters of a day left. I wrecked him, this time knowing to rush him in the middle of his speech, and then waited, hoping, praying.

The timer didn’t decrease while climbing the tower! Yes! The world was saved! I did all the Eyvind convincing and then picked the right option, so I got the best ending. Everyone stood in a circle and I got a nice little CG of everyone.

Except Ludin. Rest In Peace, best character. After that there was like five seconds of dialogue and the credits rolled, reminding me why I don’t like the ending of this game all that much. The end.

I like Rook as protagonist more than Alette, I like the content he gets more and both he and Alette have arcs that way, while Rook shooting the arrow in Banner Saga 1 is the decision Rook would have made at the beginning of the game.

I apologize if any of this didn’t make sense or read weird. I maybe could have put some of this better or made it funnier, but it is three in the morning.


Edited by Sooks
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Small update on my Gen 2 Nuzlocke: The Legend of Zelda the Dunsparce, we managed to beat Bugsy. Had Midna the Gastley put the first metapod to sleep (safe in knowing she couldn't be damaged), then had Zelda the Dunsparce bulk up with Defense Curl, and then sweep through Bugsy's team with her Rage. I put a psncureberry on her just in case, but it ended up being unnecessary.

As for the Second Rival fight, I came in under prepared, if I had given Zelda the mud-slap TM she could have beaten his gastley and setup on it, but instead both had no means to harm eachother. Marin the Spearow managed to crush the Gastley (although its clever use of sleep and spite left me a little worried it might actually run her out of the Peck she needed to do it), and then Zelda was able to power through the Zubat with rage, but thanks to confusion she was in no state to deal with the Bayleef after, so Mido the Hoppip poisoned it, and stalled it to death using his resistances and Synthesis (despite the Bayleef getting lucky enough to poison Mido first, this still worked flawlessly).

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24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Small update on my Gen 2 Nuzlocke: The Legend of Zelda the Dunsparce, we managed to beat Bugsy. Had Midna the Gastley put the first metapod to sleep (safe in knowing she couldn't be damaged), then had Zelda the Dunsparce bulk up with Defense Curl, and then sweep through Bugsy's team with her Rage. I put a psncureberry on her just in case, but it ended up being unnecessary.

As for the Second Rival fight, I came in under prepared, if I had given Zelda the mud-slap TM she could have beaten his gastley and setup on it, but instead both had no means to harm eachother. Marin the Spearow managed to crush the Gastley (although its clever use of sleep and spite left me a little worried it might actually run her out of the Peck she needed to do it), and then Zelda was able to power through the Zubat with rage, but thanks to confusion she was in no state to deal with the Bayleef after, so Mido the Hoppip poisoned it, and stalled it to death using his resistances and Synthesis (despite the Bayleef getting lucky enough to poison Mido first, this still worked flawlessly).

At least you're doing well so far. Wasn't expecting a working stall tactic like Hypnosis-Spite, but good job getting over it.

Me I've had one or two more scares in the wild (Replacing Tackle can't come soon enough) and I've still not played that far, getting to the second rival fight so far.

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15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



You'll never take me alive!

*cue battle theme*

On that note, and this is probably blasphemy, but I found MetalGreymon's appearance so much better done in the reboot than the original.
Not that OG Digimon Adventure didn't do it well in showing that Tai has grasped the true meaning of Courage, which made Greymon evolve, but in the reboot, both Agumon/Greymon and Tai displayed courage to make the evolution to MetalGreymon possible, making Agumon more his own character rather than a vehicle for Tai's development like he was in the original series.
Not to mention the reboot finally made MetalGreymon the badass he is supposed to be instead of this slow, dimwitted-looking thing he was in the OG.
Another point in the reboot's favor: Yamato/Matt is finally an actually likeable character instead of the complete prick I personally found him to be in the OG.
The reboot is still a little too action-heavy, for my liking, but I do think it does a better job at showcasing the actual strengths of the Digimon than the originals did, particularly of their Perfect/Ultimate levels, which I honestly found a bit underwhelming after they were hyped up so much in the original series (exceptions for this are Zudomon and MegaKabuterimon, who were always wins in my book - and yes, they still are), and it does make some efforts to sprinkle some rather strong character-based moments into it... all of which happen in fights, granted, but still! They are improving somewhat in the departments that I liked about the original series, so I'll keep up with it until I deem this series a lost cause.

I enjoy it more than I did tri, that's for damn sure. xD

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41 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I see you guys have deployed the Double Draggy Repellant (TM).

Oooh, definitely came on a bit strong there.

41 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


I'd give chase, but I still have a horny jail cell to escape.

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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Oooh, definitely came on a bit strong there.

 That was in reference to me strongly disliking both those things. xD

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'd give chase, but I still have a horny jail cell to escape.

That is ironic, considering you attempted to send people there the most.
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.", as a certain philosopher once said.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:



1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

That's a cool one^^

Yeah, I agree!
It's one of the new evolution songs, and while my heart still beats for the classics, I can't deny that this one is pretty hype!

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Damm randomly moving trainers, just accidentally met one who I thought was just an NPC with 4 pokemon.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

 That was in reference to me strongly disliking both those things. xD

My response still stands.

Just now, DragonFlames said:

That is ironic, considering you attempted to send people there the most.
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.", as a certain philosopher once said.

I still don't know why I ended up there after Acacia did it as a joke.

Have to figure out what happened. Not helped by me discovering it's over a cliff after a stone in the floor broke off.

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Gunter time. Should be a simple map.

10 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Congrats, glad you enjoyed it. The Layton series is one I have been a fan of as well.

Well, I'm only on the first game, but I believe I might become one as well. I'm 100% going to be picking up the next one and playing it as soon as possible.

10 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

To think you used to scoff at that game. Seeing you slowly realize the quality of Conquest's gameplay was entertaining to watch.

It has been a most riveting journey.

10 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It really is such a stark change in her, as soon as she gets the Flame Shuriken she goes from mostly useless in combat to a destructive force.

At this point it's her middling speed that's dragging her down a bit. She can't double as much as I'd like her to, which is a shame, because she deals an unreal amount of damage.


Is she close to Peri? I don’t like anything about her character, but if so, F.

I mean, I'd say she's kinda close. They're both unrepentant, unapologetic murderers. The difference is, Peri seems to understand what she's doing, she just doesn't grasp the immorality of her actions. Selkie doesn't seem to understand what killing even means. Ultimately, it's a similar concept.


Wait, what?

Huh, personal 30% speed… interesting. Still though, by the time you get Ignatius, if you haven’t been grinding, he’ll be close enough to Way Fighter that that shouldn’t really make a difference.

With his good speed, I prefer to forego Wary Fighter entirely and make him a great knight. He's not going to get doubled by most things, and being a GK will allow him to tank with movement and even double some things. Wary Fighter is much better on Benny. It makes him utterly invincible, and he has single digit speed for like the entire game, so it suits him like a glove.

10 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



gg lol

The Shining Bow guys, ya know, the ones who usually wreck Xander on this map so he can't just solo, have 0 hit on Ryoma, too :'D

Conquest is ruined.

9 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

You can't prove anything!

Unfortunately I don't have the original clip, but eh, this works just as well.


I knew it. It originated from hentai. You cannot fool me, 06!

...Also, I hadn't noticed it was the protagonist of Yume Nikki. Huh.

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Ryoma is like

10x times as broken as Xander lol

atleast on the ship map

Who replaces Shura?

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Banner Saga spoilers, even though no one will probably read them unless Ruben reads back

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Hogun’s death when he thinks he sees his brother as a warped if you force everyone to keep watch hits ten times harder when you see his talk in the second return to Arberrang, where he admits that he feels incredibly guilty for letting his brother leave with the ravens and keeps looking at the darkness, thinking he’ll see his brother come out warped. He even says he loves his brother, which doesn’t seem like a very Hogun thing to say.


It really is the most brutal death in the series. Goes to show that you don't need gore to create a truly unnerving end.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

So @Saint Rubenio, I did indeed get all returns to Arberrang. MASSIVE Banner Saga spoilers.

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My general strategy after leaving the dredge goldstone was to waste as much time as possible on the way to the white tower and pick the options that added the least to my timer and didn’t kill anyone in the returns to Arberrang. So that’s what I did in the second and third returns, the new stuff I saw being Hogun’s talk in the second (which I posted about a page or two back, it was good) return and the consequences of Petrus being put in charge of the wall, mainly the fact that he’s worse than Ludin, which the game didn’t need to tell me. But of course, the big thing was Egil and Alette’s talk in the third return.

Their relationship is… weird. Really weird. The talk is just standard Egil being Egil until the confession, in which Alette can say she feels the same or she’s glad he said that or something like or she can say she doesn’t know what to say, pretty standard stuff. But then she can say “we’ve come so far together, but I barely know you” which, I mean, okay, the idea that that could be true makes all of this very weird and it’s kind of hard to believe considering the beginning of the game, but okay. But then, a little bit of dialogue later, Alette can kiss him on the cheek, say now isn’t the time or… say he’s like a brother to her. What? The guy she could have just said she barely knew could also be like a brother to her? Now there’s a couple of explanations for this, Alette thinks Hogun and Mogun’s current… state of things is normal for brothers, Alette just wanted an excuse to reject him but not be too cruel, the developers just hate Egil (which wouldn’t be surprising) or Alette actually suffers from crippling amnesia. But there’s more, if Alette kisses him on the cheek, afterward she says they should “get to know each other later”, which implies either that they aren’t actually that close or Alette is extremely horny. Going with the more likely of the two, all of this just makes Alette and Egil’s relationship feel incredibly forced. I can buy Egil pining after her from afar growing up in Skogr and as a result wanting to protect her with his big shield, but then they barely talk to each other until the end of the world and actually she was interested the whole time (or, at least, at some point)? This feels forced in here because Rook and Oddleif is a thing, and they wanted something to compensate for Alette. But Alette also calls him Gil, which is weird if they barely know each other… Eh, either way, Rook and Oddleif have much better chemistry. Although a lot of that stems from Oddleif just being much more likable than Egil, since Rook and Alette become almost blank skates after the first game, Rook’s grief for Alette withstanding.

Well after that and some more time wasting as the ravens, I made it to return four where I won the battle and had Gunnulf let go of the door. After that I listened to the talk with Mogr and Hakon, stopped Hakon and Canary’s fight by asking them who isn’t ready to die (or something like that, the one where they both join you if they’ve left), told the bread guy that I wouldn’t let anyone starve, anyone, and then put an arrow in Rugga’s head. Ruben said that here you could give Rugga very satisfying fates, so I reset through every choice. Choosing to put an arrow in between his eyes does exactly what it sounds like it will and then Hakon lifts the throne with him still inside of it and throws it out of the hall. Meh. If you wait and see what happens, Josurr (the mayor of Lundar who goes with you after the attack and takes over if you kill Rugga) tries to stop Rugga after he comes at you with a knife himself and Rugga just sort of… accidentally stabs himself and then bleeds to death on the ground. Kind of underwhelming. The third option, which is probably the one Ruben meant, was to banish him from the great hall, which had Zefr use a gust of wind to throw him out into the darkness where he was warped. Meaning he went completely insane and his body deformed in all sorts of strange ways. That is way too cruel, of course I wouldn’t do that! Rugga is the worst but he doesn’t deserve to suffer like that, I went with just shooting him with a bow.

A very short amount of time with the ravens later, it became very clear that I was going to cut it very close if I got to the tower in time, but I got the fifth return. It was great, probably my favorite, I liked the overall atmosphere a lot. I chose to fight for as long as possible and did pretty well in all three fights. The first one forces you to use Hakon and Canary, which makes sense, the former leads the varl and the latter leads the largest herd of horse born, but then it forces you to use… Oddleif and Zefr, of all people. That seems really random. I mean, Zefr is one of the ones producing the dome of light, which is of course important, but it feels a little out of place with these other people being leaders of big groups, and then you have Oddleif, who is just a really cool person who gets a lot of screen time. Okay, game. If you wanted to force four people, I would have done Hakon and Canary, but then threw in the protagonist and Bastion, to represent the dredge. There, all four races. Of course, bastion can be not recruited, but it makes since that the dredge can be skipped out on, since you can choose to turn your back on them.

Anyway, I won all three fights and had 3 days to get to the white tower, which I was pretty sure I would be able to make, but if the timer still went while they were climbing the white tower, I was completely screwed. So I held my breath as they approached the white tower and started the Bolverk battle with three quarters of a day left. I wrecked him, this time knowing to rush him in the middle of his speech, and then waited, hoping, praying.

The timer didn’t decrease while climbing the tower! Yes! The world was saved! I did all the Eyvind convincing and then picked the right option, so I got the best ending. Everyone stood in a circle and I got a nice little CG of everyone.

Except Ludin. Rest In Peace, best character. After that there was like five seconds of dialogue and the credits rolled, reminding me why I don’t like the ending of this game all that much. The end.

I like Rook as protagonist more than Alette, I like the content he gets more and both he and Alette have arcs that way, while Rook shooting the arrow in Banner Saga 1 is the decision Rook would have made at the beginning of the game.

I apologize if any of this didn’t make sense or read weird. I maybe could have put some of this better or made it funnier, but it is three in the morning.




Yeah, I did tell you that Egil and Alette's relationship feels rushed. They have like three conversations. It doesn't help that they feel like two dumb, naive teens having a crush for the first time and believing that an awkward cheek kiss is the height of dirtiness. Rook and Oddleif have far more chemistry, and two widowers getting together after going through hell is pretty unique.

Overall, I agree that Rook makes for a better ptoagonist than Alette. Alette isn't bad, but as I said before, it's the more... generic, of the paths. Teen loses dad and goes on a quest to save the world in his stead is a tale everyone's heard a thousand times. To have the teen die instead and have her father try his best to move on for the sake of everyone else? That's not so common. And yeah, Rook just gets better interactions. Alette does have the thing with Ludin in TBS2, but... that kinda requires that he dies lol, so it sucks.

The Rugga thing in the fourth return is hilarious. You basically get to pick how you want to kill him. I think my favorite is the one where you just wait. Josurr was one of Rugga's most ardent supporters. Even his own folks turned on him when he proved to have gone utterly insane. And then the absolute moron accidentally murders himself and everyone carries on because there's far more important things to worry about. It's wonderful.

As for the fifth return, yeah, I agree, it was my favorite as well. Between the music and the visuals, it made for a super climatic battle. Really good stuff, shame most people won't see it because you have to seriously screw up to get all five returns.

Congrats on a successful second run, Sooks!

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Hiya, been busy with stuff again. What did I m--

> Fates talk
> Pokémon talk

I see you guys have deployed the Double Draggy Repellant (TM).
Time to make like an FE villain

After him! Don't let him escape! We must drag him to the dark side!

37 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That is ironic, considering you attempted to send people there the most.
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.", as a certain philosopher once said.

And to think, it started like it always does: with people falsely accusing me of being a degenerate and bullying me.

Well, he who laughs last, laughs the longest. Bwahahah!

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

.... i fucking hate Ninja Hell

Why is this map a thing

I look forward to seeing how different it is on lunatic difficulty.

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