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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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The end dialogue to this map is hilarious. "There were only three of them, how could they have given us so much trouble?!" Either the first half is wrong, because there's far more than just three, or the second part is wrong, because just Berkut, Fernand and Juan over there can't do shit against an army that has magic and a ridersbane at their disposal. I do think it's clever what they did to make the Three Paladins in the Forest map kind of interesting, but it comes at the cost of Berkut looking like an overconfident buffoon when the game wants you to think he's a badass really hard.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And I was making a joke based on how a wimpy healer could get vengeance. I've no opinion on the character herself.

Yes, well. It is true that wimpy healers can get vengeance. If their name is Genny. Silque couldn't venge her way out of a paper bag.

Just now, Sooks said:
Just now, Sooks said:

Abduction in America? Something about that feels so familiar…

Push though now... Soon you'll be back to us. Remember that Trails in the Sky was NOT made in America!

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The end dialogue to this map is hilarious. "There were only three of them, how could they have given us so much trouble?!" Either the first half is wrong, because there's far more than just three, or the second part is wrong, because just Berkut, Fernand and Juan over there can't do shit against an army that has magic and a ridersbane at their disposal. I do think it's clever what they did to make the Three Paladins in the Forest map kind of interesting, but it comes at the cost of Berkut looking like an overconfident buffoon when the game wants you to think he's a badass really hard.

Ahaha, yes, that map was turned into quite something in the remake. In the original it was still just three paladins, but all generic. The remake then decides to actually spice things up, and replaces one with Berkut, another with Fernand, and the third... is left as-is. They even had the gall to do a full blown CG pic of it.


Uh huh

Honestly, they should've just gone all the way and replaced third generic with Slayde. It would've made his reappearance at Last Bastion more meaningful, by showing us he really got in to Rigel's Army as how the end of Act 1 showed. Also a chance to give us some Fernand-Slayde interactions. The two enemies that became strange bedfellows for their shared hatred of Alm.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ahaha, yes, that map was turned into quite something in the remake. In the original it was still just three paladins, but all generic. The remake then decides to actually spice things up, and replaces one with Berkut, another with Fernand, and the third... is left as-is.

Actually, they nerfed the encounter. Fernand is only a cavalier. In fact, he's weak as shit, just like in the previous map, except in this map he doesn't even have an army to support him.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Uh huh

I noticed, yes. Pretty hilarious.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Honestly, they should've just gone all the way and replaced third generic with Slayde. It would've made his reappearance at Last Bastion more meaningful, by showing us he really got in to Rigel's Army as how the end of Act 1 showed.

Slayde would've been perfect. The man just shows up so late in the game, long after the player's forgotten about him. Oh, well.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, they nerfed the encounter. Fernand is only a cavalier. In fact, he's weak as shit, just like in the previous map, except in this map he doesn't even have an army to support him.

I noticed, yes. Pretty hilarious.

Slayde would've been perfect. The man just shows up so late in the game, long after the player's forgotten about him. Oh, well.

Oh lol, yeah, that's even worse.

More so since Slayde didn't live in the original. Unless you killed the Desaix body double which still made him leave the map, he'd just outright die right there in Act 1. So the remake had him live... and then basically did jack squat with him, outside of him being the reason they were able to find the Forest Village and Delthea.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, they nerfed the encounter. Fernand is only a cavalier. In fact, he's weak as shit, just like in the previous map, except in this map he doesn't even have an army to support him.

Even worse is how their AI works now.

Berkut will always attack Alm if he is in range. Fernand will do the same to Clive. The Paladin will likely attack anyone else, since those previous two are likely to be among the more bulky party members.

Makes divide and conquer super easy.

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15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh lol, yeah, that's even worse.

More so since Slayde didn't live in the original. Unless you killed the Desaix body double which still made him leave the map, he'd just outright die right there in Act 1. So the remake had him live... and then basically did jack squat with him, outside of him being the reason they were able to find the Forest Village and Delthea.

Slayde didn't even have a portrait in the original. He was just your "get out of jail" card if you couldn't beat up the bullDozer. Slayde as he exists in SoV is basically another OC... Just, one that they forgot about until the last minute.

Just now, Dayni said:

Anyone have recommendations on Kitsune hell?

Abuse save states. That map does no deserve to be played with honor.

Alternatively, deploy wyvern Xander, or Benny or really, any lancer that isn't mounted, with the beast effective lance, cam't remember its name right now. Then just... Spend an hour rolling the dice.

That map is just so terrible.

Just now, Dayni said:

Asking so I can look later, it's late and I have to be out early for a trip that starts a near week staying elsewhere.

Well, that's all I got. Have fun tripping!

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Even worse is how their AI works now.

Berkut will always attack Alm if he is in range. Fernand will do the same to Clive. The Paladin will likely attack anyone else, since those previous two are likely to be among the more bulky party members.

Makes divide and conquer super easy.

That moment when the gameplay/story integration only serves to harm the gameplay.

1 minute ago, Shrimp γ said:



Red team banner from a non american game, really?

And you call yourself murican smh

fake gringo

Oh God, he has a Three Houses banner.

Cringe, @SooksI don't even care you were lobotomized anymore. No big loss, one less Three Houses fan. Three Houses, more like Dick Houses.

1 minute ago, Shrimp γ said:

low man it

Benny power. Some would tell you to employ Xander. But Benny is the real man.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:


When the whole map is effective on him?

The pros reclass Xander and throw him at the map. Or so I'm told.

2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:


Ayyy cute doodle.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The pros reclass Xander and throw him at the map. Or so I'm told

....that's 4k gold on heart seals for double reclass (before and after)

Not worth it imo

especially with how tight money is in conquest

Edited by Shrimp γ
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2 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

....that's 4k gold on heart seals for double reclass (before and after)

Not worth it imo

especially with how tight money is in conquest

Hey, don't look at me, I'm just parroting what I've heard. I mean, my approach is to go in with the whole army and use save states because fuck that map sideways.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That moment when the gameplay/story integration only serves to harm the gameplay.

Of course Berkut doesn't have this behavior during his final encounter. You know, the one where he is meant to be at his most unhinged.

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2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Of course Berkut doesn't have this behavior during his final encounter. You know, the one where he is meant to be at his most unhinged.

To be fair, at that point he probably sees Alm's face on every person around him.

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I'm aware this will get me publicly executed by DMC fans but I kinda..... don't like the battle themes for Dante and V in DMC5. The quality of the music itself is good but that sort of heavy metal isn't really my thing.

Devil Trigger is very based tho.

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1 hour ago, Shrimp γ said:


At least Atlus understands how some of us feel.😆 It's not their fault after all.


47 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

especially with how tight money is in conquest

*Checks old CQ file at Hard/Classic Chapter 20- Wind Tribe*

52k really is a dearth of funds, though I did nab Percy. (This was a males-only run.)

And I've 50k on another post-Percy Lunatic/Classic file at C24- Hinoka. Although this one has obtained BP rewards up to 1450, and VP rewards up to 1900. And I've a C27 Hard/Classic file at 47k, no Percy.

-But don't take this too seriously, I usually hoard funds in FE.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Push though now... Soon you'll be back to us. Remember that Trails in the Sky was NOT made in America!

Trails in the Sky… sounds very familiar… but how could I ever be familiar with work that isn’t from the great U.S.A.??

1 hour ago, Shrimp γ said:



Red team banner from a non american game, really?

And you call yourself murican smh

fake gringo

Well, red is always best, even more so when it’s alongside white and blue.

But those characters do look familiar…

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh God, he has a Three Houses banner.

Cringe, @SooksI don't even care you were lobotomized anymore. No big loss, one less Three Houses fan. Three Houses, more like Dick Houses.

Wait, Three Houses! That’s it! Three Houses, Saint Rubenio on Serenes Forest really doesn’t like Three Houses, but I do.

And Trails in the Sky as well! That’s what that is! Wow, this Ruben fellow sure is a contrarian.

I think I remember…

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