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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

and III due to the advice of my teehee elders, who had to learn this the hard way)

I mean I could have said I wasn't fond of it from the demo.

But maybe if I were to try other trails series I'd think the same, I don't know.

Just now, ZeManaphy said:

Three Houses was my brother’s first game, and he found Three Houses, particularly chapters 17, 14, and 13 of VW difficult.

Considering 13's RaD, it's likely few found it easy to begin with. And I can get finding the others there challenging (personally Gronder's not as maddening to me, but I also really like both versions of it)

1 minute ago, ZeManaphy said:

Or here’s an analogy that hopefully makes things clearer: Calling Three Houses a poor game just because one map requires they use their native units and a small minority of player decided not to use their starter Units  in a favor for a niche faculty run is like calling Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon poor games just because Ultra Necrozma happened to have all the stats and moves to hit the majority of Pokémon super effectively and this ended their nuzlocke despite a nuzlocke in general being a  niche style of play. 

I'll be honest, the analogy kind of falls flat for me as a person who's played that fight. First I'll go into my experience of that fight.

UN comes at you at level 65, much higher than anything surrounding it (10 levels + compared to anything immediately before or after). It pulls negative punches with it's high statline and moves, there's not much you can do if you weren't closely levelled to it beforehand as a result.I had to focus on a full stall by constantly healing and waiting for it to faint with toxic. It was frustrating facing it and seeing I had no chance, it was bothersome to come at a brick wall like that only to clear it so anticlimatically, especially with my team being around level 55.

For those niche players playing a hardcore Nuzlocke, they don't have the option of using items and fine, you can argue that GF didn't have to cater to them. But that kind of fight is anything but for the casual audience that they're supposedly going for. Ok, that is tangential, but back to the point: with UN you can turn back and grind if you feel you have to. I'd say that's problematic as well because the rest of the game's far below the level UN is at until postgame. At least you have that choice though.

RaD takes that away from you. It forces you into this map directly after another one, with no battle preps and any of the units force deployed in the classes they were in before the timeskip, regardless of if you'd want them like that or not. Regardless of if you were using them actively or not. If you lost them in classic mode, there is no way to replace them. The game's structure is simply put not feasible for what this map is asking of the player. That affects more than some niche players because plenty of players might decide to focus on out of house units in a playthrough and here they can't because the game insists on giving you this map. It takes  how it has handled character progression and expects you to handle a map that would make more sense in an early game where you have done less to define your army. It contradicts what it tells the player it can do by saying "You didn't want to use Leonie? You wanted to use Manuela? Well tough titty".

It is especially egregious in 3H, a game where despite it implying to focus on your main house, it also encourages the player to recruit other characters through access to them as units or other goodies like items or maps to play. It tells they player that they have to play along certain lines well after the player should have been. Because don't forget, this is around 50% through the game. A game that is not that quick to play through. The player playing blind doesn't know this. And as a result of this map's dreadful reputation, it then shapes subsequent playthroughs by forcing players to have to play that way and not be able to use other units that they are focusing on.

Even if Hard isn't as difficult (as a difficulty that came out at launch opposed to Maddening, which made it more apparent that this map is a problem), it seems even that caused player consternation. The fact they left a possible solution to only Normal difficulty in that context is even more confounding. If the player didn't want to use the in house units, letting them autolevel to 20 could still be a compromise that allows players to work with these units that they force if you don't have them ready yet. So why lock the autolevelling more than a few levels if needed to the lowest difficulty?

RaD is so bothersome because it is a map which can blindside players and expects them to then shape their playthroughs around it to some degree in a game which says you can do anything you set your mind to. And you might respond "But the devs are telling you to use the in house units". Again, there are non-niche reasons why that can be compromised in a game with permadeath and which encourages players to try a bunch of units. All that ignores levelling, which isn't guaranteed to go the player's way at all. Clearing the map on 0% growths isn't exactly most player's experience either and plenty will not be able to pull it off with units who get even a little screwed.

And if you bring up Divine Pulse as a response, I'll add this. Divine Pulse is a mechanic that can end up excusing poor design, it happens here and it did in SoV. If it justifies the map's design, than frankly it makes for an unfun mechanic that encourages the player to keep on digging until the find the way out of the pit that it throws the player in turn 1. To tell the player to constantly push simply to get out of a first few turns because the puzzle expects you to have pieces the player isn't guaranteed to have isn't fun. That is maddening.

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Man, two posts of Three Houses arguments and I already don't want to talk about the game again for the rest of the year. What happened to me? I used to be so passionate.

...it's Garon. Garon Emblem restored my positive outlook on this series. Thank you, Garon!

7 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:
  Reveal hidden contents


you see that in alot of anime stuff 😛 

Does she come pre-packaged with a pair of handcuffs and a riding crop?

Asking for a friend. He's considering option three, but... Well, he's also hungry.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Tfw a unit is about to die due to your own clear strategic error but dodges the fatal blow. I’ve already used Linde in 2 Archanea games, but it’s really tempting to do so a third time…

I tried @Shaky Jones strategy for Palla not dying in chapter 3 and it worked like a charm! Thanks! Now time for walking simulator…

22 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I mean I could have said I wasn't fond of it from the demo.

But maybe if I were to try other trails series I'd think the same, I don't know.

Well there is the demo, but due to the nature of Trails the first five minutes of III probably heavily spoils the other two Cold Steel games, so I’m not going anywhere near that thing.

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Tfw a unit is about to die due to your own clear strategic error but dodges the fatal blow. I’ve already used Linde in 2 Archanea games, but it’s really tempting to do so a third time…

Using Linde is always a good idea. 😉

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19 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Ruben before Fates:


Ruben after Fates:



It's amazing that this thread has done more to change my perception of Garon in a couple days then what Fates could do in the 4 years I've known about the game.

Edited by GuardianSing
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The AI in this chapter is baffling, since the wyverns move in this difficulty, all of the ones in the center can be baited. Except one, who just sits there for no reason?

4 minutes ago, Robert Stewart said:

Using Linde is always a good idea. 😉

This is the correct opinion.

2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

It's amazing that this thread has done more to change my perception of Garon in a couple days then what Fates could do in the 4 years I've known about the game.

Well, that’s not hard considering most everyone’s perception of Garon is just “oh it’s the bad guy” and literally nothing else.

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Just now, GuardianSing said:

It's amazing that this thread has done more to change my perception of Garon in a couple days then what Fates could do in the 4 years I've known about the game.

Teehee: the Garon apologist thread.

Truly this place is dangerous.

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23 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Ruben before Fates:



I mean, I'm still kinda like that from time to time.

23 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Ruben after Fates:



Ruben about to turn a child into a mass murderer be like



I hate that it perfectly fits Kaga too, just in the complete opposite way.

18 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Ruben in a WRYYYYYY pose.


Too perfect for words. It is as perfect as rebellions are like and you know the rest.

18 minutes ago, Dayni said:


You know, that cutscene was when I began to realize Garon was amzing.

...well ok, no, I lie. I realized literally the second he was introduced, when he was just standing awkwardly to the side of a random corridor instead of the throne room.

I still don't get why they did that.

19 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

garons of increasing laughter

That was my reaction, yeah.

17 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Tfw a unit is about to die due to your own clear strategic error but dodges the fatal blow. I’ve already used Linde in 2 Archanea games, but it’s really tempting to do so a third time…

Go ahead! Linde is at her best in this game. I've used her a few times myself, though she's not my favorite.

6 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

It's amazing that this thread has done more to change my perception of Garon in a couple days then what Fates could do in the 4 years I've known about the game.

As Garon's biggest fan (probably), I am happy beyond words to hear that. More people need to see Garon for the comedic genius he is.

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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Teehee: the Garon apologist thread.

Truly this place is dangerous.

I'd like to think it's the "Garon apologist thread" not because it is a thread of Garon apologists, but because it houses the singular Garon apologist.

Who is me. I am the singular Garon apologist. Unfortunately I am not like seeds, I cannot sprout into many people and get him to win the next CyL.

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Can't say I have any opinions on Garon at all. He's just..there.

Good for memes, though.

I would be outraged, but then, isn't that how I feel about like, ALL of the characters you like?

...well, I imagine we can find some common ground in Genny, at least.

1 minute ago, Father Shrimpas said:

The DNA of the Soul


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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5 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Welcome to Teehee Ü

Welcome? I never left!

I didn't post in a little bit since I saw talk of Three Houses which is a topic I've been avoiding like the plague.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, that’s not hard considering most everyone’s perception of Garon is just “oh it’s the bad guy” and literally nothing else.

Yeah, including the writers.

Well okay, I played up until I had two more chapters left of Conquest and played all of Birthright. I have not yet touched Revelations so I have no idea of he gets "some" semblance of nuance nor do I want to know until I play the game myself.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As Garon's biggest fan (probably), I am happy beyond words to hear that. More people need to see Garon for the comedic genius he is.

I'll look out for that next time I play Fates.

Good thing to know about villains, they don't have to be sympathetic to be well written, they just have to work and be a good Character. If Garon is that, even ironically, then I can appreciate him.

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Just now, GuardianSing said:

Good thing to know about villains, they don't have to be sympathetic to be well written, they just have to work and be a good Character. If Garon is that, even ironically, then I can appreciate him.

Garon is so fucking horribly written, he loops back to being a Shakespearian masterpiece.

Seriously, I don't think there's even  a single word he says that is right or makes any sense. It's like he goes out of his way to be as awful as possible.

I love him.

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2 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

The DNA of the Soul


1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

well, I imagine we can find some common ground in Genny, at least.

In that we agree that she's fairly bland and forgettable?

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

My Pegasus just leveled strength, defense and HP. Maybe Palla is broken.

Best Whitewing.

Amazing in every game she's in.

Well, maybe not Shadow Dragon, but even then she's quite strong despite her late join chapter.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Garon is so fucking horribly written, he loops back to being a Shakespearian masterpiece.

Seriously, I don't think there's even  a single word he says that is right or makes any sense. It's like he goes out of his way to be as awful as possible.

I love him.

Hehe, I'll be excited to see him once again.

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9 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Best Whitewing.

Amazing in every game she's in.

Well, maybe not Shadow Dragon, but even then she's quite strong despite her late join chapter.

Glad we share the exact same opinion on Est!

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