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3 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:


Just now, Sooks said:

Omori isn’t Japanese

You know, I'm actually a bit confused in that regard. At first I thought it wasn't, but then I think I heard Omocat is Japanese. I dunno, I've never been sure. All I know for sure is that it is 100% definitely not anime.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, I'm actually a bit confused in that regard. At first I thought it wasn't, but then I think I heard Omocat is Japanese. I dunno, I've never been sure. All I know for sure is that it is 100% definitely not anime.

I thought Omocat was Japanese.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

If Omori isn't Anime then Fates isn't anime

But Shrimpy, Omori is good!

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

If Omori isn't Anime then Fates isn't anime

Here we go again. Why can't you guys ever respect my wish to separate the things I like from anime? I don't ask for that much, do I?

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Just now, Shrimpresident said:

Because you are just as Tsun as Kurisu



Just now, Sooks said:

I thought Omocat was American*, and then typed the complete opposite in this case.

Why is my brain not on?

I was confused as well. Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, it doesn't matter. American or Japanese, what matters is she produced a great game that is excellent and not anime.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

Thing is, early on you can try to bait enemies with unequipped ally, but once they start to rush you with Ponies and Dragons, and Soldiers with that position switcher skill, you will have no choice but to kill them or die

Yeah, fewer lunges would be nice.

I do have decent tankiness to work with though.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:


You thought I aimed for the head?


1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Those are fair points, but... At least they could've given us Megalomania! And yeah, I did say "more combat shots", not "more combat." Frankly, the reason I brought it up was that the Nintendo trailer had so little combat that I was a bit worried they'd ditch the original system and go for generic RPG combat. With the additional shots, it's a bit clearer that isn't the case.

Also, Youtube reccs have just now showed me that the extended trailer was released in English yesterday. So I don't know. I guess the Nintendo trailer was meant to catch the interest of new people, while the extended Squenix trailer was intended for folks who already knew about the game? But they're both available publicly in Youtube, so... who the hell knows, honestly.

I wasn't worried from the Akira shots in the first one honestly. I would probably need to have seen the in-combat menus if I was unconvinced.

At least we got to see Hulk Hogan in this one. And Cube is still as beepy as ever.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I can hardly wait. I need July to get here now. Quick, someone lend me Okarin's magical microwave.

And a police box was bad enough. Now I can't trust that a microwave definitely won't time-travel?

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Gameplay refined for a modern audience"

Does this mean they're fixing the gameplay's issues? An elitist would immediately take this to mean bad news, but... If they actually refine Live a Live and allow it to reach its full potential, this may very well become my new second-favorite JRPG.

Very curious.

Now I have to see them demonstrate it.

Someone mocked up a cover and I kinda like it. Oh, and someone already extended the main theme.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I was confused as well. Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, it doesn't matter. American or Japanese, what matters is she produced a great game that is excellent and not anime.



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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I wasn't worried from the Akira shots in the first one honestly. I would probably need to have seen the in-combat menus if I was unconvinced.

Well, I wasn't super afraid or anything. But it's nice to get more combat shots. Definitely would love some proper gameplay, but I suppose trailers aren't usually known for that.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

At least we got to see Hulk Hogan in this one. And Cube is still as beepy as ever.

I had almost forgotten you beat up Hulk Hogan in this game.

GOOOODDDDD I can't wait. I am so excited for this. As I have yet to express this fact, you most likely did not know of it.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And a police box was bad enough. Now I can't trust that a microwave definitely won't time-travel?

You can trust the microwave. The one you can't trust is its creator.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Very curious.

Now I have to see them demonstrate it.

Oh yeah, definitely would love more information between now and the launch.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Someone mocked up a cover and I kinda like it.

Not bad, but I expect they'll keep the style of the original boxart. It was iconic.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Thanks. Now let's see Megalomania.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:



This song is so nice.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

Also JRPG is usually a certain style and not ''made in japan''. And Omori definetly falls into that style

I mean yeah, it's a JRPG, no doubt about it. I called it that myself earlier. What it isn't, is anime. How dare you attempt to bring logic to my aimless rambling.

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So reading through Quadrangle Tactics comments...

Seems the game is still a bit on the slow side

and apparently ~80:20 story:gameplay ratio...atleast in the demo...

Well, if it's written well i wouldn't mind much...probably, but having the demo be that text heavy is a very...strange marketing decision.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

and apparently ~80:20 story:gameplay ratio...atleast in the demo...

2 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

Well, if it's written well i wouldn't mind much...probably, but having the demo be that text heavy is a very...strange marketing decision.

You know how I tolerate this kinda thing?

Yeah, even I'm worried by this demo, but the ratio wasn't that high in the first demo so I do think this is being affected by this being the beginning.

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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Yeah, even I'm worried by this demo, but the ratio wasn't that high in the first demo so I do think this is being affected by this being the beginning.

yeah could be. I still remember it being more on the texty side in the first demo (but not 80:20 like people are reporting for current Circle battlefields demo).

Although i'd rather a game get more text heavy later and not so at the beginning

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34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, definitely would love more information between now and the launch.

Remember when I said I wanted more of a look at combat?

Well, apparently there was some on the website. This video's a rip of the footage, but it looks familiar that's for sure.

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7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Remember when I said I wanted more of a look at combat?

Well, apparently there was some on the website. This video's a rip of the footage, but it looks familiar that's for sure.

Awesome! I like that they now show us what enemies are weak or resistant to special attacks. I hope they also show the effects of attacks. Back then you had to guess if the enemy was going to lose stats from something.

Aw man, it looks amazing. Thanks for sharing this.

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28 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Remember when I said I wanted more of a look at combat?

Well, apparently there was some on the website. This video's a rip of the footage, but it looks familiar that's for sure.

That combat strikes my tastes in all the right ways. 

Edited by Shrimpresident
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Enough break from Ross. Let's go back.

There's a status condition in Ross called Glass. Its description claims it makes it so that any attack will Hurt the player.

Turns out this means the unit gets insta-killed. Which, of course, includes the magic spells whose range you can't see.

Nice. Thanks a lot, game.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

That combat strikes all my tastes in a right way. 

Live a Live's combat was great. And it looks like it may be even greater in the remake.

This is your hourly reminder that I cannot wait for this game. Already this year beats the crap out of 2021 in terms of games lol

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Man this map is killing my run of Ross. It's so difficult, in all the wrong ways. You have to move up a hallway, while being peppered by magic from both sides. Magic that inflicts an array of random status effects. This isn't too difficult, but it is tedious and time-wasting. And then you reach the final room. The boss and two mages flanking him have ginormous ranges that I can't check and they all kill my entire team, no chance to run. Ansom isn't away on an errand, but he died last map. He won't be able to one shot high tier mages with his stats lowered, and if he doesn't one-shot, he dies. And in case magic tanks were a thing in this game (they aren't), the boss is also flanked by two high tier armors, which would one-shot any magic tank.

Maaan... Remember how I was impressed by Vandal Hearts 2's UI? How advanced it was for its age, the amount of things it let you see that a series like FE would still take a decade to implement? This is the opposite. This game came out only a year earlier than Shadow Dragon, and yet you can't see magic and bow ranges. How fucked up is that? Sure, you can check the enemy skill list (which requires three A presses, by the way) and see they have the increased range skill. But what good is that? Depending on the skill's level, it increases the range by different amounts, and the game doesn't show what level enemy skills are. So you just guess by losing a few times.

This game has been fun so far, but the lack of information is starting to become a massive issue. Sheesh...

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