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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Btw, is there anyway to make Party members not die in 2 hits in RF?

Like i even gave em higher level accessory, but their HP is just too low

Do they have better armor besides the accessory? In RF, gear matters a lot more than stats, so that might help if you haven't already.

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7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Do they have better armor besides the accessory? In RF, gear matters a lot more than stats, so that might help if you haven't already.

Can they even equip armor and weapons?

Like i gifted her a weapon but she didn't equip it, only accessory

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Can they even equip armor and weapons?

Like i gifted her a weapon but she didn't equip it, only accessory


Gifting NPCs armor/weapons should always make them use it. Odd. 🤔

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Really love how they called one of the materials "Black Hole" but then they wrote "hole" in Spanish.

38 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean, maybe, but I just… didn’t feel like it. I can’t even say whether the landing was good or not because I didn’t get there, I just really didn’t care.

Well that's a shame. 

Just know that you're committing blasphemy because you unironically finished the David Cage game but not this.

30 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Btw, is there anyway to make Party members not die in 2 hits in RF?

Like i even gave em higher level accessory, but their HP is just too low




(Oh dear, the quality on that second image)

Rune Factory games pretty much just want you to solo and any viable party members are usually monsters. That being said, you can get results but training them up normally isn't worth it. At best, just go out with the character you want to marry and then later  your kid by taking down high level enemies and watch as your Lv.1 child becomes Lv.99 in an instant. 


Rune Factory 5 might actually change this tho. There definitely seems to be an emphasis on full parties from what i've seen.

10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


Gifting NPCs armor/weapons should always make them use it. Odd. 🤔

Was probably different back then.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Green hair

FE moment

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

t best, just go out with the character you want to marry

Yeah i am trying that with Fishgirl atm but she keeps dying

And she has one of the better party member stats mind you

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well that's a shame. 

Ehhh, I've had enough of a break from the gameplay, I might continue it. I’ll probably stop going for 100% (S-rank on every battle), though.

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1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Yeah i am trying that with Fishgirl atm but she keeps dying

Yeah so find a high level enemy you can take down but she can't, kill it, and watch as your future wife reaps the rewards. 

But also it really does seem like they changes how NPCs handle equipment in between 3 and 4.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Really love how they called one of the materials "Black Hole" but then they wrote "hole" in Spanish.

Better than naming a country Ostia...

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

(Oh dear, the quality on that second image)




Daily reminder to play Like A Dragon.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Ehhh, I've had enough of a break from the gameplay, I might continue it. I’ll probably stop going for 100% (S-rank on every battle), though.


If you really wanna breeze through it, just set it to easy or something. 

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah so find a high level enemy you can take down but she can't, kill it, and watch as your future wife reaps the rewards. 

She a only a few levels lower than me atm, but like 300+ Hp less, not to mention very low Def.

She dies in one hit (i am at 3rd dungeon atm)

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

just set it to easy or something. 

My gamer pride compels me to not do that

Even my Brother, who is not a gamer, refuses to lower the difficulty when he plays something (when he was XB'ing he was having trouble at the end but every time i suggested lower difficulty he goes "Nooope")

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:


If you really wanna breeze through it, just set it to easy or something. 

I mean, I still want a challenge, I just don’t care enough to go above and beyond, I think. Maybe. We’ll see.

1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:

I would cut half the cast first thing ya know lol


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You should get Edge of Eternity! I played literally 15 minutes of it before I gave up. It may be really terrible (at least at the start), but it might make you appreciate Yakuza 0 or CS a bit more. 🤡

Edited by Benice
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6 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

My gamer pride compels me to not do that

No no i meant if you just wanted to get it over with (whether it's everything remaining or just a particular section).

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I just don’t care enough to go above and beyond, I think. Maybe. We’ll see.

Ah well most S-Ranks are fairly simple to get. The bonus objectives, you can definitely skip tho if you want.

As always, do what you feel is best. 

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

You should get Edge of Eternity

My friend called it a Xenoblade ripoff lmao.

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7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Do it

Alisa and Elliot will be the first to get downgraded to NPCs, along Gaius and Machias.

Rean dunno since i plan to remove the whole magical Mecha and super power/chosen one bullshit lol

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No no i meant if you just wanted to get it over with

Even then

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

My friend called it a Xenoblade ripoff lmao.

This implies that it takes about 60 hours to beat a Xeno game because the battles are astoundingly long not because of good design or time being required to think, but because the animations are sooooo slow.


I can respect that it's an indie game, but... Hoo, if the first ten minutes are any indication of the level of writing and gameplay quality... Nah. Maybe I oughta give it a second chance. I know I shouldn't judge, since Yakuza 0 starts off poorly as well, but... Well, it ain't as bad as the tonal whiplash you get in the first thirty seconds.

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On 5/6/2021 at 2:53 PM, Sooks said:

School’s finally done, so I guess it’s time to make Trails in the Sky. Or follow the Trails in the Sky. Whichever one it is, I’m gonna do it.

I was ninja’d by Shrimpy posting a Trails theme. This is my good luck... hopefully.

This isn’t the post a lie thread.

Ah, look at this piece of history. If only he knew what he was getting into…

7 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Alisa and Elliot will be the first to get downgraded to NPCs, along Gaius and Machias.

Okay but what about Laura?

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Okay but what about Laura?

As well

Of well, NPC definition here will be "not in MC's Party" however they might still play a big Role

Like Alisa, Laura and Machias atleast will have some role in the CS arc if i ever decide to write it considering their position, but interaction with Rean will be minimal.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

but interaction with Rean will be minimal.

Can we keep the cave scene in, at least?

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Now this is the real stuff. I wonder how he will do that. I can barely train the 16 i need for the late game lol

I will definitely watch that when released

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Can we keep the cave scene in, at least?



Every single thing from 3/4, gone

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Eh, I still think of the cuss word. Even if it's illogical.

I mean, they do sound alike. Just the communion bread, which is the one used as a swear word, is with H. Ostia is a different thing.

Such is the Spanish Silent H.

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Both of Chapter 6's optional missions done. The "Phantom Corps" was kinda lame other than the boss, it just made me take things really slow so I could reload to check for what triggered the next batch of reinforcements. The Food Supply battle gave me about 6000 denarii for saving all the food, which is much too little for the effort required. Hiring Clifford and Larentia devoured about a third of that alone. Managed to capture the boss for the extra bounty though. I then tried taking on the handful of imps. Not worth it. I made a mistake and didn't realize that while Marcel's movement type can climb cliffs, it requires 4 Move, and him having 3 means he couldn't. I killed the crossbow user with Kramer, but otherwise left the cliffside imps alone, they weren't worth expending a lot of Thunder on.

Ruby, Faye, and Kramer all managed to hit level 10. Although I think Faramir needs more happiness, so I'll still need to hire Faye again. Ruby needs another 10 Shield levels, and few trivial weapon levels too. Kramer however did get his X-Mission unlocked. I need to check without saving to figure out if these remain open into other chapters. Chase the thieves before they escape through a forest, looks difficult, were it not for Larentia. I'll need to find a way to get Larentia to either 30 Atk (pass her Enid's Ladyblade for good chance of a Crit?) to OHKO or rig an Adept proc to ORKO the Raze Priest, then Canto away from the Killer Arrow Chu-ko-nu, and then repeat to kill them, parking Larentia on the retreat space afterwards.


3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:


I can get behind this

The scoring labels from Sonic Adventure 2. Not a bad memory. I recall the start of Eggman's fourth stage, where a ton of stationary unactivated robots were clustered together in bunches. Locking on to like 16 robots and blowing them all up once gave child me an all too easily gained sense of scoring delight.


4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Why haven't they brought back Double Dash's Rainbow Road? Make it happen Nintendo!

They're working on an explanation what the big tube thing you get shot up from at the end is. It's a defining oddity of that RR incarnation. Though I'd say my favorite RR is the Wii one, even if I don't have much memory of it.

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