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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Vergil The Knight said:

Hello, friends. It is I, Vergil, from the hit game Fire Emblem: Shin Monshou no Nazo for the Nintendo DS. Here to say you should all play Fire Emblem: Shin Monshou no Nazo for the Nintendo DS, which is a perfect remake with no issues whatsoever, and totally obsoletes Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo for the Super Famicom. Which is an obsolete old game which you shouldn't play.

How fitting, I am in the middle of the drafting part of a Shin Monshou no Nazo draft right now (and for funsies I plan on using origional hardware too 😛)

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3 minutes ago, Vergil The Knight said:

*high fives fellow original hardware appreciator*

Do you have a way to get screengrabs from it?

I have my phone camera...its not great quality, and is a hassle to get usable shots, but I think I will take a few.

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Hm, I guess sacrifices have to be made.

Incidentally, I did a Nuzlocke (my first ever, in fact) using my childhood Pokemon blue cart and my original GBA. (I no longer have my childhood GBC, unfortunately). I had the sam eissue with not being able to get screengrabs, so I just did text updates on a discord server and never posted about it elsewhere.

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On 3/9/2022 at 10:08 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Alright, enough of a break from my little Nuzlocke. To be fair, part of the delay is that I thought I missed my images for the big battle at the end of this update, and considered trying to find a way to reattempt it for image capture purposes, but I found them eventually, as I just accidentally saved them in a different folder from the rest of the images of this run...


What a fascinating little bit of world building


...or I am a bit gullible...


Now that is a dangerous option to have around. I will have to think a lot about whether or not to teach this one to a pokemon


I have to agree, it is kinda neat. Although it is kinda weird that there is no PokeMart in this town.


I guess this is the closest to town to where you start the process of awakening the Regis, so it makes sense that you would learn about their legend here


I guess this is hinting to be on the lookeout for the three different closed caves each surrounded by six rocks.




More talk about that mysterious pokemon flying around Hoenn.


This lady knows how internet theories work.


Oh my goodness, are they really making this meta of a joke


Heh, they did. I kinda like how earthbound did this joke, by having Yes actually be the answer to the question asked...


They go the whole way with making fun of the cliches of silent protagonists, and their ability to make choices despite the seeming silence. Side note, but I am reminded of how they use Copycat's dialogue in the first two generations to imply that the main character isn't actually silent, just that their words aren't shown.


What a weird conclusion to reach. What does he think, that I am a mermaid or something.


What ludicrous self delusion (or nepotism).


Although if he is giving such a good TM away, it is hard to complain.


Aw, somebody likes Horsea it seems


Not really, as I already have a nice Horsea already


Wow, what a rip off...


Oh this is an obscure aspect of generation 3. Each day a random number determined, and if you have a pokemon with a personality value that matches that number it will spawn an island with liechi berry, and wild Wynaut. The odds of any one pokemon matching is less than that of encountering a shiny, but with enough pokemon, and checking each day it isn't unheard of to find it, although I have personally have never seen mirage island. Also I don't see any mention of mirage island encounters in the hack info, so who knows if this was changed.

Alright that is enough messing around in Pacifidlog, time to


catch up with that terrorist attack on the space center.


This guy is really nonplussed about this terrorist attack are they.


I guess team aqua isn't all that reviled...


at least when Team Magma is currently attacking. I am sure she would say the same thing but in reverse if Team Aqua were attacking instead.


Alas this grunt is foolish enough to let us crush him in a pokemon battle, and thus


he abandons his post in defeat, unable to stop a 10 year old girl from getting past him.


What is wrong with you guys, Triple Battles aren't around for like two more generations...fortunately these grunts, true to their name take me on one at a time, letting me crush them one by one.


Admittedly having to face them back to back, without the opportunity to heal, or change leads could be dangerous, if these guys had more than one pokemon each, or even pokemon that are actually dangerous. I mean one of these guys has one of those Mightyena that can only swagger pokemon...


I guess team Magma wants to be blasting off again.


Wait, THAT is what they want the rocket fuel for? What kind of harebrained plan is this?


I guess they needed a parallel with the comments about team Aqua destroying the environment to create their "secret" base, to emphasize their hypocrisy, but this is kinda silly.


I guess team Magma is trying to villainously erupt the volcano, for real this time.


I really appreciate that they let me back out of this fight to prepare, which I will actually take them up on. Wanted to grab a pokemon from the box in preparation for this one.


This is an interesting little detail from this generation, that they make you pick three pokemon for the team battle here with Steven. I kinda like this, as it felt a bit unfair on future generations that when you and your teammate get effectively 12 pokemon to take on 6, although there are some difficulty hacks that switches the balance over to 12 v 12.


I forgot that they let you see Steven's three for a moment. Alright time for this team battle with me and Steven vs Tabitha and Maxie.


And poor Tabitha is really out of his league, bringing pokemon in the 36-40 range, when everyone else has 41-43. Although the Mighteyena makes thing as a bit dicey by Swaggering @BrightBow just as it dies, so I need to switch out, letting


Letting the Camerupt get off an Earthquake. This is exactly the kind of thing I brought @Seazas to deal with, as he ignores it, and can still keep surfing. Although if the Metang hadn't used reflect this would have probably taken it out.


Although he isn't strong enough to wipe out the Camerupt with a surf, even with the double-super effective. The Crowbat in the back is what I brought @AnonymousSpeed for, but it proved unnecessary, as Steven tore it apart almost on his own.


By exploding a Volcano onto the people of Lavaridge...


You were out of that battle before we even saw Maxie's last pokemon...


And that is a very good things, you fool.


I don't what you were expecting there, you didn't even try to catch or control it as far as I can tell...


Now that it is too late, Maxie has finally realized the errors of both his, and Archie's ways.


Yeah, Archie's Camerupt could have done a number on your team, but with Tabitha taking up half the enemy pokemon I think you could have handled them.


With any luck this is the Dive HM, that will let me explore...even more water....


Whoa, slow down there Steven, she is like 10.

Although I think I will grind up the new catches a little before continuing the Aqua half of this plot. See you all soon.

I know this is late and all, but thanks for the feature. This is very charming.

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Incidentally, for those interested, here is an unwanted image dump a retroactive update on my Blue Nuzlocke.

(this is prompted by me finally getting a save/cartridge dumper for all my gameboy carts)

My trainer name was Kaga and my rival name was IS, which should help to explain some things.

Prepare to press F for all my major deaths:



Tomas and Holmes both died around the same time, for similar reasons, one after another. It was around Vermillion city. Tomas died due to me forgetting how Sonicboom works, Homlmes died to me forgetting that Geodudes learn selfdestruct. Holmes stung as he took my dig TM with him, and with no option to catch another Diglett, I had no more Groound move users to fight Lt. Surge.


Garo stung as well, but quite a bit less. Once again a preventable death, this time in Silph co. Luckily lategame Gen 1 has a crapton of areas to catch water types, including more Poliwhirl/Poliwags, so I was able to find replacements. The "TM curse" applied here as he died pretty soon after teaching him Submission.


Navarre was one of said replacements. Depite not being able to learn ANY rock-type moves, I figured his dual rock/water typing would help against my Rival's Charizard. I also figured he would be able to tank hits from Selfdestruct/Explosion in Victory Road....but forgot that Gravellers learn Earthquake. Oops. And he took Blizzard with him, too.

Team members who I used frequently but didn't make it to the league:



Papilio (named after that Chapter 3 Wyvern Boss in FE4, in case you forgot about him) seemed like a disappointing catch in Mt. Moon, but he wound up being super handy in the mid game. Leech Life may be weak, but it has 4x effectiveness against basically all grass types, which came in handy as I didn't really have access to any flying or fire type moves that dealt more damage. Confusion Spam was pretty helpful too. He sadly didn't make the cut for lategame as another team memeber was able to fill in for most of his roles.


Shigen was a lucky catch right after Holmes died. Despite not learning any ground type moves, being able to resist electric attacks was enough for him to sweep Lt. Surge's gym. He was a bit of a one trick pony as there wasn't much use for him outside of that.


Esther was someone I spent a lot of time training thinking she might be useful...but kinda never turned out to be. such is life, I suppose.


An EXTREMELY fortuitous catch in Pokemon Tower. Attrom was extremely useful in late game, dealing with assorted poison, ground, and electric type Pokemon. He was also surprisingly bulky, by my count - I recall him taking a selfdestruct hit at one point and hanging on with just 4 HP. I could have kept using him, but I had another ground type who offered some more type coverage.

And the league team:



My starter, obviously. As expected they were quite useful in the early game against Brock and Misty. Their mid and lategame performance left a bit more to be desired, but I couldn't really find a better option that keeping them around. Learning sleep powder was nice, but it would also have been nice to not have to wait until level 55 to learn it. Yeesh. He did do a good job with fighting Bruno in the end, and helped put some opponents like IS's Gyarados to sleep to set up a safe kill for other team members.1128181453_POKEMONBLUE-220401-204013.png.d05b587a8e4916c33280d3c0457a71e8.png2061808670_POKEMONBLUE-220401-204015.png.9c5e14fce00bc83b1a68d0cfa619e5cd.png

Ma'aya (there's no apostrophes allowed in Gen 1 names) was my second capture in the game. She was mostly filler through a lot of the game sadly - Gust being normal type and Wing Attack doing only 35 damage in Gen 1 did her no favors. In hindsight I probably should have opted for one of the Spearow I got at various points, as Drill Peck would have been much more reliable flying-type damage. Still, once I got her Fly she got much better at fighting, and i didn't really feel like training anyone else. Her main contribution in the E4 was fighting IS's Exeggutor, though she had a hard time with getting stuck in Hypnosis loops. >_>


I got Salem around the Vermillion City area, and he was useful (after a bit of grinding) almost immediately. That's Psychic types in Gen 1 for you. His low speed was always annoying, but he was quite bulky so that didn't often matter...when he wasn't getting stuck in sleep loops when fighting Agatha, as an example. Still, he was undeniably good, being able to put foes to sleep and all. And once I got him Psychic he was able to one shot a ton of enemies.


Narron was something of a late addition for us. I held of on training or evolving him for some time until I knew which type would be useful, but it was clear in lategame that I could find plenty of other water types and cover for a fire type, so evolving to Jolteon was the clear choice. I was pretty paranoid about using TMs due to some key losses (Holmes, Garo, and later Navarre), so I held off on teaching him thunderbolt until right at the elite four. Training him was definitely worth it, as he was able to sweep lorelei and easily dispatch the two Gyarados used by Lance and IS as well.


Norton was also a very late addition. I got him in Rock Tunnel but didn't  use him until Victory Road, basically. He swapped in for Attrom, right down to being on Strength duty outside of battle. Tearning Earthquake by level up was very handy as it gave him more reliable ground damage than bone club, while avoiding the TM curse to boot. I did tempt fate in the very end by giving him Rock Slide to deal with IS's Charizard and some of Lance's team, though.


Remember when I said Garo was easy to replace? Gazzack is the case in point. The combines Water and fighting type damage was perfect for dealing witht he various late game Giovanni battles. and he was very handy against Blaine and some of the IS fights with Charmeleon/Charizard as well, at least until Norton took over that duty.

Hopefully at least some of that was interesting.

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Original hardware appreciation moment?

Gvgw4x9u o

It's a shame that nothing in this photo works right anymore.

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But then it wouldn't rhyme.

Still not worth remembering Saintia Sho

1 hour ago, Vergil The Knight said:

My trainer name was Kaga and my rival name was IS, which should help to explain some things.

Unbased, we all know that IS was right and got vindicated in the end

1 hour ago, Vergil The Knight said:

Papilio (named after that Chapter 3 Wyvern Boss in FE4, in case you forgot about him)

How can anyone possible forget him?


It is actually funny that the guy whose portrait was reused a thousand times is one of the most memorable characters in the game.

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Two months with no new chapter... well, I finally decided to put a stop to that and begun writing Chapter 9. Well, it's more like rewriting, as it were, but eh...

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10 hours ago, Sooks said:

So continuing from my demo save in Triangle Strategy. I played it a while ago but I’m pretty sure I remember the plot, all that really happened was us beating up some bandits, fighting in a tournament, then going to Aesfrost and beating up some smugglers, all the while being showered in exposition. It looks like I upgraded Serenoa’s, Roland’s, and Hughette’s abilities with the materials I remember thinking I really needed more of. Now I’ve continued the plot, and it’s time for more exposition (but this exposition is really interesting, about the Roselle) and realized I could buy materials from the encampment so I upgraded Frederica and Anna too… which cost all my money. Hopefully that won’t be a problem.

Ah, so the demo doesn't go up to chapter 4, then...

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Also, Benedict is mysteriously absent from the exploration section for the Roselle. I wonder if this means anything.

Ergh... No, I don't think he is? He's just in a house lol

9 hours ago, Vergil The Knight said:

Some people have signatures off, it seems.

I knew it all along, I just ran with it because you were actually speaking my language

9 hours ago, Vergil The Knight said:

I don't know of this Dante. I only know of my leader Camus, and my good friend Leiden.

...and someone else whose name escapes me.

I believe he's Spanish?

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Five girls and a teacher?

Is the protagonist Roy?


6 hours ago, Vergil The Knight said:

My trainer name was Kaga and my rival name was IS

Why am I not surprised.

6 hours ago, Vergil The Knight said:



Ayyy, Garo and Norton appreciation! I do find the lack of Berwick disturbing, though... Don't tell me you're one of those heretics who fancy themselves Kaga elitist but don't particularly enjoy his magnum opus...

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Unbased, we all know that IS was right and got vindicated in the end

IntSys made Garon.

Kaga did not make Garon.

Checkmate, elitists.

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Well, the charging cable is officially dying. Disconnects more and more often by the day. Luckily the laptop is still in warranty, so we should be able to get a new one instead of having to purchase one for over a hundred bucks.

...At least I really hope it's the cable that's the problem. If the port itself is damage, well... That'd be rather dreadful.

Anyway, I beat chapter 3 2* of Awakening. Was it always this tough? I'm playing on lunatic, and I could barely make it past. The mod definitely is improving things, though. I'd read online that the strategy for this map in vanilla is to throw Frederick at things and pray to dear God that they don't have the wrong skills that would kill him. I still ended up needing a lucky dodge to get through, however.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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22 hours ago, Sooks said:

It only confirmed my suspicions that Dorothy was the grandmaster all along.

No, Dorothy is visibly younger in Moon Door 2 and the Grandmaster has probably been around for a while, so she's innocent.

Clearly the Grandmaster is actually Polly. You thought Moon Door 5 was just weird and irrelevant? The happiness stone stuff was a red herring, it really exists to set up Polly's infinite intelligence.

22 hours ago, Sooks said:

Actually the stuff mentioned in this door doesn’t come up until the game after next, and then the one after that is almost completely filler.

So the best play order is Cold Steel II -> Azure -> Cold Steel I -> Zero, got it. I am aware of the Trails formula, how the first game introduces the characters and setting while the second features the Ouroboros business. Of course skipping the set up games would make the pay off games incomprehensible, based on my experience with FC and SC, so I doubt doing so is recommended.

22 hours ago, Sooks said:

Wow, you liked the doors a lot. Is 3rd now your favorite Trails?

Maybe? The Liberl games are similar enough that picking a favorite among them is arbitrary. I appreciate getting a bunch of characters to mess around with, which is another reason Reverie sounds appealing. Seeing the party hang around the hub area is also fun and makes for a sense of community. 3rd has a lot of creepy stuff, so it loses points for that.

Now that I'm at the endgame, it's apparent that 3rd's main plot is about Kevin's character development rather than advancing the overarching storyline, with some other details like fleshing out the church. That stuff is good, but I like how the doors offer snippets into what happened before and what will happen later, and they are quite varied in terms of subject matter and presentation. Star Door 3 might still be my favorite.

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Beat chapter 4. Miriel is really good in this mod. She gained a couple of points of speed, which allowed her to double the knights for greater damage than anyone else could dish out. Even Barlowe. Barlowe's damaging stats are too low, he's not very good just yet. And Kellam's as wonderful as ever.

On the other hand... Who was it that told me to use Sumia? @Acacia Sgt, I think? I'll try, I really will, but... Well, she's as average as an earlygame pegasus gets. I hate these units. They have no strength, they die in two hits, and as a result, all the speed makes zero difference. They exist to ferry until I run out of deployment slots and then I bench them for life. Completely unfun units to make work in combat.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, so the demo doesn't go up to chapter 4, then...

Nope, stops at 3.

Speaking of chapter 4, it (and specifically its ending) was good and caught me completely off guard, even though I knew that the end result was going to happen because I played the first demo. Good on them.

Although the next chapter introduces these “character stories” which were… out of place.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ergh... No, I don't think he is? He's just in a house lol

I don’t know, it’s weird you can talk to everyone except him (and Frederica, but she’s missing for obvious reasons).

Unless you mean that I missed a house or something, but I only found one that I could go in and no Benedict.

17 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

No, Dorothy is visibly younger in Moon Door 2 and the Grandmaster has probably been around for a while, so she's innocent.

The Grandmaster is completely unaffected by trivial things such as age.

17 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

So the best play order is Cold Steel II -> Azure -> Cold Steel I -> Zero, got it. I am aware of the Trails formula, how the first game introduces the characters and setting while the second features the Ouroboros business. Of course skipping the set up games would make the pay off games incomprehensible, based on my experience with FC and SC, so I doubt doing so is recommended.

Yep, it’s just that Falcom develops a habit of stretching out their set up games for no real reason. Zero takes a while to get to the point and Cold Steel 1… dear god Cold Steel 1…

It starts to feel like they’re trying to hijack Sky’s structure of the setup game and the payoff game, but they don’t have enough content to actually justify this.

17 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Maybe? The Liberl games are similar enough that picking a favorite among them is arbitrary.

Really? I thought Sky 3rd felt pretty different from the other two.

17 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

That stuff is good, but I like how the doors offer snippets into what happened before and what will happen later, and they are quite varied in terms of subject matter and presentation. Star Door 3 might still be my favorite.

My favorites were Osborne door, young Estelle and Joshua door, and young Schera door. And star door 15 too, but for different reasons.

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19 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It starts to feel like they’re trying to hijack Sky’s structure of the setup game and the payoff game, but they don’t have enough content to actually justify this.

They never actually come to a conclusion, either. III and IV are just more nonsense added to the game to have a "plot".

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

I appreciate getting a bunch of characters to mess around with, which is another reason Reverie sounds appealing

CS5 is not at all like Sky3rd. Not only is it not even 1% as good, the only thing similiar to 3rd are the episodes, and they are all utter shit.

You play with 3 Parties: Blanco, the dumbest detective alive, and the only decent one, the secret character. Crossbell's conclusion people have been waiting for close to a decade get's bastardized by CS' utter shit writing.

Also 50 characters is just way too much for non srpgs

32 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

They never actually come to a conclusion, either. III and IV are just more nonsense added to the game to have a "plot".

Choose your plot between gigantic and flat

28 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

And they had a strange habit of not letting characters die in CS, which got kinda annoying, ngl.


Not even Fates was this bad

Edited by Shrimpolaris
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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Yep, it’s just that Falcom develops a habit of stretching out their set up games for no real reason. Zero takes a while to get to the point and Cold Steel 1… dear god Cold Steel 1…

It starts to feel like they’re trying to hijack Sky’s structure of the setup game and the payoff game, but they don’t have enough content to actually justify this.

Fun fact: Trails was originally supposed to be the Sky trilogy -> final game. 

But this little thing called money happened. I promise you this series ain't ending anytime soon, no matter how much Kondo says about where it is in the completion rate almost like One Piece.

But yes, Falcom has a bad habit of stretching out the games. Sky FC and SC were supposed to be one game, would not be surprised if Crossbell was just supposed to be one game, CS was supposed to be 2 games (CS1/2 and 3/4). Kuro is probably gonna be longer than originally intended. This is why the series is so hard to recommend at this point. 

It's like the exact opposite of Xeno, which, due to various circumstances, had most of it's games be shorter than intended (lol Xenoblade X being shorter than intended, that game is still gargantuan).

53 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

They never actually come to a conclusion, either. III and IV are just more nonsense added to the game to have a "plot".

I love it when we stop the bad guys but "it was all according to plan" anyways.

This has been happening since Sky SC tbf.

49 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

And they had a strange habit of not letting characters die in CS, which got kinda annoying, ngl.

No this started in Azure when That Guy That Was Definitely Foreshadowed to be a Villain got impaled by magic spears but he's fine actually. 

CS is more egregious about it tho, i agree.

Edited by Armagon
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16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I always forget how Larum joins.

Hey, some respect to Cecilia! It took the king of Bern to bring her down. Narcian and Perceval together couldn't manage it.

Sophia just sort of spawns in jail, yeah. I never quite understood how she ended up there to begin with.

Fae wasn't captured by Bern as much as she wandered into the castle and they politely asked her to stay for a little while.

Fir... yeah, Fir's thing is kinda dumb when you put it like that lol.

Half of them I wouldn't even mention if it wasn't for the sheer volume of lady-rescuing that Roy is doing :lol:

Clarine enlisting Roy to protect her is honestly kinda funny. Yuno being imprisoned when Bern is occupying Ilia? Sure, that's not not too outlandish, but I can't help but notice that her counterpart in Sacae is a dude that's still bravely fighting Bern.

A character being in distress or captivity isn't automatically bad, but it's kinda silly if most characters needing rescue are female, and if more than half of the playable girls/women need Roy to rescue them first.

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Okay, time to commit war crimes in order to put a kid with a casserole on his head in the team.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Nope, stops at 3.

Speaking of chapter 4, it (and specifically its ending) was good and caught me completely off guard, even though I knew that the end result was going to happen because I played the first demo. Good on them.

Yeah, chapter 4 is excellent. It's when the story really gets started, and I must say that it does so on a pretty strong note.


Killing off Dragan first was not something I had ever even imagined they could do, especially with all the red flags pilling up on Symon. Learn a lesson S;G


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Although the next chapter introduces these “character stories” which were… out of place.

Yeah, those things are incredibly silly. You learn to ignore the timing.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I don’t know, it’s weird you can talk to everyone except him (and Frederica, but she’s missing for obvious reasons).

Unless you mean that I missed a house or something, but I only found one that I could go in and no Benedict.

I distinctly remember he was available in that part. I believe he was in the same house as Jerrom. You must've missed him.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fun fact: Trails was originally supposed to be the Sky trilogy -> final game. 

But this little thing called money happened. I promise you this series ain't ending anytime soon, no matter how much Kondo says about where it is in the completion rate almost like One Piece.

But yes, Falcom has a bad habit of stretching out the games. Sky FC and SC were supposed to be one game, would not be surprised if Crossbell was just supposed to be one game, CS was supposed to be 2 games (CS1/2 and 3/4). Kuro is probably gonna be longer than originally intended. This is why the series is so hard to recommend at this point.

You know, this explains an awful lot.

32 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Also 50 characters is just way too much for non srpgs

Hello, this is Rooben to point out that Lisa: The Painful has 30 characters and only 3 non-protag slots and it works like a charm.

1 minute ago, pong said:

Half of them I wouldn't even mention if it wasn't for the sheer volume of lady-rescuing that Roy is doing :lol:

Clarine enlisting Roy to protect her is honestly kinda funny. Yuno being imprisoned when Bern is occupying Ilia? Sure, that's not not too outlandish, but I can't help but notice that her counterpart in Sacae is a dude that's still bravely fighting Bern.

A character being in distress or captivity isn't automatically bad, but it's kinda silly if most characters needing rescue are female, and if more than half of the playable girls/women need Roy to rescue them first.

Yeah... I like to talk smack to Kaga about it, but it had never occured to me how prevalent the issue is in Binding Blade as well.

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3 minutes ago, pong said:

A character being in distress or captivity isn't automatically bad, but it's kinda silly if most characters needing rescue are female, and if more than half of the playable girls/women need Roy to rescue them first.

Binding Blade was essentially FE3 2 tbf.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hello, this is Rooben to point out that Lisa: The Painful has 30 characters and only 3 non-protag slots and it works like a charm.

How many of those characters actually make it to the end?

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah... I like to talk smack to Kaga about it, but it had never occured to me how prevalent the issue is in Binding Blade as well.

I think it's cause Binding Blade doesn't like, fetishize it.

Not even sure if this is the right word for that but damsel in distress just feels way more blatant when Kaga does it compared to when IntSys does it and the one time IntSys got to Kaga levels, it was because it was a remake so they were kinda stuck there.

....Actually it's probably because Kaga's doing it all the time where as IntSys really just has Binding Blade to do it. So we probably don't really notice too much in the latter.

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