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Man, chapter 17 VS2 was exhausting. My fault rather than the game's, though. I handled it completely wrong and it took me a while to change gears. I thought of resetting and trying to do it better, but you see, Barzelphen got a move level. It is written in the Holy Book, Luke 4:20: Thou shalt not undoe thine neighbor's movement level-up.

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Long after I should've begun it, I started



I played under ideal settings, in the morning outside on a lounge chair on a warm, bright, sunny day with the sounds of nature filling the air.🌳

In the time it took me to destroy the second E.M.M.I., I had suffered 8 deaths at their hands, including one from the very first. I'm not good or calm when playing stealth segments in games, chase sequences aren't my serene forte either.

Despite having logged what was barely an hour if that, it was rather exhausting from the "what I have gotten myself into?!" thrill.🎢 I think I'll only be able to play in short bursts. Some games be like that.

I'm also playing on Rookie Mode. I'm a "casual" Metroid fan, and have no qualms being so. Since part of the game is already making me sweat super missiles, I might as well keep another aspect from the same.


2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Gotta say, i am completely postively surprised. Seems to me like they took the criticism to 3Houses to heart and are attempting to fix em here. Less downtime, less repitition, uniqute routes, no silent protags, etc.

Or, maybe Koei Tecmo didn't really want to make Three Houses and it was nary more than an extended prologue and counterfactual history for their true dream of Three Hopes.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or, maybe Koei Tecmo didn't really want to make Three Houses and it was nary more than an extended prologue and counterfactual history for their true dream of Three Hopes.

KT with the galaxy brain strats to take control of a known IP and turn it into a Warriors series

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Me looking back at Rise of the Skywalker right now

Thanos perhaps I treated you too nicely | Avengers, Facial, Marvel dc

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4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

My brother is still mad about it.

Unironically it has a non-zero chance of being revived. Or rather, the plot elements would be integrated into Young Justice canon (Razor shows up and he's still searching for Aia or whatever her name was).

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Even the bad sequels are somehow being hailed as masterpieces now

Ah, movie revisionism. My favorite.

3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

So just completely finished the Demo.

Gotta say, i am completely postively surprised. Seems to me like they took the criticism to 3Houses to heart and are attempting to fix em here. Less downtime, less repitition, uniqute routes, no silent protags, etc.

To add to that, the game is a bit more tactical and fun than i expected. My Warriors experience before this has been generaly negative, but this...this is fun. Hella fun.

The game also has alot of Fire Emblem DNA. More than expected even, to the point i am feeling like i am playing more Fire Emblem than a Warriors game. The Main Maps even have the layout that could work as a FE map. 

Also the whole 4 fully controllable + more orderable works really really well. Makes it feel like some kinda RTS. Helps that Ally AI is really really good and if you position em right, they do their job.

Story wise, it's definetly wild and going places. How everything divergences so fast is definetly fun. I am excited for what's to come. I do feel characterization suffers a bit due to the super fast pacing, but there's still the whole game to go, and we do know the characters from 3 Houses after all.

Shez is also a very fun protag, and I guess Byleth will jump quite a few ranks after this game.

And Music is just amazing. I guess this is my new fav. FE prep theme.

2 weeks of wait now....

This does sound neat and who knows, maybe the game actually will be good the whole way. I still just.....*sigh*, it's hard for me to feel interested. I think the big thing is characters and just the fact that we still haven't moved on from Fodlan. Mainly, the development the characters in Three Houses got *probably* won't be in this game (even if there is different development) so it's technically not the same characters we know (Felix can't A-Support Annette smh, throw the whole game away). And of course, I would've just preferred something new instead of Three Houses but again.

I do want to know this tho: despite the different routes, does any of it feel like a "golden route"? Cause that's sort of the impression I've been getting from this game, that regardless of route, everyone's gonna team up in the end.

3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

one other thing i like:

  • Energized Status: 2 of the benched Units get the "Energized" status for next map. Gives them Extra exp and everyone deployed extra Bonus exp at the end of the Map. Kinda like a reverse Fatigue. Makes switching around units much more vitable.

Oh they should actually just implement this in actual FE. Tho I don't know how well it'd truly work. Depends on deployment and roster size.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm not exactly optimistic for a follow-up to a game I heavily dislike

Man, look how I feel and I actually like the game it's based on. 

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not good or calm when playing stealth segments in games, chase sequences aren't my serene forte either.

Wish you luck with the Yellow EMMI. Though you've already experienced it if you've gotten the Morph Ball at this point.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

think I'll only be able to play in short bursts. Some games be like that.

I think more than any other Metroid game, Dread really let's you do a lot there. Even a 30 minute session can let you accomplish a lot, tho that could be my big experience with the game talking.

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23 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And of course, I would've just preferred something new instead of Three Houses but again.

Well, it nothing like "3H but again". The plot is completely different from the start and you leave the monastery from ch2.

23 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I do want to know this tho: despite the different routes, does any of it feel like a "golden route"? Cause that's sort of the impression I've been getting from this game, that regardless of route, everyone's gonna team up in the end.

I am not sure, but I think it does. 

Especially with some leaks pointing to

  • All 3 routes have same late game
  • 4th possible secret Byleth + Wolves route

There prevailing theory atm is "Byleth remembers all 3 Houses routes"

Especially since 3Hopes "carries over" your 3Houses Byleth 

Edited by Shrimpolaris
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What if you wanted to be a good mercenary, but Sothis said

Byleth, the Ashen Demon, has arrived.

Also Randy won the Trails from Zero character poll, looks like it wasn't a bruh moment after all.

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Even the bad sequels are somehow being hailed as masterpieces now. This new one is being compared to Rise of Skywalker and I can't wait to see it!

But this movie can't undermine the previous ones like TRoS did... right?

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Mainly, the development the characters in Three Houses got *probably* won't be in this game (even if there is different development) so it's technically not the same characters we know (Felix can't A-Support Annette smh, throw the whole game away).

You see Armagon, character development isn't that important; what really matters is the worldbuilding! Not that you need to be interested in it, but I like how Three Hopes expands on Fódlan's world and characters we didn't see previously. Now we just need more Macuil and Indech lore...

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2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Byleth, the Ashen Demon, has arrived.

Byleth going from one of the most hated protags to one of the most loved protags be like


4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

surprise surprise one of the two good crossbell characters wins

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Man, chapter 17 VS2 was exhausting. My fault rather than the game's, though. I handled it completely wrong and it took me a while to change gears. I thought of resetting and trying to do it better, but you see, Barzelphen got a move level. It is written in the Holy Book, Luke 4:20: Thou shalt not undoe thine neighbor's movement level-up.

The Barzelphone is in the game? Neat.

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17 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Well, it nothing like "3H but again". The plot is completely different from the start and you leave the monastery from ch2.

Yeah I didn't mean literally.

16 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

But this movie can't undermine the previous ones like TRoS did... right?

Tbh, as bad as TROS, I don't think it truly undermined the previous movies.

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37 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

The Barzelphone is in the game? Neat.

There is indeed a Barzelphone in this game. He's a Kaga self-insert, for reasons that become obvious the second you see a line of his dialogue.

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Literally hundreds passed through the removal today. It's somewhat awe inspiring that they were able to do that considering the size of the house.

Funeral's 12 hours away now, hopefully I won't be a puddle on the floor from tears during it.

5 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

It's Star Wars all over again, Armagon. Never underestimate boomers who had contact with dinosaurs through the first Jurassic Park. Even the bad sequels are somehow being hailed as masterpieces now. This new one is being compared to Rise of Skywalker and I can't wait to see it! It helps that I won't be paying my ticket lol

As someone who could be counted as that boomer (though I didn't see it in the cinema), I'm curious if nothing else but not "rush to the cinema" curious.

5 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Eh, the first Jurassic World is good enough and the best Jurassic Park sequel (daily reminder that The Lost World is bad), the problem is the sequel. I will be watching the movie soon, if it is the same character, I'll tell you. Well, wish me luck!

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Yeah, I can concur on JW as someone who saw JPIII in the cinema.

Hopefully this'l-

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

Me looking back at Rise of the Skywalker right now

Thanos perhaps I treated you too nicely | Avengers, Facial, Marvel dc


It's like that huh?

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:




3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I played under ideal settings, in the morning outside on a lounge chair on a warm, bright, sunny day with the sounds of nature filling the air.🌳

That is one way to play the game.

Do you at least have headphones on?

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In the time it took me to destroy the second E.M.M.I., I had suffered 8 deaths at their hands, including one from the very first. I'm not good or calm when playing stealth segments in games, chase sequences aren't my serene forte either.

Despite having logged what was barely an hour if that, it was rather exhausting from the "what I have gotten myself into?!" thrill.🎢 I think I'll only be able to play in short bursts. Some games be like that.

I'm also playing on Rookie Mode. I'm a "casual" Metroid fan, and have no qualms being so. Since part of the game is already making me sweat super missiles, I might as well keep another aspect from the same.

I remember I got stuck during the second because I couldn't figure out I had to activate a button and so I died a fair few times due to that. Thankfully it didn't save my deaths, it would have been embarrassing.

As someone who slogged through Normal, allow yourself this. Maybe you can see what the bosses are like on Normal with Boss Rush too though.

1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:

The plot is completely different from the start and you leave the monastery from ch2.

Garreg Mach got prologued 😛

Haven't touched the demo yet, so I've mostly skipped over stuff but that's funny to me.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Tbh, as bad as TROS, I don't think it truly undermined the previous movies.

Personally the execution of it's main villain spat on the lot to me, but it's not like everything in tRoS is the worst thing they could have ever done.

28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There is indeed a Barzelphone in this game. He's a Kaga self-insert, for reasons that become obvious the second you see a line of his dialogue.

Wait, this ain't Barselphon right?

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46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There is indeed a Barzelphone in this game. He's a Kaga self-insert, for reasons that become obvious the second you see a line of his dialogue.

Yeah, I recall a tweet of Kaga saying that Barzelphone would have to be toned down for the localization. Makes me morbidly curious for sure.

I was thinking of going into the Dangen discord and directly asking people about just how bad he is, but the last thing I want to do is to risk kicking of a big old "cEnSoRsHiP!" shitstorm in the official discord. Even more so now that the release is so close.

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54 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Wait, this ain't Barselphon right?

He's... Actually not much better.

Which is, y'know, exactly the kind of thing you want to hear about a playable character.

41 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Yeah, I recall a tweet of Kaga saying that Barzelphone would have to be toned down for the localization. Makes me morbidly curious for sure.

He's absolutely terrible, so... Not really sure how much "toning down" really went in there, if any, to be honest.

41 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I was thinking of going into the Dangen discord and directly asking people about just how bad he is, but the last thing I want to do is to risk kicking of a big old "cEnSoRsHiP!" shitstorm in the official discord. Even more so now that the release is so close.

He's very bad in a really pathetic manner. I really don't think he was censored at all, in the end. In all his dialogue I've seen so far, at least.

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59 minutes ago, Dayni said:

but it's not like everything in tRoS is the worst thing they could have ever done

At the end of the day, TROS is nowhere near as bad as TPM or AotC.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Which is, y'know, exactly the kind of thing you want to hear about a playable character.

So you're saying I should kill him off?

Just now, Armagon said:

At the end of the day, TROS is nowhere near as bad as TPM or AotC.

I wouldn't put so much distance between them for myself.

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I wouldn't put so much distance between them for myself.

The way i see it, two of them put me in a coma and one of them doesn't.

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And most of The Pale stuff is done. Well, I've decided, I won't go to Winterhold just yet. So I'll finish wrapping up the stuff at The Pale I can still do at the moment, then finally head back south to Whiterun then Riverwood. For next time, at least.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Byleth going from one of the most hated protags to one of the most loved protags be like

All from the power of the voice? What, do they break the fabric of reality the moment they open their mouth and cause enemies to explode like kernels into popcorn, but with blood splattering everywhere?

-Not to say I don't understand the power of giving voice to the formerly voiceless in video games. I do.


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

That is one way to play the game.

Do you at least have headphones on?

No, no headphones. I rarely use them when gaming, they bother the ears eventually. And, I generally keep the volume on the lower side of things in general. I simply do not understand why people have to listen to music they enjoy so loudly that it causes pain to the eardrums. I realized this during a car ride yesterday.🙉

And yes, the IRL environment was completely incongruous by choice. I wanted to something counteract the aura of the foes I would be encountering. They still put the Synonym For "Fear" in me.

The last time I remember matching horror atmosphere ingame with some matching reality was Etrian Odyssey IV. I remember sitting in my bed playing through the Hall of Darkness in the blackness of the night. Being a turn-based JRPG, that would've made it more tolerable to me. Battles in such a context become a relief from the unease pervading the scenery and music.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I remember I got stuck during the second because I couldn't figure out I had to activate a button and so I died a fair few times due to that.

That killed me once as well.

Although, the second(?) death to Emily II during that stint was worse than that. After I slide through the crawlspace and entered its territory, I ran through the next door, only to have it drop down from above in a blink of an eye right in front of me on the other side. I was doomed in an instant. ( -I'm not ever going to even attempt the counterstrike.) It was total WTF, and thankfully, that behavior wasn't repeated on subsequent attempts.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

This does sound neat and who knows, maybe the game actually will be good the whole way. I still just.....*sigh*, it's hard for me to feel interested.

I will be taking note of your reaction when the eventual, hopeful, XC Warriors + Kos-elos gets announced.😛

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

All from the power of the voice? What, do they break the fabric of reality the moment they open their mouth and cause enemies to explode like kernels into popcorn, but with blood splattering everywhere?

-Not to say I don't understand the power of giving voice to the formerly voiceless in video games. I do.

Simply put, Byleth stopped being a player self-insert stand-in.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

All from the power of the voice? What, do they break the fabric of reality the moment they open their mouth and cause enemies to explode like kernels into popcorn, but with blood splattering everywhere?

I can't believe Byleth was actually Black Bolt all along


6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

will be taking note of your reaction when the eventual, hopeful, XC Warriors + Kos-elos gets announced.😛

Hey man, it's not the Musou I take issue with. There's just a lot of reasons why I'm struggling to care about this one specifically.

Course, I was pleasantly surprised by Origami King, which on the surface just looked like it had serious Sticker Star-ism. So maybe I'm just being too stubborn.

But either way, it's not a day one purchase from me if I actually do decide to it.

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

All from the power of the voice? What, do they break the fabric of reality the moment they open their mouth and cause enemies to explode like kernels into popcorn, but with blood splattering everywhere?


It's less the power of the voice and more what his role in the story is and what everything is pointing to and theories around it.

Also finally seeing the Ashen Demon in action is something. We heard alot about it in 3H. Now we finally see it

Also trying to beat the former protag gives a while "Gold vs. Red" feeling. Which is always an iconic thing

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