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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Pure curiosity and seeking a diversion from depressive thoughts led to me to search for suggestions for BL

I think I can find something for you-

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(specifically the kind that doesn't have toxic/creepy relationships, as I've heard much of the genre is filled with)


4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(Rex being a shota makes his presence in hentai 😬),

It's just a drawing, bro

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Let me make it clear, I did not want to see this. Nor the franchise in the gutter what-so-ever!

Then why did you imagine it?

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Which is why I'm afraid that having seen it once is going to desensitize me to it, and even normalize it. My standards and barriers for defining what is sacred and maintaining that sense of sacredness might be irreparably damaged. No, no, nono-no!

Let the degeneracy flow

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I listened. I considered the offer. And elected to ignore it. But the chain of events began with listening!


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Did not expect Inti Creates to announce their next project so soon and it's crazy. It's Gal*Gun but instead of a funny horny game, it's just...... Castlevania but with guns.

Like literally, those are Gal*Gun characters with the same artstyle but Castlevania. With guns.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy said:
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The party needs to have the talk lmaoooo

This is great xD



The whole scene of the cast seeing a baby for the first time is one of the most beautiful scenes ever in a video game.

Like these guys have just never seen this before but they're so taken in by the preciousness of new human life.

Side note but the Nohm Wetlands theme right before you enter Swordmarch, you can hear a little bit of the Sword Valley theme but because the place is actually filled with life now, it sounds much less desolate.



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Also Goemon and Masaru have to be related somehow when they have the same voice.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

This Live a Live? Where in the world qre you, if so?

  It's an item in Oboro's scenario that does take some work finding.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Did not expect Inti Creates to announce their next project so soon and it's crazy. It's Gal*Gun but instead of a funny horny game, it's just...... Castlevania but with guns.

Like literally, those are Gal*Gun characters with the same artstyle but Castlevania. With guns.

This is not the next Bloodstained project I was expecting that's for sure.

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7 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Thanks. Also Phone Serenes won't let me delete the ping, so uh... Hi, Lightchao. How are you?

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Did not expect Inti Creates to announce their next project so soon and it's crazy. It's Gal*Gun but instead of a funny horny game, it's just...... Castlevania but with guns.

Like literally, those are Gal*Gun characters with the same artstyle but Castlevania. With guns.

An Igavania clone but with a pair of anime girls?

Oh God please tell me half of the game's dialogue is every character in the game calling them children. Bring back the Garon-tier writing Charlotte enjoyed.

2 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:
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Also Goemon and Masaru have to be related somehow when they have the same voice.


Well I dunno about Masaru, but in the classic anime series Lupin III there's a swordsman called Goemon who's most known for his swordplay. Maybe that's the reference? Goemon seems a bit too prominent, compared to the other 100 souls in the castle. My best guess.

2 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

  It's an item in Oboro's scenario that does take some work finding.

Ah, of course. Well, I love this localization.

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7 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

It's funny that the Nohrian siblings swear that Garon was once a decent guy but he ambushed and killed Sumeragi at a peace summit and kidnapped his child before he was even turned into Gooron.

I've heard of fan translations going on to fix the weird localization but even a fan translate wont be able to fix writing mistakes like this and it's honestly what pisses me the most off of Fates.

So many things are told to us but they don't go the extra mile to actually convince the player that they mean anything.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, of course. Amateurs are people just like professionals. Budget and resources are the real differences, not talent. An amateur can be a fine writer just as a professional can suck at it. Not to mention, bigger productions have to deal with strict deadlines, executive meddling, monetary profit as an absolute priority and quality, creativity and passion being unnecessary. Not saying big productions can't turn out well, of course, but I wouldn't say it's that outrageous that amateurs did Fates better.

I've ragged on Fates for too long, let me just defend it for a few seconds.

Fates is the story of a game that came directly after the revival of a thought to be doomed franchise. It's clear that the team had a clear vision in mind when making Fates. While Awakening played it pretty safe, Fates was incredibly ambitious in it's gameplay and story. The Skyward Sword of Fire Emblem, set at the beginning of the timeline and implied to fall into myth in all other games. 

And it's even more ambitious when you consider that they weren't just trying to create a story, they were trying to create a world.

Fates is massive in it's scope. There's so many characters, tribes, and area's of interest in this world that they built that are just begging to have some life be put into them. We know that Fates' story was much larger then the final cut, and I imagine that was done to tell the story as well as define this new world that they were in, almost like Lord of The Rings.

What happened to this story is obvious. It was too large and they had a deadline that they just couldn't meet in time. The story had to be cut down to a a small portion of what it was.

...Alright the few seconds are up.

Can I talk about how much it bugs me that the Ice Tribe is basically a small native tribe that is not at all taken seriously in any of the routes? Like it's either you're fighting them because Flora for whatever reason has the final say on what the tribe does, even though they have a chief, and Felicia should've broken the truce they had with Garon a while ago when she joined Corrin, or it's because you're the fucking colonizers and you have to squash a rebellion there. It's just consider normal in this universe that the Ice tribe are basically forced to work with Nohr. Not to mention that Felicia just doesn't give a flying fuck about her tribe, she does not mention it once in the story or in her supports, the story really just takes Flora and Felicia at face value as maids for the royal while also implying that the maid dresses are like some kind of traditional garb for the Ice tribe. Now you would think this is a Fates issue but they seemed to handle it perfectly fine with Rinkah who also comes from a small tribe, yet she actually talks about it and how much she-

Sorry, what were we talking about again?

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3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Can I talk about how much it bugs me that the Ice Tribe is basically a small native tribe that is not at all taken seriously in any of the routes? Like it's either you're fighting them because Flora for whatever reason has the final say on what the tribe does, even though they have a chief, and Felicia should've broken the truce they had with Garon a while ago when she joined Corrin, or it's because you're the fucking colonizers and you have to squash a rebellion there. It's just consider normal in this universe that the Ice tribe are basically forced to work with Nohr.

Not to mention they get dragged into assisting Camilla in Rev (well, what few haven't run off deeper into the snow)

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

And it's even more ambitious when you consider that they weren't just trying to create a story, they were trying to create a world.

I am sorely tempted to rag on this sentence.

I won't, but I am.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:
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Well I dunno about Masaru, but in the classic anime series Lupin III there's a swordsman called Goemon who's most known for his swordplay. Maybe that's the reference? Goemon seems a bit too prominent, compared to the other 100 souls in the castle. My best guess.

Goemon is almost certainly a reference to this man, who gets around in fiction including videogames.

There's a whole series of games around a fictional version of him (Mystical Ninja on the SNES being probably the most likely you'd heard of)

Edited by Awoken Dayni
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Finally a win on Immortal :] Although "Inca on Highlands map script" might count as cheating. I was also kinda lucky that my second-closest neighbor, China (the green civ) ended up in a perma-war against Venice - not entirely sure why, although I'd speculate that China didn't want to peace out because they were at a massive army advantage, but couldn't use it because I didn't let them through my lands, which means that Venice was pretty darn impossible to reach. In any case, that allowed me to be fairly greedy with not building a ton of military without getting murdered like I usually get on this difficulty.

Lategame timings weren't perfect I guess...? Could've started bulbing Great Scientists a bit earlier (had 3 or 4 left after getting the last necessary tech; can't remember how the cost to faith-buy them increases exactly), could've started a permanent golden age earlier (22 "wasted" turns, considering that I still have a Great Artist left). Money worked out pretty well though, allowing me to buy the last remaining spaceship parts immediately after researching Particle Physics.

Still, quite happy with this game. :):

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32 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

As if i remember that xD


Takes about a minute for the motif to show up in the later but I went *DiCaprio pointing meme* when I heard it.


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24 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Not to mention they get dragged into assisting Camilla in Rev (well, what few haven't run off deeper into the snow)

They really should've just made them like the Sami. It's like for the Fire Tribe they came up with this cool Kabuki theatre stylized tribe but then for the Ice tribe they were just like "Hehe, maid dress"

27 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

I am sorely tempted to rag on this sentence.

I won't, but I am.

Go for it, I'm always looking for more Fates critiques.

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Just now, Awoken Dayni said:

.....Are you okay?

You're looking up CS shitposts with more frequency than makes sense.

Look Dayni I spent most of last night and almost all this morning trying to exorcise Newtype. I’m working on some others on this thread as well. There is no rest for the weary where people’s eternal salvation is concerned.

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You know how FE7 and FE8 both felt the need to add a map with easily killed green units? Yeah, VS2 greenies are nothing like that. Even the literal farmers put up a better fight. And are smart enough to run after trading blows as well.

I wish Vaughes still had his Iron Duke, though. That Halberd dishes out a lot of pain but...

It does some nice trades, but we do really need to stick around for the long haul. Can't have our meat shields die too early.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

fixed for ya! Xd

What do you expect when you try to tell a overarching story over 10+ games over 15+ years with multiple directors and/or writers trying to put their own stamp on the series? It can be done but isn’t easy to do.

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2 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

What do you expect when you try to tell a overarching story over 10+ games over 15+ years with multiple directors and/or writers trying to put their own stamp on the series? It can be done but isn’t easy to do.

Wraith, CS I and III are similar af, just with a new coat of paint. How is reusing story "storytelling?"

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19 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wraith, CS I and III are similar af, just with a new coat of paint. How is reusing story "storytelling?"

I don’t know, ask most authors who write isekai anime/manga/light novels..

Edited by WraithReborn
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thanks. Also Phone Serenes won't let me delete the ping, so uh...

Imagine using Phone Serenes

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Can I talk about how much it bugs me that the Ice Tribe is basically a small native tribe that is not at all taken seriously in any of the routes? Like it's either you're fighting them because Flora for whatever reason has the final say on what the tribe does, even though they have a chief, and Felicia should've broken the truce they had with Garon a while ago when she joined Corrin, or it's because you're the fucking colonizers and you have to squash a rebellion there. It's just consider normal in this universe that the Ice tribe are basically forced to work with Nohr. Not to mention that Felicia just doesn't give a flying fuck about her tribe, she does not mention it once in the story or in her supports, the story really just takes Flora and Felicia at face value as maids for the royal while also implying that the maid dresses are like some kind of traditional garb for the Ice tribe. Now you would think this is a Fates issue but they seemed to handle it perfectly fine with Rinkah who also comes from a small tribe, yet she actually talks about it and how much she-

From what I remember, Felicia was too young when she was taken to Castle Krakenburg. It is only normal that she isn't as attached to the Ice Tribe as Flora.

1 hour ago, WraithReborn said:


It seems it is working. I haven't touched that game yet today.

28 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

FFXIII = shit


23 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wraith, CS I and III are similar af, just with a new coat of paint. How is reusing story "storytelling?"

Similar structure ≠ same story

With your logic, 90% of Trails are the same because they have a similar structure.

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2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I've ragged on Fates for too long, let me just defend it for a few seconds.

Fates is the story of a game that came directly after the revival of a thought to be doomed franchise. It's clear that the team had a clear vision in mind when making Fates. While Awakening played it pretty safe, Fates was incredibly ambitious in it's gameplay and story. The Skyward Sword of Fire Emblem, set at the beginning of the timeline and implied to fall into myth in all other games. 

And it's even more ambitious when you consider that they weren't just trying to create a story, they were trying to create a world.

Fates is massive in it's scope. There's so many characters, tribes, and area's of interest in this world that they built that are just begging to have some life be put into them. We know that Fates' story was much larger then the final cut, and I imagine that was done to tell the story as well as define this new world that they were in, almost like Lord of The Rings.

What happened to this story is obvious. It was too large and they had a deadline that they just couldn't meet in time. The story had to be cut down to a a small portion of what it was.

...Alright the few seconds are up.

Fair points but Garon thoe

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Can I talk about how much it bugs me that the Ice Tribe is basically a small native tribe that is not at all taken seriously in any of the routes? Like it's either you're fighting them because Flora for whatever reason has the final say on what the tribe does, even though they have a chief, and Felicia should've broken the truce they had with Garon a while ago when she joined Corrin, or it's because you're the fucking colonizers and you have to squash a rebellion there. It's just consider normal in this universe that the Ice tribe are basically forced to work with Nohr. Not to mention that Felicia just doesn't give a flying fuck about her tribe, she does not mention it once in the story or in her supports, the story really just takes Flora and Felicia at face value as maids for the royal while also implying that the maid dresses are like some kind of traditional garb for the Ice tribe. Now you would think this is a Fates issue but they seemed to handle it perfectly fine with Rinkah who also comes from a small tribe, yet she actually talks about it and how much she-

Well, yes. Obviously Felicia and Flora only exist to fulfill the maid fetish so more otakus buy the game. Then they decided to create a whole faction as a contrived justification for their existence, even though they could've just gone "yeah they're player-kun's hot maid-sans" and accomplish the same.

2 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Goemon is almost certainly a reference to this man, who gets around in fiction including videogames.

Oh, well that's interesting. Probably also the reference for the thing I brought up, come to think about it.

...Wait, what am I saying "probably" for, the Goemon in Lupin III's full name is straight up just Goemon Ishikawa lol.

2 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

There's a whole series of games around a fictional version of him (Mystical Ninja on the SNES being probably the most likely you'd heard of)

Never heard the name in my life.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

They really should've just made them like the Sami. It's like for the Fire Tribe they came up with this cool Kabuki theatre stylized tribe but then for the Ice tribe they were just like "Hehe, maid dress"

Hey, at least we get to see the Ice Tribe. Even its chief, in one of the routes, but no more, for no reason at all. The Fire Tribe is just something that exists kinda, or so we're told.

46 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

You know how FE7 and FE8 both felt the need to add a map with easily killed green units? Yeah, VS2 greenies are nothing like that. Even the literal farmers put up a better fight. And are smart enough to run after trading blows as well.

I wish Vaughes still had his Iron Duke, though. That Halberd dishes out a lot of pain but...

It does some nice trades, but we do really need to stick around for the long haul. Can't have our meat shields die too early.

Eh, Vaughes compensates by being epic. What green units did you get in the chapter? Give me all the names, please.

11 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Alright, Mia is not just a Haggler bot. That is one amazing hoe. Maybe a hoe powerful enough to match Margul himself.

Mia brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "hoes mad."

'Cause that's one mad hoe, indeed.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh, Vaughes compensates by being epic. What green units did you get in the chapter? Give me all the names, please.

Percy, Toby, Thomas, Gordon, Roswell, Börte, Alandon, Vaughes, Farabia, Culevent and Lazeria.

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