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22 hours ago, Green06 said:



Amazing, Sooks

I love Fie, she was in my top 3 characters in the last game.

But I don’t think Ruben would be able to past her trope.

22 hours ago, Green06 said:

Alisa, Fie, Machias, and

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can fish in CS4 aside from Rean and the new Class 7.

Machias lmao

Struggling to stay relevant

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4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Even if I'm not as absolutist about decades, I can't pretend I'm that enthused by plenty of the chart toppers.

I'm not absolutist, like every once in a while i'll come across a 2010s song that makes me not want to commit mass murder (Uptown Funk, for example, is alright).

But, and i'm aware i'll sound like a boomer, they just don't make them like they used to man.

These wouldn't get made today. And yes i know, generational differences and whatnot but man, i wish the music industry didn't shift to producing soulless pieces, devoid of any charm or personality because they gotta please the Spotify algorithm.

The way i see it is this:

Anything before the 70s: classics you gotta grow into

70s, 80s, 90s: the Holy Trinity of music

2000s: actually pretty funny ngl

2010s-present day:



3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not to overstate and sensationalize things. But sometimes, in some instances, over centuries, so not always, the losers were sacrificed. -Hardly worse than what did Rome did in its old Coliseum (and the Circus Maximus could oft be crash and die), to remind that European sports weren't always peaceful (not like He From the Country of the Matador needs a reminder).

And then while the original Olympic Games of Greece didn't have a death penalty....there was also no guarantee you'd live. If the chariot ran you over and it snapped your neck, that's simply what we today call a "skill issue".

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I've seen shows where the Rings are at their original height but as far as I'm aware they're more in ceremonial shows that get like 2 balls in the ring than actual competitive games between teams.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That already looks hellishly difficult. Imagine if the ring is all the way up there. Hoo boy.

Yeah i'm curious as to how long the games usually go for.

1 hour ago, Green06 said:

What is the worst?

I already mentioned it in that same post: California Girls.

43 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Jesus Christ, what is this? A stereotypical portrayal of a Genealogy of The Holy War Map from Fire Emblem memes?

FE4 map but if it was good and fun.

43 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Fire Emblem is bad at portraying class.

The only Herons left are royals anyways. When everyone's a royal, nobody is.

43 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It always frustrated me when people refer to human sacrifice as a uniquely Mesoamerican thing as if similar things never happened in the rest of the world.

You can blame popular culture for that. Probably even moreso after Apocalypto, given that the movie's plot is "i've been kidnapped from my home to be a human sacrifice". Decades before that movie, Doctor Who featured an episode with the Aztecs (it was a First Doctor story at a time when the show was still trying to decide if it wanted to be educational or sci-fi) and it also had a human sacrifice plot (though idk how much that episode did to influence public perception).


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33 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So fun fact...well not so fun I guess, but here we go. I broke down crying the day of the last PoR session as the scenes in game and our discussions about Native American history and culture flared up some colonial trauma that hit me like a truck. A lot of the scenes with the Laguz are almost too close to home in that sense, it may have not looked like it with my funny quips and jokes but the scene where Reyson found out his entire home was destroyed and spoke his language out at the land nearly had me bawling with how close it was to some experiences I've felt.

*Virtual Hugs*


35 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Man I wish racists were this self-aware in real life.

That is the way people start to move away from racist ideas. Some people do end up bettering themselves.


36 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Game why.

Its not as bad as most games that have story based promotions for their lords, you just have to finish chapter 17....ALL of chapter 17...


36 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Astrid vibe check.

Nice; just out of curiosity, which melee weapon did you give her on promotion?


38 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Jesus Christ, what is this? A stereotypical portrayal of a Genealogy of The Holy War Map from Fire Emblem memes?

It kinda is isn't it...

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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Game why.

Get used to story-based promotions.


Oh my god.

Would've been more helpful if they were labeled 17-1, 17-2... but having it just be 17 for it all is more amusing, heh.


Fire Emblem is bad at portraying class.

I mean, putting aside the fact that Tellius isn't Earth, it's already been stablished that Laguz do things different on top of that. Herons are different from other Laguz in many ways, but some things remain the same, one of which is that might/power is given priority. In this case, it's magical prowess and most importantly, Galdr prowess.

Be sure to take notes, since it will become even more relevant in RD...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I love Fie, she was in my top 3 characters in the last game.

But I don’t think Ruben would be able to past her trope.


Is "sarcastic stoic girl who is good at fighting" a trope? I suppose "being Rei Ayanami" could be a trope, but that's Altina (and Tio to a lesser extent).

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But, and i'm aware i'll sound like a boomer, they just don't make them like they used to man.

True! I would post an example but I realize that I mostly just listen to video game soundtracks in my free time... also Linkin Park and Weird Al Yankovic, which is a pretty strange combination now that I think about it.

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1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

Is "sarcastic stoic girl who is good at fighting" a trope?

Fie is one of the few CS chars that actually grow throughout the game though. 

Like, most the chars regress as far as growth goes. 

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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It always frustrated me when people refer to human sacrifice as a uniquely Mesoamerican thing as if similar things never happened in the rest of the world.

Or were accused of doing that. The Romans and the druids come to mind, might not be true of the British Celts or perhaps a rarity, but they're barbarians on the edge of the known world and iffy on joining the Roman Empire, might as well say they did. It's amusing and they deserve the slander -said the Romans.

And to modern morality, sacrifice isn't that much worse than slavery, just more bloody and sensational. Forcing individuals to be worked to their bones in chains for the rest of their lives isn't very humane.

Historical animal abuse might be more superficially offensive than human slavery to 1st world sensibilities, oddly enough. In which case...


...Anyone up for some good old 17-18th century fox tossing?🦊 A pastime of Europe's cultured classes, be sure to club the critters if they're still alive when the fun is over!


37 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And then while the original Olympic Games of Greece didn't have a death penalty....there was also no guarantee you'd live. If the chariot ran you over and it snapped your neck, that's simply what we today call a "skill issue".

With Roman chariot races, I believe we have graffiti written by teams asking the gods to curse their rivals and cause them a terrible accident on the racetrack.

There are reasons humans ditched chariots in war and went to horseback riding. Those things are dangerous, and require a team of at least two maybe three. Yes, chariots might have wheels, that supposed greatest invention -but the wheel being elevated to peak human ingenuity is a modern 19th~20th century idea. You need good roads for wheels to be optimal, if they break or get stuck in mud or holes or ditches, then wheels aren't so great. For the majority of human history for a majority of humans, plentiful well-maintained roads weren't available, being a long-term drain on premodern state finances.

Greek pankration apparently banned biting and gouging your opponent, but practically everything else was permissible. Wrestling wasn't much better it seems. 

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36 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Is "sarcastic stoic girl who is good at fighting" a trope? I suppose "being Rei Ayanami" could be a trope, but that's Altina (and Tio to a lesser extent).

I feel like deadpan young-looking girl is a trope, but I could be wrong cause I’m not that familiar with anime.

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New reaction pic just dropped

40 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Alternatively, get introduced to it by some other media. Why hello there, Fallout series.

I can thank Guardians of the Galaxy 2 for this one


26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

..Anyone up for some good old 17-18th century fox tossing?🦊

Damn i can't believe Melee Marth was juggling the Spacies since all that time.

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2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Game why.

It's so strange too. FE4 already dumped that pointless level reset thing and had a level 30 cap for everyone. You would think this would have become standard afterwards, considering it really serves no purpose.

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9 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

It's so strange too. FE4 already dumped that pointless level reset thing and had a level 30 cap for everyone. You would think this would have become standard afterwards, considering it really serves no purpose.

Doesnt it affect corrosion by an extra ten uses depleted?

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16 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Doesnt it affect corrosion by an extra ten uses depleted?

No. Promoted units get a +20 to the formula, which would be the same if they were simply level 21 and so on.

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Well, took longer on Another Eden than usual. Will skip Omori for today and just write. There's some projects I've neglected for far too long...

Oh! SRW V is on sale until the 14th! I don't intend to stop my T playthrough, but I will try to get V now while it's on sale...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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@Saint Rubenio Sorry I forgot to give details on my team that session, hopefully I'll remember next time.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

You can blame popular culture for that. Probably even moreso after Apocalypto, given that the movie's plot is "i've been kidnapped from my home to be a human sacrifice". Decades before that movie, Doctor Who featured an episode with the Aztecs (it was a First Doctor story at a time when the show was still trying to decide if it wanted to be educational or sci-fi) and it also had a human sacrifice plot (though idk how much that episode did to influence public perception).

As someone who is part of a people group that is at the mercy of stereotypes, you can see why I'm a big advocate of proper representation in media.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

*Virtual Hugs*

Reunion with Edelgard : r/fireemblem

Thank you.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That is the way people start to move away from racist ideas. Some people do end up bettering themselves.

True, and I have taken a real liking of that character because of it.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Nice; just out of curiosity, which melee weapon did you give her on promotion?

Swords because golly gee we need more swords that aren't Ike's.





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8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So fun fact...well not so fun I guess, but here we go. I broke down crying the day of the last PoR session as the scenes in game and our discussions about Native American history and culture flared up some colonial trauma that hit me like a truck. A lot of the scenes with the Laguz are almost too close to home in that sense, it may have not looked like it with my funny quips and jokes but the scene where Reyson found out his entire home was destroyed and spoke his language out at the land nearly had me bawling with how close it was to some experiences I've felt.

Nothing much I can add to that but me sending commiserations your way.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Game why.

It won't be much longer.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

All I know about him was that he butchered one of the greatest Irish songs of all time and that's about it.

He didn't even do that, he just wrote another song with that title and what he wrote is bad.

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12 hours ago, ping said:

I think I've used him exactly once, to be honest. :lol: Mostly because the Echidna route is overall more fun. Bartre with an Iron Bow is fairly alright though. Decent chip damage and big damage vs. Wyverns. It's only a shame that he doesn't have Killer Bows at base.

Yeah, that's true. I probably would like Bartre a lot more if he wasn't mutually exclusive with Echidna. Sadly, female hero is a lot rarer than warrior stacheman, and while I like Ogier and Deke well enough, they can't really compete with her in my eyes, whereas Lot is one of my favorites from Binding Blade. Not to mention, Echidna supports both Lot and Wade for a fun power trio. Too many cards stacked against the good Bar.

Plus his stache has nothing on Moulder's. Nothing.

12 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Binding Bartre is my favorite prepromote of all time. I will shill this man and his bitchin' moustache til the day I die again.


Work your way to killer bow Bartre. Then you go BEYOND. Brave bow Bartre! And then you go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND! Mulagir Bartre!

I can respect the hustle, however.

12 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:



I like the beardman in 7th. With the lolis on top I would've expected a guy like him to make 57th at best.

...what this is even about?

10 hours ago, Green06 said:

It's because she's an old woman

Pretty much. But c'mon, can you blame me? She's the only one in the entire series.

10 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So fun fact...well not so fun I guess, but here we go. I broke down crying the day of the last PoR session as the scenes in game and our discussions about Native American history and culture flared up some colonial trauma that hit me like a truck. A lot of the scenes with the Laguz are almost too close to home in that sense, it may have not looked like it with my funny quips and jokes but the scene where Reyson found out his entire home was destroyed and spoke his language out at the land nearly had me bawling with how close it was to some experiences I've felt.

Well... Not that I want you to feel bad, but I'm actually glad to hear you're experiencing such things with this game. This is the kind of thing that sticks with you later, that makes the experience of the game truly memorable.

10 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Girl finally stopped watching Fox News.

Remember when she joined you because "the subhumans" were fighting you and her hatred for them surpassed her duty to bring you in? She's come a long way. FE characters with character development! You love to see it. And her finest moment is yet to come. Sure, in gameplay it's a complete dick move and without savestates you get punished for seeing it by having to replay an hour of PoR, but I expect you'll enjoy it, because the text is pretty neat.

10 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I want to hear the backstory of generic soldier who is sane enough to realize the guy he is serving is crazy enough but also uncaring enough to fight against the sacred apostle as long as he gets paid.

I've always found the idea of generics with character to be fascinating. I wish IntSys would go ahead and do it at some point.

10 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Jesus Christ, what is this? A stereotypical portrayal of a Genealogy of The Holy War Map from Fire Emblem memes?

It's more Path of Radiance, except instead of one map it's four. Same shit as always, though, you just move your broken units forward and watch the game play itself.

10 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


So often now have I mistaken Soren for a unit I've already used with how his goth look blends in with the gray.

I had this happen all the time with a certain Laguz from Radiant Dawn. He's a gray wolf, who turns a slightly darker shade of gray when he's waited. It's awful.

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

I love Fie, she was in my top 3 characters in the last game.

But I don’t think Ruben would be able to past her trope.

What even is the trope? Weehee teehee loli?

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

FE4 map but if it was good and fun.

That's a very interesting way to describe a map from PoR.

And false, in my subjective, humble and personal opinion. I had more fun with FE4 than "more shitty PoR gameplay except four times longer."

...Well, okay, maybe not chapter 4. Chapter 4 was completely godawful in every way imaginable, and this PoR chapter admittedly ends on Oliver, which is a rare PoR W.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

I feel like deadpan young-looking girl is a trope, but I could be wrong cause I’m not that familiar with anime.

I mean, from the sound of it, that's not a trope that annoys me that much. I doubt she'd be one of my favorites, but probably not one of my least favorites either. I expect she'd just exist, if I were to play Cold Steel.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

@Saint Rubenio Sorry I forgot to give details on my team that session, hopefully I'll remember next time.

That is fine.

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

With the lolis on top I would've expected a guy like him to make 57th at best


In what way are the 3 on top lolis XD

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...what this is even about?

Long after the hero's journey...the long lived party member makes another journey, while all companions from here original journey died.

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I feel like this could have happened even if the game didn't have other issues.

3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

In what way are the 3 on top lolis XD

The mimic looks 8 but is actually 1000 years old

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2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


In what way are the 3 on top lolis XD

I mean, 2nd's pretty loli'sh. But fair enough, I guess fairies are tiny in general, and that looks like a fairy.

Mimic is loli

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Long after the hero's journey...the long lived party member makes another journey, while all companions from here original journey died.

Oh so that's why the beardman is high? He's the protagonist?

...Oh, never mind, it's the elf loli. I thought it was weird that a Japanese piece of media would have a person older than 25 as the protagonist... Who even is that guy? I can't find him skimming the wikipedia article.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh so that's why the beardman is high? He's the protagonist?


He was the centeral character of a pretty big arc that just finished


The Staves used by Framme's starting class, Monk, can support allies with a variety of effects. For example, Heal recovers HP for allies. Also, there are staves that can block enemy movement by creating obstacles. They're handy, but keep in mind the limited uses.

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