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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Oh this is too much. It's like they heard the complaints about the monastery, about the limitations for changing people's appearance, the fishing minigame being shit and everything, and decided "you know what? Fuck it, let's just have some fun with this."

I can hear the elitists seething from where I'm sitting.

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Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

Mounted Thiefs

Truly Berwick 2

Gordin lookalike's a girl? And she's also Wolf Czene? Interesting maneuver.

Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

Yeah they are lmaoooo

I mean.

Fair. I get it. Some people wanted another serious war epic with grey undertones and shit. This is the opposite of what some people wanted from FE, much like games like PoR and Three Houses are the opposite of what I want from FE. I sympathize.

...But fuck it. I am so happy that I will indulge in a bit of asshollery.


Now I just need the map design to be as consistently good as it's looking to be and this will be the best FE

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I don't have much to say about the award winners. I will just say this: Elden Ring winning both GOTY and Best RPG handily proves why letting games compete for both GOTY and other categories is completely and utterly asinine. Of course, if you don't let them it's like saying "Best RPG, but only if you don't count the GOTY", so... This shit is asinine in general.

Holy shit Engage though. What was my initial reaction to it, again?

On 9/13/2022 at 4:12 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Emblem Fusion tho.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I can't cry, it's too ridiculous to cry.

On 9/13/2022 at 4:45 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Marth yelling "Emblem Fusion" and performing a Power Rangers move with a toothpaste-haired OC is the kind of thing I would've expected from an april fools shitpost hack.

On 9/13/2022 at 5:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

FE is dead


4 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

serious war and grey undertones overrated

Ring rubbing activated


F U S H O  O O O O O O OO O  OO O OO OO   OO O O   O O   N

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Hmm, Engage looks good and all but I don't know if--

7 hours ago, Armagon said:


More life sim mechanics are good. Also the website was updated and it seems to have most of the playable characters and Emblems now, barring any potential surprise characters.

...I wasn't expecting the only Nintendo announcements to be Engage DLC and a Bayonetta spinoff, though.

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4 hours ago, Benice said:

How on Earth did this ever happen? Like, how did this random Johnny make it onto the stage, and how was power not cut from the mic?!

Security was off that day I guess.

The kid's been Milkshake Duck'd btw.

4 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Also i love how my reaction upon seeing 3H trio was a resounding NO lmao. 3 Copes really traumatized me it seems kek.

Dread it. Run from it. Fodlan still arrives.

But hey at least we got Tiki.

The Fodlan Lords and Tiki are "Bracelets" as opposed to Rings, to keep it consistent with the lore.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:




I love it.

Fuck it, I am good with this. It has one distinct advantage over Three Houses's meaningless fishing minigame: It's funny.

Hey man, gotta work out. Gotta keep in shape so you can perform at your peak during the next battle.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, so minor characters are here, they're just more minor boosting rings that can be allocated to the rings... Ringception? Sure, why not.

You get them through a gacha but because people on Twitter have zero literacy, they're assuming "I have to play gacha to get the characters!!!!" when it's not even the characters, it's just like stat boosters.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gordin lookalike's a girl

Merrin is apparently a tomboy.

33 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Nothing personel



30 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


I got slight Dia de los Muertos makeup from her. I mean she's got like the color scheme going on there, which is usually black and orange.

With the exception of Mauvier, I think we've seen everybody from the leaks.

Also Anna is Elusian, which further strengthens the theory that we'll be going clockwise starting in Firene (for Act 1 at least).

12 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

wasn't expecting the only Nintendo announcements to be Engage DLC and a Bayonetta spinoff, though.

They should've shown Xenoblade 3 DLC.

Probably next month.

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We haven't gotten gameplay for the remaining emblems, have we? Fates capture on Leif is still a dream. I'm not delusional.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:



I mean

I can't argue with her sense of fashion or its place in Fire Emblem when she's wielding an axe.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Our Dancer in action

From the thumbnail I thought he was doing the cossack dance, I lost my mind for a sec.

Still, after the sad display Houses dancers put up, this is beautiful. Not to mention, first male dancer! Proper, official, "it's not an option, I'm just a dancer" male dancer. Engage's breaking some boundaries, it would seem.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:



The low quality leak images made him seem Garon-skinned, but it seems he's just plain dark skinned.

He's honestly not quite what I expected. In fact, now it looks like he's going to be the game's edgelord, which is pretty ironic. But still, I'll take it. Instant reclass to mage if at all possible. That man belongs in the mage class, he even has a garbage bag ready.

42 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

More life sim mechanics are good.

As long as they aren't so critical to the gameplay that I can't ignore them when I don't feel like it

Mandatory yoga sessions every chapter or Alear becomes rubbish would sour the minigame a bit for me


the website was updated and it seems to have most of the playable characters and Emblems now, barring any potential surprise characters.

There's definitely more characters than this. Veyle is nowhere to be found, and if that wasn't enough, the leaks confirm a playable that isn't present here beyond a shadow of a doubt. It'd be pretty weird to reveal the entire cast except for one or two characters. Not impossible, but odd. There's a thread talking about this in the Engage subforum, but I'd say it's likely we'll have a cast around 40 character, maybe a little more. These are likely to be mid-to-lategame recruits who are more plot-critical and/or spoilery.

Of course, anything goes, but if correct, this would make me very happy. As I've said many times before, one of the (many) problems I had with Three Houses is that it had a tiny cast and it was very frontloaded, with only one or two characters per route joining in the second half of the game. This doesn't seem to be the case here, which pleases me.

And if not... well, there's no routes, so it's not like this already smaller cast would become even smaller when the split begins. Besides, Berwick Saga has like 36 characters, but it works there because of how unique everyone is. And that seems to be the case here as well, so... Fair enough. Besides, who needs characters when you have Vandad.

29 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I'm gonna reserve my excitement for the new FE till i actually play it. Sure things look good, but that doesn't mean it's going to be good in practice.

Ain't that the truth. Still, contrary to popular belief, I enjoy being happy. So I'll take all of this for what it's worth and worry later.

29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hey man, gotta work out. Gotta keep in shape so you can perform at your peak during the next battle.

Too true, too true.


You get them through a gacha but because people on Twitter have zero literacy, they're assuming "I have to play gacha to get the characters!!!!" when it's not even the characters, it's just like stat boosters.

So it's a rulette, paid with ingame currency, to get minor stat boosts for the emblems.

Fair enough. lol if they think I'm going to have enough money left for this after I'm done dressing up my folks, they got another thing coming

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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You see that SF's lost he sidebar that was used to access most of the bloody site. What's gone on there? Never mind, I said I'd engage with Engage discourse, let's get on with it.

So! Two large trailers, some showcases and a bunch of online info.

The infodump is getting to be too much.



We've got Citrinne, Amber, Jade, Merrin, Lapis, Panette, Seadall, Kagetsu, Zelkov, Rosado, Goldmary, Pandreo and Bunet here.

Considering I only care about the combat, let's get over these.

Citrinne is shown off on the pitfall bridge with magic and crits with Thoron, which we already knew doesn't double.

Lapis is shown off attacking with a blade, which causes the enemy to attack first as we knew, she smash break crit kills.

Amber looks to be lance locked by default and is not promoted by default I think. I don't know any Japanese so I can't translate all his lances.

Jade is an armour as we've seen before, but it looks like she's pretty slow by default considering I think only her a Louis have been doubled if I recall correctly. If that's a killer axe looks like they have low hit rate.

Merrin of course has daggers in the wolf knight class, but also looks to have swords. The crit animation's sick too. Also Merrin has a wolf tail. Owo?

Panette is shown with axes (OH? I thought she had magic before), charges into battle where we see the enemy have a skill, then she just crits his ass. Looks like an ally in range has a skill effecting her and it's more than 1 range too.

Seadall is shown dancing Alear, who has a Levin Sword. But is it just me or does it look like M!Corrin in the engage logo beside Seadall's HP?

Kagetsu looks to be speedy edgy boi. And with the crit, where he readies himself and then all the cuts appear on the foe, I think that's accurate.

Zelkov is the Man in Black, who is shown off with daggers here. Don't see too much with the first combat, but he shows off a second to demonstrate poison.

Rosado does wyvern things, not sure what I can add without translation other than a skill showing up in combat

Goldmary is shown with a throwing sword and crits an enemy on a fort (wow, 52% hit and all).

Pandreo is shown off healing with Physic, which is shown to have 1-5 range. There was another 5 use staff, but no idea in that case.

Bunet however looks promoted and has Axe and Sword access. Looks like a Great Knight though with that low Spd.

Probably a lot that can be taken in if you were to actually assess the enemies and the map design. But I ain't up for that at the minute.

DLC trailer:


We see a montage of combat with people and emblems, then they pull the bandage off showing that the 3H lords are all in the one ring (FFS I wouldn't envy having three voices in your head like that) and and an ult using all three weapons at once, which just tells me all three should have been separate, then Y!Tiki, which I get it, IS likes their little children of destruction, but other Tikis exist. It then looks like Tiki fights pretty decently on her own, that all this is in Wave 1 alongside some items and the Silver Card (Yep, that's DLC locked. Also the first Silver Card since Awakening, which was, you guessed it, DLC locked. It was a reward linked to Infinite Regalia, but still.)

Thankfully this was short.

SF does have what's in the other waves which was covered in the Japanese trailer for this, which are: More emblems, some items in the second wave, classes in the last wave alongside a side story campaign. Seems like the 3H structure again with more emphasis on gameplay items and engages?

The website actually says what's in the wave as well: A round of stat boosters including boots and costumes and accessories (including dudes in dresses, a single earring and glasses). It's also apparently only 30% discount with the Silver Card.

Somniel trailer:


Oh fuck it's 7 minutes long.

Somniel is confirmed to be in Valla.

Fine I'll stop with the joke.

We see everyone has casual outfits, which is nice, a sense of the layout, see the armoury and vendor, a use for the SP points (They buy skills after all) and another currency which is used to purchase ring enhancements which are pulled randomly apparently. Course, these are gacha, so they're given different ranks and you can repull the same one, ugh, though you use lower ranked ones to upgrade to higher ranks? We also see a ring polishing minigame (Hey look, a polishing minigame that's not in Sinnoh!), though hearing the engage respond to it will be.... embarrassing.

Then we get another door which opens into a wide space where there's water to your ankles where characters can train against each other? You get Exp anyway, then another room where you can fight on older maps and these give materials and another my castle style map where you have terrain effects you can add alongside the units you pick?

We see people hanging out, apparently people swim in the pools here and or course Alear can insist on talking with them. Then we also have a cafeteria that sounds like Byleth feeding their students again (Oh no) though it looks to be locked to supports? Can it boost stats? I think it can actually. There's also gifts like 3H. Then we see activities, including a gym, fishing and a full petting zoo with a camel and donkey now. There's also the odd dog-like thing inside a cave called Sora, which you can feed and pet which can reward the player with the gacha currency.

We then get to see the alternate outfits on a bunch of people and the gym minigame, then fishing, which THEY FUCKING DID IT, IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S AN ACTUAL FISHING GAME AND NOT 3H'S SHITE, then we transition to seeing cards in the mural's style and a mingame where you fly on a wyvern and take part in an on-rails shooting minigame flying around (YO), then we see the amiibo thing, which looks like it's either you can touch with the same amiibo regularly to get tickets or you need a lot of them to unlock stuff that way, which I hope the fuck not I have 3 total and two of those were from SoV limited edition.

We see Alear wander the castle and go to bed, then maybe a flashback? Or no, it's Amber talking to them? Okay I'm going to need a breakdown of this trailer, there's a ton I missed.

Website bits:


So, we got a bit about the other engages. This is google translate, so take these with a pinch of salt the size of your fist.

Roy seems to raise stats and can attack a 3x3 box and cause flames that apparently slow down movement.

Eirika and Ephraim are of course Twinning the Ring here and their effects change based on who is being used. Eirika reduces foe's Def and Ephraim helps heal damage in combat. Apparently the Engage skill is crossing the two together and their engage attack is just both of them hitting an enemy.

Leif is confirmed to be the weapon master, with an engage skill that'll autoswap to a weapon that gives you advantage if your opponent has advantage on you. Amazing. The special attack is using 4 attacks with various weapons. No capture sadly.

Ike looks to have an engage skill that halves damage, but I'm confused as to how it activates and if it causes your evasion to go to 0 if it just activates if your foe had 100 hit anyway. He has an Engage skill that raises Def and apparently sets up a ranged Aether next turn? Translation not helping here.

Micaiah raises staff ranges and AoEs (~Does it give Physic extra AoE? Oh my how nice if so, seems to do it with regular heal staves) and has a skill that's a full range fortify but your HP goes to 1 (So if it's ranged Sacrifice I'd like to know if it restores stauses, that would be huge.

Lucina has an Engage skill that apparently can nullify attacks from enemies on adjacent allies? and the engage technique is to activate a chain attack with allies within 2 Squares.

We also get an idea of 3H lords and Tiki's abilities, namely Exp increase for the former and what sounds like aptitude for the latter. You also have to clear a map to get Tiki.

There's also confirmation of Amiibo, which all give items and the FE amiibo also are confirmed to give outfits and tracks from their game, which I'm not surprised by.

TL;DR: Kagetsu's crit is anime as fuck, Honestly Wave 1 could be worse but I'll probably still wait on discounts when I haven't preordered this game anyway, the fishing looks to be at least decent, some of these engages might be busted.

Oh fuck this took too long. FFS IS, pace this shit out a bit. And if someone's translated the website and Somniel trailer, let me know please.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


F U S H O  O O O O O O OO O  OO O OO OO   OO O O   O O   N

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:





1: Are ye fusing?

2: If not, who's the emblem of the two?

Just now, Armagon said:

The Fodlan Lords and Tiki are "Bracelets" as opposed to Rings, to keep it consistent with the lore.

Missed that, lol.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fates capture on Leif is still a dream. I'm not delusional.

It's not confirmed dead, but I have that sinking feeling.

Getting Genealogy boss powers is hilarious to me though.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

They should've shown Xenoblade 3 DLC.

Probably next month.

It's probably too far off to get a trailer now, I'd expect to hear about it in a few months at earliest.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's definitely more characters than this. Veyle is nowhere to be found, and if that wasn't enough, the leaks confirm a playable that isn't present here beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Technically Veyle is there, she's just with Lumera and not the playable characters. I hope she is playable though, I want the smol dragon girl to punch people in the face.

Considering the "playable that isn't present here", I imagine we'll only get around five or so surprise characters, or around 36 units in total.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As I've said many times before, one of the (many) problems I had with Three Houses is that it had a tiny cast and it was very frontloaded, with only one or two characters per route joining in the second half of the game.

On the subject, the 3H developers said they wanted to introduce every playable character early on so the player has time to get to know them. That has it's own pros and cons, but I also like characters being spread throughout the game.

Engage's English page updated too, giving some info on the remaining Emblems. Most of them are pretty straightforward: Leif is the Emblem of Genealogy, Roy is the Emblem of Binding, Eirika is the Emblem of the Sacred, Ike is the Emblem of Radiance, Micaiah is the Emblem of Dawn, and Lucina is the Emblem of Awakening.

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Glad to see people are so enthusiastic, enthralled, entranced, entertained, and... what's another word for "involved in"?😛


9 hours ago, Armagon said:


This is the best game ever made 2.

Looks like something TMS should've had after every chapter when you head to the studio. But then, it would've been abhorred to hell there but then what about that game wasn't?, simply because people would not be able to comprehend Barry's bouncing belly.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Mandatory yoga sessions every chapter or Alear becomes rubbish would sour the minigame a bit for me

Same. Mandatory minigames in games where they don't belong are annoying.


44 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

We also see a ring polishing minigame, though hearing the engage respond to it will be.... embarrassing.

At least we aren't polishing crotches of old men.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As long as they aren't so critical to the gameplay that I can't ignore them when I don't feel like it

Mandatory yoga sessions every chapter or Alear becomes rubbish would sour the minigame a bit for me

From what i'm seeing, it's a thing you can do but unlike the Monastary, you aren't forced to do it. The flying castle in the sky is simply a place to take a break in, not something that you have to slog through for each chapter.

34 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

We also see a ring polishing minigame



28 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

ome kinda thrown sword?

That's a spear.

18 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:



This would've absolutely been a StreetPass feature if it released during the 3DS days.

What is this even for btw?

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2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I got slight Dia de los Muertos makeup from her. I mean she's got like the color scheme going on there, which is usually black and orange.

Hehe, me too. Certainly a little bit Catrina-esque. I like.

38 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Daga otoko da?

Daga otoko da.

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Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

Why are the english trailers so much more lame

There was the word map!

Also wait, is Somniel just listed on said world map then? Okay I guess.

Also, wait thy just merge with Tiki when engaging? Yo what.

Shame this wasn't translated either, would have been nice to see those UI elements translated.

13 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Ike is the Emblem of Radiance

Should have been Emblem of the Path smh

9 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:



Feels like a somewhat more freeform My Castle battle map to me.

15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That's a spear.

She's swordlocked.

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:



The worst timeline.

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