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40 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:


I know what I'm about to say is lost on you 😅, but of all the Tales casts I've seen... I think Berseria's could actually be the best? Maybe?

...Actually, I'll spare you a full analysis of every prior Tales game cast that I've played.😆 And simply say the rivals to Berseria being no. 1 would be Xillia and Symphonia.

40 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:

and her development is great.

She's bascially an "anti-Camus". 

Exactly! Helps she never made the whoopsies called "returning to the flock".

40 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:

She shines more later on, although imo Velvet steals the show

Hopefully she does.😀 Because not only am I the least fond of her, Magilou feels like she's the most unnecessary of the six heroes. As I've said before- being strictly/largely unnecessary to the story doesn't make someone a bad character. -But it won't help in any way either.

59 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:

ah you're there.

Been listening to Theresa's half-truths and dragging her along to her bro. Better than the illusion stuff with the prior Therion (this kind of mindf***ery is something I really dislike, hence me missing the huge endgame revelatory scene in XC2🤣), but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I much prefer it when worms are squished and obvious strings are cut.

52 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:

And welll...spoiler

I know some kind of twist has to be coming up. The heroes are about to "thwart" the baddies' plan, but they know they don't know enough. There needs to be something BIG that shakes up everything, likely pivoting the story into its final third.

I'm also playing Berseria aware of certain other things. -Eizen is dragonified by Zestiria, will the ending of Berseria bittersweetly see him turn out that way? Laphicet is nowhere to be seen in Zestiria despite Malaks/Seraphs living loooooooong lives. Will the little angel ascend to heaven to save the world? Or, will he replace Inomi as the fifth Empyrean? -Just some thoughts I've had.🤔


25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I had forgotten how good the art direction was with this one.

They did add the black outlines to Kirby and the others, and changed the Another Dimension parts from black & white to brightened colors. Other than that, it's the same and I agree it's good.

Merry Magoland is a bunch of minigames FYI. You can freely put on/take off any masks you get in the pause menu. The masks (and minigames) cover a lot of Kirby history and includes The Forgotten Land characters among them.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:


Indeed, there's a coinflip chance come Nov 2nd I'll never be able to look at the city the same way again. ...Although that's only because it has the destiny of being the capital of this country. It's not its own fault.

On happier things...


Red-Cockaded Woodpecker. They once numbered in the millions in the Southeast US, now it's only 16-19k -though that is up from less than 10k in the 1970s.

The article in question I saw this in was focused on a bombing test site in Florida. Turns out that the Department of Defense is required by law to help protect/preserve/conserve any species listed as Threatened or Endangered, that is found on the DoD's property. Yay to the military-ecological complex!

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9 hours ago, Shrimpica said:


What did i miss the last few weeks?

I did finally get to the checkpoint in the linked ironman, although I must admit I did play what is a short section very slowly. I didn't poke @Venger_06 about it yet, but last I heard he was playing through Persona 3 Reloded, so he might be as slow about updating as I have been.

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Quite telling of society the Steam audience that, from all five of my reviews, it's my To the Moon one that got the most likes:


They are all of relatively similar length, and are all written in a fairly serious fashion. Yet most of them got exactly 1 or sometimes even no like lol. So I think there's just a lot of people who think TtM is an overrated game that needs to be taken down a peg, lollll

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12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The child arc was a tad overlong, yet it held promise

If anything: the future arc is the worst. Way too inconsistent in their events. The story really goes nowhere, and the skits are... Wtf? To me.

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39 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

If anything: the future arc is the worst. Way too inconsistent in their events. The story really goes nowhere, and the skits are... Wtf? To me.

As I said before, I never saw it, unfortunately. Maybe I should watch it online.

However, if the future arc is the weakest part of Graces's plot, then I can imagine a reason for it. That being- it was added a year later in the PS3 port. From past experience, I find that -unless you planned for it from the start- adding a new story to an existing, finished one, tends to result in at least a few issues. I like to think of such story add-ons as "more of the characters/world/gameplay you love!" than anything else. And if you do truly love whatever it is that's lovable about said base game, then the bonus content's possibly faulty narrative will feel excusable.

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Doctor Who is back today


I am loving this new energy. 

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They once numbered in the millions in the Southeast US, now it's only 16-19k -though that is up from less than 10k in the 1970s.

Still endangered, but making a recovery. That is very good.

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Okay, went to Anubis' Tower, getting the Blowpipe in there, which is the game's ranged attack. It comes with a standard projectile with infinite ammo. There are other types, which do have ammo counts, but those aren't available just yet. Anyway, got to see Anubis... or his statue at least, where he talks through it. He's the one who introduces the monster capture mechanic. It's not too complex. You must weaken the monster without killing it, then use a Capture Beetle on them. Not unlike Pokémon, though you must guide the Beetle to the monster, it's not an automatic thing, but at least it's a guaranteed catch. Monsters are mostly just to donate to the Abydos museum, but there is a pair which do have actual utility. So always gotta carry several of them.

Anyway, Anubis allows some of the petrified people at Heliopolis to be freed. Now got to destroy the Eyes of Ra dotting the landscape. This is where the captured monsters come to the spotlight, as one is basically used like a bomb. Did that, though before actually continuing with the story, I went around capturing all monsters I could, then went to Abydos to donate them, plus return one of the stolen jewels. Now that I have the Blowpipe, I could now do the Memory Matching Minigame. Using the Blowpipe is a bit... well, can't say I got perfect precision with it. But at least I finished the minigame within the time limit. Thankfully, it's a one and done deal. By this point I have enough ankh pieces to get a new Gold Ankh, but unlike LoZ, this is not automatic and the ability to isn't unlocked yet. In any case, got one more Minigame to go through before returning to Heliopolis, but that's for next time...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As I said before, I never saw it, unfortunately. Maybe I should watch it online.

However, if the future arc is the weakest part of Graces's plot, then I can imagine a reason for it. That being- it was added a year later in the PS3 port. From past experience, I find that -unless you planned for it from the start- adding a new story to an existing, finished one, tends to result in at least a few issues. I like to think of such story add-ons as "more of the characters/world/gameplay you love!" than anything else. And if you do truly love whatever it is that's lovable about said base game, then the bonus content's possibly faulty narrative will feel excusable.

You were spared. 

If their intentions were just to expand for the sake of it, there are better alternatives to that, I think.

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Haldyn now gets so salty when meeting his sister, that he actually learns Wrath from it.

Impotent rage represented as a skill. That's so perfectly Haldyn. Especially since it's not even a good skill. That poor dolt.

Edited by BrightBow
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Okay, thanks to the freed people having both the Book of the Dead (can I summon the Scorpion King?) and another Canopy Vase, I did the second Mummy segment. A bit shorter than the first, but introducing a new mechanic, with the Mummy getting split into three thanks to some swinging blades, and all still look whole. Somehow. Well, two mechanics, as just as the Mummy can deliver items to Sphinx, so does vice versa, with the Mummy getting the Dark Stone of Invisility, given to Sphinx by Horus. Allow you, well, invisiblity... but also kills you. So basically harmless for Prince Tut. Can't die if you're already dead, after all.

Guy tapping head Meme Generator - Imgflip

Anyway, found another stolen jewel and the Atun Statue...

Hehehehe, Atun...


Wait, is it...

*looks it up*

Yes, this might actually suppose to be Atum.


ANYWAY, that statue opens up the barrier blocking Heliopolis Point and a different segment of the Great Wall. ALso the Mummy spies on the bad guys conversing... and it's revealed Horus has joined them. So the stone thing was an attempt to kill Sphinx. I don't remember if his name was revealed yet, but the main bad guy of this game is the god Set. Considering the actual mythological Horus would oppose him, it's weird to see this game's Horus actually join him. But then, this is not meant to be 100% accurate to actual Egyptian mythology.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Posted (edited)

...I caved without hesitation.😐

The cutscenes following the Endgand boss battles were enough of me seeing Velvet take psyche damage, I had no stomach for more. When the confrontation in the prison began, expecting that things would not go well at all, I outright began skipping scenes. Not fast-forwarding through them via mashing A, hitting Select and then selecting "Yes" and skipping the scenes entirely. Yes I know that what I chose not to witness was key story events that were supposed to be climatic as hell -yet I did it anyway.

I continued skipping scenes that I was thinking could be part of a prolonged wailing way of woe until I got to Hexen Isle. The Skit dialogue suggests everything is better now, so I can stop doing that. Since at least Symphonia, Tales has had a story Synopsis, 99% of players probably never reference it, but I check one entry to get some sense of what I missed, Skits told me enough otherwise. Better secondhand than firsthand in this case. Though I apologize to @Shrimpica if I just missed out on Magilou's big moment, it's my fault and I acknowledge that😅, I won't hold it against her.

My tolerance for character suffering seems pretty darned low. I think what I just did means 75% of visual novels are off the table for me. If I ever complain about generic insipid stories, well if the only spice available is torment, then I'll settle for banality. Shrimpy, I guess you probably relished😋 in the events I callously jumped past, but all I wanted was to get them over with before they even began.

-Not that I dislike Berseria as a result of what I did! I still enjoy it.😀 I can't honestly say I truly regret my inflexible choice. Yet, I could say I'm here for the journey, for the nice cast, apart from certain aspects of the plot.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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12 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:

*In stories only ofc

And 🛏️?😜

...I do wish I wasn't so rigid, considering how much creativity it likely bars me from experiencing. But then at my age I don't think I've much room to stretch on such an artistic/entertainment matter.

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20 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:

Indeed 😄

Suffering warms my heart, as you know*

*In stories only ofc

Is it time for me to shill Doctor Who again?

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And 🛏️?😜

...I do wish I wasn't so rigid, considering how much creativity it likely bars me from experiencing. But then at my age I don't think I've much room to stretch on such an artistic/entertainment matter.

Honestly I gotcha. My tolerance is higher but it also just depends. There's a difference between suffering builds character and just flat out torture porn. Berserk fits both of these lol.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And 🛏️?😜

Now now let's keep this chat family friendly 😉

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

..I do wish I wasn't so rigid, considering how much creativity it likely bars me from experiencing.

nothing wrong with that, everyone got their likes and their squicks.

Heck, many people probably think i am weird for being so open to so much stuff others would consider crazy, horrifying, etc.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is it time for me to shill Doctor Who again?

backlog big

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I need to stop listening to your dares.


You delivered, as usual!

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Okay, won the Fishing Variety contest in RF4. I only could catch ten different types, but that was enough. Shockingly, Dylas placed third place. Isn't he like... the one the game tends to place as winner? Would've thought he'd place second otherwise, but third was surprising. Well then.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is it time for me to shill Doctor Who again?

I can only imagine that, being so long-running and so out-there, the series has become something of a cafeteria. If there's something you like, there's probably an episode out there that'll give it to you?😛 


4 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:

Now now let's keep this chat family friendly 😉

-But the picture I was considering posting was cropped to the chest-up!

6 minutes ago, Shrimpica said:

nothing wrong with that, everyone got their likes and their squicks.

It's just kinda annoying when I see some indie game gets reviewed, and reading about it sounds interesting, poignant. Like it'd be good for expanding the soul's sincere appreciation of the human condition, which is never a bad thing. -But then those very details I'm reading about make me stop at the review itself.😆

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