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14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Well besides that for the Greil Mercs, the 2nd tier models look just like them, making them feel personal, I think they are generally much better put together.

That is how class design works yes. In any game with 3D models, the characters always look like their models until they promote.

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My family that I live with, who have pretty drastically differing political views that I had their very skewed news playing and they took a break to beg the audience to fill out their poll, knowing what a vast majority of their audience would say. So I filled out with all of my answers completely disagreeing with their party. I did a good thing. Woo! Democracy! AMERICA!! 🇺🇸🦅🎇 /s

As a heads up to anyone who doesn’t know, I have never and will never say things like “Woo! Democracy! AMERICA!! 🇺🇸🦅🎇” un-sarcastically.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

Indeed, although the animations to the backgrounds of the karaoke songs are almost better than the songs.

Judgement's still my favorite right now, though.

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Oh yeah, I recall you mention things about karaoke in those games. Is there like, gameplay for those scenes?

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Oh yeah, I recall you mention things about karaoke in those games. Is there like, gameplay for those scenes?

Yes! It's actually a rhythm game. The Yauza series is kinda known for having tons of side games and side content, allowing the player to progress through the story at their own pace. The karaoke is one such minigame, but there are tons of others, such as Pocket Racer, Dragon Kart, (Basically Mariokart) and more. Some of the Karaoke songs have cutscenes during them as well, such as these two:


Also if you don't watch the top video I post here, you haven't lived.





I would like to point out that this is indeed from the same game that has a really intense and serious main story. That's why I love the side content-The game doesn't take itself too seriously and it's really refreshing without feeling too tonally inconsistent.

The series is EXTREMELY story-heavy, by the way, with cutscenes everywhere. Having not played one, I don't mind, though. It flows very well and the cutscenes don't waste your time. Usually. Taking the most recent game for example, the ending cutscenes are, not including the credits, 35 minutes long. But man...IMO, they're amazing.

...World's longest answer to a short question.

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6 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yes! It's actually a rhythm game. The Yauza series is kinda known for having tons of side games and side content, allowing the player to progress through the story at their own pace. The karaoke is one such minigame, but there are tons of others, such as Pocket Racer, Dragon Kart, (Basically Mariokart) and more. Some of the Karaoke songs have cutscenes during them as well, such as these two:


Also if you don't watch the top video I post here, you haven't lived.

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I would like to point out that this is indeed from the same game that has a really intense and serious main story. That's why I love the side content-The game doesn't take itself too seriously and it's really refreshing without feeling too tonally inconsistent.

Well congratulations, you just put a series on my radar. One of these is for the ps4 right? What would you recommend?

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15 minutes ago, Benice said:
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Cool but why is there a duck in the corner?

That performance does not seem like something the mafia would do. Either Japan has a really flamboyant mafia or this game is willing to not be a dark and brooding story and not make everyone so serious, aka not taking it self too seriously, which I approve of.

Edit: @twilitfalchion I have heard from Benice. It might matter, it just depends on why.

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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well congratulations, you just put a series on my radar. One of these is for the ps4 right? What would you recommend?

I think they're on PC as well, actually.

Regardless, Yakuza 0! It's the prequel to every other game, and makes the next game (Kiwami 1) so much better.

However, two things: One, the game IS rated M*-That said, having watched a playthrough of both 0 and K1, it's... Honestly not that bad. It's certainly not a peaceful game, but not as bad as expected. I have a really low tolerance for violence and blood, but did okay with Y0. Also, you can turn off blood** in the settings. The most graphic part of 0 is probably the very first cutscene, and it's the most bold the game gets in terms of that stuff, I think. There's also some sus side content*** that is skippable even if you wanna 100% the game, but it's only suggestive and as far as I'm aware, there's no nudity or anything like that.

* All the games are, not just 0, by the way.

**In battle and whatnot. I THINK that cutscenes don't change.

***Nothing too extreme IMO.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Cool but why is there a duck in the corner?

It's the Karaoke mascot. I think.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Either Japan has a really flamboyant mafia or this game is willing to not be a dark and brooding story and not make everyone so serious, aka not taking it self too seriously, which I approve of.

The main story is generally really serious, but the side content is generally lighter and sillier, so it's a fantastic mix IMO. It doesn't feel tonally inconsistent, but rather a full package with a lot of everything.

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

It's the Karaoke mascot. I think.

I think it's a reference to a Kappa.

And yes I did watch it. Roller skating dance act certainly was something.

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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

think it's a reference to a Kappa.

Ah, I think you're right.

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And yes I did watch it. Roller skating dance act certainly was something.

Majima 4ever.

btw @Sooks, Kiryu does make a really terrible first impression, but don't worry-He does get better IMO.

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6 minutes ago, Benice said:

I have a really low tolerance for violence and blood


6 minutes ago, Benice said:

, but did okay with Y0.


6 minutes ago, Benice said:

Also, you can turn off blood**

Double yay!

6 minutes ago, Benice said:

The most graphic part of 0 is probably the very first cutscene, and it's the most bold the game gets in terms of that stuff, I think.

Well let’s see how bad that is.

*searches it up*

That... wasn’t bad at all.

All though I must say, it does really give off generic gangster-game vibes, so I’ll probably hold off until I’m older.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

All though I must say, it does really give off generic gangster-game vibes

I am no expert on Gangster--games, but from what I do know is that, at least to me, Y0 was not generic at all, if that is a concern.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

so I’ll probably hold off until I’m older.

Fair enough!

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

I am no expert on Gangster--games, but from what I do know is that, at least to me, Y0 was not generic at all, if that is a concern.

I worded that very poorly.

...and I forgot to ask the question I wanted to ask. Wow. Disregard that comment.

What’s the core gameplay like? That’s what I want to know.

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Fair enough!

While trying to find the first cutscene I stumbled upon the intro, which was what looked like a montage of parts of cutscenes with guitar playing over it, which I’m guessing is like most intro cutscenes where it plays right when you start playing, and it was mature enough to make me uncomfortable.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Am I missing something here? I don't get you.

Her jelly arms.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

That is how class design works yes. In any game with 3D models, the characters always look like their models until they promote.

Yeah I know. And they look better when they represent their character, imo.

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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What’s the core gameplay like? That’s what I want to know.

You control your protagonist and do whatever you want in an overworld city, (Kamurocho for Kiryu and Sotenbori for Majima) where you can find substories, (There are a LOT-40 for Majima and 60 for Kiryu) minigames or fight with the bad guys! Having not played it, I don't know what it FEELS like, but it's a fighting game.

11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

While trying to find the first cutscene I stumbled upon the intro, which was what looked like a montage of parts of cutscenes with guitar playing over it, which I’m guessing is like most intro cutscenes where it plays right when you start playing, and it was mature enough to make me uncomfortable.

Which intro?



Yikes. I'd almost managed to forget about the Nishitani scene...

Yeah, I get it now. That really does make Y0 look like the world's most generic game ever, + weird stuff...

EDIT: At least it doesn't have the OTHER Nishitani scene...Oof. Forgot about that one too...

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

Yikes. I'd almost managed to forget about the Nishitani scene...


1 hour ago, Benice said:

EDIT: At least it doesn't have the OTHER Nishitani scene...Oof. Forgot about that one too...

Is it worse or better?

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43 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Is it worse or better?

It's been a while (I.E, like two weeks but I have no memory) so I don't remember HOW bad the scene was, but it was another fairly graphic* one if I'm not mistaken, which I very well could be.

I also like how I completely glossed over that part. I completely missed all of the things that make this game M, I guess... Selective memory is a good thing!

*Graphic as in violent, not steamy.

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10 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

The camera being zoomed into a wall so I cant see what's going on is what I mean. That's kinda an issue to me.

Really? I honestly dont think it's broken or anything, I mean losing an ally kinda blows.

no free camera movement is weird. i was at first expecting the battle flow to be similar with xenoblade. i still enjoy it tho after getting used to it

also you cant revive downed ally without other host right? unless maybe im remembering it wrong. since im pretty sure party member ko'd so many times still can grant me win against boss fight when its full party, while its only soren not.
but either way it really feel restricting to me having only 2 real party member with 2 additional seraphim that cant enter fight without a host, and the number of host is at mercy of plot

Edited by joevar
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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just need to be careful not to let her ever get the first fight, lest I risk everyone getting butt windows...

....why did you force the thought of a Gunter butt windows into my head...ugh....


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how maid 2's arrival wasn't what ruined everything for us, it was Elise being a dumbass. Good to know being utterly moronic continues to run in the gray blood of the Nohrian royalty. Now excuse me while I bench the moron for Mozu.

Oof, Elise has one of my favorite personal skills to use, and one of the few units I would have a hard time thinking of playing Conquest without...


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, this is twice now that Kabbãge has been nursed to health by the people she's been ordered to murder by Gray Volcens. And by the looks of it, soon it'll be twice that she'll be responsible for her saviors' deaths

Oh the plot is even dumber than that might the bafflig nobody died comments. Its like the bad DBZ dubs where they talk about how fortunate it is that everyone survived aircraft destruction thanks to the parachutes that we never actually see...


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Besides, Kabbãge's level was shit, so I don't feel too bad about the reset.

Fun fact, on Lunatic the RNs used for level-ups are determined at recruitment, so in general you can't reset for better level-ups.


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Him, that weird electricity monster garbage bag guy, and a whole bunch of facelesses (facelessae? Faceleess? Just faceless? Ah, who cares).

Actually...lightning garbage bag does live, he only returns in Revelations though (as everyone forgets about the Mikoto assassination in the other routes...)


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

and I want to add a boss or two to the team for laughs, so I'm definitely going to keep him around.

You have got to add Gazak, the baddie with a chin as powerful as Arthur (side note save the Paralogue for Arthur's son Percy till after you get Gazak from the Paralogue for Leo's child)


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahahahaha... I blocked half the bridges with my buildings. Amazing. This is going to be great.

You have learned the secrets of beating Invasion maps already...


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Credit where credit's due, though: a fort that's literally the corpse of a long-dead friggin' dragon is metal as fuck. I dig it.

Birthright makes the concept even cooler with the Dragon coming back to life with you in it (although everything else about that map is really boring...)


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's technically-legal shaman that is better than Odin

Certainly not, its just that what makes Odin great is very different from most of the other mages. Odin is by far the best Nostanker in the game (especially if you reclass him to get skills like vantage...)


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah finally! That took... way, way longer than it should've, but I managed to capture Haitaka. Amazing. I hope it was fuckin' worth it.

Well done, Haitaka is a great grab, as that defense rally is great to have at this point in the game.



5 hours ago, Dayni said:


A question for the more experienced with Fates: how is it to actually use the kids? I never felt like it was worth all that much aside from serious investment in them on pairings.

The auto-leving of the Offspring seal makes them a great option if you need to slot a new unit into your team (or replace someone that is dropping off), and with a good mother they are generally slightly better than the normal crew (although its not by much, and it really does depend on inheritance).


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