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Finished Chapter 2 of Bug Fables, not overly long. The first boss fight was harder than I expected, second was actually on the slightly easy side. The third fight was just about right, it was tight, and could've been unfair had I not spent a good deal of TP freezing the healer reinforcement to prevent it from doing its job until it died, although I should've gone back to town and bought more healing items. I can't imagine playing this game on Hard, I'd be dropping dead like flies.

On the leveling situation, great Medals are still rare, although I did find the equivalent to PM's Chill Out, which will remain equipped from here to the end. And I found one nice defense-boosting Medal, and buffing Def is strong so whenever I find more, I'll be sure to invest enough in MP to equip them.  I dumped one rank up more into HP b/c I wanted 10 on Leif and Vi just because. But otherwise, Teamwork Points looks like the way to go, since the last of the above boss fights taught me how powerful skills can possibly be. That sounds odd, because in PM I tended to be HP first, BP second, FP last.


33 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Well, tbh. The difficulty is fine on H1 too, beyond the prologue.

H1 felt weird, some chapters were easily overcome by Maskedwings + Kris, others seemed genuinely hard, and yet others saw me cremated by the ambushes.

I'm not rushing to return to FE12 any day soon. Not to say I dislike it, but Normal being too easy, H1 being a little janky, and anything above H1 tending towards madness...


1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

FE13 doesn't exist anyway. It's the cancelled Wii game. Awakening is FE14...

Correction- FE14 doesn't exist. FE5 is BS Fire Emblem, Thracia is FE6.😛

-Didn't Nintendo seriously consider BSFE it's own numbered entry for a time?

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Correction- FE14 doesn't exist. FE5 is BS Fire Emblem, Thracia is FE6.😛

-Didn't Nintendo seriously consider BSFE it's own numbered entry for a time?

Not quite.



Later, it was discovered that Awakening was internally Fire Emblem 14. So clearly Nintendo/IS were sticking to their guns. (Likewise, Fates is Fire Emblem 15 internally and Echoes is Fire Emblem 16.)

They did once make a statement about BSFE, but it doesn't change the fact that internally Awakening is FE14, and New Mystery is FE12. 13 is the one skipped, which is the Wii game that never came to be.

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Incidentally, both SS and PoR are FE8, since they were in development around the same time. So FE9 is also skipped technically, as RD is FE10, and so on.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Thanks for the clarification!

12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Incidentally, both SS and PoR are FE8, since they were in development around the same time.

PoR is the "true" 8 is it not? I thought it came into development first. Although that is likely influenced by me remembering it was said that Sacred Stones was something of a "hey let's make one GBA FE!" unexpected suggestion that became a real thing, and that SS relied on freelance employees, because PoR called dibs on IS's normal workers.


26 minutes ago, Armagon said:


This actually got under my skin for one fraction of a second. But someone who seriously gets angry at a jesting meme, seriously needs to reconsider their life.😛

But, because why not? I'll plop a tune here.:


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54 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It probably wouldn't have bothered me so much if I hadn't played the Cold Steel games first

What playing Cold Steel first does to a person

54 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Especially if it almost feels like it's the only note Trails can play. Use it once, fine, I can live with that. But when it happens after every single goddamned boss fight, then we have a problem on our hands.

in Sky and Crossbell it doesn't. Only at the beginning. 

Infact the same way Cassius saved Estelle at the start happened in Crossbell in the first dungeon as well hah.

Also even Yunica got saved at the start...

Edited by Shrimperor
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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thanks for the clarification!

PoR is the "true" 8 is it not? I thought it came into development first. Although that is likely influenced by me remembering it was said that Sacred Stones was something of a "hey let's make one GBA FE!" unexpected suggestion that became a real thing, and that SS relied on freelance employees, because PoR called dibs on IS's normal workers.

I think? Admittedly I don't know. But I can see it. SS could've easily been completed first even if it started second in development.

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Steam sale lookin good...

And i would've picked something (quite a few things actually) up, but...


I will be spending a 60 in less than 2 weeks


And ofcourse nothing Gust is on sale

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You'd think Tomas would qualify as Spanish as well, but that's not true. He would if he was Tomás. Tomas is just Thomas with a hard T. So Roberto is still the pioneer of being Spanish without being a brigand.

What I'm trying to say is, FE12 time. I will only play one map, because I really don't feel like taking on chapter 19 right now.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Infact the same way Cassius saved Estelle at the start happened in Crossbell in the first dungeon as well hah.

Gotta say, while I didn't find it infuriating or anything like that, I also thought that moment was iffy. Estelle turned around way ahead of time to see the monster coming, and it was just a regular-ass generic like the ones she'd been fighting. She could've taken it on, no problem. But then dad jumps in and doesn't give her the chance - which makes sense, I mean, obviously he wouldn't want to take even the slightest risk with his daughter. Up to this point it's fine.

What isn't as fine for me is that the game immediately takes it as an opportunity to lambast Estelle for being reckless and almost getting herself killed even though that isn't at all what happened and prop up Joshua as the levelheaded, smart, perfect one of the two. Which... Honestly, was a consistent... I don't know if to call it flaw, but definitely a thing that annoyed me about the stretch of Trails that I played. Let her have a win, goddamnit, Estelle being bullied isn't so interesting the 20th time.

Just now, Shrimperor said:

Steam sale lookin good...

And i would've picked something up, but...


I will be spending a 60 in less than 2 weeks

No Banner Saga, then. Shame.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

What isn't as fine for me is that the game immediately takes it as an opportunity to lambast Estelle for being reckless and almost getting herself killed even though that isn't at all what happened and prop up Joshua as the levelheaded, smart, perfect one of the two. Which... Honestly, was a consistent... I don't know if to call it flaw, but definitely a thing that annoyed me about the stretch of Trails that I played.

Yeah i can understand where you are coming from. I don't necessarily agree, but i understand

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let her have a win, goddamnit, Estelle being bullied isn't so interesting the 20th time.

she gets the biggest Wins later on (well, if the player is good enough)

(if the player is bad Cassius actually cucks you out of your victories haha)

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You know, I was already proud of Sylvis. She crippled numerous bounties without Maim or Apeiron. She got several good levels. But this was a whole new level.

I was trying to have Czene injure Riddle with the Bolt Knife I picked up in 5-1. I was using Esteban as human bait to get Riddle onto a cliff tile to set up Mercy Percy strats (no rank for lightning orb yet tho). But then something absolutely insane happened. When Riddle entered Sylvis's Overwatch range with the Apeiron, she landed the hit on the cliff tile, procced Maim, and crippled him in one shot.

Sylvis, Czene, Perceval, and Esteban are now my designated Cripple Squad. These 4 have been getting shit done.

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

she gets the biggest Wins later on (well, if the player is good enough)

That seems to be the trend here, doesn't it. It's always later on...

7 minutes ago, Spara said:

You know, I was already proud of Sylvis. She crippled numerous bounties without Maim or Apeiron. She got several good levels. But this was a whole new level.

I was trying to have Czene injure Riddle with the Bolt Knife I picked up in 5-1. I was using Esteban as human bait to get Riddle onto a cliff tile to set up Mercy Percy strats (no rank for lightning orb yet tho). But then something absolutely insane happened. When Riddle entered Sylvis's Overwatch range with the Apeiron, she landed the hit on the cliff tile, procced Maim, and crippled him in one shot.


Sylvis best waifu.

7 minutes ago, Spara said:

Sylvis, Czene, Perceval, and Esteban are now my designated Cripple Squad. These 4 have been getting shit done.

Sylvis getting shit done isn't surprising. It's the norm.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Sylvis getting shit done isn't surprising. It's the norm.

True. Having 3 Eagle braces and the +10 Hit brace makes Perceval so much easier to train. Hell, this is his second deployment outside of 6-m and he's 15 Thunder skill now.

Also, I now have 6 pieces of furniture: Treasure Chest, Porcelain Vase, Coffers, Sword Mount, Art: Revival, and Tapestry

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Actually, I've changed my mind. It's been a bit of a tiring day, I think I'd rather just play some TF2.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I mean do you want her to be perfect from the start?

Do you want her...to be Joshua?

I don't want her to be perfect, but I would've appreciated it if the characters acknowledged when she did good things. It felt like no matter what she did the characters always found a reason to be like "well actually, it was a nice thing you did but you were too reckless" and then Joshua jumps in to be like "please forgive her, she's just so silly and reckless" and then the characters are like "not like you Joshua, you're awesome, why don't you be more like Joshua Estelle".

It was so fucking annoying.

3 minutes ago, Spara said:

True. Having 3 Eagle braces and the +10 Hit brace makes Perceval so much easier to train. Hell, this is his second deployment outside of 6-m and he's 15 Thunder skill now.

Missival no more. It's hittival now.


Also, I now have 6 pieces of furniture: Treasure Chest, Porcelain Vase, Coffers, Sword Mount, Art: Revival, and Tapestry



2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I don't disagree



Are you secretly a weeb?

Oh no my secret has been discovered, and I hid it so well, how could this have happeneeeeed.

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Read Chainsaw Man.


23 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Welp, I'm gonna go be an asshole somewhere else.
Be seeing you!

No! Be an asshole here! Let's be assholes together!

23 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

What playing Cold Steel first does to a person

Cold Steel 2 and 3 are with the lowest discount in PSN history (at least here). I plan to buy one of them. Probably 3 because it's only available on PS4 (it's the only way I can run it), but 2 is cheaper.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Considering that like half the furniture left is like <20k, more is an inevitability.

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