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Oh. Oh wait hang on. The roguelike challenge mode is actually pretty fun. Because it keeps going. Like even on the base difficulty on the first level, it's pretty damn fun.

It's definitely meant for post-game tho.

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Do not ask how her hair can be like that. Class Inheritor is Mio btw. Masha's a Kevesi Healer too, they finally got a good Healer class.

Makes sense since Ino was an Agnian Defender.


Emblems, you say?



See this is actually cool as shit because it's that mechanic from Ch.1 that only matters in Ch.1.





This sounds busted but getting even one charge in takes a while. 

The first level lasted 30 rounds, with enemies approaching the lower 40s in level (you are locked to Lv.30).

Anyways Hero Roster stuff (endgame Xenoblade 3 spoilers)



Masha is the last Hero we get. There is now a perpetual empty spot on the roster. 0/10.


9 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Gotta balance it somehow!

Honestly i feel that Lucky Seven doesn't actually snap this mode in two. I mean, maybe a bit. Even when you get it going, there's wave after wave and having allies be KO'd cuts into your rewards, which you need to refill the Nopwatch.

Edited by Armagon
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So while Hikari didn’t do it, Partitio does acknowledge whoever is your lead or main character.


Castti still doesn’t get any dialogue here but it’s okay, if party interaction has been improved I can live with it.

Also before you get mad at me Ruben, I had time to walk around a little more on the save file I’m importing to the main game but not to do a 2 part story beginning, so that’s the reason why I did do a little Octopathing but not Osvald.

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Would it be too Zoomer of me to say that Beartic looks like something from Club Penguin?


Alright I admit it, the act of finally getting here is really invoking a childlike whimsiness.


Of bloody course the final area is a cave.

Well no matter, I'll climb atop this mountain and beat the Elite Four! Because with my Pokemon at my side, anything is possibl-


So I got my ass severely handed to me on a silver platter just at the first Elite and I'm supposed to do all of these in one go.

Sigh Alright time to grind...


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Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

Would it be too Zoomer of me to say that Beartic looks like something from Club Penguin?

What was the threshold again?

I don't even know what Generation I'm suppose to be anyway.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

Alright I admit it, the act of finally getting here is really invoking a childlike whimsiness.

Savor it.


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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:



So I got my ass severely handed to me on a silver platter just at the first Elite and I'm supposed to do all of these in one go.

Sigh Alright time to grind...

You got this. Just remember to stock up on revives and full restores (or the best type of potions if you are on e budget) from the shop there, that way you can get your whole team into fighting shape between Elite Four members. Also if you are willing to switch up your team, a good Dark type can crush like half of this Elite Four.


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12 hours ago, ping said:

Another chill, randomised Pokemon adventure to play on the side. Since Johto's rival is going to be "#1 Most Likely To Commit War Crimes" in his college yearbook, it felt appropriate to name him after @Saint Rubenio.

I can't believe I missed this.

May Ruben have the best of luck in his future battles.

12 hours ago, ping said:

Plus, incidentally, he chose to steal a meek Azurill instead of an overpowered Gabite from the professor, which seems like the level of self-sabotage that Ruben would condone.

Ah yes, he's doing the Pokemon Minimum Ranks run.

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

What the fuck

Don't ask.

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

You can always rely on Shaky Jones and his saucy takes.

Do you even have blood in your bones? How does that work?

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

So Spaniards CAN cry. Good to know.

We can do a lot of things. We cannot fire guns, however.

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Bro gonna cast fire 2.

Fire 2: Electric Boolganoone

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Half of me still wants to see your team because it's like looking in a mirror, fueling my ego.

I can send it to you on Discord later. You'd have trouble finding it here, it's way back. Maybe if you search for the word Lindon you can find it lol

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

I urge everyone to use Lindon. 

I agree.

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Yeah, you recommend Trachina.

Haha, yeah, that was a fun time.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:


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About Malaya: THANK YOUUUU. I knew that there would be temporary party members before I started so I was unendingly confused why she wasn’t a temporary party member. Now that we know what they were gonna do with her, they really should have made her playable and given her an actually existing (and likable, for the sake of the twist) personality but they didn’t do that because… ??? And her audio is so bad it makes you really question what happened there.

I thought the boss was great. I didn’t have much trouble because I barely used dark seeds, so…



Yeah, I enjoyed the boss too. It was fun.


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

What alternate animations?

Sometimes she swings the axe horizontally instead of downwards. It's small, but in Octopath 1 those kinda of different swings weren't a thing. It adds to the visual flair.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Also, what did Castti say in the boss fight, if you remember? I didn’t notice anything special, but I played Hikari’s chapter and it was absolutely there.



When the thin boss cannibalized the fat boss she reacted with disgust and said some lines about it. It wasn't anything life-changing, but I do like that they're (seemingly) doing this for every boss now.


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Yes, now I can get into my opinions on this chapter. Also fuck you for pulling a Castti moment with the text before this spoiler box, but you played her chapter so all is forgiven.


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Although I will say, about Osvald, I wouldn’t be surprised if his beginning is the best in the game. However, the last game also had a character focused on revenge whose first chapter was arguably the best in the game, and her story completely peaked there with the rest being ehhhhhh, so I’m not gonna pick him solely based on that. As you’ve seen, Castti leaves a lot of intrigue for her future chapters, so I’m going with her. That’s not to say I think Osvald will be bad, I really hope he improves on Primrose, but fool me once and all that.

I won't go into detail until you get around to paying your dues to me, but suffice to say: If taken at first value it might not look like all that, but there are... certain interesting implications. We'll talk more when you get there.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Anyway, about Castti

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So yes, it is a cool moment, and I had zero indication it was coming. Before this it was literally just a super basic Octopath chapter, as you said it could have fit right in with Alfyn’s story if you cut the amnesia. She shows up to a town, there’s a problem her unique talents are good for solving there, and egads, a boss monster is behind it all! Better take it out.

Anyway, about the twist, good on you for figuring it out. I took one look at Malaya, at her slightly plain design, her lack of personality, and her not becoming a guest character and was like “oh yeah, she’s definitely evil” to the point where I never considered any possibility for her and got caught completely off guard with that. I mean I guess she could still be evil but… I wanted to see if the twist was obvious to someone who didn’t have their head so far up their own ass they could only think of one thing.

The glitch is a nice moment, that sort of effect makes me optimistic for her story. Did you catch the music that plays during that flashback scene? I really love it, it’s such a nice track.

So anyway, the contrivances. The whole plot revolves around the fact that inquiring with Malaya triggers a memory about her which seems totally believable (not that I know much about memory loss). This memory leads her to realize Malaya knows much more than she’s revealing and try to question her but, conveniently, at that moment her whole body starts hurting and she halfway collapses to the ground and can’t walk over to Malaya, and presumably her voice is affected as well since she doesn’t scream or anything. Okay, but 30 seconds before then Malaya happens to know to start walking away with no indication that Castti is remembering her (at least that we’re aware of), which makes the whole thing rather convenient. Then, right after that happens and Castti is like “man, if only I could go on a journey to figure out what happened” she happens to find a “hidden compartment” in her satchel that she’s had to look through for at least half a day with no idea who she is. And she just randomly happens to find the book then. The book is soaked in blood but it’s okay because two town names weren’t covered, and it’s just like, okay guys, she’s getting pretty luck here…

I don’t mind that much though, because the glitch thing is good enough that I can look past this and the rest of the chapter being a little generic, and plot contrivances don’t really bother me when they’re not resolutions to actual conflicts.




Hahaha... Okay, yeah, you make some fair points.

Castti suddenly losing her bearings could be more than a contrivance. Could be an indication that she's afflicted by the sickness everyone talks about. We'll see if they go anywhere more with that.

The hidden compartment is a little suspect, but depending on what her past turns out to be, it could make perfect sense for her to have it. As for her finding it right then... She also did say she needed to look for clues, so she figured it'd be worth giving the satchel a more thorough look. Though the way this is conveyed is pretty clunky, I agree.

The blood IS pretty convenient though.


8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Also I got the Octopath Traveler II demo (despite never finishing the first game), though I haven't decided who to start with. Ochette normally wouldn't be the kind of character I would start with, but she has Rixia's VA and collecting Legendary Pokémon sounds interesting. Wait, but Throné's VA also voiced Rixia...

So there is this man called V. Vanstein.

8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Armagon will save the best games, The Faces of Evil and The Wand of Gamelon, for last.

Mah boi

7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Derp, ignore this. Here's Sommie:


I have curiosity, but I will take this Sommie.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio Idk if you know this but there’s unique dialogue between party members in battle. After Hikari breaks an enemy and Castti moves (which is what I’m guessing causes it) she says “nice work, Hikari”.

Yes, I am aware. They flaunted it on the trailer lol

3 hours ago, Armagon said:


Anyways Hero Roster stuff (endgame Xenoblade 3 spoilers)

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Masha is the last Hero we get. There is now a perpetual empty spot on the roster. 0/10.



Irrelevant. Triton is there.


3 hours ago, Sooks said:

So while Hikari didn’t do it, Partitio does acknowledge whoever is your lead or main character.


Castti still doesn’t get any dialogue here but it’s okay, if party interaction has been improved I can live with it.

That is very neat.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Also before you get mad at me Ruben, I had time to walk around a little more on the save file I’m importing to the main game but not to do a 2 part story beginning, so that’s the reason why I did do a little Octopathing but not Osvald.

The fire in my breast shall never extinguish.

Until you play Osvald's story.

Dew it, Sooks.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Would it be too Zoomer of me to say that Beartic looks like something from Club Penguin?

Haha, you are young. I point and laugh.

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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Its funny that you rolled a starter as your starter.


To be fair, I think there is a randomizer option for preventing early game issues with Dragon Rage.

Arguably the most boring option to pick a starter, but a baby Pokemon would've been a bit too frustrating (especially because iirc, friendship evolution can take until Lv. 20-25) while Gabite Gible would've been too OP for my taste between Dragon Rage in the early- to midgame and, well, being Garchomp against the Elite 4 and in Kanto.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can't believe I missed this.

May Ruben have the best of luck in his future battles.

I'm sure he'll be a happy and successful trainer and will never have a nervous breakdown after losing a battle against a bleeding heart who then lectures him about the importance of treating your Pokemon with love and respect.

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3 minutes ago, ping said:

I'm sure he'll be a happy and successful trainer and will never have a nervous breakdown after losing a battle against a bleeding heart who then lectures him about the importance of treating your Pokemon with love and respect.

Just throw one of those beardmons at him, he'll learn on his own.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:


Do not ask how her hair can be like that. Class Inheritor is Mio btw. Masha's a Kevesi Healer too, they finally got a good Healer class.



See this is actually cool as shit because it's that mechanic from Ch.1 that only matters in Ch.1.


Anyways Hero Roster stuff (endgame Xenoblade 3 spoilers)

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Masha is the last Hero we get. There is now a perpetual empty spot on the roster. 0/10.


hmm for a moment there i thought "wdym by good healer class, we got plenty" then remembered all the good healer are in Agnian side


the mechanic in ch1 means that timer stuff that doenst really matter in the end right?


bad design/planning oof. that hole will leave gap that will be remembered for a while maybe its for Fei-lookalike


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53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Saphir art? On my birthday?

Aww, you shouldn't have, kind stranger.

also starring my least dislike map chapter. altho drawing her on that map is spot on


2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


sure. if we're not talking about defender class


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@Sooks I have drawn Castti.

However, until you pay your debts to me, you only get Partitio.


Your move.

40 minutes ago, joevar said:


did they really just put "good guy" face to a random mob without names? 😕  or his name is actually imperial ? that s one hell of a name his parent gave him

Ahh, that one. You'll find out what's up with him... Perhaps.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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When the thin boss cannibalized the fat boss she reacted with disgust and said some lines about it. It wasn't anything life-changing, but I do like that they're (seemingly) doing this for every boss now.

Oh yeah that. Cool moment.

Hikari has that, but I meant he also has battle lines that are unique to the boss (I’m assuming, since he mentions the boss by name).

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I won't go into detail until you get around to paying your dues to me, but suffice to say: If taken at first value it might not look like all that, but there are... certain interesting implications. We'll talk more when you get there.

So, like Castti again? Nice:

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


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Hahaha... Okay, yeah, you make some fair points.

Castti suddenly losing her bearings could be more than a contrivance. Could be an indication that she's afflicted by the sickness everyone talks about. We'll see if they go anywhere more with that.

The hidden compartment is a little suspect, but depending on what her past turns out to be, it could make perfect sense for her to have it. As for her finding it right then... She also did say she needed to look for clues, so she figured it'd be worth giving the satchel a more thorough look. Though the way this is conveyed is pretty clunky, I agree.

The blood IS pretty convenient though.


Considering the fact that she has an axe on her and totally remembers how to make poisons as well, I can believe she would need a secret compartment (although now that I think about it, Alfyn’s had the ability to make poisons even though he’s just a doctor). The fact that she happens to find it right then is incredibly convenient, because if it’s so secret, how does she find it immediately on going “I should look deeper”? But if it’s that easy to find, why is she just now finding it? That could just be me, but the secret compartment felt like the biggest contrivance.

I felt like the implication was that her amnesia knocked her off her feet for no reason, but I could’ve been wrong about that. I am kinda used to plot convenient memory loss, I guess.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, I am aware. They flaunted it on the trailer lol

Oh. Well.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The fire in my breast shall never extinguish.

Until you play Osvald's story.

What if I didn’t want it to extinguish

27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

@Sooks I have drawn Castti.

However, until you pay your debts to me, you only get Partitio.


Your move.

Do not tempt me. I am not afraid to insult your artistic ability.

Edited by Sooks
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I went back and played Shadow Dragon again (never beat it the first time) and I just laughed at the realization that Fire Emblem is a game meant to be full of strategy and thinking, yet so much of the community agrees that you have to get Gording to level 20 in chapter 1


Edit: He's level 10 right now

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2 hours ago, joevar said:

did they really just put "good guy" face to a random mob without names? 😕  or his name is actually imperial ? that s one hell of a name his parent gave him

"Imperial" is probably just meant as a general label. Not meant to indicate that the person with it literally has no name.

I have to imagine that coming up with dozens of individual names for each map would probably take ages.

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5 hours ago, joevar said:

the mechanic in ch1 means that timer stuff that doenst really matter in the end right?

No the Nopwatch can actually fuck you over if you let it run out. Refilling it costs more points each time.

On Pro level, there's 140 rounds.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Saphir art? On my birthday?

Happy birthday Ruben man.

Fun fact: Saphir has the biggest abs out of any character in the game.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Hey Lone Exile and Full Metal Jaguar are good.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

is the correct side

Triton doesn't fall into either because Soulhacker is a DIY class.

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14 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Sigh Alright time to grind...

Just hack some rare candies


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Saphir art? On my birthday?

Aww, you shouldn't have, kind stranger.

Happy birthday man!


Edited by Newtype06
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