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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I do entertain his nonsense more than most people here, don't I.

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You have a funny way of classifying my disarming yet charming philosophical insight of great wisdom Rubenio. Nonsense you say?

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14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, it is rather admirable to want to leave anime behind. Soon you too will grow a beard.

But I already have a beard

13 hours ago, ping said:

And, à propos de rien, his name is a musical pun: Ghetsis = G-Cis = G-C#, which is a tritone, the "devil's interval".

I prefer to call him "Denis"

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Eh, well mostly chronological since I'll be playing the remakes of the games that have them instead of the original, save for maybe Diamond and Pearl where the remakes I hear aren't the greatest in the world.

To be fair, the originals also aren't

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

One of these days I'd like to return and explore post-game, maybe even try and catch all the Pokemon, at least all of them in my version of the game since I can't really trade with anyone, but currently I'm ready to move onto the next game.

The post game actually has story, it explains some things about the Sages and sets up the sequels

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Modding my console is a very nice middle ground to the issue. I am terrified to mod my oldest console but I hear it's easy so...



Just follow the guides and you'll be ok

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Though now I'm curious, can you mod physical copies of games on 3DS or does it have to be digital?

Physical copies works too, I play Eternal X using my X cartridge. Just drop the mod files on the folder and Luma3DS will make it work.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Arielle is just lucky that her entire family is completely brainless and makes her look good by comparison. She still very much gets victimized at one point, not to mention the time she sat by and watched a loved one die, refusing to use the insanely powerful healing magic that she's established to possess, which is capable of healing death.

...that scene was so frustrating, I swear...

Sure, she was taken hostage by Zade's group.

Then she got her captors to follow her orders, got Cordelian POWs freed and roped them into helping, infiltrated her brother's fortress, sabotaged his siege equipment, roped General Paulos into helping out while she was on it and just for extra style points confronted her brother after she had him placed completely into checkmate.

So I really don't think she relies on others to make her look cool as hell.

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30 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

You have a funny way of classifying my disarming yet charming philosophical insight of great wisdom Rubenio. Nonsense you say?

And you have a funny way of describing it, but sure, let's go with that, old friend.

26 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

But I already have a beard

A longer one.

14 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Sure, she was taken hostage by Zade's group.

Then she got her captors to follow her orders, got Cordelian POWs freed and roped them into helping, infiltrated her brother's fortress, sabotaged his siege equipment, roped General Paulos into helping out while she was on it and just for extra style points confronted her brother after she had him placed completely into checkmate.

So I really don't think she relies on others to make her look cool as hell.

Let's not forget the first time we see her, she's been captured by a generic brigand group with zero hope of escaping by herself. I agree that she handles herself well after that - even if the other scene I brought up seriously soured my opinion of her - but her introduction very much feels like Kaga just had to get the victim moment out of the way.

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let's not forget the first time we see her, she's been captured by a generic brigand group with zero hope of escaping by herself. I agree that she handles herself well after that - even if the other scene I brought up seriously soured my opinion of her - but her introduction very much feels like Kaga just had to get the victim moment out of the way.

Honestly, she handles herself well during that captivity too.
The only reason the Red Hands got her to do anything was because they threatened a convenient handmaiden that exists just for this one scene. Because coercing Arielle directly could not possibly have worked.
Even when the leader goes berserk and attacks her, she is not impressed. Barely takes any damage from him either.

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1 hour ago, ping said:



@Edelguardiansing - acceptable? I thought that Bronzor was sufficiently shield-like to be named a noble guard.

Gets a thumbs up from me.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Literally the biggest problem with the Diamond and Pearl remakes was that they were not remakes of Platinum. If you are going to play one of the Sinnoh games make it Platinum, it improves on Diamond and Pearl in a lot of ways, from literally running faster, changing the gym order a little to cut out some pointless backtracking, making the villain story a bit more substantive, and remembering that Fire type pokemon exist despite deciding to make an Elite Four member a "Fire" type trainer.

Also what do you mean by Chronological, as there is an in universe timeline as well as the classic generation/release date order. In Universe Red/Blue/Yellow take place at roughly the same time as Ruby/Saphire/Emerald, with Gold/Silver and Diamond/Pearl/Platinum taking place about 3 years after; Black/White take place a ambiguous amount of time after that, with Black 2/White 2 taking place about 2 years after that, with X/Y taking place at around the same time, and about 2 years after that is Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon take place. After that things get a bit ambiguous, but it is thought that Sword/Shield take place an ambiguous amount of time after the last game, and Scarlet and Violet take place an ambiguous amount of time after that.

I'm thinking something like this


Going by order of release date by region.


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Because I am very responsible with my money, I promoted everyone in Engage. Lucina's paralogue was rather trivial at this point in the game, even with four newly promoted units. I'll use this opportunity to help the other characters catch up to the main team, with Alear and Redacted acting as support.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I dunno, there's also Corrin, Azura, Sothis, Veyle... Even Panne in the game with no feet, funnily enough. For the past few games they've seemed to love their waifus that are barefoot for no reason. And given their, uh... online reception, it's not like the fanbase is complaining about it.

Sure, someone at IS is probably into that sort of thing. ...That still doesn't explain why they made Panette's slightly larger than average, however.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's right up my alley. Old, ugly, cartoonishly evil to the point of hilarity, an abusive parent...

He has a pretty cool theme, too.


4 hours ago, ping said:

Honestly, the nations in general are very on-the-nose. Land #1 is peaceful Dutchbritfrance consisting of lush grassland, land #2 is all mountains, land #3 is icy, land #4 is dry desert, if I recall the world map correctly... Of course, it doesn't help the worldbuilding that the gang is moving from one country to the next very quickly thus far, but the world map reinforces that kinda simplistic structure of four "Lands of {biome}".

Now we just need a tropical kingdom, jungle kingdom, sky kingdom, and lava kingdom, and then we'll have a full New Super Mario Bros. game.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

To be fair, I was making reference to how in Japan Three Houses is instead named in reference to the seasons:

Fire Emblem: Three Houses vs Fire Emblem: 風花雪月 | kantopia (wordpress.com)

Fun fact, the Japanese name of Three Houses was supposed to be "Three Houses", but they couldn't think of a way to properly convey that in Japanese (presumably so that it wasn't referring to literal houses), so they called it "Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon" instead.

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@Saint Rubenio I did the thing.

Uh… well, he was better than Hikari.


Getting to escape a prison was cool. Especially with the whole “the escape is hopeless” vibe. Mugging people also seems like the first actually fun nighttime path action, I spent too much time and too many items making sure I mugged everyone on Frigit Isle just before leaving… just for the heck of it, really.

It’s kind of lame that scholar doesn’t get the funny two hit magic skills again, tho. The new skills… are kind of underwhelming. Osvald’s latent power seems cool tho.

Emerald leaving Osvald doesn’t make much sense. I mean I guess he’s just an idiot, but why does he talk about how Osvald is “different” before randomly leaving? I guess it could’ve been a bad thing, but since he questions whether Osvald committed the crime he was sentenced for and says he’s different from the other prisoners, it really sounds like he means different in a good way. Then he completely changes his tune and decides to go commit suicide via inspectors for no reason, I mean he already rode the ice boat and saw that it worked. Sure freezing to death could happen, but it seems like a much better chance than… that.

I liked the whole motif of every night him hearing the whole “Osvald, did you find an answer?” thing or whatever the question was for multiple reasons. And I like how open ended the end of his chapter 2 was, he knows nothing about what to do other than who he’s after.

But I mean, the whole two chapters were okay. Everything other than that stuff was eh. I’m a little confused what was so great about it. It’s not bad or anything tho, it really is better than Hikari.

Castti drawing when

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9 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Nah. Doesn't matter who captures him.

That being said, it should be easy enough to capture baby Zelgius here. Because just like some of your previous captures, he has the hidden Weakness skill, making him more susceptible to cripples.

Because of all the different arrows, it's easy for the Apeiron to deal just the right amount of damage you need. The problem is that our baby here has a shield. So you don't know exactly how much damage you need in advance to maximize your capture chance. Probably why they give you several tries for this.
Percival can help in situations like this. Because he has Mercy and access to Lightning. So he can overkill enemies just fine and still leave them alive. And of course shields are of little concern for him. Problem is, he needs 3 levels from his base in order to properly use Lightning.
Bodkin Arrows might also help. Their attack power is a joke, but they do ignore shields. So at least they can provide reliable damage in these kind of situations.

Forget about Maim. It's worthless. I have to imagine Sylvis only has it because she likes to capture people in cutscenes, and they felt this needed to be represented by her skillset.
Maybe at one point it was a Command skill and a little too useful? Who knows.

ok so how many more attempt i got? 

im curious now, that i might even attempt to retry chapter 8 if the save games still available

i actually like having oddball and hhidden trivia like this. a bit more than having to babysit Sherlock and Adel with their love who keep getting into trouble.


if Maim were a command, but use similar rules to Arthur flourish (?) with cooldown, then its not too useful. because i stopped using it due to how unreliable it is. ARthur skill proc injuries less times than thaddy make injuries out of enemy with the dagger. 

Edited by joevar
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Berwick Saga Chapter 6, 7, 8: Run for your lives

2 identical story mission with 1 kinda different but ultimately same mission between it. Is this how story mission going to be moving forward? cant say i hate it, but i dont like it either if nothing changes. 

The story still consistently good. unless theres major slip up, i think its safe to say at this point, i will put it among the likes of PS1 Suikoden. basically my favorites in terms of war story. And Volcen just had to be a dick again huh. its frustrating, but considering some nation history in the world did actually going through exactly like that make the story still believable. (incompetent Leader with crooked advisor)

Gameplay.. has settled for me. Misses still happen in the most inooportune moment, not as much tho. And some unreliable looking class if they were in older FE actually reliable amuses me somewhat. I really dont know whether im Bad, Good, or its just well crafted/designed map, but in these 3 story mission i keep finishing exactly 24 turn where its also the final turn, with barely enough Movement point for withdraw/retreat. Maybe a little mix of those 3.

chapter 6



last time it was Healer, this time it was Marcel. one worng move and marcel wont make it in time to retreat.

at this map i finally notice that different enemy class gives different exp value, not just their levels.

Ward loses his horse when its time to retreat, such drama. Also Enid... lvl 1 ?! oh cmon not growth type unit again in this kind of game. at least she got decent stat with good Prf weapon. still not gonna use her though



huh.. so @Saint Rubeniothis Enid is the one where she need Mag stat to promote right? i guess its fitting and rather obvious if we pay attention to her dialogue with perceval

Chapter 7


Forgot to screencap...

but cmon,.. Night (Fog) map, rescue mission, time limit, also need sherlock & czene for sidequest?! oof

i actually retry the whole map back into city preparation because i just failed. second try i just dont care about those 2 sidequest. czene too unreliable compared to Thaddy somehow. and sherlock skill one-two and double skill wont mean a damn thing if he keep missing

also almost lost ward.. the enemy lieutenant with Levin is Ward bane somehow. Daoud almost OHKO enemy armor boss lmao. His skillset is very good.

but wait..


noooo where did Tianna go. now a maid actually serve as maid like Reese wanted pfft.

oh well, Tianna deserve some break and happiness too.


Chapter 8



first promotion is Izerna. then again i keep spamming her healing orb its not really a suprised


Wow the most Russian name serving a Prince with the most Arabic name. diversity

Also their prince as bad as Volcen delightfully amuses me. The story keeps me entertained against the (mostly) frustrating gameplay.


see.. finishing at 24 turn yet again. damn you Dutch sounding name Boss! i failed to kill you





on the other side of party, we got Sherlock and Adel who keeps chasing some skirt. Then we got chad Brick Guy Marcel whos like this.

basically "reject frail girls Love, embrace Love for the Motherland"


Current chapter (6-7-8); Story 9/war comedy, Gameplay 8/marathon

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10 minutes ago, joevar said:

Berwick Saga Chapter 6, 7, 8: Run for your lives

2 identical story mission with 1 kinda different but ultimately same mission between it. Is this how story mission going to be moving forward? cant say i hate it, but i dont like it either if nothing changes. 

Yeah i agree with you there. It's the weakest part of the game imo. Starting Ch.11 or so it get's better again. Ch.12-1 especially goat, and is the single greatest fog map ever created.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Emblem of Binding

See this one is fine because the Binding Blade is literally Roy's signature weapon.

Lyn doesn't get that pass tho.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Emblem of the Three Houses was reserved for the House Leaders DLC Emblem.

I thought they were called the Emblem of Rivals.


Ok the bracelet is called the Bracelet of the Three Houses but the Emblem is called the Emblem of Rivals.

Which actually, the ring titles are more accurate. Ring of the 

  • Hero King
  • Caring Princess
  • Holy Knight
  • Sage Lord
  • Young Lion
  • Lady of the Plains
  • Azure Twins (lol)
  • Radiant Hero
  • Dawn Maiden
  • Exalted Princess
  • Crux of Fate
  • Instructor

So yeah while @ping and Ruben's points do stand, at least the ring titles themselves are more accurate. My guess is that "Emblem of *meta title* rolled off the tongue better or something idk.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Why is Griss Dio?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"I have a great idea and I will commit to it even when it becomes clear that it is entirely unfeasible."

That's just the Kaga MO.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Also what do you mean by Chronological, as there is an in universe timeline as well as the classic generation/release date order. In Universe Red/Blue/Yellow take place at roughly the same time as Ruby/Saphire/Emerald, with Gold/Silver and Diamond/Pearl/Platinum taking place about 3 years after; Black/White take place a ambiguous amount of time after that, with Black 2/White 2 taking place about 2 years after that, with X/Y taking place at around the same time, and about 2 years after that is Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon take place. After that things get a bit ambiguous, but it is thought that Sword/Shield take place an ambiguous amount of time after the last game, and Scarlet and Violet take place an ambiguous amount of time after that.

Also, ORAS canonically takes place in an alternate timeline, that's how they justify having Mega Evolution in a region that didn't have it before.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm thinking something like this


Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon butchers the original's story. Which sucks because Gen 7 did this thing where there are actually exclusive Pokemon in USUM that don't exist in SM's code.

As for the Switch games, Sword and Shield can be thrown away but do give Scarlet and Violet a shot. Had it not been for performance, Gen 9 is on par with Gen 5, in some ways better.

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27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I thought they were called the Emblem of Rivals.


Ok the bracelet is called the Bracelet of the Three Houses but the Emblem is called the Emblem of Rivals.

Which actually, the ring titles are more accurate. Ring of the 

  • Hero King
  • Caring Princess
  • Holy Knight
  • Sage Lord
  • Young Lion
  • Lady of the Plains
  • Azure Twins (lol)
  • Radiant Hero
  • Dawn Maiden
  • Exalted Princess
  • Crux of Fate
  • Instructor

So yeah while @ping and Ruben's points do stand, at least the ring titles themselves are more accurate. My guess is that "Emblem of *meta title* rolled off the tongue better or something idk.

Oh yes, the Rings are specifically named for the characters. While the Emblems are more symbolic names... which for most it's just the game subtitle. So yeah.

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53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Why is Griss Dio?

Bumped into this a few days ago.

As for why- Tatsuya's Japanese VA. And a certain character of another game I do like. Translated lyrics in the first comment.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Tatsuya's Japanese VA

Koyasu's the funniest man alive because he has like two voices: deep intimidating and deep funny and both are like on the exact same wavelength. The man simultaneously has a lot of range and no range at all.

That still doesn't answer why Griss is Di-



See, i didn't think about this until literally just now

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