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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@Interdimensional Observer I can get the Animal Flutes later right? I don't have to get them right after beating Moonlit Grotto right?

I mean i recall you saying the animal chosen doesn't really matter but i'm just making sure.

You choose before the bridge part or your locked in on Moosh. 

Dimitri you gotta buy the flute I believe? And Ricky I dont know if you can get if you dont save transfer.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

For being the overall boss of practically the entire non-human alliance (barring outliners like Butcher and the Meganoids), Vega was anticlimatic, huh. I should probably play that route one of these days, heh. 

Oh no, I wouldn't call it a downer. I think it was fine that Banpresto chose to have the Vega Allied Forces go down the way they did. Olban got to have the "confident" showdown, roughly comparable to that with the Meganoids, so there was one of those. I liked the fragility and sense of panic behind the Vegan finale, it's nice having villains who are anxious for a change. (Peculiarly, you only fight the Vegans twice in the long midgame, and yet they withdraw from the Moon and are said to be of limited forces at that point too. Duke must've crippled them into a paper tiger status before he got caught.)

That, and the Vegans being paired with the Bharmians worked well once I got to that last split battle. Since, prior to that point, having no experience with Grendizer, I hadn't known their planet was on the verge of destruction. It suddenly clicked that they are in the same boat of being a planetless people, and despite beholding a situation where Earthlings and aliens have just come to a peaceful agreement, they choose to continue on the course of conquest.

Also, the Vegans had a more conclusive end than the Jovian Federation, which doesn't truly get resolution until the ending (I would imagine the Jovians were handicapped not having The Prince of Darkness featured). -Although to speak of the Jovian route, I felt like the last two minutes with the Meganoids were shouting "Interested in who Don Zauther really was, or who Banjo really is? Watch Invincible Steel Man Daitarn-3!", it was teasing me with what it said yet didn't say.

Comparing the two routes in another way, I do also like the difference between them in terms of Shadow Mirror. Their absence from the Jovian side speaks to their weakness, especially the Meganoids hijacking their attempted spies. This was balanced by Bharm throwing Gespies into every single battle, the A Evil Protag shows up in the first fight, and Olban even had two Vysagas protecting him. It's the strength of Shadow Mirror. Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't seen any Razangriffs this time when SM had them on the first run. Must be b/c I'm piloting one. An OG villain group of both power and weakness.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's just how Richter is. Be thankful AP gave him a more meaningful "honorable" dead by him and Raiza trying to take out the Vega alliance forces with them.

To bring up Heinel again, it's kinda the opposite of what happened with him in this game. Heinel insisted on an honorable death, got tranquilized by his lover who wouldn't have it; Richter's lover followed him into the honorable hereafter instead.

I like this parallelism. Subtle strength in SRW's writing credentials.😄

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

In the anime, Raiza was dead at this point, and Richter pretty much commits seppuku by driving straight into the sun.

Sounds sufficiently unstrung for a very uptight and honor-obssessed man. If oh so meaningless.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

For Daimos' first appearance, in SRW 4, he just decides to fight against you on the final map as way to suicide by cop. Not allied with Zezenab, but more like a third faction unit that still prioritizes fighting you than the Guest forces.

Sounds like Richter is a little desperate for attention NGL, don't crash the party you baka. Let Zezenan have his time in the sun, for I am told Gozzo narratively undermined Guest in 2nd OG. 

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Remember how I said Compact had the most unique take for Daimos? It's the only one where Richter, once you fulfil the requirement to recruit him, sticks with your party to the very end and doesn't have any suicidal tendencies either. Heck, Compact also has Aizam playable (joins with Richter), if you remember him from the mid-game part of AP.

I do remember Aizam. And yeah, Richter really should've joined here after two maps of being an allied NPC. One is one thing, two is a bit much. Or at least he should've been under my control for those two maps.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Since you played through 30, then you'll be familiar with it, but in Compact, Olban allies himself with Poseydal. He even has Small Bharm move over to Pentagona. As a result, there's no "if I die the whole thing falls into Jupiter" since... well, it's no longer orbiting Jupiter. And none of the Pentagonan planets are gas giants, anyway.

Hmm... I would think Posaydal would have the upper hand in the relationship. I forget exactly what the Posaydal was doing with life force, but I can imagine him tweaking Little Bharm's cryostasis machinery, you know, to quietly sap some of their billion sleepers' vitality. They don't need it.😈

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

No, Garuda dies near the end of Combattler's Season 1 (the Janera stuff is Season 2)

Ah, thank you for the clarification!😀 Didn't even realize some of these mechanimes are multi-season.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It will be interesting to see how you handle J. If you want some starting pointers before you dive in, I'll be happy to oblige.

I have Akurasu for the secrets. This won't be my first SRW either. And I've experience with GBA SRW, it is where it all began for me.😊 So I think I'm good. Although, sure, go ahead, I'm open to advice.😀

I'm debating which of the OG mechs to pick for the first run. I haven't seen their designs yet, and that matters, but I do remember Moon Dwellers gives the female lead the Belitzute(?), the Coustwell was a secret, the Raftclans another 2nd-playthrough-only secret (and the Fury use this?), and the male lead got the last machine. I also know checking the secrets page that I'd be better hacking for the Vorlent-Raftclans trying to go for it normally. I feeling either Coustwell or Vorlent b/c MD hid them away and I like "forbidden fruit". Also, female protagonist, I don't feel like any generic love vibes that might exist between the guy protag and the three sub-gals.

Another matter from glimpsing the secrets, I see the this the GBA SRW with Zeorymer (I thought I heard MX's inclusion of Zeorymer helped the anime become somewhat popular after an initial lack of popularity?) and the very elaborate secret involving it. I would rather pick my route choices "naturally" based on what I feel like choosing. However, with the Zeorymer secret being so demanding on the route selection and me possibly only doing two playthroughs of the game, should I plan my routes with Zeorymer in mind? I see MX is literally Zeorymer's only other non-mobile appearance.


1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Dungeon 7 is a pain in the ass to navigate, and take that from me who doesnt mind that stuff normally speaking.

Oddly, I can't remember it all that well. I felt surprised to see fans criticizing the dungeon in the comments when I looked at the OoA ost before. -But then, I do have a vague memory of lingering in it, which I don't really for the other dungeons. So maybe it did take me a while?


58 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Moonlight Grotto theme going hard.

The strangeness of this comment is that the GBC isn't usually thought of as being good for music. Tracks have to be kept short b/c of the system, audio quality too is limited by the system. And yet you can find a few musical gems on the Game Boy anyhow.

40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Moonlight Grotto puzzles after you get the Seed Shooter


Enjoy the Seed Shooter! It's OoA-exclusive, OoS's Slingshot if you forget doesn't have the diagonal-aiming nor the ricochet. 

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@Interdimensional Observer I can get the Animal Flutes later right? I don't have to get them right after beating Moonlit Grotto right?

I mean i recall you saying the animal chosen doesn't really matter but i'm just making sure.

You will soon have to head to the forest with the fairies again.

  • If you don't have a flute before you go there, you'll get Moosh's.
  • Go back to the past and play the shooting gallery and score high if you want Ricky's.
  • Buy Dimitri's at the shop.

If you did not enjoy Moosh's moment earlier when you had to fly over to the grave (I sucked at that as a kid, even if I'm better now), I advise getting Ricky's or Dimitri's. Remember, you'll be stuck with that partner in the Linked OoS playthrough too (barring a mandatory half-second with the other two ofc).


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 minute ago, Lightcosmo said:

You choose before the bridge part or your locked in on Moosh. 

Dimitri you gotta buy the flute I believe? And Ricky I dont know if you can get if you dont save transfer.


1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You will soon have to head to the forest with the fairies again.

  • If you don't have a flute before you go there, you'll get Moosh's.
  • Go back to the past and play the shooting gallery and score high if you want Ricky's.
  • Buy Dimitri's at the shop.

Yeah i went ahead and got Dimitri's Flute.

Mainly because the walkthrough i'm looking at did it and i would've been lost if i was following a different route of the highlands.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The strangeness of this comment is that the GBC isn't usually thought of as being good for music. Tracks have to be kept short b/c of the system, audio quality too is limited by the system. And yet you can find a few musical gems on the Game Boy anyhow.

This is where Oracle of Ages HD would shine. Look what it did to Link's Awakening

The glowups.


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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah i went ahead and got Dimitri's Flute.

Dimitri was my choice. As weird as they are for a purported dodongo (no fire breath, swims, talks, is nice), I like having a living raft with cute artwork. Ricky got second place with the happy GBC animal sounds and tornado punches.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The glowups.

Face Shrine be 😎. I wasn't sure what to expect, but Ninty nailed it anyway. As if I needed another reason to want Oracle remakes.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh no, I wouldn't call it a downer. I think it was fine that Banpresto chose to have the Vega Allied Forces go down the way they did. Olban got to have the "confident" showdown, roughly comparable to that with the Meganoids, so there was one of those. I liked the fragility and sense of panic behind the Vegan finale, it's nice having villains who are anxious for a change. (Peculiarly, you only fight the Vegans twice in the long midgame, and yet they withdraw from the Moon and are said to be of limited forces at that point too. Duke must've crippled them into a paper tiger status before he got caught.)

I see. I suppose it was due to the nature of the multi-faction alliance. By late game the Vegans have also suffered losses outside Earth (like the pacifist faction in Campbell ousting the pro-Janera forces), so makes sense I guess.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That, and the Vegans being paired with the Bharmians worked well once I got to that last split battle. Since, prior to that point, having no experience with Grendizer, I hadn't known their planet was on the verge of destruction. It suddenly clicked that they are in the same boat of being a planetless people, and despite beholding a situation where Earthlings and aliens have just come to a peaceful agreement, they choose to continue on the course of conquest.

Grendizer certainly involves the destruction of planets. Duke is also a refugee, as it were.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, the Vegans had a more conclusive end than the Jovian Federation, which doesn't truly get resolution until the ending (I would imagine the Jovians were handicapped not having The Prince of Darkness featured). -Although to speak of the Jovian route, I felt like the last two minutes with the Meganoids were shouting "Interested in who Don Zauther really was, or who Banjo really is? Watch Invincible Steel Man Daitarn-3!", it was teasing me with what it said yet didn't say.

Yeah, due to the movie, and also since the Jovian Federation isn't an entity to be eradicated, but achieve peace with. Unlike with the Vegans.

Haha, Daitarn 3 certainly can feel like that in SRW, due to how irregular it's in using its storyline.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Comparing the two routes in another way, I do also like the difference between them in terms of Shadow Mirror. Their absence from the Jovian side speaks to their weakness, especially the Meganoids hijacking their attempted spies. This was balanced by Bharm throwing Gespies into every single battle, the A Evil Protag shows up in the first fight, and Olban even had two Vysagas protecting him. It's the strength of Shadow Mirror. Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't seen any Razangriffs this time when SM had them on the first run. Must be b/c I'm piloting one. An OG villain group of both power and weakness.

Also makes the routes stand out, huh.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To bring up Heinel again, it's kinda the opposite of what happened with him in this game. Heinel insisted on an honorable death, got tranquilized by his lover who wouldn't have it; Richter's lover followed him into the honorable hereafter instead.

 I like this parallelism. Subtle strength in SRW's writing credentials.😄

Yeah, suffice to say, he died instead in the anime at that point. Alpha 1 also makes him survive... only to kill him by Alpha 3, but at least he gets to participate in the Voltes storyline for longer than he originally did.

Although, for Voltes' first SRW showing, Shin, Heinel was a secret unit. As it were, SRW only tends to cover his portion of the story most of the time. AP certainly does that. Alpha 3 is like the only time that I know that they cover the rest of the storyline. To be fair, it's a bit hard to adapt, since for that the heroes travel to Planet Boazan itself, so it's not something that can be done every time Voltes is used.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds sufficiently unstrung for a very uptight and honor-obssessed man. If oh so meaningless.

Maybe? Since the whole thing is that he felt ashamed he was used by Olban. Not even helping Kazuya stop the fall of Small Bharm into Jupiter was enough for him to consider himself redeemed. Hence the seppuku.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds like Richter is a little desperate for attention NGL, don't crash the party you baka. Let Zezenan have his time in the sun, for I am told Gozzo narratively undermined Guest in 2nd OG. 

Haha, I guess. That situation at least certainly feels like a bit extra.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I do remember Aizam. And yeah, Richter really should've joined here after two maps of being an allied NPC. One is one thing, two is a bit much. Or at least he should've been under my control for those two maps.

You should've seen Betterman in Compact 3, hahahaha...

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hmm... I would think Posaydal would have the upper hand in the relationship. I forget exactly what the Posaydal was doing with life force, but I can imagine him tweaking Little Bharm's cryostasis machinery, you know, to quietly sap some of their billion sleepers' vitality. They don't need it.😈

And he does, considering he is the last one to be defeated. Heck, Olban is the first one to fall, the very first chapter after reaching Pentagona is Small Bharm, haha.

Also to note, Glemmy Toto also flees to Pentagona in Compact.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah, thank you for the clarification!😀 Didn't even realize some of these mechanimes are multi-season.

Oh, indeed. Or at the very least, have some quite defined story arcs. SRW only tends to cover part of them per game, pretty much. Only multi-games like Alpha or Z allow them to use all of any given storyline. Although, Compact 2 / Impact does get to use both of Combattler's Seasons. Though with Compact 2, since it's three games, I guess it also counted.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I have Akurasu for the secrets. This won't be my first SRW either. And I've experience with GBA SRW, it is where it all began for me.😊 So I think I'm good. Although, sure, go ahead, I'm open to advice.😀

Well, J has Brain Powerd, and their units are quite good. J also uses the Favorite Series system, so I'd definitely recommend choosing Brain Powerd for one.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm debating which of the OG mechs to pick for the first run. I haven't seen their designs yet, and that matters, but I do remember Moon Dwellers gives the female lead the Belitzute(?), the Coustwell was a secret, the Raftclans another 2nd-playthrough-only secret (and the Fury use this?), and the male lead got the last machine. I also know checking the secrets page that I'd be better 

I would certainly say to go for the Granteed (the Super Robot that Moon Dwellers gave to Touya). Did you also saw the Fire Emblem esque Support mechanic with the girls? XD As it stands, each girl is suited better to one of the mechas, so it might be best sticking to one girl for the entire playthrough, depending on which mechs you choose. For Granteed's case, it's Melua.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Another matter from glimpsing the secrets, I see the this the GBA SRW with Zeorymer (I thought I heard MX's inclusion of Zeorymer helped the anime become somewhat popular after an initial lack of popularity?) and the very elaborate secret involving it. I would rather pick my route choices "naturally" based on what I feel like choosing. However, with the Zeorymer secret being so demanding on the route selection and me possibly only doing two playthroughs of the game, should I plan my routes with Zeorymer in mind? I see MX is literally Zeorymer's only other non-mobile appearance.

Oh yes, Great Zeorymer is the AP Master Asia of J.

If you do want to use Great Zeorymer, and you only plan for two playthroughs, then go for one playthrough getting every other route/secret, and the second playthrough aiming for Great Zeorymer. This is because one of Great Zeorymer's unlock conditions is that you can't use Zeorymer unless it's forced deployed, so perhaps it's best to use Zeorymer, and see if you do want to get Great Zeorymer.

Also, fun fact, Great Zeorymer is SRW only. It was never used in the original anime.

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Today I learned I have around 36 hours in Europa Universalis.

Which is crazy because I barely remember doing anything of substance in that game beyond "waiting for something interesting to happen"


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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If you did not enjoy Moosh's moment earlier when you had to fly over to the grave (I sucked at that as a kid, even if I'm better now), I advise getting Ricky's or Dimitri's. Remember, you'll be stuck with that partner in the Linked OoS playthrough too (barring a mandatory half-second with the other two ofc).

The fact that picking a flute actually changes the terrain for some screens is so irritating.
I mean, I like that blue bear. But I like giant pits being placed everywhere a lot less.

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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Holy fucking shit. I thought SRW was a lighthearted action romp!

depends. depends on which mecha anime(s) they adopt for overall plot for which installment. after all you only read it here without full context and actual gameplay.

even FE Engage can be quite dark if you tell someone its story plot by bits and pieces only. not the whole context plus the gameplay

SRW it can be dark, but in the end its still the "golden" route of happy ending. i mean, an original character even get raped at one point, but its not like you can see how bad it is or if its actual rape. and its just one of a kind situation that doesnt really relevant to gameplay. its still Epic mecha fight with glorious attack animation taken from the shows, and thats what matters to many people

Edited by joevar
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I really like the narration in this game. "you're no longer a grain of sand ... you are something greater" Really gives you the feeling like you're following an epic novel.



Time for actual options. Cant be an angel without sporting a bright and burning Halo above your head, right?




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And to think that some players complain about the Ottomans...

I went over the Great Power list when Europe was still in the fog of war, which tells you how much devolopment a GP and its subjects have: "Looks like Poland got Lithuania, no surprise, huh Ottos still didn't kick the Mameluks' teeth in, aw man, looks like Castille got the both Aragon and Naples..." Guess it's a bit worse than that.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oddly, I can't remember it all that well. I felt surprised to see fans criticizing the dungeon in the comments when I looked at the OoA ost before. -But then, I do have a vague memory of lingering in it, which I don't really for the other dungeons. So maybe it did take me a while?

So there are a few floors, and you need to change the water levels by stepping on switches that change the water level from:

Empty, slightly raised, raised. But what most dont realise is you can step on both of the water raising switches in conjunction with one another. 

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in another timeline where IS not doubling down on Dating Sim aspect, Fire Emblem might have focused more on strategic aspect of the game, and a little bit of kingdom management while repelling the Evil invader.



and maybe, some dynamic campaign sprinkled on top where the enemy also moves if you left them unattended ..

but nah, thats just hypothetical alternate timeline. everybody loves and cares more dating gimmick character anyway. 

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