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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a fucking awesome landscape.

One problem, it's la Florida.

And unfortunately, some of these trees living in freshwater coastal wetlands are running into a problem:



Sea level ⬆️ = saltier rivers = "ghost forests" where the trees die from the increased salinity.


But that doesn't stop them from being beautiful while they're still here.😃


4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Just woke up, saw a sunshower over my house, and then say that doing my morning round of the gaming sites.🥱

Would be nice to have translated indeed, SRPGs are feeling slightly less niche (but still very niche) nowadays. But I have a feeling that will continue to not happen, no amount of new indie SRPGs getting made despite them well-knowing profitability is limited will change the necessary perspectives.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I plan to use the save editor to change the classes - so no need to think about class availability.

There will be limits ofc, for example in the early to mid game Felicia has to be a promoted staff user. And Units generally have to be in the same "class tier"

So you'll be ignoring all class availability limitations?

Since Izumo is supposed to be neutral ground... put everyone for that battle in a "civilian" class. The Nohrians decided to change their wardrobes and dress in the olive branch for the occasion. Anything with a name that sounds like could it be found off the battlefield and in a perfectly peaceful world. *Checks to see what would be available.* Songstress, Adventurer I know the idea adventurers aren't always well-seasoned heroes might be odd to you, Maid/Butler (Troubadour too, but you probably have everyone promoted at this point), Blacksmith, Merchant, Priestess/Grand Master, Mechanist, and Merchant. Since IRL Japan had court Onmyojis and the imperial court didn't really fight at all, you could use that as your magic class for the chapter. I suppose Wolfskin and Kitsune and their promotions are fine too b/c they describe a fantasy race in general. And maaaaaaybe you could weasel in Nohr/Hoshidan Noble, Oni Chieftain, and Wyvern Lord b/c they're technically titles that don't have to be war-associated, but I draw the line and at anything with "Knight" in the name, they are verboten.

...Just a suggestion, you can freely ignore it.😀


13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I am just now finding out where the fairy fountain was in Ikana.

...I hope you don't mean the Great Fairy Fountain. Although the Great Fairy Sword comes too late to be really any use, and gets outshined for the last boss by the much cooler Fierce Deity Mask.

Oddly, the Well's Fairy Fountain is the only normal one in the entirety of Termina.

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6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

But also, PC port, please.

Well, Yggdra is already there, but give us the other two too!

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Yeah I remember the theory was that the Triforce being depicted on tongues and the whole Tower of Babel aspect of Stone Tower was the ancient Terminians blaspheming against the Goddesses.

Oh yes, I've seen those theories too.

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Actually, it's not just low outfit variety for NPCs - it's for all characters. Each of the early characters had a different outfit for the base class, but afterwards, there's one outfit for the boys and one outfit for the girls per class, and it's shared among all characters.

I can understand that there were bigger things to spend the budget on, though I'm wondering how difficult some simple color settings would've been to implement. Give each character a bit of flavor. The squire, for instance, wears a blue cape. Would've been the perfect part of the attire to change colors depending on the character. Minor point, though, and I dig the designs themselves.

Anyway, I have been joined by a bald, bearded old man hardly 3 hours into the game, so already the game is garnering my favor. Stupid fucking Houses waited so long to unhand Hanneman... Funnily enough, the NG+ that was later added to LE includes the option to be able to recruit characters earlier. So even if I find a late-joiner that I like a lot, assuming I end up replaying the game, I can use that. I wouldn't even sacrifice difficulty either, you can toggle virtually every aspect that is carried over in a NG+ run. IntSys should take a couple notes.

The game has also introduced meals with companions. It's like a fusion of tea time and eating, you eat to raise rapport with your companions and also have character-building conversations at the same time. There's this bit of weirdness where the characters are at a sort of lunch area but they aren't sitting down at a table, instead they're standing nearby talking about food that isn't in front of them? But that's okay, I can employ my imagination a bit.

Rapport is also only a thing for protag-kun, but I don't mind as much because instead, everyone supports everyone. If you have a companion adjacent when entering combat, you get an extra point of damage, up to a maximum of four when completely surrounded in loving friends. Even healing spells get boosted by the power of friendship. Coupled with the Zone of Control system, it's making for some interesting dynamics that, so far, seem to me like they elevate LE just a tad above the "PC clone of Three Houses" moniker many have attached to it.

...Oh, and so far at least, I'm only visiting camp once per chapter. Thank fuck.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, isn't there also Fiona?

Fiona was the character I obsessed over for being bad in part one and yet I completely forgot she existed.

She's olive skinned for sure but looking at her she almost feels more Asian than African to me.

But in a fantasy anime game it's difficult to really tell, so whatever.

That's 2 black characters, so this game is now white genocide.


9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am a bit suprised we didn't get a talk like this about the token lesbian already, but I guess Danved/Devdan is way worse.

The difference between Devdan and Heather is that I could show lesbian friends of mine Heather and they'd be like "Haha, fucking love that dyke"

Danved is a lot more negative and mocking as a stereotype in that sense.

9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The Story of Little Black Sambo (in particular later version that depict the Indian main character as a racist's depiction of an African child) became a beloved book in Japan, and is where a lot people in Japan, who have never met a black person, main ideas of a black person come from. Its also why we have things like the original designs of characters like Mr. Popo, and Jynx, as the illustrations of those version of Little Black Sambo became iconic in the region.

Well that certainly explains it.

It's a shame too, because there are lots of African immigrants who live in Japan.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeaaah I believe I had mentioned, eons ago, wanting to know your opinion on a certain character from Tellius, and... well, yeah, it's Danved. Or Devdan, whicever you like best.

It's kind of sad that they felt the need to put animal ears on white people for their racism allegory, and then turned around and made the first black man in FE into a complete caricature. Unless you want to count Garrett and Igrene.

Fiora's a lot less... questionable, but Devdan still came first, all jokes aside. For a time he was the only black man in FE, and in the game with racism allegories in it too. Again, unless you want to count Garrett and Igrene. Which I endorse, because Igrene would be so, so much better as FE's first PoC character than fucking Devdan lol

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I mean, I'm not sure why they wouldn't count.

The problem with those two is just that it's hard to tell if they are actually ethnically African in design or just tanned.

Like Devdan is the first black character in where his facial structure and hair was made to fit that ethnicity, something that's also done with later black characters like Basilio and Dedue.



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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Bro you made four posts about this back to back. It's not that deep.

I'll be sure to call you out everytime you complain, then. Xd

Edit: everyone has a right to voice their opinion, telling me "don't", is silly. 

Edited by Lightcosmo
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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Just a suggestion, you can freely ignore it.😀

Well, i won't let one person choose all classes during a chapter, but more like 1 class per person (or 2 if i don't get enough peeps)

You idea seems like a nice one for a themed run tho

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Okay, this gave me a chuckle.


Like, Farfetch'd is like a natural fit to give Miku, since, you know, the leek and all... but then they still had to add a Pikachu in there. lol

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Setting the disarm rate of a weapon to 100% just does not seem to work. It never seems to go above a 1/3 rate. It's like there is a hard cap to that effect.

Shame. I like the idea of disarm as a less overpowered method of forcing the enemy to drop gear compared to inflicting injuries. But this way it's just not reliable enough.
Well, I suppose that means I am free to use the Stun Knife as a 100% injury rate weapon instead. Weapons that only ever appear in shops are of course very convenient to mess around with.
Also negates the need for getting that first Bolt Knife. Coming up with a way to get it reliably was fun and all. But it's a lot less fun to perform. Especially after a few dozen runs.

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I will say, I haven't felt encouraged to do much funky customization by this game. I have enough people designated to each role from the onset and it just feels like it'd be a bit troublesome to try moving them around for little reward. By the time you even unlock the training grounds, everyone's already slid into their roles neatly. The mages in particular, I have one mage for each of the three magic types. It feels like it wouldn't be a good idea to switch them... As much as I like the idea of making Big Dummy Francisco into a mage and Old Drunk Gilbert into a frontliner brawler.

Maybe I'll do it anyway lol

I do feel I should probably play around with armor types a bit, though. I don't keep weaknesses in mind as much as I should. My mages almost never get attacked by melee units, so perhaps making them wear robes is a mistake, it makes them eat big damage from arrows. It feels a bit counter-intuitive, because the outfit of each class seems heavily conditioned to one or another type of armor and doesn't change if you equip otherwise. But I guess that's an industry-wide issue there, isn't it. It's still early in the game, I'll get the hang of it.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

The problem with those two is just that it's hard to tell if they are actually ethnically African in design or just tanned.

Like Devdan is the first black character in where his facial structure and hair was made to fit that ethnicity, something that's also done with later black characters like Basilio and Dedue.

Yes, that's why I'm not entirely sure whether to count them. Or Hawkeye, whom I completely forgot about because lol FE7. He actually looks like a tanned aryan, which is uh... an interesting maneuver.

The intent was probably there, I mean, Igrene and Hawkeye in particular come from a desert, but let's be honest with ourselves here. It's Japan. They barely even know what a black person looks like. And we're talking 20 year old games here.

25 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Setting the disarm rate of a weapon to 100% just does not seem to work. It never seems to go above a 1/3 rate. It's like there is a hard cap to that effect.

Shame. I like the idea of disarm as a less overpowered method of forcing the enemy to drop gear compared to inflicting injuries. But this way it's just not reliable enough.
Well, I suppose that means I am free to use the Stun Knife as a 100% injury rate weapon instead. Weapons that only ever appear in shops are of course very convenient to mess around with.
Also negates the need for getting that first Bolt Knife. Coming up with a way to get it reliably was fun and all. But it's a lot less fun to perform. Especially after a few dozen runs.

Disarm needed to be less RNG-dependent, to be sure. It's stuck in this awkward spot where it's not powerful or reliable enough to give the time of day.

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7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I like how it's all vibrant (generic) anime girls, and then there's this one guy with a gun who's on a different brightness level from everyone else.

Also I recognize the apoliticals. I may have mentioned it before, my friend tried to make me watch that anime. I lasted one or two episodes, grew to despise the protagonist and promptly dropped it like a sack of bricks. He said the movie is different, it's good. I haven't felt bothered to give it an opportunity.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And unfortunately, some of these trees living in freshwater coastal wetlands are running into a problem:



Sea level ⬆️ = saltier rivers = "ghost forests" where the trees die from the increased salinity.

I know what's happening there is bad......but there's a morbid beauty in that picture ngl.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

hope you don't mean the Great Fairy Fountain. Although the Great Fairy Sword comes too late to be really any use, and gets outshined for the last boss by the much cooler Fierce Deity Mask.

I didn't find that one either.

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

It's a shame too, because there are lots of African immigrants who live in Japan.

Thinking about how they fumbled the Yosuke anime.

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

The problem with those two is just that it's hard to tell if they are actually ethnically African in design or just tanned.

Ok so I'm aware this is like cultural perception but in the Latino world, being black isn't necessarily being ethnically African. Like, my grandfather was black. Was he of African descent? Idk I don't think so but like you look at him and he's black, no doubts about it. There are some Latinos in generally that are like really dark skinned.

With a country having almost no black population (Japan), I wouldn't doubt it if "black" for them is literal instead of specifically meaning African.

2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I'll be sure to call you out everytime you complain, then. Xd

Edit: everyone has a right to voice their opinion, telling me "don't", is silly. 

You misunderstand. My point wasn't "no criticisms". My point was that you made four posts back to back about the translation quality. It's not even separate criticisms either, it's all "ha, look they made a typo, how stupid". If it was actually separate criticisms, I wouldn't have said anything.

26 minutes ago, gnip said:

I thought @Armagon might appreciate what imgur had on its front page:



Should've aimed for the head.


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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

, my friend tried to make me watch that anime. I lasted one or two episodes, grew to despise the protagonist and promptly dropped it like a sack of bricks.

I am surprised you even lasted more than 2 minutes lmao.

NGNL is something i would never ever recommend to you xD

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He said the movie is different

it is

still not for you tbh

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok so I'm aware this is like cultural perception but in the Latino world, being black isn't necessarily being ethnically African. Like, my grandfather was black. Was he of African descent? Idk I don't think so but like you look at him and he's black, no doubts about it. There are some Latinos in generally that are like really dark skinned.

It makes sense, and it has to do that they've been here for centuries. Spain was no different in having to bring slaves from Africa to their colonies, after all, and this happened as early as the 16th/17th centuries. Nowadays, any descendants can truly not be considered as African anymore if they have dozens of generations of ancestors who were born and lived this side of the Atlantic, after all.

Also, less stigma to interracial marriages than in the Anglo colonies, I guess.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, less stigma to interracial marriages than in the Anglo colonies, I guess.

There was generally more marriages between the Spaniards (and Portuguese) and the indigenous too I think. Even not that long ago in my family, a few generations ago and indigenous woman married into the family. So yeah, interracial marriages are way more accepted in Latin America than.....anywhere else really?

On the flip side, Anglo settlements would've preferred it if the indigenous people didn't exist. Though, if we get into the modern day, right wing governments in South America (*cough* Bolsonaro *cough*) would also like it if indigenous people didn't exist.

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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Everywhere else is not the US

Nah cause Asian countries especially don't like interracial marriages. Like in the US it's generally accepted but it doesn't happen often (well country of 330 million people so define "often"). But any interracial marriage between an Asian and non-Asian usually does not happen in the Asian country. Hell, even in America, I've seen black and white couples, white and Asian couples, Latino and Asian couples (actually this might just be Filipinos) but I've never seen an Asian and black couple. Like statistically, it had to have happened but like...

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"Haha Americans are fat, they food has too much sugar" is incredibly ironic because it's true but we also don't even crack the top 50 in terms of most diabetic countries.


Pakistan bro, you good?

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