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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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What is this, Fire Emblem Engage?


Ask what my favorite Fire emblem characters are and I will give you an army of redheads.


Case in point


Can I just have one consistent army


Oh so that's why the servers are so slow


Yeah those senators definitely look like they would vote against the Civil Rights act of 1964


So how does this dark god decide that "the land is covered in war"? Is it like "X amount of country have to be at war with each other" or "X percentage of land mass has some kind of battle going on in it"


Gotta admit, that guy's facial hair game is on point


So statistically speaking, what are the chances of Mist missing this attack and getting doubled in retaliation?


Never punished


This feels oddly familiar



How the hell does a country that is ruled by strength not have a single moment in it's history where it used that strength to invade another country




So fully expecting the kitten in question to be Lethe I was prepared to make a joke about how "Hey dude, she's got a girlfriend" But now I see it's a completely new character

...But upon looking at her design I feel inclined to make the joke anyways because hers is up there for one of the queerest character designs in Fire Emblem.


Wait why is this guy working with us agaIn


Beware the three hooded gingers


Jesus lady, gingers aren't THAT soulless


I...completely forgot what Naesala was doing in the final moments of PoR, someone please remind me




Part of me thought Heather could've perpetuated the predatory lesbian stereotype, but she's certainly more caring than the majority of male flirts across the franchise


Now if you want to talk about predatory women in Fire Emblem...


But luckily his boyfriend has come to his aid




Wait, why is there 16 slots? I only have 15 characters that makes no-

Oh... Oh right


Talking a lot of shit for someone within Wyrmslayer distance


The relationship between the Fire Emblem player and the poor combat unit they insist is worth the effort


To the boss's credit he did manage to hit Mia despite it being a mere 8% chance so you gotta give him that


See what the apostle should do is appoint herself commander and chief of the army and go lead out on the front lines while the empire crumbles back home


Yes, that tends to be how governments work


And so the soldiery give their power to the uncaring nobles once again, a tale as old as time.

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11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Yeah those senators definitely look like they would vote against the Civil Rights act of 1964

Already made the joke but...

Good Tsar (Sanaki), Bad Boyars (The Senators)

... Come to think of it, RD loves to use it unironically on the Beorc nations.

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


So how does this dark god decide that "the land is covered in war"? Is it like "X amount of country have to be at war with each other" or "X percentage of land mass has some kind of battle going on in it"

It's better explained later on, you'll see.

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


How the hell does a country that is ruled by strength not have a single moment in it's history where it used that strength to invade another country

There probably was. We just never hear of it, since don't you know, the Laguz can never do willing wrong in these games. Unless you're Pain and Agony.

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Wait why is this guy working with us agaIn

Because theirs is a varied group. And he has improved compared to PoR... I think.

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Jesus lady, gingers aren't THAT soulless

Ooh... if that is who I think it is, you missed(?) a good convo. You need Rolf to visit her.

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


I...completely forgot what Naesala was doing in the final moments of PoR, someone please remind me

Rescued Leanne from captivity, and joined for the final battle, if you choose him over Tibarn and Giffca.

When Begnion pledged to support Crimea against Daein, Naesala had Kilva pull out of the war shortly after. Keep this in mind, in light of future revelations...

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



Didn't that just led to a new Empire? Full Circle Revolution, yo!

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Wait, why is there 16 slots? I only have 15 characters that makes no-

Oh... Oh right

*sad violin noise*

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



The relationship between the Fire Emblem player and the poor combat unit they insist is worth the effort

You use a thief for combat?

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@Lightchao42 Thanks again for that Pokemon link. Lots of neato information there (and some creepy beta designs).😃

Like Ho-Oh being pure Flying, then Normal-Flying, before becoming Fire-Flying. Lugia being created for the second movie and then added to the games, which means Ho-Oh had no contrasting legendary originally. Ampharos might've been an alien Electric-Dragon and Mareep perhaps unrelated then related with Flaffy created solely to bridge the two. The fact that G&S trainers... rarely ever use Gen 2 Pokemon. And it made me curious so I looked up the history behind Sneasel ...it got into the finalized games with its design still unfinished.🤨 

All of which adds up to the data gatherers' point of 2nd Gen being rushed. Which I find fascinating. Say what you will of recent Pokemon glitchiness, the chaos of Gen 2 'mon designing is something you couldn't possibly find nowadays. I'm sure the TPC-Game Freak new 'mon development process has long since become a sterilized, reviewed at every step, procedure. 

To think I grew up with GSC thinking it a perfectly smooth, wonderful experience where almost nothing seemed out of wack. Only to discover that they worked on the game to the last available minute and the final product was built upon a far from solid foundation.


1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Well, i quite like the demo so far. Story feels like it's moving a bit too fast, and Party AI seems stupid, but other than that, i quite like what i saw

Nice to hear. Alas, backlog for me. But as I don't mind a JRPG from yesteryear, I wouldn't rule SO2 out.

From what I've heard, this is considered the best SO. 3/Til the End of Time is decent, but 4 and 5 have left the franchise on life support.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


Case in point

I didn't like Skrimir very much originally. Then, sometime after I joined SF, something dawned on me about Skrimir and now I quite like him. 

I'd also gladly run my hands through that long, red mane and give it a thorough washing and drying if Skrimir requested it. Can't let it become a lice-ridden smelly mess of crimson hair, mustn't be the easiest thing to maintain.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


Yeah those senators definitely look like they would vote against the Civil Rights act of 1964

And the Thirteenth Amendment.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

How the hell does a country that is ruled by strength not have a single moment in it's history where it used that strength to invade another country

Well, Gallia couldn't have invaded Goldoa, Dragons >>>> Beasts.

Crimea? Officially an ally, although -were it not for video games often having a idealized version of in-universe historical bonds- it wouldn't have been impossible for a deviant monarch or two to order invasions of Crimea. Or border raids at least.

Serenes? The Herons are fairly harmless, would've been successful. But then only evil empires attack pacifists.

Westernmost Begnion? Seems very feasible, Begnion looks ridiculously overextended to still control where Part 3 RD begins.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

So fully expecting the kitten in question to be Lethe I was prepared to make a joke about how "Hey dude, she's got a girlfriend" But now I see it's a completely new character

Actually, the Lethe-Ranulf PoR support names Lyre at one point. 

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


Wait why is this guy working with us agaIn

B/c realism. Armies, and many workplaces in general, are going to have people of less approvable attitudes. One must simply deal with it if the offender crosses no line.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

See what the apostle should do is appoint herself commander and chief of the army and go lead out on the front lines while the empire crumbles back home

This whole "Begnion Central Army" thing actually comes from Path of Radiance ...beta.


Razia is the Grann Desert, where Tormod and Muarim were in PoR. Crimea, Goldoa, and Phoenicis are immediately recognizable. Daine, Garia and Salinos are earlier transliterations of Daein, Gallia, and Serenes.

The Tellius art books explains that the above Beta-Begnion had three great Dukedoms: Noad, Est, and Persis, powerful and de facto independent of the Apostle-Empress, with independent armies. The Apostle had only the "Apostle's Army" although it is described as small, elite and basically more of a bodyguard -a predecessor to the Holy Guard in the finalized games. The various noble/provincial armies could be combined into the "Imperial Army" led by a "Great General" appointed by the Empress, which in Radiant Dawn became the Begnion Central Army and Zelgius.

Since it has to describe the power balance and military structure like this, it seems like Begnion's politics were always going to matter for Tellius's story.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nice to hear. Alas, backlog for me. But as I don't mind a JRPG from yesteryear, I wouldn't rule SO2 out.

From what I've heard, this is considered the best SO. 3/Til the End of Time is decent, but 4 and 5 have left the franchise on life support.

Well, not that Till the End of Time doesn't have its detractors. I know some people consider it the point SO went downhill, mostly thanks to the big twist reveal that TtEoT does.

It's also the only SO I've played... but how I wish to play the others. So I'm glad the second game is coming to Steam... and I wish the first one did too...

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, Gallia couldn't have invaded Goldoa, Dragons >>>> Beasts.

Meanwhile, the dragons wouldn't invade anyone because... well, that's for the game to tell.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Crimea? Officially an ally, although -were it not for video games often having a idealized version of in-universe historical bonds- it wouldn't have been impossible for a deviant monarch or two to order invasions of Crimea. Or border raids at least.

I think this is indeed the case. We're told that it's only recently that Crimea and Gallia have tried to foster friendly relations, and before PoR, it was only the royal families who were actually friendly between each other. Need I remind of the villagers that expose Ranulf to the Daein soldiers at Port Toha? Only because of Gallia lending support to Crimea's liberation and reconstruction did attitudes began to shift, but even so, you still have a good chunk of Crimeans still not seeing the Laguz eye to eye, as we see with Ludveck's followers.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Serenes? The Herons are fairly harmless, would've been successful. But then only evil empires attack pacifists.

Well, the Galdr of Ruin aside. Why would the Herons even know such a thing?

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Westernmost Begnion? Seems very feasible, Begnion looks ridiculously overextended to still control where Part 3 RD begins.

It's helped the mountains serve as borders, so Begnion control all their side of the mountains.

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10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, the Galdr of Ruin aside. Why would the Herons even know such a thing?

IRL, Jain lay folk aren't entirely forbidden from fighting in self-defense, and they're one of the most vocally pacifist religions around. But then, the Herons can literally feel ill from chaos and are physically too fragile to punch people without breaking bones.

Tibarn says the "dirge of ruin" would "warp Reyson's very existence" in PoR. Though I'm not sure if he literally means Reyson wouldn't be able to survive the effects of invoking it, Reyson doesn't suggest he'd die doing so. RD did add that "Sorrow" Galdrar to the gameplay, the laughably-useless one that drops enemy Biorhythm to "Low", that sounds negative. Yet the Herons can use it.

The dirge of ruin would've required use of the forest's main altar. Not like a Heron could invoke it anywhere anytime, probably. And it's entirely possible to entertain an idea without acting on it. The wise Herons probably figured out how to use their song powers for destruction, because their intelligence simply led them to it at some point. You sing a certain note, notice the negative effects, repeat to learn more, and eventually calculate what it'd take to vaporize entire armies. Reyson calls it forbidden, so they didn't ever intend to use it. The Massacre happened fast, but it seems the Herons might not have even wanted to use it as a self-defense measure. "Let invaders into the forest, sing and cleanse them all in a single blow", it could've worked if the Herons had the will and time to do so.

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Me waiting for FE4 remake announcement


On 9/13/2023 at 6:57 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Me after seeing this list


On 9/13/2023 at 7:03 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

No idea

@Newtype06requiring your expertise

Are you guys talking about Black Lagoon or the To Aru franchise?

On 9/13/2023 at 6:57 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Confesison: I never watched NGE

It's overrated tbh. Suffers from a severe case of "Baby's first anime" syndrome

On 9/13/2023 at 7:03 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Shinji alone will make me not watch it tbh

Shinji Ikari is just an Amuro Ray who never received a Bright Slap

On 9/13/2023 at 7:18 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

Then you should meet SRW!Shinji...

Not a dick, but certainly less pathetic.

Speaking of which, isn't there a SRW where Bright slaps Shinji and he says that not even his father ever slapped him? 👀

On 9/13/2023 at 7:49 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It get's worse after L is gone.

**blocks your path**


I believe he was an interesting addition to the plot, since his modus operandi is very different from L. Anyway, I still think that the low point of Death Note is the Yotsuba's Kira arc.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Like Ho-Oh being pure Flying, then Normal-Flying, before becoming Fire-Flying. Lugia being created for the second movie and then added to the games, which means Ho-Oh had no contrasting legendary originally. Ampharos might've been an alien Electric-Dragon and Mareep perhaps unrelated then related with Flaffy created solely to bridge the two. The fact that G&S trainers... rarely ever use Gen 2 Pokemon. And it made me curious so I looked up the history behind Sneasel ...it got into the finalized games with its design still unfinished.🤨 

This was something that carried on to the final version as well.


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8 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Shinji Ikari is just an Amuro Ray who never received a Bright Slap

Speaking of which, isn't there a SRW where Bright slaps Shinji and he says that not even his father ever slapped him? 👀

Yes, in SRW F, which was Evangelion's debut. I guess they wanted to make that reference so much. XD

8 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

This was something that carried on to the final version as well.

I suppose it was a different philosophy at the time. Johto was meant to be an add-on to Kanto, not as its own thing. That can help explain certain things, like how the Johto GYM types are all the ones that Kanto didn't use (barring Dark since you only had sixteen GYM's), the route numbers are a direct continuation to Kanto's instead of the X00 format Hoenn and Sinnoh would use, some Johto Pokémon only found in Kanto like Slugma or Sneasel (though Crystal adds Sneasel to the Ice Cave), etc.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Ask what my favorite Fire emblem characters are and I will give you an army of redheads.

FE does treat redheads really well.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Case in point

I will give him this, he's the best part 3 main character. He actually has an arc.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Yeah those senators definitely look like they would vote against the Civil Rights act of 1964

I like Lekain's design. He looks so smug. And the stache is out of this world. Not as solid as Tauroneo's though.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Gotta admit, that guy's facial hair game is on point

Also not as solid as Tauroneo's, but that's an unfair comparison.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Wait why is this guy working with us agaIn

Ike, like his fans, enjoys a good hit of nostalgia. Shinon played with him a couple times when he was a kid, so he gets to stay while Ike judges other people that act the same as him and believe the same things.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


I...completely forgot what Naesala was doing in the final moments of PoR, someone please remind me

Potentially, helping out to beat the bullshit invincible final boss with the cool battle quotes you'll never see because Ike is a very special boy. But nobody ever picks him, he's the worst Gotoh option.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


The relationship between the Fire Emblem player and the poor combat unit they insist is worth the effort

A tale as old as time itself.

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Are you guys talking about Black Lagoon or the To Aru franchise?

The first.

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

**blocks your path**


I believe he was an interesting addition to the plot, since his modus operandi is very different from L. Anyway, I still think that the low point of Death Note is the Yotsuba's Kira arc.

Funny, that was my favorite arc. There was a fun mystery going on since for once I didn't know everything that was going on, and it was the only time I could actually look at the screen without being filled with hatred for the character I'm supposed to at least have fun watching. I was so sad when Light went back to being an insufferable, vainglorious asshole and the show returned to being a dick-measuring contest between the two very special boys. I watched the show like 12 years ago though so do forgive me if my memories are fuzzy and distorted

My favorite episode was the one with the FBI woman, though. Watching Light become progressively more and more frustrated and terrified as his "genius" moves failed over and over against someone who's actually competent and unbiased was so satisfying. You know, until she slipped up, because we need to have a show, but still. It's hilarious how they wrote themselves into a corner and had to kill her because otherwise she would've accomplished in 20 minutes what Big Genius Brain Boy couldn't do in 25 episodes, despite knowing everything from the onset and being a very special boy.

...I think my problem's that I don't like super special boys lol. It's telling that my favorite character throughout was Soichiro.

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9 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Paper Mario: TTYD literally stole the entire direct i see. Not too surprising.

Nostalgia's a powerful drug.

Personally, at risk of sounding like cynical jerk Ruben being mean to Nintendo and beloved games again, I... really don't think TTYD needed a remaster? Graphically it holds up perfectly well, all it needs is a bit of upscaling and, y'know, actually being obtainable. Piracy already provides both services. But of course, it's more profitable for Ninty to make the slightest graphical improvements, slap that on a cartdrige and sell it for 50 bucks a pop, rather than throw it on NSO with all the rest.

I personally find the brand new, unique-looking game with Peach in a starring role for the first time in almost 20 years is more impactful. Or at the very least, the remake of a less renowned game with pseudo-3D visuals on the GBA that needed the graphical update much more, and also added co-op for good measure. But people love things they already love.

Nothing to it, though. It's not like reception to the trailers is going to stop them from developing these games. I just wish they'd done the same to the OG on N64 - going by the trailer, the changes look so utterly minimal that including multiple games would've made the inevitable 50g pricetag much more reasonable.

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nostalgia's a powerful drug.

Personally, at risk of sounding like cynical jerk Ruben being mean to Nintendo and beloved games again, I... really don't think TTYD needed a remaster? Graphically it holds up perfectly well, all it needs is a bit of upscaling and, y'know, actually being obtainable. Piracy already provides both services. But of course, it's more profitable for Ninty to make the slightest graphical improvements, slap that on a cartdrige and sell it for 50 bucks a pop, rather than throw it on NSO with all the rest.

I personally find the brand new, unique-looking game with Peach in a starring role for the first time in almost 20 years is more impactful. Or at the very least, the remake of a less renowned game with pseudo-3D visuals on the GBA that needed the graphical update much more, and also added co-op for good measure. But people love things they already love.

Nothing to it, though. It's not like reception to the trailers is going to stop them from developing these games. I just wish they'd done the same to the OG on N64 - going by the trailer, the changes look so utterly minimal that including multiple games would've made the inevitable 50g pricetag much more reasonable.

Look up the average price of the game, though. It's no longer accessable to most.

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3 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Look up the average price of the game, though. It's no longer accessable to most.

Yeah, but that's the point. Nintendo doesn't need to make the barest minimum of a remaster and release it for 50 bucks to make this game accessible. If game preservation was their intent, they could just throw the game, and other Gamecube games, on NSO. The games from that era hold up, they just need a bit of upscaling - I want to believe Nintendo's awful NSO emulator can at least handle that, when Dolphin's had the functionality for years.

Nintendo just knows this is guaranteed to sell like hot cakes even if it blatantly doesn't have 50 bucks worth of effort put into it, and like any corporation they like money. They also get to release the OG Paper Mario for another 50 bucks later down the line, using the exact same engine for an even more effortless production.

I'm just saying, I think there are less greedy ways to go about this.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nintendo just knows this is guaranteed to sell like hot cakes even if it blatantly doesn't have 50 bucks worth of effort put into it

Trails does this and it works. XD

Serious mode: I won't judge the game until i see/play it, since alot can change, honestly.

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10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

So fully expecting the kitten in question to be Lethe I was prepared to make a joke about how "Hey dude, she's got a girlfriend" But now I see it's a completely new character

That's her sister.

7 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Me waiting for FE4 remake announcement

Wdym, we already got it


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

... really don't think TTYD needed a remaster? Graphically it holds up perfectly well, all it needs is a bit of upscaling and, y'know, actually being obtainable.

Biggest thing is that the characters seem to actually emote like in modern PM instead of just going "!".

The actual sleeper hit tho is the Another Code remakes. Nintendo has been lately taking their obscure visual novels/puzzle games from the ages past and giving them full-fledged remake. That is good.

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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I suppose it was a different philosophy at the time. Johto was meant to be an add-on to Kanto, not as its own thing.

The analyzers of the beta material also argued it was owing to the rushed nature of G&S's development. Old Pokemon can safely be programmed in b/c they're visually and type-wise already set in stone. New Pokemon were subject to change and even being deleted, with so many trainers out there, I suppose Game Freak didn't want to have to keep track of dozens of trainers who might be affected by various unfolding changes.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Personally, at risk of sounding like cynical jerk Ruben being mean to Nintendo and beloved games again, I... really don't think TTYD

Yeah, I'm just gonna ignore what you say here b/c you're just being salty over Ninty giving the legendary pirate a Spanish name. Japan💞Bandidos forever.😛


19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Wdym, we already got it


Looks like this is going to show up at the Tokyo Game Show, Atlus/Vanillaware will probably explain the nuts & bolts of the game there.

Random thought, please take advantage of the large cast to include secret unlockable non-canon versions of the OS five (or Dragon's Crown generic playables). They'd actually be fighting together for once. They wouldn't be out of place.

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Trails does this and it works. XD

Serious mode: I won't judge the game until i see/play it, since alot can change, honestly.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Biggest thing is that the characters seem to actually emote like in modern PM instead of just going "!".

That's a pretty nice change.

...The other big thing is that the framerate appears WAY choppier in the remake. Might just be the trailer, and I know most of you don't care, but still, remaking a game on 20 year younger hardware so it can run worse is just kinda... interesting?

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yeah, I'm just gonna ignore what you say here b/c you're just being salty over Ninty giving the legendary pirate a Spanish name. Japan💞Bandidos forever.😛

I mean, I just think Nintendo should respect the economies of their fans more lol. If this remake at least included both OG Paper Marios, I still wouldn't be interested, but I would find it less of a greedy nostalgia-bait move, at least. 50 bucks is a lot, especially when 10 years from now both the OG and the remake will be just as unobtainable. And then what? Do we wait for Nintendo to sell the game to us again for another 50 bucks? This isn't how you preserve games, this is how you exploit people's nostalgia to make quick money. It'd be a different thing if the game didn't hold up so well, but OG TYYD could be ported as is and stand up no its own feet, no sweat.

...Besides, there's a difference between generic bandits and legendary pirates. Legendary pirates are way cool.

1 hour ago, Armchair General said:

Personally, I would have settled with the first one, or this one if they actually added some new content to it.

I have the terrible feeling that they released this one knowing it's the most popular one, and later they can make an even more low-effort remake of the first one using the same engine to squeeze a few more 50 buckses out of the big Paper Mario fans.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I just think Nintendo should respect the economies of their fans more lol. If this remake at least included both OG Paper Marios, I still wouldn't be interested, but I would find it less of a greedy nostalgia-bait move, at least. 50 bucks is a lot, especially when 10 years from now both the OG and the remake will be just as unobtainable. And then what? Do we wait for Nintendo to sell the game to us again for another 50 bucks? This isn't how you preserve games, this is how you exploit people's nostalgia to make quick money. It'd be a different thing if the game didn't hold up so well, but OG TYYD could be ported as is and stand up no its own feet, no sweat.

...Besides, there's a difference between generic bandits and legendary pirates. Legendary pirates are way cool.

I have the terrible feeling that they released this one knowing it's the most popular one, and later they can make an even more low-effort remake of the first one using the same engine to squeeze a few more 50 buckses out of the big Paper Mario fans.

You know what was the game's price back in 2004 when it got released? 50 dollars.

When you count on inflation and the work being done to redo the graphics and stuff, the game's actually cheaper now than back in 2004.

To your credit, the game eventually got discounted to 20 dollars a few years later, but compared to the initial release price...

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If this is to be believed:


50 USD in 2004 are now 81 USD today.

While 20 USD in 2006, when it got the discount, are 30 USD today. So pretend the extra 20 USD come from the graphical overhaul work or something...

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As it were, another factor to consider is that right now stuff like minimum wage are lower than average for what it should be if factors like inflation are taken into account. I remember reading an article talking how minimum wage in the US should already be over 20 USD/hr, but some states still have it lower than half of that, and still fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.

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