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Ok so i don't think Ubisoft Milan balanced the Rayman DLC for the higher difficulty. As in, it's like Kingdom Battle where there's a turn-limit for extra points but idk how you do some of these battles on Hard. Like it doesn't seem you can.

26 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Well, finished the 2nd dungeon on the 3 hour limit on the dot.

Oh it's a timed demo and not one that just ends at a certain point?

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Completed the battle after which the first Alchemy Rune unlocked, turns out I needed lots of unicorns. ...Then two more battles later and what seemed like a good start suddenly went south, which then went even more south on the second attempt where two dragons wrecked me. What did I do wrong exactly?🤔 Was a mix of a dragon, some phantoms, and some fairies not what was called for? I'm not ruling out going down to Easy at any time.

Also turns out crystals do run out of Mana at a point, I saw my elves standing around doing nothing and I was left wondering why.😆 That adds another source of pressure to every stage.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I Iike that it has the credits.

This is particularly a nice touch for a game with multiple artists. Otherwise I think players would assume it all came from the lead artist.

And considering this game doesn't actually have you walking around the magic tower, this abundant artwork has to do the job of showing you what it and life there is like.


1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



HD-2D Exploded certainly looks... interesting. A little awkward, but then, I have feeling 3D models would take away from the environments somehow.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

HD-2D Exploded certainly looks... interesting. A little awkward, but then, I have feeling 3D models would take away from the environments somehow.

Well, that was also how it was in the original, from what I recall. 3D, or pseudo-3D, environments with clearly 2D sprites. Maybe not everything being cg models, but the effect was the same.

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17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I think my problem's that I don't like super special boys lol. It's telling that my favorite character throughout was Soichiro.

That's because he's a middle aged man with a moustache

7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

True, it's the first of three anime I've watched.

But you have good taste



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Okay, recruited Llewellyn and Belenus. This being Hard Mode, there's only one new dungeon to explore, the Solde Catacombs (good for me, as it's the one with an Emerald Necklace for CP farming), plus the Cave of Oblivion. Only have 11 periods left, so that's five dungeon trips and... random town visit I guess. Or I think I can rest up with that remaining turn. Anyway, while I plan to send both chapter recruits to Valhalla, I'm still not sure if to send them both now, or do it one here, the other in Chapter 2. I do want to send two apiece (the max for each chapter, really) whenever I can, but depending on how the Einherjar recruitment goes for chapters 2 through 4, I might need to change plans.

Meanwhile, from what I remember, Lenneth works best as an archer than swordswoman, at least for farming enemies, so I'll Materialize a bow for her, giving Grimrist to Belenus. Won't be using Arngrim for a little bit.

So, off to the Solde Catacombs!

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So, doing the Cave of Oblivion, I got the "luck" the enemies were from a latter chapter (CoB is pure randomness, as it were), so they could one-shot my team.

I had a spare Element Scepter I could transmute into a Tome of Alchemy (instant KO to enemies)... an encounter with four enemies had the entire party gain three levels, pft.

Wow, Llewellyn really is... at similar levels and all their traits maxed out, he only has a Hero Value in the 40's while Belenus is in the 130's. He truly can only fit the Chapter 1 Einherjar requirement, which is... none. Poor kid. But then, maybe that's the idea. He went off to war... only to fall overboard during a storm and drown. So it's impressive he was even picked up by Lenneth to begin with.

... well, I had the version of the CoB with the stats boosting item... but it didn't spawn. I know it's possible to manipulate the RNG of the cave (only pertaining item spawns), but well, too late for that. It's fine. Well, I feel I can send up either or both of Llewllyn and Belenus, (and Jelanda I guess, but I'm not planning to send her up this chapter if ever), but I'll first give them a couple more levels. Thanks to that usage of ToA I might be overleveled for the chapter now, heh, but still. So, a few more visits to the Solde Catacombs, then.

However, that will be for next time. It's already too late, and the weekend will be busy. Between Independence Day, my brother's birthday, and my dad's birthday.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh it's a timed demo and not one that just ends at a certain point?


3 Hours limit and ends after the 2nd dungeon

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

HD-2D Exploded certainly looks... interesting. A little awkward, but then, I have feeling 3D models would take away from the environments somehow.

Kinda agree. But i think Chibi models would've looked better. Maybe.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Imma keep it real chief, I can't tell a difference.

As in, I don't see any difference that's *specifically* the frame rate.

I wish I had you Nintendo fans' ability. It was immediately obvious to me, and very obvious at that.

I mean don't get me wrong, it's not a huge gamebreaking flaw. It's a RPG after all. I feel it says more about the Switch than the game itself.

5 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

That's because he's a middle aged man with a moustache

And also the only main(ish) character that's a decent person, but that also helps.

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I am a bit late to some of these replies here.


On 9/13/2023 at 12:52 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:


Sturm uses AW2 Black Hole unit designs now. His new design is fine. His theme went hard in GBA, here, it's still befitting, but strangely less heavy than so many other themes.

I miss the old octopus face.


On 9/13/2023 at 12:52 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:



bring on the first Meteor Strike!

I love the animation here (he even lets out a quick puff of smoke in a nod to his fuming AW1 Robo-Octorok self).

Alright, that is really intense cut-in for Sturm


On 9/13/2023 at 12:52 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:




Since I can replay every battle now instead of having to start a whole new campaign,

Congrats, and hopefully the replay of AW2 goes just as well.


On 9/14/2023 at 7:44 PM, GuardianSing said:



Case in point

Liking Skrimir already, usually it takes a bit for him to grow on people in part 3.


On 9/14/2023 at 7:44 PM, GuardianSing said:



So statistically speaking, what are the chances of Mist missing this attack and getting doubled in retaliation?

Accounting for true hit, 0.17%


On 9/14/2023 at 7:44 PM, GuardianSing said:



Wait why is this guy working with us agaIn

Because money matter more to him than his racism.


On 9/14/2023 at 7:44 PM, GuardianSing said:



Part of me thought Heather could've perpetuated the predatory lesbian stereotype, but she's certainly more caring than the majority of male flirts across the franchise


Cliche as I find Heather, I guess she isn't that bad of representation in the end.


On 9/14/2023 at 7:44 PM, GuardianSing said:



But luckily his boyfriend has come to his aid

Soren to the rescue!


On 9/14/2023 at 8:10 PM, Acacia Sgt said:


When Begnion pledged to support Crimea against Daein, Naesala had Kilva pull out of the war shortly after. Keep this in mind, in light of future revelations...

Just ignore Naesala's crows attacking a ship with the Apostle on it under Naesala's direct supervision earlier in the game.


On 9/14/2023 at 10:45 PM, Newtype06 said:

This was something that carried on to the final version as well.


This image is such a lying troll.


22 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Flying Today.


An obvious one in retrospect, for reasons similar to Lapras, but Chatot taking the normal slot instead of flying did catch me off guard.


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43 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Just ignore Naesala's crows attacking a ship with the Apostle on it under Naesala's direct supervision earlier in the game.

The Senate certainly did. Or perhaps they were hoping for more than just a raid. Or simply just it had their unofficial blessing to raid the Apostle's ship. We know how the Senate is regarding her. This also assumes Naesala even knew it was the Apostle's ship to begin with... might need to check the script on that.

Not to mention, there's a level of magnitude on whether or not to decide to use certain tools at their disposal. For pirate raids? They might live with it, or it doesn't affect them too much to consider putting a stop to it. But when their nations are now officially at war against each other? That's different. Do remember when they finally use it, after all. It wasn't at the beginning of the war, that's for sure. Either way, it's Naesala who pulls out first in PoR, being more of a cautious action. Or perhaps he got a secret visit with a threat to pull out or else. That's probably definitely what happens in RD, and certainly definitely what happens with a certain other individual...

There's a lot we don't get to see when it comes to Naesala after all, in both games.

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Okay, time to continue those last few runs of the Solde Catacombs.

I'm once again struggling to force drops on the enemies. It's a good thing the game gives you a way to practice, but no amount of practice is actually making me better at this... maybe. Ah well.

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Would you say good taste @Shrimpy -Limited Edition-?😛



I think I'll turn it down to Easy for GrimGrimoire, for now at least. Feels like I need to get more of a hang of the basics (I'm here for the general experience anyhow, not solely the gameplay). Although it's less the game being real time that is the concern, more every map being fog of war. Leaving me uncertain of exactly what threats I'm facing on each stage and where. Not helping is the... irregularity of enemy aggression. So far, most stages begin with the enemy doing little, giving me time to set up my Runes and familiars and launch an initial attack on their Runes. Yet the enemy eventually sends in a force to attack mine, and these then pick up, and somehow I can get very overwhelmed late into a given map. I've looked up tips online, but actually putting the advice to effective use will be trickier.

Narratively, GrimGrimoire holds some potential promise it looks like (I didn't know what it'd be like when I bought the game), not heavy as 13S, not as grand as OS. It's uniquely a Vanillaware story from just one character's perspective. Even more than 13S, the physical setting is quite small, and the cast is on the small side too. 

-Although I didn't play GrimGrimoire at all today. I went back to Maglam Lord to not leave that hanging. ...And after several days of it having faded away almost entirely, I certainly feel, not quite as sharply, that melancholic fear again. Not sure if I want an RTS in this kind of mood.


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Congrats, and hopefully the replay of AW2 goes just as well.

I decided to clear a few of the alternative AW1 battles (Blue Moon Max route, the first Andy & Max Drake battles) the day after finishing the campaign, to reach over 9000 points and then I visited Hachi for the first time and spent most of them unlocking COs and some Versus Mode maps. So that I wouldn't hit the 9999 point cap midway into BHR and have to make an awkward first trip to the shop during a campaign, which would've felt unearned.

I then did one Versus as Grit vs. Andy Clone, Kanbei and Max b/c I felt like it. Nothing quite like gradually pressing down on the enemy with Artilleries and Rockets, slowly reducing the breathing room between the enemy and their home territory. Using CO Powers to obliterate their false sense of security of being just out of reach and thus bringing myself much closer to their HQ in an instant. AI Kanbei on the side managed to come extremely close to eradicating Max without me getting involved in their conflict, unusual. I'm not sure if I've seen that before from the AI.

But now, I'm taking a little breather before jumping into Black Hole Rising, which I should enjoy as much or more than AW1. Probably won't be able to resist the call to defend Macro Land for more than a few more days though.😆 A 12-hour campaign wasn't that fatiguing.

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Is that how i learn spanish?

33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Of course!

One of my favs. liking one of my other favs. is absolutely based!

also adds to a joke i made years ago about Shirou and Adol  lol


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Cliche as I find Heather, I guess she isn't that bad of representation in the end.

Well, the competition are Tharja and that girl from Fates who wants to bang her own mom.

No surprise she is looking good by comparison.

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Okay, I'm gonna do a little "cheat", and look ahead to see which Einherjar I can pick up in Chapters 2 and 3 (and by default, 4 as well). That way I can plan ahead which ones to train up during those chapters.

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(He shouted "Beaaaaaam!" in English, as any hot-blooded Japanese speaker person should. The old man gets it.)




This is... amusing? Yes, let's go with that. (If I had picked female Killizerk at the start instead, this scene tweaked my mind can baraly imagine.)

Not sure this has taught Killizerk anything about the perspective of the opposite sex as the Guru intended. But it might be the solution to the  "s/s can't procreate to prevent demon lord extinction" issue?

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Well, that's fascinating.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(He shouted "Beaaaaaam!" in English, as any hot-blooded Japanese speaker person should. The old man gets it.)

Even those who aren't normally hot-blooded.

Though in this case, it's a Seiyuu thing.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



That's it. I'm sold. I need to play this too.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


This is... amusing? Yes, let's go with that. (If I had picked female Killizerk at the start instead, this scene tweaked my mind can baraly imagine.)

Plot twist, the Love Guru uses the beam on himself in that case.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not sure this has taught Killizerk anything about the perspective of the opposite sex as the Guru intended. But it might be the solution to the  "s/s can't procreate to prevent demon lord extinction" issue?

That's one way to look at it. At least in the case of M/M.

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World's tallest waterfall. And

The lightning capital of the world.

Venezuela, once you peer past it's governmental corruption, you can see true beauty. Lake Maracaibo is also the largest lake in South America (it's more of a lagoon actually).

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(If I had picked female Killizerk at the start instead, this scene tweaked my mind can baraly imagine.)

Oh there's that option? Interesting, cause that would mean there's only one straight option for her while the male version gets two. Unless, it's Fire Emblem rules.


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Trails into Reverie ending


Somehow... Ishmelga returned. Sort of, since he's technically different from the Ishmelga we destroyed in the previous game, even ignoring the fact that he's fused with Rean. Or was he a copy made by Elysium...? Anyway, fighting the ultimate Divine Knight as the final boss was cool, and it was nice to briefly see Valimar and the other Divine Knights again. I like how Rean resolves the situation without thinking of sacrificing himself this time, showing the results of his character arc.

Well boys, we did it, Crossbell is occupied no more. It only took six games... it makes me a little emotional given how long it's taken. Since we don't see Lloyd's speech, I'm guessing he messed it up and had to consoled by Wazy afterwards. Special props to my man Randy for getting with his love interest, I hope to see his and Mireille's kids a few games from now.

Rufus's solution to saving Zemuria from the Retributive Tower was pretty smart. Who would've expected going in that the heroes would save Rufus at the end? (Or more specifically, that they would want to save him.) If only I knew what I was getting into when I first met him in Cold Steel I. Since he's "dead" as far as the rest of Zemuria is concerned, Rufus now gets to be the dad of the Imperial Picnicking Front. It's an appropriate conclusion for him, I think.

In other news, Other Rean predicts that something big and probably apocalyptic will happen three years from now, corresponding with what the Grandmaster said at the end of Cold Steel IV. I can't wait to see what that means three games from now.

And also Anelace showed up in a postgame image and I claaaaaaaaaaapped

Ordinarily I might've had an existential crisis about what to do now, but the game isn't actually over yet. Maybe I should finish Pikmin 4 soon...

On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Annnnd it was originally going to be Poison-type too evidence may suggest.

It might have been changed to make Umbreon a type counterpart with Espeon after Leafeon was cut. Who knows? It fits the night theming, at least.

21 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

But you have good taste

Thank you

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