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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Morning, everyone! *waves*

FE lords tier list, huh?

Why not?

This one included main characters like Sanaki and Elincia as well. Tbh, I'd consider them to be lords of their games along with characters like Ike and Miccy.

I don't think I missed anyone.

Edited tier list below.


Edited by twilitfalchion
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That aside, I'm considering trying an LP soon. I just haven't picked a game to play yet.
It would have to be something where you can make screenshots whenever, though. Action games don't lend themselves too well to screenshot-based LPs. xD

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That aside, I'm considering trying an LP soon. I just haven't picked a game to play yet.
It would have to be something where you can make screenshots whenever, though. Action games don't lend themselves too well to screenshot-based LPs. xD

I'll be looking forward to it when or if you do! 👍

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15 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I find it kind of ironic that Claude didn't make Forgettable... after being forgotten.

True. xD

Although I wouldn't describe Claude as completely forgettable, he was never very interesting to me personally.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

(There's two Marths because I consider his portrayal in Shadow Dragon to be far superior to all others. Consider FE12 Marth to be every non-FE11 Marth)

Ngl, I didn't feel like there was a distinctly different version of Marth. Only time I felt a remake changed characters was Echoes with Alm and Celica but that's because the OG versions had no character.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

And now here's my burial tier list of Fire Emblem protagonists:

I consider PoR Ike and RD Ike to be different, hence why both of them are here, and Rubenio is right: SD Marth and FE12 Marth are different. Same with Shiida, kinda.
Still like 'em, though!

And yes, I consider Seteth and Tibarn protagonists, too. After all, Seteth is the lord of Silver Snow, and Tibarn has his own troop in Radiant Dawn.

Why is Caeda there? I get the other "non-Lords" you mentioned but Caeda doesn't do anything past her introduction.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Why is Caeda there? I get the other "non-Lords" you mentioned but Caeda doesn't do anything past her introduction.

A lot of people you can recruit in Shadow Dragon you can only get if she is alive, that's why I put her in there.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

A lot of people you can recruit in Shadow Dragon you can only get if she is alive, that's why I put her in there.

I'm not sure if that's grounds for counting as a Lord tbh. Idk it feels weird because like I said, she stops being plot relevant after her introduction.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm not sure if that's grounds for counting as a Lord tbh. Idk it feels weird because like I said, she stops being plot relevant after her introduction.

She does get unique dialogue and an ending with Marth if she survives in SD though. I'd say she's more plot relevant than most other characters, and she is nobility.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm not sure if that's grounds for counting as a Lord tbh. Idk it feels weird because like I said, she stops being plot relevant after her introduction.

I see your point, but still.
Now she's there. xD

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

She does get unique dialogue and an ending with Marth if she survives in SD though. I'd say she's more plot relevant than most other characters, and she is nobility.

That's in all versions of FE1 but that's like saying Fae is plot relevant because she appears in the last cutscene of FE6 with Idoun.

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I see your point, but still.
Now she's there. xD

It do be like that sometimes.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fire Emblem games but ranked by how good their final map theme is.

Phew, I was about to say run, you're not safe for a second.

I would change the order, but yeah Twilight of the Gods is still top dog to me.

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