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New Heroes: Engage

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

That depends on the bow, and a lot of the bows in Fire Emblem are not of the the types that require that much strength.

If we want to over-analyze the setting, the fact that most characters don't wear armor that can properly defend against arrows probably means that heavier bows were never a necessity, and defending against arrows likely never rose to a high enough level of priority due to the existence of magic.

True in that I suppose bows in Fire Emblem have around a 5-10 metre range. 😉

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57 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Screwed over in terms of availability perhaps, but being arguably the most desirable unit on the banner, and second-most as worst, doesn't strike me as being "screwed over", especially as he has the Prf skill to more than compensate, and also has a more complete kit than both Celine and Chloe.

On a different note, I'm somewhat pleased to see the stereotypical "strong" chararacter get the decidedly non-stereotypical archer role here. It takes a lot more strength to effectively shoot a bow in combat than it does to swing a sword or thrust a spear, but the fantasy trope of the archer being the delicate, weaker (and often female) character hiding behind the burly frontliners typically prevails.

Etie's hobby is actually body building

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Hmmm the more I think about it, the more I may have to try summoning for the Flower Prince. That said, I don't even have 100 orbs, and a few banners coming up I always enjoy, so... Well, let's hope I summon him quickly.

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Considering that the majority of male banner units are bad demotes, generally less impressive than the female units on the same banner even when 5-star, and far fewer in number, did they ever have a fair shot to compete against their female counterparts?

I'm not convinced that male characters not making them as much money isn't also due in part to IS continually fucking them over.

Yeah, basically a self-fulfulling prophecy. Make it so that males are generally the worst units on their banners, and then say "oh they're not making money. more females then".

Kind of like how, of all the male OC's, they gave Otr, who is easily the least likable male original character, his own banner over Freyr or Fafnir who would definitely rank higher.

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5 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

So did they just ... fuck Alfred out of an actual prf weapon and appearing in future banners to make him a rearmed hero?

At least he also has a Prf skill unlike the Rearmeds we've gotten since Grima?

I was curious if we'd skip a Rearmed Hero for the Engage banner, but clearly not. I have been keeping an eye out for an Arcane Lance so at least it's coming with someone I would otherwise be curious about anyway. Poor Alfred being sentenced to Duo Ephraim purgatory though. And for being the only guy, where's M!Alear at the very least?

Also, it's nice to finally have some VA reveals for the Engage cast! The double spark is nice too: I may go for an Alfred and an Alear if I can - she comes with 3 instances of Spd DR in her base kit alone, that's... pretty amazing to be honest, but I don't know if it's in a good way or not.

P.S. I'm hoping Lumere will be a good GHB unit. I wonder if she'll have a sword or be a dragon unit? If she has a Prf she could be another source of Flametongue for anyone who needs Arcane Grima (or be a good user of AG herself). Being an armored dragon would be cool but I'm not getting my hopes up for that.

Edited by DefyingFates
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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Etie's epithet, "Fitness Fighter", is "剛腕の令嬢" (gōwan no reijō), "Strong-Armed Young Lady".

Lumera's epithet, "Dragon Monarch", is "神竜王" (shinryūō), "Divine Dragon King". This epithet is identical to Naga's, which was localized as "Dragon Divinity".

Added Etie's and Lumera's epithets from the character introduction pages. Will update with weapons once they are officially announced.

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Hmm, I was a little down on Alear not having Heavy Blade for Galeforcing since a 3-movement infantry with Galeforce would be right up my alley. I mean, the Charge effect is nice and all, but what makes Summer Edelgard isn't that alone. But I realise now that if I pull both her and Alfie, Oscar would no longer have a lock on my Heavy Blade seal and Alear could become its full-time owner. Hmm, guess this banner is starting to look far better than it seemed at first.

Now, who'd be the lucky infantry to be the support partner? Galeforce Hans? Or perhaps some sort of armour? Who's a fairly modern armour with +1 special charging?


EDIT: I can't come up with anything better than 2018-meta Slaying Bold Fighter Cervantes. Now I'm sad.

Edited by Humanoid
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1 hour ago, kienquocsi said:

Seems like their Forging Bonds is scheduled for tomorrow already? Appearing in FEH even before their base game is out lol

The same happened for 3H so it's not too bad. At least they have company!

Also, I'm really eager to see the Heroes OCs discuss Emblems and Summoning with the Elyos cast. I hope that happens!

Also, I know what I said about M!Alear before, but now I'm wondering if we'll get a second Engage banner in February as we did with Echoes back in 2017, as some have already suggested.

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Personally, my highest priority is Alfred since he's not in the regular summoning pool, followed by Alear. So I'll plan on pulling red and blue while going for the spark, and only add green if I pick up one of them on the way.

4 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

The same happened for 3H so it's not too bad. At least they have company!

Also, I'm really eager to see the Heroes OCs discuss Emblems and Summoning with the Elyos cast. I hope that happens!

Also, I know what I said about M!Alear before, but now I'm wondering if we'll get a second Engage banner in February as we did with Echoes back in 2017, as some have already suggested.

Three Houses also got two back-to-back banners in July/August 2019, so there's strong precedent for a second Engage banner soon. (And probably a third sometime later in the year.)

This sure is getting crowded, though. Looks like Tellius is getting pushed all the way to March, and if we do get three Engage banners, that leaves only enough slots for 6 of the games that got banners in 2022 to return in 2023. My guess would be Sacred Stones, Binding Blade, Thracia, Genealogy, Blazing Blade, and Three Houses, although not necessarily in quite that order. That would leave Echoes, Awakening, Shadow Dragon, and Fates for 2024.

Edited by Othin
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6 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

P.S. I'm hoping Lumere will be a good GHB unit. I wonder if she'll have a sword or be a dragon unit? If she has a Prf she could be another source of Flametongue for anyone who needs Arcane Grima (or be a good user of AG herself). Being an armored dragon would be cool but I'm not getting my hopes up for that.

Looks like she uses a sword, at least according to her Meet the Heroes artwork and sprite.

Also, wow, I wasn't expecting those abs on Etie! (It's easy to miss them, but they are definately there.) Looks like she qualifies for if we ever get a Muscle Beach banner, along with Rinkah and the Jotunn gals.

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lucky me i finally uninstalled the game a few weeks ago or i'd have wasted an insane amount of time getting as many orbs as possible to waste on Chloé

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21 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

So did they just ... fuck Alfred out of an actual prf weapon and appearing in future banners to make him a rearmed hero?


I can explain this one, but it's kind of spoilers. Read below


NONE of the other royals in Engage have PRF weapons. In fact, there are only 5 PRF weapons in Engage, and 2 of those are antagonist-only weapons.

I think all the other crown royals; Ivy, Diamant, and Timerra; will have Rearmed Weapons + a PRF skill based on their personal. Very interesting approach.


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17 minutes ago, KoriCongo said:

I can explain this one, but it's kind of spoilers. Read below

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NONE of the other royals in Engage have PRF weapons. In fact, there are only 5 PRF weapons in Engage, and 2 of those are antagonist-only weapons.

I think all the other crown royals; Ivy, Diamant, and Timerra; will have Rearmed Weapons + a PRF skill based on their personal. Very interesting approach.


Yeah, I think I read that somewhere in one of the spoiler threads.

Honestly, that is a massive WTF decision and that one's not on Heroes. Although they bothered to make up PRFs for Celine and Chloe, so ...

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13 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


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Yeah, I think I read that somewhere in one of the spoiler threads.

Honestly, that is a massive WTF decision and that one's not on Heroes. Although they bothered to make up PRFs for Celine and Chloe, so ...



Honestly, I kind of appreciate it. I don't like PRF weapons as a concept, especially coming off of Three Houses' wonderous approach. It's still a strange decision, but at least it forces the Heroes' side to have some more creativity.


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10 minutes ago, KoriCongo said:
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Honestly, I kind of appreciate it. I don't like PRF weapons as a concept, especially coming off of Three Houses' wonderous approach. It's still a strange decision, but at least it forces the Heroes' side to have some more creativity.


Ironic, how the game with the least amount of prf weapons in its actual game is likely to get the most amount of same-day addition prfs in-game just due to being a new game.

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Looking through my barracks, the unit that benefits the most from Alfred's fodder is Tana. Arcane Qiang is the perfect weapon to turn Tana into a Galeforce unit with the least amount of investment. @BoaFerox Will you be giving the arcane lance to your Tana?

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So.....who the hell thought it was a good idea to bring the Kiran supports back in Forging Bonds? I thought everyone agreed those were terrible, and that Forging Bonds only became a decent mood once they got rid of that junk. 

Its especially weird that its celine's first impression yet they kneecap it by making her talk to a mute wall.

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8 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So.....who the hell thought it was a good idea to bring the Kiran supports back in Forging Bonds? I thought everyone agreed those were terrible, and that Forging Bonds only became a decent mood once they got rid of that junk. 

Its especially weird that its celine's first impression yet they kneecap it by making her talk to a mute wall.

Ugh, yeah.

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I'm willing to forgive them if the reason the Forging Bonds suck is because Engage is not released yet (or was known not to be released before the units were put into FEH), ergo the characterization and in-depth background of the characters is not allowed to be made known at risk of spoiling any aspects of the game.

...ONLY if that's the reason. And damn be IntSys if they decide to repeat past mistakes by releasing another Engage banner next month, ergo ANOTHER crappy Forging Bonds.

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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So.....who the hell thought it was a good idea to bring the Kiran supports back in Forging Bonds? I thought everyone agreed those were terrible, and that Forging Bonds only became a decent mood once they got rid of that junk. 

Its especially weird that its celine's first impression yet they kneecap it by making her talk to a mute wall.

The same thing happened with the first four Three Houses Forging Bonds. With that in mind, it's probably a case of the Heroes writers not being familiar with the characters yet. It took until the Seeds of Fódlan FB in March 2021 before we got any 3H conversations that were actually interesting (discounting the CYL winners because they were all alts).

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55 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

The same thing happened with the first four Three Houses Forging Bonds. With that in mind, it's probably a case of the Heroes writers not being familiar with the characters yet. It took until the Seeds of Fódlan FB in March 2021 before we got any 3H conversations that were actually interesting (discounting the CYL winners because they were all alts).

You'd think so but they seem to have a fine enough handle on Alfred at least. That and if its that big a problem they should just walk into the office next door and ask the Engage team for a look at the script. 

I suspect that IS is aware the Kiran supports are disliked because they went out of their way to lie about it. On twitter they announced that Celica, not Kiran would be her support buddy. Now maybe she'll show up in the final one, but if that's the case its still the mute wall, not Celica who's her support buddy. 

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Yeah, these were basically my impressions, too. That is, "oh, they're supporting Kiran + the Askr trio again. I thought they were done with that. Well, maybe they're trying to keep the info we have shallow so they don't spoil the game since Engage isn't out yet." I kind of like the supports with Alfonse and Sharena this time around, and, while predictable, I'm happy with where they seem to be going with the main story of this FB.

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