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Void Mafia - Game Over


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Doesn't that imply Strider didn't make the stone and instead culted. :/

Or maybe he could do both.

Or not have done the stone at all.

After reflecting a bit, I'm starting to think that Baldrick isn't going to be as useful to town anymore, even if we tried.

And compared to the other lynches, he might as well be the better option right now.

##Vote: Baldrick

If this turns out to be a town flip however I will hate the pushers forever and will hate baldrick for n0-d1.


I sud totes wagon Cam though

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Elieson, cute theory, but it relies on Rein's culting outprioritising the kill, so I don't consider it likely.

Xinnidy why did you not read my justification for N0, you dumb shit. Just for that, you've made my final scumread list. Incidentally, if there's anyone who knows about the person who can use the crossbow bolt, it's you, you mentioned something about a bow N0. I'd forgotten about it, but I swear on my townness I'm not making it up.

I would vote Cam as well, just to save myself.

Final scumread list: Mancer, BBM, Mancer, Sho, Mancer, Lucina, Mancer, Mancer, Mancer, Xinnidy

If Sho flips town, Rapier/scorri for leak maybe?

If he flips scum, Elieson for co-operating with him.

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Well, seeing as you can pass items at the same time as using your role, I don't see why Rein wouldn't have been able to use his ingredients at the same time as culting somebody. He might not have been able to make it depending on priority, but that's a separate issue.

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Baldrick, have you even said anything about Mancer other than lolpolicy lynch? I remember when the wagon was on him D1, you didn't want to vote for him seriously then.

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awesome flavor (aka I'm busy I might real stuff later)

"The citizens are revolting."

"Yes certainly."

Then Baldrick was lynched

Dear Baldrick,

You are Reyes. You are the eldest son of the king, making you the crown prince and first in line to get the throne in the event he bites it. You enjoy hunting and fighting and all that other boy stuff. You spend a great deal of time with many of the knights around your own age, as your grew up with and learn to fight with them. You are very good with people, and are often said to be capable of reading them like a book.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Holding an audience with USER." You will invite USER over to chat with him. Before USER enters, your guards will check him to make sure that he is unarmed. If he has any items in his inventory, he will be turned away, but you will get a list of items in his inventory and their descriptions. If he does not, he will be allowed in. You will talk with him about his concerns for the kingdom, family, friends, and life. From this, you will be able to determine if he is a foe or not.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

n2 ends Monday at 10:30AM GMT-8

Edited by Paperblade
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Good press Sho. Glad you got our Cop killed without being able to prove anything or take advantage of his potential services. Now who the fck is scum gonna kill?

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But seriously, right now I am shutting myself down from a lot of opinions, even if I don't actually consider their owners scum.

It's that good ol' time where I got to reconsider my reads entirely.

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Sigh. Dammit. I just missed the deadline. My desktop read 10:25, but Paper shanghaied me. I'm going to spoiler this, so everyone can see where I stood.

On the other hand, I really have no clue on who to vote, too much going on in my mind right now.

Jesus, I can *so* relate at this point. ^^" I'm going to stop saying "This is all flying over my head," because it'll start getting cliched. These trains of thought are genuinely hard to follow.

The only definite deduction I can make is that if Baldrick's claim is legitimate (13th and Scorri have pointed out that it would be a pretty terrible fakeclaim), there's a big likelihood he's scum. This might be rolespec, but in a game with 19 players, it would be pretty strange if he was our one true rolecop. I can't help feeling like this slot is something extra to buffer the scum side's arsenal. I know this kind of speculation isn't a legitimate reason to vote for him, but that brings me to what Shinori just said.

##Vote: Baldrick

Need to make sure something get's lynched. If we have enough people to get something else lynched I maybe willing to swap my vote. But I don't want to run into any sort of tie or anything.

This is really the only conclusion I can come to right now. ._. If we run into a tie, the vote will result in no lynch, and we'll get no information on the Sho vs. Baldrick debate. Baldrick, if you are legitimate, I'm sorry for being the last nail in your coffin. You've defended yourself passionately, and I can tell how much you want to still play. (It's in pretty stark contrast to people like Cam. >_>)

By the way, if this ends up in a mislynch, I'm aware of how horrible it will look. ._. I didn't mean to hold off until it got down to the wire. This will probably sound like a cop out, but it's so hard keeping on top of the game.

((I don't know why this is being bolded. I've spent about fifteen minutes trying to get the formatting normalized.))

I'm leaving out the final vote tag, but it would've been for Baldrick. Ugh.

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[12:48:37 AM] Brad: cam do I need to sub you

[11:15:58 AM] Cam: no

[11:16:00 AM] Cam: i'm sorry

[11:16:12 AM] Cam: i was unexpectedly super busy yesterday

i'll hear nothing more about how i've forgotten about this game ;/

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Guys I found cult. See?

<SB> Deliriyum talk to me

* Balcerzak has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)

* scorri pokes SB

* scorri pokes Deliriyum

* SB pokes scorri

* scorri stabs SB

<SB> welp


<scorri> hahaha

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BBM has died. He was:

Dear Thomas Raith,

You are Fintan. You are a murderhoboADVENTURER, and thus work for whatever gives you the best loot. In this case, the highest bidder is the realm (seriously, the other guys aren't offering you shit), so you serve the king. Unlike a soldier or knight, you don't need no stinking honor and thus are willing to use guerrilla tactics and fight from a distance. Additionally, since you are mainly hired to take on high risk targets that the knights cannot handle, you are fairly well off and can thus afford the latest technology--those fancy crossbows that have become popular.

At night and if you are holding at least one Crossbow Bolt, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Bring USER to justice." You will stake out USER and shoot him when he least suspects it, killing him. Using this action successfully consumes a single Crossbow Bolt.

If Arianne is killed, you will gain access to all of her abilities except for empowerment, allowing the Void to stay alive.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Void consume USER." USER will be filled with the Void. USER, being a shell of their former self, will lose all role abilities when he becomes a part of you. However, Werewolves seem to be resistant to the power of the Void and cannot be consumed. Additionally, the Magus is prepared for you and knows you for what you are, so he will escape all attempts to consume him.

Finally, as you are the hivemind of the Void, if you are killed, the Void will dissipate, killing all other members of the Void.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.You are allied with the Void. You win if the Citizens of Antioch, the Werewolves, and the Magus are eliminated.

Paulina has died. She was:

Dear Paulina,

You are Bernard. You are a knight serving the royal family. You are loud and boisterous, but are quite friendly and are considered to be the life of a party. You're the eldest and most experienced knight, and have guarded the king and his family for nearly forty years. You also participated in many famous battles, and helped the hero Gabriel defeat the warlock Erastus.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Defend USER." You will watch USER throughout the night. Due to your many years of experience foiling various evildoers throughout the countryside, you will be able to successfully fend off any attack on their life at no harm to yourself. However, this new threat of the Void is behind even your experience, and thus you will not be able to stop it.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Gather information on USER." You will then learn USER's alliance. This ability is guaranteed to get 100% accurate information.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.You are allied with the Void. You win if the Citizens of Antioch, the Werewolves, and the Magus are eliminated.

scorri has died. She was:

Dear scorri,

You are Quinton. By day, you are a lowly clock maker, toiling away. In reality, you are a necromancer, although you damn well don't want anyone to know that (yet). Soiling the dead is frowned upon and is enough to get you lynched. However, you aren't a bad guy. Pragmatically, the dead are a labor force that doesn't need to be paid or fed or seriously cared for and never tires! It's just that no one understands or appreciates that! They're too wrapped up and concerned by ethics and morals... Well, now that there's a real crisis, it's time to make people appreciate what a great help this art is!

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Spawning USER as the undead." USER must be dead. If USER was a Citizen of Antioch at any point in time, you will take his body and revive him as a sentient undead. The body will still be suited to do work, so you will be able to copy any roles the deceased had during his tenure as a human. Your magic is only so powerful, and the body will only be able to do this task for 2 day/night cycles afterwards. After that, it will fall apart.

Additionally, you only have enough power to control one undead at a time, and thus if you make a new one, the old one will die again. You cannot resurrect the same role twice. Note that the soul of your target will be missing (see, it's not evil! C'mon, people), so you can't actually garner any information out of him.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.You are allied with the Void. You win if the Citizens of Antioch, the Werewolves, and the Magus are eliminated.

The Void has been eliminated. As a result, Elieson has won. He was:

Dear Elieson,

You are Ezekiel. You are a Magus of some renown, for you and your friend Gabriel performed a great many deeds back in the day. However, you were never very interested in being a hero, preferring it more for the knowledge gained through the many mysterious artifacts and ancient tomes to be gathered, and have since retired to study the sciences. You took an apprentice, Arianne, who is the daughter of your good friend and showed much talent with magic. You are fascinated with the idea that there are other worlds out there to explore, and it has been the subject of much of your recent research. This culminated with an experiment you were performing to attempt to go to one of them, but it went horribly wrong. Arianne was... changed, and you were forced to flee as a quarter of the city disappeared into a swirling mass of energy. You later realized that some sort of alien entity had possessed Arianne and was using her as a puppet towards some sort of sinister goal. Knowing that this mess is your fault, you seek to put an end to it. Arianne, those innocents... You're not sure if you can reverse the process, but if you can't, you might have to do something drastic. You pray Gabriel forgives you if you do.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Creating ITEM for USER." You will create one of the following artifacts and give it to USER. USER can be you.

  • Wand of Illusion. At night, the holder of the Wand of Illusion may respond to their role PM with "Night X - Disguise USER as myself." They will cast an illusion powerful enough to fool anyone or anything, causing anyone that would target you with an action to target USER instead. Creating illusions is quite difficult so this will break after one use.
  • Scrying Crystal. At night, the holder of the Scrying Crystal may respond to their role PM with "Night X - Scry on USER1 and USER2." They will learn if USER1 or USER2 was consumed that night, but not which. This item will shatter after one use.

Alternatively, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Researching." You will spend the entire night performing research on artifice, giving you access to a new item to create.

  • After researching once, you will be able to create the Rod of Transparency. At night, the holder of the Rod of Transparency may respond to their role PM with "Night X - Make USER transparent." USER will be made nearly invisible, causing all non-killing/recruiting actions to be unable to find their target. This can only be used once before breaking.
  • After researching twice, you will be able to create the Magic Goggles. At night, the holder of the Magic Goggles may respond to their role PM with "Night X - Looking at USER." Due to the properties of these goggles, they will be able to determine if USER is tainted by the Void. However, their power will be used up after one use.
  • After researching thrice, you will be able to create the Scroll of Teleportation. If the holder of the Scroll of Teleportation would be consumed by the Void, instead they will be able to use this scroll to teleport to safety. However, this does not protect from other dangerous actions such as kills, and the scroll will be consumed upon use.

If you are ever targeted by the Void, you will be able to escape. However, you will be in such a rush when they show up that you will forget some of your notes behind, setting your research level back by one. Your research cannot drop below zero. If you are targeted by them on three different nights, the fourth time you will be unable to escape their grasp, and you will die.

Finally, to pay for your research, you provided magical artifacts to anyone who was willing to pay. Among those were the local werewolf pack, which you are in contact with anonymously via a transmission stone, which you can access here. You never did have much interest in the conflicts between the people of this town and the wolf pack, as nowadays you prefer to be left to your research. And even now, you see no reason to interfere, but you know that they wish to see the Void gone almost as much as you do. And werewolf blood seems to be quite resistant to the Void's corruption...

You are the Magus. You win if the Void is eliminated while you are still alive.

Congratulations to Elieson.

All results are out.

Day 3 ends at 10:30PM EST on Wednesday, January 23rd.

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