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Sacred Stones Mafia: Redux (Game Over)


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Yeah but be careful with that line of thinkin' 'cause I've seen people lynch their townreads for info before

This one game I was town leader in an OC game.

I threw a town read at someone who claimed to be bomb and literally gained the most info I could have possibly gained ever from one play of the game.

But I suck at leading the town and ended up throwing that game to the scum team.

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In that vein. Faerie. Who are your scumreads? Any buddyreads so far? Cookies for quotes

I have one scumread who I've voted, and I've explained why. SB is a "buddyread", as said scumread jumped on him easily, and I have other reasons to think he's town. I am not claiming.

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WELL IT'S LIKE... I KNOW HE'S DONE THIS BEFORE TOO... I feel like he'd be more of a presence as town... and this business with Faerie Knight is making me have second thoughts about the SB lynch, based on what I know about my role (Faerie saying the lynch is bad based on "vague info") and I know that's a shitty thing to go on and this KINDA sounds like frustrated scum!SB I'm tempted to yolo a yolo lynch

I don't like Faerie's line of thinking wrt Clarinets's claim, though. Also I remember Clarinets vagueclaiming like way earlier in the thread fwiw

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but I'm tempted*

I'm still catching up so apologies for the disconnected thoughts. I don't like how Marth fell off the face of the Earth either.

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Oh I just noticed the earlier hint drop. And it was aimed at me rofl. Good thing he stopped scrunchin' up the quotes

I have one scumread who I've voted, and I've explained why. SB is a "buddyread", as said scumread jumped on him easily, and I have other reasons to think he's town. I am not claiming.

Iiii wasn't asking you to? Other than that though, can't complain. Follow-up: If Yolo flips town, who would you go after next?

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Welp from a quick skim the only thing that bothers me about shinori is that his point about makaze's strawman read seems kind of like its expecting way too much out of what is just a gut read. The read is also a town read which although important I feel is less important since anyone can make up town reads but its the scum reads that matter the most and shinori hasn't really looked at makaze's scum reads (unless I missed something).

Faeries knight logic is uh null. Can't really draw anything from it and i can see both scum and town pursing that line of logic.

i'll go back and read more indepth later.

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No. Tunneling is locking yourself on a target, perhaps not even acknowledging anything else. I'm saying nobody else is scummy yet. Can you prove to me otherwise?

What part of "I won't believe anyone else is scummy until someone else proves it to me or my current target dies" isn't tunneling?

You're not this stupid. You know what associative reads are. You know how to form them. If you hunt one scum, you must have some idea who their buddies are, or you're... Tunneling the player instead of hunting a team. If you have some idea who their buddies are, then you can case multiple people at a time. Under no circumstances should you only have one scum read. No one scummy in themselves in a team game.

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I won't be able to post til tomorrow and even then I have class all day. I have more time Thursday but a wagon's on me and I don't wanna slow down the game.

Should I replace out? I won't be able to read through this either til tomorrow or the day after.

If I wasn't confident in lynching you before, I definitely am now.

Don't join and confirm games you can't play.

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What part of "I won't believe anyone else is scummy until someone else proves it to me or my current target dies" isn't tunneling?

You're not this stupid. You know what associative reads are. You know how to form them. If you hunt one scum, you must have some idea who their buddies are, or you're... Tunneling the player instead of hunting a team. If you have some idea who their buddies are, then you can case multiple people at a time. Under no circumstances should you only have one scum read. No one scummy in themselves in a team game.

But that's not what I said?

....Maybe I'm not working with associative reads? You're not stupid either, you know that's the only method you can use or the only way to catch scum. I'm judging lively as scummy from his actions alone, nothing to do with how he's interacted with others. So I only have one scum read, again, do something about it besides insulting me.

He's only brought up three people btw, and you're one of the two he dodged voting for despite calling them scum. Thoughts on that?

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But that's not what I said?

....Maybe I'm not working with associative reads? You're not stupid either, you know that's the only method you can use or the only way to catch scum. I'm judging lively as scummy from his actions alone, nothing to do with how he's interacted with others. So I only have one scum read, again, do something about it besides insulting me.

He's only brought up three people btw, and you're one of the two he dodged voting for despite calling them scum. Thoughts on that?

*that's not

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yall are posting too much. yolo don't sub out because if you do there will be more posts.

It's kind of absurd that Makaze wrote a huge essay about the way he plays saying everybody should tell him how to be better if they don't like his playstyle but needed me to ask before he produced a vote and some reads. Like I should think people don't need to be told that voting people and reading them is a good way to play mafia?


##Vote: Clarinets

His SB vote was much worse than yolo's if you read it.

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I don't really have a problem with yolo as is, by the way.

I want to lynch Clarinets. When he jumped on the SB wagon he was apologizing for SB's actions then posting justification for voting him anyway...? It comes off like he's looking for an excuse to vote SB, not that he read SB and thought SB was scum. I'm also struggling not to see the squabbles resulting from votes on him as him being scum feeling like he got caught for the wrong reasons. I haven't seen much of Clarinets' play but I don't recall him ever being this finicky and reactionary.

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PSA: I scumhunt primarily by association, by figuring out how certain interact or who they avoid interacting with, and a lot of my scum reads are dependent on a whole team being the case. i.e. if X isn't scum, then Y is not suspected either. Or if Y is suspected, then X is suspected too. Since I don't know how many scum there are I don't want to be in danger of having too many associative scum reads and if I know how many scum to look for I can form more precise and useful "possible scum teams" to work with. I asked this when I did because I was thinking that maybe Prims and Nova and Junko were all scum together and realized that without knowing how many scum there are any speculation I made on that front would be WIFOM of a higher degree than usual.

As for my read of you, you are a solid town read by now and I thought that by using that strong read and claiming a similar read on someone else (Nova), I could gain some info on who is not. I know you can't tell why I read you town but I have a strong feeling that you are.

Ok on the numbers part.

So the read itself isn't what I was questioning, certainly the read itself wasn't raising scum flags. You mention that read thrice (#88, #117, #122). The first in response to Prims so we don't care about that one. The third could be in response to SB since he was vague when he questioned you, but the one in #117 seemed unwarranted. It raised a flag that you were echoing yourself, making your contributions numerous but thin in content, because they weren't going anywhere.

Also, the makaze vote is scummy IMO.

##unvote ##vote: strawman

Same reasons for scum reading SB, but worse. "You town read me or are reading me as null! Which I think if pointless! But I don't know why scum would do that! Yet I'm gonna scum read you anyway!"

The point was that he was posting a lot but the content wasn't relevant in a way that showed progression in his thinking. Repeating an opinion that wasn't a part of any of the then current discussion, to appear involved and proactive in the thread. Connected that to the numbers post in it . Also read above response to Makaze pls.

@bold: Also did not actually say this at all, but thank you for the blatant misrepresentation. Completely missed the point of what I was questioning about Makaze.

uh i'm confused by strawman's case because unless i missed something makaze before their last post only every mentioned you twice and the second time was in response to sb telling makaze to explain their reads.

2. how is this scummy?

See above response to Makaze

Strawman, where you at?

What are your thoughts seeing my updated posts?

Who else are you scumreading?

I was at work :/

Not picking anything suspicious up from your recent posts.


-Don't care if its omgus but Marth. Junk has a legit case against me, I'll agree with Marth there. But his own contribution was to completely mutate what I said in a paraphrase in quotations that was a complete misrepresentation, and honestly that looks like it has bad intentions. I'd want to see his updated thoughts on Clarinets since he seemed to still find him scummy even with his vote on me. And updated thoughts on Shinori, who still doesn't have a vote iirc.

-Yolo. Not giving any reasons for his vote, not responding when people question, giving scum reads but voting someone else.


##Vote: Marth For the above.

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yall are posting too much. yolo don't sub out because if you do there will be more posts.

It's kind of absurd that Makaze wrote a huge essay about the way he plays saying everybody should tell him how to be better if they don't like his playstyle but needed me to ask before he produced a vote and some reads. Like I should think people don't need to be told that voting people and reading them is a good way to play mafia?

Fwiw I didn't need you to ask, I was already in the process of explaining myself. In context, I posted whatever I thought would get info while at work, then responded to individuals and updated my reads, then I went for the big picture post after things calmed down and I felt I had addressed individual concerns. As far as I can tell I've given the most complete and strongest convicted reads list in the game? Where is your reads list? (This just me being an ass, I don't really think you're scummy for it.)

I said show me how to do better because of posts like this. You're taking pot shots at how bad my play is, not how scummy it is, and you're not giving me advice. You're condescending to me for the sake of condescending to me. If you don't want to play with me, fine, just say so. If you want me to get better so you can play with me without complaining about me, then you should give real help. Otherwise buzz off, I don't want to spend time asking for advice from someone who is just going to poke fun at me for not getting the "obvious". It's not obvious to me. It won't be obvious to me unless it's explained in a way that is conducive to learning. Obviously.

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^ commie


^ strawman


^ commie

so yeah this is why i think theres scum between these 2

the first two posts by commie has way too much equivocation which is more favorable to scum than town. the unvote by strawman and vacuousness of his posts are cause for concern. them clashing in commies last post gives me that scent yall. that scummity scum scent. im not sure WHICH of the two are scum if not both but yeah. since i thought there was scum between commie & makaze earlier and now commie/strawman im goin for the common factor

marth can go as well. i think that dudes prolly scum. clarinets can go. nova is disgusting for taking a dump on everyone here without chasing/engaging the bandwagoners

i was gonna fos strawman but you know what? i just saw him vote marth which im down with

@clarinets what are your general reads atm?

##vote marth

fos commie


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