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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Honestly, just looking at how the Pegasus Knights (Est, Catria, Palla, and Clair) are drawn really shows one thing I really appreciate. Each one of them has a very distinct look in their appearance and clothing, even going well beyond just color swaps. I mean, for comparison's sake, look at Sumia and Cordelia. Pretty much the exact same clothing with color palette being the only difference. Same with most characters across the franchise that share the same class. Yet here, each character looks distinct, even those that share the same class. That's one thing I really appreciate here.
  2. Ah, that's good. I think I might be finished with these Gauntlets past this round. The voting so utterly disgusts me. Bandwagoners just make everything less fun. No sense of competition.
  3. Just out of curiosity, if the stretch goals are met, does everyone get the orbs and such regardless if they participated in the gauntlet or not?
  4. So it looks like the two classes are not split up like the last Gauntlet. Also, sadly, looks like no new Xenologue (unless they're waiting for Thursday or something)
  5. Well, so much for thinking it would be easy. My default team of Eirika, Catria, Nino, and Ninian got wrecked on Lunatic. That cleric is a real pain in the butt. Edit: Well, never mind. Switched Catria for Ephraim and beat it.
  6. This might just be me, but there seems to be a lot more choir work in this OST compared to past ones. I wonder who did the arrangements for this.
  7. Well, it at least explains some things like his connections to the Risen and possibly even why Naga can't kill him (both having Divine Dragon blood perhaps). The only real thing that needs an explanation is how the functions of the Falchion and Binding Shield changed.
  8. I do believe that it is stated somewhere what Walhart is descended from Alm. I believe it's also said that if Alm didn't have Celica to keep him in check, he might have turned out like Walhart.
  9. I'm pretty sure the whole "Only males can use Falchion" thing was just something added in the localization of Shadow Dragon and is no longer true.
  10. Wow....just wow.... Can't believe I'm saying this, but Echoes might be making a run for my favorite OST in the franchise (which is a tie between Radiant Dawn and Fates)
  11. Honestly, from what I hear so far, I'm happy with it. Echoes's story isn't devalued by this as it's just an extra, and establishing more continuity here is okay since Valentia and Archanea are in the same world. At the very least, it's no where close to the stupidity that Fates tried with it's Awakening nods.
  12. That is the kind of Awakening nod I can get behind. It doesn't seem like it'll devalue Valentia's story and gives Awakening some much needed back story.
  13. Honestly, I'd be perfectly fine with this sticking around. It's kind of nice. :)
  14. I'm so glad that magic animations look great again. Seriously, I hated how they looked in Fates. Couldn't believe what they did to Fimbulvetr.
  15. I doubt that. Chances are it would be expanded to another map or two in that case.
  16. I just wish they'd do something to encourage against bandwagoning. We're never going to get a competitive gauntlet unless they do, because everyone will just pair with the "supposed winner" and do nothing. As for who I'll go with, Hinoka and Beruka are my favorites between the two sides so I'll choose one of them eventually.
  17. Yeah. She also took over for Laura as Platinum the Trinity in BlazBlue.
  18. Guess they couldn't get Laura Bailey back for Lucina's new variant. Alexis Tipton takes over for that.
  19. Yeah, this ended up pretty easy. My team of Takumi, Ninian, Nino, and Eirika was good enough for Lunatic. Now I don't have to worry about it over the weekend like I did with Ursula.
  20. I think a lot of people are getting fussy for no reason over how they did the towns. If I had to guess, it's probably because the towns aren't really for exploring. All they're really good for in Gaiden is talking to characters and restocking supplies. It's not like a typical RPG where you can find things like side quests and stuff like in SMT or something. That's probably why they didn't put much focus into that. Towns are not a focus of exploration so they simplified it. You'll get plenty of exploration fun in the dungeons.
  21. As someone already said, with the Japanese name of the game being "Another Hero-King", I think they're really going for parallels between Marth and Alm. I'd say Falchion is likely to stay.
  22. Yeah, presentation-wise, this game looks amazing. Lots of little intricate details that really add to the experience in my opinion.
  23. I do have Sharena full leveled at 5* and gave her Luna from another character. Hopefully that means she can absorb a blow or two from Michalis.
  24. Might Nino work just as well as Tharja in your strategy? She's far and above the best magic user I got.
  25. It won’t sell as much as Awakening and Fates, but I don’t think it needs to. I think Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are going to keep expectations reasonable. The game is a remake, and they’re not shying away from that. It’ll be expected to sell decently, but not expected to reach the heights of Awakening/Fates. I think it’ll sell at least close to 1 million, perhaps surpass it, but I think even something in the range of 800,000 worldwide would be alright. More than enough for the game to make a profit and show interest. Also, even if Echoes doesn’t do well, I highly doubt it’ll put Fire Emblem back in the red. In case you’ve forgotten, the series has a highly successful mobile game going in Fire Emblem Heroes, not to mention Fire Emblem Warriors later this year, and a new mainstream Switch game next year. The only thing Echoes will really affect is if there’s a market for more remakes, and I think it’ll do well enough to meet expectations.
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