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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Try a new series is the best advice, I personally trade Fire Emblem, Zelda, Xenoblade and Shin Megami Tensei so I don't get sick one series.
  2. I can finally make snarky archer emblem once I get a Shinon hopefully he shows up with the tickets since Duo!Sigurd still hasn't come home. Was it @Gregster101 that has been waiting for Jill? I hope Jill comes home quickly for them.
  3. I haven't decided who I am going to use my trait fruit on yet. My plan right now is to hoard them until New Year's and decide then, since that will give me a few months of saving and I can pick more then one unit to fix.
  4. I really hope it is Tellius. My three main wants are Shinon, Volug and Sephiran, but I will be happy with any new to FEH Tellius units.
  5. Kougaji from Saiyuki. He may be on the wrong side but he isn't an evil person and he has good reasons for doing the things he does.
  6. Armor march is great as a seal it will help me during armor quests. Eldigan looks good and I will be building him for my draco emblem team which needs a dancer. As to teams Deirdre is the only one of the three non dancers that needs HM so she is my backup until Duo!Sigurd comes home.
  7. First cav dancer in the game, I could use one so I am pulling. Eldigan is free so I am happy since I really like him. I am glad FE4 finally get a seasonal banner it deserved some alts.
  8. I am getting M!Robin vibes from the guy and the girl makes me think Celica, but she doesn't make sense. I could see Sigurd and Deirdre though. I really don't see Ike because the guy's hair seems too long to be him.
  9. I am praying to Naga the banner is TMS with Yashiro as the demote or TT reward because he is my favorite from TMS. My other hope would be that Elphin is on the banner instead I feel like the dancer banner is my only hope of him getting in. My view on seasonals is only pull if they are a new unit type (armor healer for instance) or a personal favorite like B!Nailah. Rafiel and Geese are two favorites of mine so I am just happy they got in and was even happier they were the demotes.
  10. since 2007 when I bought Sacred Stones because I liked the box art, I have been a fan ever since.
  11. Nothing says they can't break the rule. With people working from home now things like weekends don't matter as much since the person in charge of posting trailers will have everything ready to go at home.
  12. I am going with Dimitri all the way, if he falls I will go with whatever male unit is left.
  13. Any animal in the canine family and I also like felines especially black cats.
  14. I only have 7 characters I truly like the rest I am neutral on so I will only list my top 7. 7) Ashe 6) Shamir 5) Marrianne 4) Felix 3) Ferdinand 2) Balthus 1) Dimitri
  15. Do you have a link? I am really stuck myself since my Awakening units aren't my best built units.
  16. This sounds fun let me see. Men: !st: Elphin my favorite FE character out of all of them so he will be first. He would wield Aurreola as a blue mage and have a sing skill as good as L!Azura he would be armor since he is blind. He would be dressed in royal grab since he would be the Elphin after Binding Blade's story finished. 2nd: Balthus He would have his heroes relic as his weapon and his war monk class and he would be colorless infantry. Women: 1st: Vika she would be a green raven Laguz and I am not sure what her outfit would look like, but it would be after the end of Radiant Dawn so maybe she would wear a nice dress. 2nd: Orochi would be red mage and in the Basara class.
  17. I was lazy and used a guide, it was pretty simple though. I will build Jorge because L!Chrom hates me and refuses to enter my barracks. I agree with above posters saying this looks a bit like the Anna maps in PoR.
  18. Well I did the 40 pulls and was lucky and got Lysithea and Dimitri (both -hp,+res so usable until I get fruit for them) then took Claude and Edelgard as my two free picks. Very happy the banner was kind and this is the first time I managed to get all 4 brave heroes on their debut banner.
  19. As someone who has favorites not in the game yet that are not overly popular (looks at Elphin's placing sadly), bot votes scare me since I fear the hate a character would get if they get bot votes. I really worry about next year's CYL since someone could decide to bot and cause problems to characters I like. I can just see Brigand Boss being bot voted all the way to top 5 with the message IS is sending to people with Jorge being added before actual popular characters.
  20. I will do full pulls with the tickets and free summon circles and may try to do the first spark and get Cluade. Dimitri will be my free pick though since he is the one out the 4 I will use the most. I am also not looking forward to the CC, that Frayja map is a royal pain and I think I will wait for the f2p guide to do it because of that map.
  21. I will take my free Dimitri and try a bit for Claude but CYL 4 is kind of boring for me since it is all end game classes, but Dimitri is the rare infantry lance so he is the best for me. Dragonflowers and changing flaws made my day though. I have several units that have bad stats that will be made useful because of the fruit and that will be my most used item after orbs and feathers. I will be hoarding fruits until New Year's then I will figure out the best boons and fix all my favs who came with bad stats looks at all my wolf emblem team hard.
  22. Xenoblade Future connected and a release year for SMT V as well as the Nocturne remake. Oh also my parents getting a new TV and letting me use the old one just for my gaming systems in my room instead of having to deal with annoying old men (my dad) who watch me me play and make really dumb comments because they don't know how to play and won't learn. Other then that this has been a really crumby year, COVID hit where I live right when I was going to look for a job so all my plans for the year have gone out the window and I don't know when my life will get back on track.
  23. Well I will just take my free Dimitri and not care about CYL after since I only have one favorite this year. I am praying that the dancer banner has Elphin as the TT unit, but I won't get my hopes to high.
  24. Well since real life has been hell the past week Feh decided to take pity on me. I spent 50 orbs on the banner and ended up with 2 Geese one being *5 and + atk so I now have a +1 Geese, a B!Eliwood (swift sparrow fodder) and a +atk P!Tibarn! This cheered me up and I needed that. Now to save some orbs for CYL.
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