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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Yeah I know there were other factors on the Mary queen of Scots example I gave, it was just the one that came to mind first.
  2. Good to know when it is. I really hope they tell us what divine codes are for and that they are actually useful.
  3. It happened most often with noble families that only had girl children would foster a second son of a close family as their heir. Mary queen of Scots was the French royal family's foster daughter in almost every sense, she was raised in France by the French royal family from a young age. Most of the time with arranged at birth/young age marriages the families would trade off who was taking care of the "couple" and they would be raised together.
  4. Oh OK it was like I remembered. Foster siblings happened a fair bit for nobles in the middle ages as well.
  5. On the Elincia x Geoffrey thing, did Elincia ever once call Geoffrey brother or Lucia sister? I never once remember her doing that, yes she was raised with them but from what I remember of the convos about their relationship it was more like extremely close friends then siblings. I know that Lucia is her "milk" sister which means that Lucia's mother nursed Elincia and Lucia together, which was common for nobles back in the middle ages (Wolt and Roy share the same relationship).
  6. My all time top favorite is Elffin from Binding Blade, he just really hit home for me. Elffin has health issues (he is blind from being poisoned) so do I ( I have an incurable illness that is a royal pain to manage and can kill me at anytime), despite his life being bad he is still able to help Roy and in the end take the throne of his nation. He just really hit all the marks for me and seeing someone with health issues in a video game and with a plot important role was great. I have other favorites, bur Elffin is the top of the top.
  7. I love shapeshifters as a whole in most forms of fiction especially Chinese web novels (there are a lot of really good fan translations out there). Fox guys are fun I like them a lot, especially since they tend to be very loyal to their chosen partner. I also really liked this one "spirit beast" who could turn in to a phoenix he was really cool. As to FE my favorites are the wolves and ravens hands down, of the cats I like Lethe the best. Dragons my favorite is Myrrh then Nils. For Beasts I would like to see in the next game I would like to see turtles and phoenixes just to have more of the Asian myth animals represented.
  8. Jakob's tray may sound like a joke weapon but the effects in Fates were very fun. I hope it has the same effects in FEH, because it would work well with my debuffer Jakob build that my Jakob has right now. I am just really happy since I have been waiting for Jakob to get a refine sin Felicia got hers.
  9. Well I will just wait and see the results for my favorites when they get officially put up. I am interested in the male top 20 and also where Yashiro and Elffin placed.
  10. Yeah I know that is the plan. I was that one person that actually kept a +hp Virion since I needed that hp boost for something back in the early days.
  11. Well I am happy Jakob finally is getting a refine (please be good) since I want my favorite butler to be "one hell of a butler". I have the dew ready and waiting.
  12. Cool I guess. I will free pull red then back out since I don't really need anyone.
  13. The moment I 100% completed The Legend of Zelda The Minnish Cap without using a guide once is up there (MC was the first game I ever beat). I also have many fond memories of playing Wii U games with my old dog in my lap while I played (I still cry some when I play my Wii U because I still miss her even after 2 years). I have fond memories of playing Soul Caliber 2 with my friend, we played Brawl too, but I liked Soul Caliber better at the time and was better at it back then. Playing Radiant Dawn for the first time is pretty high too, I knew next to nothing about the game so I didn't know it had four parts so when I first played it made me so happy how much content it had.
  14. I have a +atk,-spd Hrid that I use a lot for clearing maps in CC. I personally like him, but every other copy of him I have pulled has been DC fodder (though I have only pulled one other copy).
  15. Last vote went to Itsuki on the off chance he can stay in the top 20 (I know it is hopeless). Now to wait and see who I will pick for free this year since I always pick top favorite of the CYL winners.
  16. Clair and Grey, Mae and Boey, Saber and Genny. I will send brave Alm and brave Celica with Lucas and Python for the last round.
  17. I am going with Nailah, but I have everyone on this VG and like everyone too.
  18. Well the TMS banner gave me Mordecai at 5* so I will quit with that since I have shown some support for TMS. As to the VG banner I pull the lone blue as my free pull and I get Sirius! My first one so I am happy.
  19. How on earth did a VG happen where I have everyone in it and there are several units I really like? Let's see who should I support first? I think I will go with Nailah since I love her and if she pulls out a win maybe Volug will have a better shot at getting in.
  20. Maybe Cormag or Glen, since the card makes me think of dracoknights.
  21. I read them for laughs. I prefer the Celtic zodiac if I want to follow one since it is trees which I have always liked. I am a Cancer. Chinese zodiac I am year of the sheep.
  22. All I have to say about Itsuki is that he will now be the Falchion user I +10 first since I have been undecided on who to +10 since I like them all about the same. I like Ituski better then the rest simple. I do get mad that most of my favorite units end up as grail units since they tend to get meh skills to start with and take a lot of investment to shine (looks at Haar and others sadly). I mean I am happy to have a copy of them for free and I am glad they are in the game at all since IS tends to be really slow on adding the units I really like (glares at last FE 6 banner with no Elffin in sight), but once in a while I would like to see a personal favorite added to the general pool. I am also a little mad at the TMS banner since there was no Touma and Yashiro since the guys are my favorites from TMS and my main team ends up being those three every playthough, and now the likely hood of those 2 getting in is pretty low so I have to content myself with just Itsuki.
  23. Having played both Wii U and Switch versions ( I was that one weirdo who bought the SE Wii U version) I have to say the Switch version is great. I like the new side stories and the new song is fun. Of course this game being in my top three favorite games list helps, but this is a really fun good game and I hope more people play it on the Switch and enjoy it as much as I do.
  24. Day 5 vote went to Yashiro and the last 2 will go to him as well because dang it I feel like showing my TMS bias and doing it proudly. This means 6 of my votes will go to Yashiro while one went to Elffin.
  25. The Catholic church had crusades against cats and if the black plague had not happened cats would have been completely wiped out in Europe. They started this Crusade again right before the new world was discovered and that finally put an end to the cat crusades since the church focused on the new world instead.
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