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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I may do something with the Byleths. Would anyone cut points if I didn't have a plot, and it was just shenanigans?
  2. Spyro Sparx Attack 1 slot Ups Shooting Attacks Sheila Support Ups Jump Height Sgt Byrd Support Ups Explosion Attacks Bentley Shield 3 slots Agent 9 Attack 2 slots Moneybags Support Draws items in Elora Support Dash power up Professor Support Fog immunity Zoe Grab 1 slot Heals when at critical health Hunter Support Ups shooting attacks Bianca Support Ups magic attacks Nestor Shield 3 slots High wind resist Titan Attack 3 slots Lava floor immunity Cosmos Grab 3 slots Ups magic attacks Bruno Shield 3 slots Slow super armor Lateef Grab 3 slots Reverse controls immunity Gnasty Gnorc Support Ups battering attacks Ripto Support Lava floor resist Sorceress Support Ups electric attacks
  3. Undertale because I know what it is and not the other thing. WYR sit next to Felix in class when his phone blasts a very school inappropriate ringtone or be Byleth having to take the phone away?
  4. Post everything he says here. WWYDI Hanneman decided you had a rare crest and wanted to see it?
  5. I have not, because the last time I tried to bake cookies it was horrible. How can "awesome" and "awful" mean opposites?
  6. Congrats @Shoblongoo! She's adorable and I'm sure her brother will be too!
  7. He also forgot about the thunderbird throwing his yacht. Thanks!
  8. It helps if you've listened to the song over and over a lot lol.
  9. This is a serious idea, but it belongs here. Byleth meets up with the church peeps first after timeskip, and eventually they find Claude and the Alliance using Garreg Mach as a base. Gronder happens like it does in Azure Moon, only with an extra church force added, a few casualties happen but eventually the church army gets the other three to surrender. Dimitri of course is not too keen, but Fleche kills Rodrigue and Byleth and Claude are able to get him to listen then. The armies separate. Enbarr is taken later by the Kingdom and Alliance in a pincer attack, Hubert swallows his pride and gives out the location of Shambhala over allowing Edelgard to be killed, and convinces her to turn against the Slithers. Cue Shambhala raid and Nemesis returning to be subdued by all three factions. War ends. Three nations remain intact with their respective leaders, so no, Claude doesn't fuck off to Almyra here, although he does still open Fodlan's Locket and start a friendly trade route. Dimitri supports the reconstruction of Duscur, sending apology food/supply boats monthly which eventually have to stop because they start relying on their "supper boats" a bit too much lol. Dedue earns the title of Duscur High Chief like ten years after the end of the game. Byleth becomes archbishop of the reformed Church of Sothis and Edelgard is fine with this because the new archbishop is making it so the church doesn't have absolute power. Brigid thrives as well, Petra chooses an Adrestian to be her husband (I'm saying Caspar) and that is an incentive for good relations between Adrestia and Brigid. Twenty years after the war, the Officer's Academy gets a new batch of students, house leaders are the heirs to their nations again, but Byleth's watchful eye keeps them in line and avoids another war. This assumes that the Byleth picking one house to teach thing wasn't there, and instead, all three professors taught subjects like rl ones. Manuela teaches literature and history, Hanneman teaches math and science, Byleth teaches combat and tactics. Also, your idea is missing one thing: a Dimitri x Edelgard kid! Navy Gryphons yo.
  10. I mean, it's possible that it did because it was enraged like the rest of the elemental spirits. When Elsa first met it, it was wild and she had to tame it. I think this is plausable.
  11. Everyone prefers different hairstyles. For example, Anacybele (but don't tag her here because she hasn't played Crimson Shadows and does not want spoilers) doesn't like short hair on females or long hair on males a lot of the time. I don't mind either that much.
  12. Because they scare people. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  13. "Hey Frank, I know what we're gonna do today!" "Hey where's Peter?" Where did all the jokes about unicorns pooping rainbows come from?
  14. Shut up and take my money. ASMR is wtf. Ketchup and mustard are gross. Mayonnaise is best.
  15. Go whatever, you're entitled to your opinion. WWYDI you were at a restaurant and you looked out the window and saw a porta potty fly past?
  16. Replace every heck. With things like cockwaffle. WYR say the F bomb in every sentence you speak from now on or never say any swears again?
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