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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I just have one question... How could the princess being cursed to wear a jumpsuit be considered bad ? It might be ugly and all. and she is a princess, thus beautiful, so what gives ? The jumpsuit must be really ugly. More seriously, I'm actually curious about this game, a new world and characters gives a lot of room for the dev. Though I'm not fan of the multiplayer-genre, I will keep an eye on it. EDIT: Wait, what ? Online is region locked ? Seriously ?
  2. I remember having done a Chrono/Marle/Magus setup to do the final boss. Not a very smart idea when I think about it.
  3. If I'm not too stoned thanks to my medicine I took, it's an invalid excuse because since they have (successful) lands, that mean they have foods/crops/etc, since they have foods/crops/etc, they have everything they want. And if they have everything they want, they have literally no reason to conquer... anything then. Wait a sec, I just understood something, you're telling me they started conquering things only after Kamui's kidnapping ? How is that possible ?
  4. I want to ask this: Just... what did Nohr ever conquered exactly ? If they did conquered something, well the 'the weather is bad/crops are bad/etc' excuses is not valid anymore then (For a change), except maybe if for thousand years, they conveniently conquered lands that didn't had any of that or just loose their new lands before they could do anything with it ? Because yeah, you kind of need time for crops and all of that but it' still horribly dumb. Unless they just take things in said conquered lands, then go away ? It still doesn't make sense. Just... what ?
  5. Wait, you need to land a status effect on an FOE to damage it ? That's pretty dickish But good to know, thank you for telling me ! Same for the Dancer's dance slot. So it's either be Lank/Protector/Dancer/Runemaster or Lank/Protector/Dancer/Hexer. I don't really want to use a Medic, for simply one thing, in this case, a status effect. At least for now.
  6. Hm. For Etrian Mystery what class would be good ? If you don't mind me asking. Lank seems pretty good for physical damage, and I've heard that Protector's Provoke is OP, to the point where having a Medic is almost useless. I also heard very good thing about Runemaster. Also, holy crap, the original EO2 on DS is hard ! Get rekt at the very start of the game, It only started becoming slighty easiier because I finally have skills to use. Then again, no Protector, that must hurt.
  7. So much this. Isn't that natural to want to create something similar to what is not only awesome, but what you love ?
  8. Ike (RD) I mean, don't get me wrong, the others are not bad... but they are all just the same kind of Bishies, and that's boring as hell. RDIke is... just look at him, those muscles. those arms. Have I mentioned that I'm straight ? No ? Well now it's done.
  9. Just thinking about those things looking at me just freak me the hell out. :/ Eh, not the only who thought about Markiplier and Five nights at fuckboys, eh ?
  10. The DLC is finally out ? Holy crap, I have to play it !
  11. Japanese. You have to do a pretty shitty job if you make like the English voices better.
  12. Murder everything for being self-righteous obnoxous little shoot. Or just for the evulz. Either is fun. With some joining you because yeah, the status-quo suck balls. And the rest dying, because people die when they are killed. I won't give up on this. Ever. ><
  13. You can do iiiiiiit ! (That's a reference, along with an encouragement).
  14. You just can't accept in your heart our lord and savior, Wincest. More seriously, I can see why the size of the maps would be a problem to you. ... *Insert obnoxious sex joke about size here*
  15. Oh gosh, the big dat 'Screw you' from the game, a horse unit in a desert.
  16. He has good stats though. I'm surprised that Athos growths weren't changed. Hmm...
  17. Maybe we'll have a DLC where the plot actually make sense. Maybe even an evil campaign. Lol. One can dream. More seriously, those slice of life style DLC are really not for me. :/
  18. I finally get it ! Fateborn => Fateburn.

    1. Fateborn
    2. B.Leu


      It took me a while. A big freaking while, But I finally get it ! I mean geez, that was freaking obvious.

      Are you proud of me ? :D

  19. Wait a sec, was that Alice from ?... Playing such game ! Have you no shame ? I mean gosh, such a worthess plot and characters ! There's a joke somewhere in this phrase... WTF Jaffar & Athos. See, luck is starting to waifu you.
  20. First thing first, Devil Survivor => Devil Survivor 2. Maybe no gameplay-wise (then again...) Better plot, better characters, no friendship or Personaeque bullshit. True SMT plot. Heck, I even find the endings better, where you have everything you want. Though they kind of screwed up at some point, like with Keisuke, you can agree with his way of thinking, but in the end they still force you go along with idealistic craps. I'm a bit of an odd with the 3DS versions, because while I do enjoy the voice acting... the bonus days are just weird. They just seem to linear and one-dimensional as hell, that it just... ugh. And Record Breaker have a Golden Ending, which make cringe so much. As if Daichi's ending wasn't bad enough. It doesn't mean that I don't enjoy them, but they just kinda feel out of place. Oh boy, MagicMC is just badass ! Go if yourself Beldr, he is such and yet, it show us exactly what is Atlus, and why they are so awesome. Fun fact, I names my MC Kazuya Toudou. Kazuya, in honor to one of the official name of the SMT1's MC, and Toudou in honor of the official name of P1's MC, which is Naoya Toudou. See the joke ? Speaking of Naoya, he is easily the best characters of the two games.
  21. Once again, I'm late to the party. What a bother, especially with so many F you moment. :p
  22. Would the localized name be TItania ? :p I wonder what the powers will be. Eh, cool to see I'm not the only who imagined Camilla with Bolverk. Sakura could get the Fujin Bow, no ? Could be fun gameplay/story wise. Ryouma: Why is our imouto killing shitton of things ? Kamui: Because plot. Couldn't agree more. So much truth in this post that I could cry from happiness. No joke, well except for the crying part;
  23. Do take note that It's not that I hate Takumi, it's just that I don't understand all the love he gets just because he's a drama queen. To me, he's just another character that is slighty more badly written and who talk more than others. EDIT: Chapter 10 ? Eh, it was hard, I would hardly call it a nightmare, I thought it was hilarious actually.
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