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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The electoral college needs to be removed. Why should Camilla fans in the boonies have their votes be worth more than mine?
  2. There is no team strategy behind any team. The scores go up by millions every hour, even when there is no multiplier to take advantage of. I'd say the vast majority of players are spending flags the moment they get them. It's not like there is any strategy in no-multiplier matches. Everyone uses up their flags and that's the end of it.
  3. It matters not. Riders of Lyn! Ride now! Ride for ruin and the world's ending! DEATH!!!!
  4. That's a poor nature, unfortunately. The best build I've seen is +Atk -Res, using Death Blow 3 and horse buffs to let him do heavy damage on the attack.
  5. If they rewrite the story completely, that might not be a bad outcome.
  6. The great battle begins. Our hearts are with you, Lyn.
  7. That's not confirmed to have happened. All we see in game is Eliwood piercing her body with his long, hard sword- Wait, maybe we're talking about the same thing.
  8. It seems not. I was using my level 1 Lyn because I wanted to hold off training her until the weekend and I had single digit enemies and a level 40 ally every match. I think they should scale the level of your allies to your own if they don't want people cheesing the mode.
  9. I wonder if most people on each team don't really care if they win or not and just want to play the mode and burn flags. If those people on Team Lyn wanted her to win, they'd stop throwing flags down in these final hours and let Camilla close the gap more. I'm surrounded by assholes. Stop firing, assholes!
  10. I'll be sad if Lyn loses, but that's really the essence of the multiplier. No winner is set in stone Ultimately, I think we need to do away with team sizes. Either you do a straight popularity contest and one character steamrolls the other, or you do multipliers and an underdog wins when they really shouldn't. VG should be decided my the performance of its members, rather than "votes" cast.
  11. The devs literally compared her to a cow. Those horns and udders don't lie.
  12. How does it feel to be a terrible person? My journey into colorless hell got me a Maria and Jacob. JK, good job on those pulls.
  13. Hm, without LaD, Minerva would probably serve well as tank. Speed is a pretty valuable form of bulk.
  14. That's just default Youtube. You can filter out the bad comments by not looking at the comments section.
  15. Dear diary, today was a good day for being a Lyn fan. I'm F2P so my amount is zero. Still got a lot of my favorites though!
  16. It would be a short-term advantage to us. We'd get more of the characters we want but IS would make less money and the game wouldn't survive as long. Plus, the desire to get all the characters you like is a big draw to keep playing, so if you could get all your favorites too easily, the game might get boring.
  17. While Minerva might be the better fighter overall because the game favors HYPER offense over defensive builds, I find Michalis to have his own niche in being a physical tank. My flier team is Michalis/Cordelia/S!Corrin/Palla. Palla can tank greens and does decently against reds and Michalis can tank blues and do decently vs greens. If it were Minerva, I'd have better green offensive capabilities but no way to tank blues (I have a 5* Tsubaki but his attack is pitiful). If regards to his speed, with Fury and 2 Goad fliers, he goes from a weak 26 base to 35, which is enough to escape most doubles and even double several threats he'd be fighting.
  18. I've had rubbish luck on the CYL banner (120 orbs spent doing full summons and only a bad natured Ike to show for it) so it comes full circle.
  19. Wouldn't we all, but look at Lyn vs Lucina. Besides the mulitpliers in the first couple of hours that saw Lyn and Lucina trade places as the winning party, the scores remained stable for the majority of the match with Lyn having the stronger team. In other words, multipliers really didn't change the outcome of the match. Lyn and Lucina are the two most popular female characters in the series and it was still a clear (but not entirely one-sided) victory for Lyn. What more could you do to pick a fair match up? Chrom vs Ephraim was a fluke; an accident. It wasn't thanks to the past system.
  20. The ribbing is just directed at my friend, Thane. I was legitimately asking what you would consider exciting. If people win my multipliers, people complain, if people win by a landslide, people complain, if it's a close match, you complain. So what do you want?
  21. The beast has fallen and Ephraim is avenged. @Thane OG Waifu has crushed New Age Waifu with her mighty thighs, and moves on to challenge "It's okay because we're not blood related". Those suggestions sound good. In regards to bad match ups messing with your score, you could make it so that each point value you contribute, not matter how small, will add to your support. Let's say you can get 10 points per match. If you do poorly you might get 1 point. If you do 5 match ups and get 1 10 10 10 10, you're contributing 81 points to your team, which is better than someone who did 4 perfect matches and contributed only 80 points. You would still be able to choose which matches you spend flags on, to multiply those high score matches. In this way, everyone would be able to spend flag whenever they wish and the more effort you put into the mode, the more you contribute to your team. So what is exciting? Clooooooser? But Lyn has both.
  22. With the free first summon mechanic, I say the more banners the merrier! Every man is rich when the goods are free! I may or may not have pulled a Celica and Lyn because of this.
  23. If Nihil cancels out B skills, sure. I wouldn't put it past them to do this, actually. They probably know that everyone is going to pack a Brave Lyn so that would be a proper counter. It would also be themantically appropriate because it would counter vanilla Ike's default Swordbreaker.
  24. Favorite Blazing Sword -Getting support points is tedious and a limit of 5 means you can only see the full character development of one pairing per playthrough. -Some gaidens are difficult to unlock and impossible to know without a guide. -The ability to resurrect characters isn't foreshadowed. -Key information on the villain is locked behind a hard to reach gaiden. -No branching promotions Least favorite: Shadow Dragon -You can play the original story with a better interface and graphics. -Marth has some good dialogue. -Xane is an interesting unit -Manaketes are cool -Balista are cool
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