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Everything posted by CocoaGalaxy

  1. Presumably yes, I see no restrictions. The other unique weapons can also double as well
  2. Apparently yes, as Marth will be all too happy to show you. I can't recall, but I'm pretty sure the effectiveness stays even without equipping the dragonstone
  3. So I decided to "help out" a bit by providing data for the Hoshido Route I apologise for "getting lazy" partway through, but most of those were Rout/Defeat Boss in any case There's also some missing information from what I can tell, but sifting through 35-40 hours of footage for information is rather a lot Here you go, enjoy what little I have to say Warning, Major Spoilers. Huge Wall of Text
  4. Things I noticed about Breaking Sky is Apparently to minimize (or it could be coincidental) your benefits from it, for example, there are lots of physical units with 0 mag, so if you use magic on them breaking sky is essentially useless. I suppose it'd still work on units, but it seems like the bonus won't be that great unless you attack a high str/mag unit.
  5. Just some randomness that I noticed while finishing up the Hoshido Stream
  6. I'd probably also be choosing Cavalier as a reclass option. I can't remember the S/A+ Seal effect off the top of my head though, so I'll probably be still getting Samurai from S, Ninja from A+ ..Wait a minute can we even get A+ on Kamui? Hmm..... Astra + Luna + Lethality + Hoshido = Killing Machine, assuming this is possible. Something can go into the last slot, probably Swordfaire for swords, Kunaifaire for Kunais if I choose. Plenty of options, though the top 3 make killing things "way too easy". Lethality might not even be needed if you can 1RKO things easily enough. It's a bit hard to think, but I'll probably go + Speed - Luck, but who knows.
  7. No I can confirm this because I saw it myself. It's hard to give picture proof though, since it is what it is
  8. Crimson did not die My guess is that they can go up to 40. They definitely can go pass 20 anyway
  9. You probably won't be using that very often though In my own opinion, whether the enemy has, say, 0, 10 or 20 crit doesn't really matter that much.
  10. Hi folks, someone may have mentioned it beforehand (even though I read these I don't remember everything). The "clothing damage" (and it's not JUST clothing damage) is kinda..horrific of sorts. If you pay attention to it or something that is. Also, clothing damage remains even after you revive in phoenix mode. Not sure if it remains after you get healed. Why do I know? Because I'm watching someone getting slaughtered repeatedly in phoenix mode Further comments (Spoilers obviously)
  11. Just a little thing I wanted to say is that the "Long range heal" (not sure which one it was, I think there are multiple) only healed like single digit HP. And they're expensive per use (Pretty sure the cheapest or so still costs 1500-1000g per usage), so I guess we're gonna be stuck with 1 or 1-2 range heals
  12. I actually posted this already, but whatever Here are the voice actors for the 3 characters that are in the DLC only
  13. So we're not posting the unattached skills? (proximity shot, dragonskin, random bonuses, etc, other misc skills) (which are more or less enemy only, Hinoka has the skill that cancels flying weakness when faced in Nohr)
  14. You can reclass to get more skills. 1a: From what I've seen she just runs out
  15. Er.....he said breaths though. Not dragonstones.
  16. Yes. I'm pretty sure anyway, there's also a thread for it somewhere further down or so AKA 28 Chapters (27 + Endgame)
  17. Really now. I wish we had translations for the actual paralogues so that we can see what they're saying
  18. Just to remind people, I've posted the list of all voiced characters (from the credits anyway). It's the last post on page 6
  19. Ok this has gone far enough I was about to post previously but I didn't, but what I would say is, I highly doubt the timeflow thing is true. The other one which I heard is more likely anyway Why would you have to go to an "outer space whatever that thing really is thingy" to recruit your child character then? So I think this is the correct explanation. It may just be hearsay, but what I've been told is that. The children characters you recruit come from a parallel universe. From what I can tell, all that "really matters" is that their parents are gone (dead? in the sense that something killed them anyway) The rest doesn't really matter, that's all that I think happens. TL;DR It's awakening, just with parallel universe instead of time travel
  20. Technically speaking, most of the characters are balanced..for a certain definition of balanced, so rng notwithstanding, any character can be viable, so just choose the ones you need and/or want to use.
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