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Everything posted by Flashpoint_1230

  1. Saw? I don't remember that part. Hmm... I mostly remember the part where one guy gets twisted in half. Ugh. Movies really don't scare me because I overanalyze them. Well, live-action movies, that is. I can enjoy animated films (anything from Pixar and some DreamWorks films are good)
  2. :D Tormod was my random pick of the week (err... month? I don't change my profile info too often)

  3. My sister is a total crime show/investigation (Covert Affairs, etc.) nut, so I've been forced to watch this show. I've gotta' say that I like Bones better than CSI Miami (David Caruso=ANNOYING). Dr. Brennan is a little bit like me, so it's sorta' funny. IDK though. I don't watch much TV, and I get weirded out by shows like Criminal Minds, so you can see that I have a fairly low 'grisly violence' tolerance. Although...I did accidentally watch Saw IV because I had no clue what it was until the credits were rolling...
  4. I wasn't generalizing. I was just saying that I am conservative and that I dislike physical contact.
  5. I can't see Rolf/Mist as a pair, either. They're good in a brother/sister way, but they both strike me as being too young for love.
  6. Hmm... Soren/Aimee would be sorta' funny. Otherwise, Soren should get stuck out on his own. And what is with all of these odd pairings? Note: I'm just about as conservative as Tellius Roamers, only I dislike the very idea of physical contact. That cuts out a lot in the way of relationships.
  7. Hmm... I have stranger-phobia, too, although my case is not extremely pronounced. I cover up my discomfort well...Until the stranger does something I dislike. Then I get up and leave. I dislike physical contact and crowded rooms. Oh, I took a quiz that said that I was a White Wolf. That was pretty cool.
  8. /start rant College app. essays are going to kill me. I'm a junior, so I don't have to worry about them yet, but they sound like a nightmare. Oh, and the SAT/ACT writing section is probably going to be bad, too. And why the heck am I taking AP Lang. and Comp?! More timed writing! /end rant My brain is fine for things that involve cold, hard facts and concepts, like history and government. But anything that involves math beyond Algebra II kills it (Like stupid Pre-Cal *grumble grumble*).
  9. Ohh... I get it. What year of college are you in? I'm taking some 1st year classes now, and they're not difficult at all. But it gets harder once you decide on your major, doesn't it? College is going to scare me, I think. I have a very good grasp of English vocabulary (my teacher has to go look up the words that I use), so writing essays is okay. But I HATE timed writing, and I really dislike math. Technically, I dislike all schoolwork, but... Anyway, I get labeled as 'overachiever.' It's infuriating.
  10. It's a great game, but I'm so horrible at it. I can't get anywhere on the higher difficulties. :D
  11. @Xiltas... Why exactly is French so horrible? Oh, wait...There's about 37 different verb tenses and native French speakers talk so fast that they're unintelligible. Never mind. I get it. Still, it's not that bad. I'd still die if I had to talk to a native speaker, don't worry. @L Blade: I don't know much Chinese, but I really dislike the fact that there are multiple English translations for one Mandarin word. It certainly simplifies things, I guess... English does have some weird verb tense rules, but they don't usually come into play in casual conversation.
  12. Best: Elincia/Geoffrey (FE10) Worst: Makalov/Astrid (FE10) - Dishonorable mentions to Sothe/Micaiah...Ugh. Nomination: Best/Worst Princess
  13. Ugh. Well, We've learned all of the noun endings for all declensions, but I'm guessing that our Latin teacher is waiting to tell us about the major deviations for 4th/5th until later. Either that, or he told us already and I just wasn't paying attention...
  14. Ugh...I hate neuters. Too many variables involved. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Vergil MESSED WITH THE NOUN ENDINGS?!?!?!?! Aieeeeeee!!!! I'm gonna' hate this, I can already tell!
  15. Ha ha! My school is offering a Greek class for all of those smart kids who already completed AP Latin and have nothing better to do. That does not include me. I'll have enough trouble trying to complete AP Latin, most likely.
  16. I'm pretty amazed at the fact that so many of us are familiar with more than one language. It'd be hilarious to see us all meshed into one superhuman with all of our linguistic knowledge. Hmm... If I'm not mistaken, the most common second language here on the forums is...French?
  17. Fluent English Proficient in French (I probably would die if I had to talk to a native French speaker, though) Fairly proficient in Latin (Translating the Aeneid next year, so I'm a year behind Luminescent Blade) Experience: English: Life speaker French: Equivalent to a French 300 class as of now. AP French=French 400, and I'm taking that next year. Latin: Third year Latin Student. Most Latin grammar is down, and vocabulary is fairly extensive, although there's still a lot of work to be done. Basically, I am fluent in English, could talk to someone in French if needed, but may not be able to understand a full Latin conversation. IDK. Spoken Latin is confusing sometimes.
  18. Yeah, I used Rosetta Stone for French, and, while it helped me to get some basic vocabulary down, it did not help when it came to sentence structure or any sort of grammatical concepts. Maybe it would work better now (I used it when I was about 9 years old). As it is, when I started high school, I took French with a teacher who had his Ph.D in French. He had spent a number of years living in France, and was an excellent teacher. He really helped me to get everything down, and I am now in French III. Our teacher prepared my class so well in French II that we could enter into a French 300 college level class even without having taken the AP French exam. (I'm a junior BTW) Basically, I'd suggest taking a class or getting a tutor. French has a lot of idioms and expressions that could not be contained in a textbook, and since Japanese uses a different alphabet, I'm sure that it is even more complicated, so I wouldn't mess around on your own.
  19. Hmmm.... I actually try to keep everyone alive. That is sort of a pain on FE:SD H5 Oh well. And I ALWAYS protect Tormod's gang in Part 4 of RD.
  20. Wow... FE11 is actually winning something that is related to its graphics. Who would've thought? Best: Boyd - FE10 (I think that FE10 has the best artwork. Honorable mentions to FE10 Leanne, FE10 Zihark, and FE10 Tibarn) Worst: Tormod - FE9 (Okay... Let's just be glad that IS artists had a better color palette to work with for FE10) Nomination: Best/Worst Bow-Only Unit (I'd like to see the division that causes, if it ever wins)
  21. Argh... I'm so slow... I did Aesop's Fables. I got 0 mistakes and 41 WPM. Not horrible (14% above average). It''s good enough for me, as I don't do a ton of typing, anyway.
  22. Not too bad. My mom's really old Mac uses this wireless dongle, and it is very slow (ie. 15 kb/s DL speed) Stupid thing... And we're paying for a speed boost package, I think. So I just tested it using a laptop, and we actually have a fast internet connection! Amazing. And we're actually getting a Windows desktop next week, so then we'll have a 2001 Mac running Mac OSX (10.4, 512 MB RAM, 767 MHz processor), a Windows desktop running Windows XP (1 GB RAM, 2.67 GHz Processor), and a Toshiba Satellite laptop running Windows 7 64 bit (4 GB RAM, 2.20 GHz processor) Thank goodness for up-to-date computers... That's always nice, especially after being stuck with something that struggles to download PDFs... Oh, and don't ask how it is that the Windows XP desktop has a more powerful processor than the laptop, b/c I have no clue.
  23. You remind me of my friend, call her "C." She loves kittens and snuggling, and will randomly start talking about kittens in class. The rest of us either burst out laughing or are like "........."
  24. This is all that I found for now (list under spoiler tag). It's a good chunk of your list. They're all in zip/rar/mp3 format to the best of my knowledge, but note that I haven't tested anything. Good luck with your computer rebuilding!
  25. Errrr.... Nothing. It must just be that Dorcas was very unlucky when I tried to raise him. I mean, four 1 stat level ups is infuriating. I guess I'll switch mine to Karla. Karla and Wallace. See, Renault can still actually use a stave if needed. Karla can't.
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