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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Library Cards exist in SotN if you forgot that. Although bizarrely I don't recall a warp room anywhere near the Library. They were barely useful, unless you were far in the Inverted Castle and wanted to return to the old one for some reason (not that you ever need to). Never realized how good that one Glyph was for the one instance. I thought you were going to criticize Glyph selection I agree is a bit limited (where is the whip Glyph?), and I can agree with plenty of the other criticisms from what I remember. Vol Fulgur was too light on the damage, the Nebula whip in PoR wasn't that weak but almost just as good for easy aiming (excellent against the Whip's Memory). Dracula's Castle was brilliantly aesthetically for some reason I thought, but I can't remember why. I recall bosses being very pattern-heavy, you don't see that as a fault? And one other thing, you forgot to mention how the enemies are fairly fresh after six games not uncommonly recycling old sprites. With plenty of new monster designs, and some old ones that were cool, but haven't been seen in a while returning- Tin Man anyone? Are you thinking of giving Albus Mode a spin? I mean it's cake (why doesn't he use his pistol as a machine gun in his boss battle?), but it is fun too. I wish Torpor Crystal and Quadruple Ignis were more useful, like Nitesco (two awesome attributes was too many for this), Optical Shot was too good. And mind if I rank the bonus modes?: For me I think it goes something like: And one random thing I just feel like saying and getting off my chest. I wish Bayonetta had a crossover DLC where the Umbran Witch for some minor or unexplained reason, is strolling through a forest on a moonlit night, sees a woman back turned to her standing steady, her mind fixed on the castle silhouetted by the moon in the distance. A terse word is spoken by the Witch, the black-haired Warrior turns around, and the two have a clash of Weaves and Glyphs. After a brief skirmish, the two with no animosity at all towards the other quietly agree to move forward and step into this castle wherein the Warrior has an immortal foe to slay. What follows is a castle romp where the Witch and NPC Warrior slice through waves upon waves of the Dark Prince's servants, including the Reaper and perhaps one other great peon, before dancing with the castle's lord and destroying him for now. As the Demon Castle crumbles, the Witch and Warrior escape to terra firma, and the Witch politely departs. Of course, Shanoa would be unlocked after this as playable in all of the main Bayo game. She could learn Witch Time as a "gift" from Bayonetta herself, and would have a fixed moveset, replacing Punches with "physical" Glyphs like the Confodere, Arcis, and Macir; and Kicks with "elemental" Glyphs like Ignis, Pneuma, and Vol Umbra. Glyph Unions are the replacement for Wicked Weaves. And some minor other changes to make her more than a weapon swap from Bayo in gameplay. I might play OoE again now you describe it so. Level 50 or 255 Hard I think. And thank you for these comprehensive reviews! They've been entertaining to read.
  2. I've only played a little of Secret of Mana (up to the forest with the puzzle that requires you go through the seasons in the right order), and I'm not sure whether I should spring for the $40 Collection, or wait for this remade Trials of Mana game later (and maybe get CoM on a hypothetical sale). I know I can't get any definitive answers until Trials of Mana reviews start coming out, but any preliminary advice? The Mana franchise looks fun, I like the aesthetic vibrancy at least.
  3. Nothing too much. I just: Clear out most of the Orb-giving Training Tower quests Do the TTs to a full 50k when they're active Some FBs (but not entirely, they take too long to max, even if they give some Dew) Five Intermediate Arena fights a season Tap Battle if it is giving Orbs Any GHBs on Normal and Hard if I want the character Just enough plays of the current VG or GC to get the full "x number of plays" rewards. Scoring is something I can't compete in. The Story and Paralogues are saved as rainy day/emergency Orbs (even if it means a loss of Orbs due to associated quests vanishing with time). I haven't tried those puzzle battles whose name escape me at the moment- but I'll always have them if I need the Feathers. I'll do the special training maps if I feel like raising someone up. I don't think I'm strong enough to do any content that calls for multiple teams yet.
  4. Nor want one, nor trust MH/LH banners unless it is the only possible way of getting a specific character. But that's just me in all likelihood, and I'm šŸ™ƒ. Weird, I thought it the opposite. I managed to get to the Green Stars on SMG2, but never managed to unlock Super Luigi Galaxy in SMG1. I managed to get through the Purple Coins on Rainbow Rainbow Road and the Luigi's Purple Coins Redux, but never the original LPC or Rolling Gizmo Galaxy šŸ˜”, or the Melty Molten Daredevil. I can see how the unending nature of mobile game content could turn one off to completing it. Since it can't be truly completed, it can be unfulfilling or feel like its unscalable. With an end, one has a certain end goal and fixed length, which together make it more manageable and fulfilling. I've never done SA, I'll wait until I feel the Orb crunch under deep summoning desires. So not for months I guess.
  5. This section will be fairly short and uneventful, I'm just getting some stuff out of the way to wrap up this part in a third, not super long section. It's just chatting around, stopping right before things get serious again. Part 3 Section 2: How the Other School Is Well, now we're done for this entry. The next will cover all the substance here at Kasugayama High.
  6. Then give us Elzam/Ratsel. Just downsize the roller skates, Schulterplates, and the Lazerkanones, and put them all on him, complete with a black cape and Trombe! blaring in the background. Have him summon a mini Ausenseiter for the Final Smash which he controls as Sanger rides on the back with his mini Type 3 Colossal Blade. And throw in a Kurogane volley and drilling somewhere. Really though, an SRW AT at least would be good. If not the German Samurai Who Smites Evil, then why not a downsized SRX which hovers around Slash Kicking, Finger Launchering, Dominion Balling, and TK Burst Slashing opponents? No Hyper Tronium Blaster Cannon though, since that would require adding a downsized R Gun Powered. Or a mini Cybuster- Masaki taking a wrong turn and ending up in Smash sounds feasible.
  7. It should fizzle out, one spat where the two involved are rational enough to eventually stop isn't worth locking this over.
  8. Although I'd optimistically expect that IS would have coordinated 3H Heroes additions for quite a while. So when Versa Aria (to make up a VA name) comes in to work to record mournful lines for Melody after Crescendo sacrifices himself in 3H (again, just making up hypothetical people and events- I know barely anything of 3H), she'll then spend the rest of the day doing cheery and upbeat Heroes quips. Why not? Since Miss Aria is already there on the job, and IS has already planned out adding a Legendary Melody sooner or later. What interests me is popularity polling. I'm hoping IS isn't so stupid as to not do polling for 3H apart from CYL4. Since CYL4 would be contaminated by the influences of other FEs and their characters vying for slots for entry in FEH and alts if they are, and CYL has multiple votes per voter. A clean 3H popularity poll, with one vote per electronic device, without a competition to get into FEH or get alts, and without being compared to the rest of the franchise, is what 3H will need. IS with regards to including 3H after the first wave, should not just rely on whatever CYL4 data will come in, but cross reference it with independent polling data to determine who is truly the most popular. BEDC will by virtue of being main characters get the top slots, but who in the supporting cast rival them in celebrity, is something worth grabbing the popcorn for. I rather look forward to future character arguments- kept away from toxicity that is.
  9. I just hope they handle 3H right, for both the game itself and for FEH. By which I mean: Do not include spoilers weapons or spoilers quotes or spoilers anything for 3H on the summonable characters, if the spoilers takes more than an hour or so of play to get to. Do a large injection of early 3H characters with the first banner. Do two simultaneous quads if thou must. Match or exceed what SoV got, I say exceed, because SoV had a tiny cast of 34, and I expect 3H to be 40+ playable characters. Do not make all the New Heroes for the rest of this year 3H, FEH B3 OCs, Braves, and Farfetched. Please leave room for another prior game or two, maybe three if the year has enough space left. Do give 3H immediate Seasonal representation, but don't forget to finally give one to Jugdral! Do not add a spoilers-rific Legendary or Mythic until at least three months out from 3H's release. Personally, I won't be summoning for 3H characters though. I need to play the game to the very end before I can consider doing that. A handsome face that turns out to be hot feces under the scrutiny of the plot deserves not a barracks slot.
  10. Game- Not one that exists already. Inasmuch as it is possible, a hypothetical open-world-ish or simply very branching FE would work. Appearance- I can't decide. I'd have to play with my customization tools for a half hour. Personality- Again, I'm not sure. But ideally, I'd like the option to pick one of several distinct general personalities. With voiced lines to match the chosen personality. Class- I wouldn't go with an exclusive class, barring a villager-like starting one. Just let them use whatever exists for everybody else. Freedom in principle to swap around your class, but you better not do that too much, since otherwise you'd have to a grind to be very proficient in a lot of classes. Weapon Types- Dependent on which class I choose. Personal Weapons- Maybe one to start, and one to be a legendary of some sort. The personals should be able to be transformed into whatever weapon types the avatar is currently able to use. Yato only being a Sword was a little annoying if you made Corrin anything that couldn't use one. Let me shapeshift at least the legendary personal into a Shuriken or Tome if I'm in a class that has no Swords and but can use those. Stats and Gameplay Role- Ideally these should ideally be customizable. I'd probably prefer a middle-of-the-road unit, very solid from beginning to end, but never godly at any point. Ideally, I'd like them to offer some unique form of supportive support for everyone else. Story- They exist, they help, they're good at helping. The End. Let them be a real shadow and leave all of the limelight to other people. FE7's Mark if they could fight basically, barring a little more relevance to the story right at the very beginning when the player is getting acclimated to the world. Job- Like Kris, I'd like a choice of past, present, and future. But I want those things to be fleshed out in the world, not one liners and what you hide stat customization behind. Love Interest- No to a canon pick. I don't want to be able to wed everyone either- let fixed couples and people who don't seek love exist. The game can offer a few options if they don't get in the way of the game's tone, but no kids, and be sure to include at least two good picks for lesbians and gay men separately. Much, but not all, of this is influenced by the one non-FE avatar I really know- Cross from XCX. I can be a Full Metal Jaguar and swap to a Mastermind, but that will take a lot of effort to juggle due to needing a lot of CP to master both classes (although FMJ and Partisan Eagle will require less). They exist, but Elma is the star of the show in the main story (as little as it is) with Cross barely doing anything of importance other than helping with the fighting. I can pick like six different personalities per gender, with different VAs for the same lines in battle, which also include a couple combat quips specific to each personality.
  11. If we assume Joker to be a Japanocentric choice, despite Persona gaining ground aboard, then perfect DLC popularity symmetry is impossible with 5 fighters. Either one of the two remaining characters is universally loved, or one half the relevant cultural divide will be slightly favored here. Barring a hypothetical Fighter Pass 2 or Echo Fighter pass that provides more balancing. Or Europe will get a character that is distinctly popular over there, or Australia or New Zealand. Or China, the market of 1.3 billion people must be specifically catered to, so they'll get to pick the final fighter, I know it. Hollywood is lovin' Chinese yuan and it only a matter of time before video game companies do the same. As in centuries past when all of Eastern Hemisphere wanted Chinese silks and teas, so they now all want a cut of the Chinese consumers' money.
  12. I didn't actually notice this, since the female Erdrick looks so similar to the male. I just thought it was another pic of the guy at first glance Same attire as the pic I posted above. The differences in body shape and are obscured by the plentiful clothes, the face is not that different either. It's the earrings alone which make it clear as day this is female. Not to get into gender depiction discussions and all, that tends to derail things and make few happy (so please don't make something enormous of this). But in general, I wouldn't say DQ is the most gender equal of franchises. It's had bunny girls since DQIII I think, even if its females are usually conservatively dressed (Maya the dancer being an exception, another being the lack of pants on the IV Heroine option). And there is a skill called "Puff-Puff" since VI. Puff-puff being a term that started in Dragon Ball, Toriyama's other signature entertainment franchise, meaning "put one's breast in another's face". Males and females alike can use it in some games, albeit with different effects- males deal damage, females leave the enemy stunned. I mean both of those things I just said are there for silliness, which does define much of DQ's spirit, but is there a certain antiquated perspective here I can eyeroll at. Although strong and perky females have existed in pretty much every game since IV as well. Alena isn't bound to a guy (although her healer servant Kiryl has affections for her), and is one potent martial artist. https://dragon-quest.org/wiki/Alena
  13. There is an option for this and keeping the Junon events. Sapphire gets shot, Sapphire sinks to the bottom of the ocean, still alive, but recovering. You go down there and stop it during this process. Although on this note, they're going to have to revise what the Underwater Materia does. They should make it mandatory and for realism say it makes you able to move through water like air (increased floatiness in the physics for one superboss sounds wrong), increases one's weight so they sink, and do as it already does and makes breathing underwater possible. There could be a solution that allows for both present WEAPONs and those already optional. I was thinking in line with what I just suggest of Sapphire above, that the WEAPONs be made very resilient and regenerative. You shoot a WEAPON once to the point it retreats, The Planet willingly lets it tap into the Lifestream, it heals itself good as new and attacks again within days/weeks/months later. The WEAPONs in this case would win any war of attrition. They still deal massive damage when active (and scarring up more towns to reflect WEAPON devastation once they show up in the story sounds great to me), and that damage to human civilization would be too frequent to heal it all between WEAPON strikes. On the other hand, none of humanity's counterattacks can stick. Eventually, the WEAPON rampages destroy civilization and smash away the tools used by humanity to stop them. And if that never happens because The Planet can no longer heal the WEAPONs, then that must mean the Lifestream is very close to very dead, which isn't exactly good for humanity either. As for how to explain the optional boss battles. I guess we can make the WEAPONs think "Now is not the time to attack humanity. Now is time to take a defensive stance and prepare to destroy Meteor. We tried annihilating humanity, but we failed for now. We can do it again later, but Meteor is getting too close and intercepting it once it gets closer is our top priority." The excuse for destroying them then becomes "If we let them stop Meteor/live, they'll still kill us all later. We humanity, united under the Buster Sword, must use Holy and stop Meteor ourselves, without any reliance on the WEAPONs. The WEAPONs are our enemies, not our friends, and must therefore be destroyed, be it before or after Meteor". -Although now that I think about it, the regenerating WEAPONs sounds a bit too similar to Silent Cockroach's Vice Monster. And do we really want to get too close to that?
  14. How about we run down the list of Archaneans? Now who here has a good personal connection? Child Tiki in Warriors might be treated a little like a daughter by Caeda in their support- but I don't know this myself. But if true, they could reference this. Ogma is sorta Caeda's bodyguard, hired by her father to protect her, and she saved Ogma from death years prior. They're close. Catria has unrequited love for Marth. Merric is Marth's best friend. Gordin is another close friend of Marth. DE Hardin and Minerva are also both royalty- albeit this is a thin connection. So I'd pick Ogma, Catria, or maybe Child Tiki if that support convo is right. Two of those particular three would cause the banner would be triple Red, and that sounds unlikely. So I'll say Catria. DE Hardin would make the best choice in terms of fodder by a long shot I would imagine. That being entirely owed to the fact that Archanea hasn't gotten a dedicated banner since June 14, 2017. Two years ago exactly two days from now! I mean I know the continent is not known for characters bursting with flavorful personality and rich depth, but that is a little sad. It could still muster another banner of good picks.
  15. He has no problem using swords like the rest, but in artwork, yes he is usually shown with a staff. His ultimate exclusive weapon is the Dragon Staff. Whereas the Erdrick gets the Sword of Kings (which in the first two games is known as Erdrick's Sword); IV Hero gets the Zenithian Sword. Though the VIII Hero can spears and boomerangs, his real ultimate weapon is the Dragovian King Sword. The images are not being displayed for some reason. But I'll put them up: Angelo (From DQVIII) Terry (from DQVI) I'm not familiar with Terry, but Angelo is a DQ favorite of mine. The legitimate but secondborn son of an irresolute noble, after his father and mother died, Angelo went to live as a little orphan at an abbey. He was immediately greeted by Marcello, who acted kindly towards him -until Angelo gave his name, at that very moment Marcello hated him. Marcello is the firstborn but illegitimate son of Angelo's father, once Angelo was born, Marcello was heartlessly kicked to the curb as unnecessary to secure the lineage, and thus he hates his half-brother, despite Angelo having no choice in his birth. Angelo matures into a fun-loving young man, liking gambling and able to charm the ladies, but not wholly irresolute. His relationship with his half-brother remains strained to put it mildly, but they both serve in the Templars, Angelo as a common soldier, Marcello as their leader. Angelo can be serious when he has to be, but he can relax and jokingly laugh off being at a casino where his dad might have gambled away his sons' future fortunes. From a gameplay perspective, Angelo can use swords, staffs, and bows, with magic set that makes him a healer in the foremost (at least until VIII's Hero gets Omniheal towards the end of the game). Long story short, Angelo has a bit of depth to him, a little unusual for Dragon Quest, which tends to rely on charm for its casts. And that is why I like him. Thus, I am happy he gets to be one of the costumes in Smash.
  16. If you, or anyone else wants to, here is some of the official DQ artwork for them all, playable in Smash or otherwise:
  17. The VII Hero is the most Linkalike to me. That green cap and garb really does it. But VII Hero looks so dorky by default. I have a few old memories of B&K as a kid, good ones. But I haven't played them since (except for that so-so GBA game). I remember them more than not probably due to the old game guides I had and would prolifically read over. I'm not excited over B&K's inclusion though, nor disappointed, nor anything. My DQ experience is V, VIII, IV, and VII in that order, with desires to nab III, VI, and XI. The franchise I don't love, but I appreciate it and am happy I added to my gaming palette. It's old school, which makes sense, given 6/11 titles were SNES or earlier in origin (and X is Japan-only), but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I had also toyed with I&II GBC as a child, but I never completed those.
  18. If you aren't looking to copy your save, try making a second user profile on your Switch. I made a Link-avi'ed one as my default, and then made a second one with the Meta Knight avi, with which I was able to make a second Breath of the Wild save file. This way, I was able to play BotW anew and still have my first file where I can fight CG without the DBs conquered. The only issue is I can't save pictures to the SD card with my second profile for some reason (which is why I haven't finished this second run), but that won't matter for XC2.
  19. Little if any surprise it is back to Summer again. A drought of new heroes for Summer, and when they finally come, they'll with a very high degree of certainty belong to this new game I'm wary of. And if I've counted right, we will hit our 100th Special a.k.a. Seasonal Hero with the next TT character!šŸŽ‰ šŸŽŠ *Begins lathering hands* I shall grant them the honors of my person coating them from head to toe in sunscreen!* *Not counting Fallen, Adrift, or other alts on New Heroes banners as Specials/Seasonals regardless of how much they may or may not have been very bad ideas. Also, if the 100th Special Hero is someone I would not want to touch all over, will BS that it's a character on the associated banner who I would touch that is the 100th, having be thought of to be added in that batch of five the last. If this excuse does not work, then I thereby pass my not-so-sacred duty onto another poster, whoever wants to take the job, a really weird one I was told to fulfill by a magic eight ball, or was I dreaming that?
  20. Agreed. Sakurai deserves some rest, some fluids (else he drives himself into needing the intravenous kind), and maybe a good video game from his extraordinary collection. I'd recommend trying a light passion project again, something akin to Kid Icarus: Uprising I speculate was (does anyone know his work habits for this game?), but I hesitate for fear the passion will become The Passion. And yes, we need remember video games are more than the product of lone individuals- those credits take so long for a reason. Yes, for better or worse individuals can have a monumental impact on a game's final outcome, but a good team is needed to make good idea real. I don't think Bayonetta 2 or any Devil May Cry after 1 actually had Hideki Kamiya leading the development, but Bayo 2 and DMCs 3-5 are still good so I hear. And then you have the case of Mighty No. 9, where misplaced reverence for one "great" figure led to great disappointment. To be fair, I think the issue might be how emulation works. Something to do with bandwidth? The younger/less old a game system is, the more power it requires to emulate. And this rate of increase from NES to SNES to 64 to Gamecube differs from the rate of power (bandwidth?) increase of newer consoles to emulate. By which I mean if the needs for emulation leap from PS1 games to PS2 games is 20, then the additional emulation power from PS2 to PS3 is only 10 bandwidth (to completely make up numbers here). Going from PS2 to PS3 emulation would increase the resources needed by 40, but you'd still only get an increase of 10 bandwidth going from PS3 to PS4. Again, I forget exactly how it goes, but I might be getting the spirit of what I read once. Remasters and ports are thereby more viable. You don't need to include the power-intensive "making a piece of technology act like a different piece of technology, while running a program on top of this" aspect of emulation which I guess is a heavy burden on it. A port changes the game to fit the system, not the system, the game. -So even if you can run the Trails, despite them looking prettier than Xenosaga ever does, this might explain it. Your PC is car, the games its passengers being driven to a destination. With Trails, your PC can floor it because it there is nothing holding it back, Rean and co. are tucked away in the vehicle. But Shion and KOS-MOS refuse to ride in your SUV, and instead insist on remaining in their convertible called a PS2, which you must attach to the back of your PC SUV and drag it along. You can floor it at 60 mph down the freeway singing "Five Fleeting Loves of Five Fabled Feis" with Trails, whereas there is no fun lugging the Xenocovertible and everyone else is passing you wondering why you took the freeway in the first place. Again, if I understand things right. I could very well not.
  21. Alfonse ranked at 33 with 7363 votes. Lif ranked 16 with 11876 Together, they equal 19239 votes. This would move Alif, or Lifonse, your choice, to 10th place overall. Well above Female Corrin's 17679, but just by a few hundred losing to Chrom's 19656, which is about three thousand behind 8th place Eirika's 22771.
  22. Now if only I could play XS and give my own opinion on the bolded. But this seven year old laptop gets hot sometimes just running PSP and SNES games as is. I hope there is a second Fighter Pass. I mean when you think about it, it is only five additional characters in this one pass- not that many in the scheme of fighting games. Would Smash be harder to program for since you've fewer standard humanoid forms? But Smash, for any technicality it has, is less technical than a real-no-party-game-duality fighting game? Does the already colossal roster so tall I could drop a hammer from the summit and it not hit the ground until two days later, impede Smash from adding more?
  23. Don't forget Elma! She ain't got no man alive to kiss 'em feet of! A heroine without a hero to overshadow her. For now at least. Hope it stays that way. Dual Guns and Dual Blades (larger than knives, shorter than longswords), she'd make for a ZSS-Bayonetta-Pit hybrid I think. Oh yeah, KOS-MOS ain't playable here, the ever-crossing crossover Xenosaga character who is a female android. Also with guns and smalls blades, Elma not a coincidence in weapon choice I think. -But KOS-MOS would be much too boring and expectable to include, and not very Nintendo, since they haven't made a Xenosaga HD Collection yet (perhaps with Episode II modified to how it is in the DS Xenosaga I & II game- if that really is better). This reminds me actually, since this game is a British creation, it had be translated into Japanese. And Grunty's language wasn't able to transfer over so well, since it rhyming in Japanese is so easy it isn't a literary technique at all. Why do I mention this? Because if Japan doesn't love B&K very much, and I don't know if it does or not, then the two character reveals today balance each other. The Far East gets its Hero, and the Far West gets to play with its Banjo.
  24. Sounds like they pop open their surplus of Stamina Potions, I can't see it being any other way. That'd be too much FEH in one day for it to be fun for me. Particularly since I'm not strong enough to just autobattle these at the highest difficulty. Being strong enough to autobattle DL's dailies is what makes that game's grind not so bad.
  25. My apologies for the delay on another entry, it turns out I did lose my way when I made that detour and wound up in Fiana. Part 3: Kasugayama Drama Section 1: The Stars Align and Eikichi is Fine!
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