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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Hmm? Which ones? They all look fine to me. Also, I just realized I made terrible mistake- I said Everest, I meant Fuji. FUji me for not getting Japan's signature mountain right. I blame the sheer quantity I wrote.
  2. Let's see: Final Fantasy XIII- Haven't actually started it yet, got it for Christmas, I just keep delaying it. Metroid: Samus Returns- Almost all the way through it, but dropped it some months ago at the robot boss. I really should finish the rest, but I haven't. Xenoblade Chronicles 2- My end-of-game curse set in again. I'm up to Chapter 10, the final chapter but I haven't touched it in weeks to finish it. I should, I do like it, I just haven't done so. This issue began with Tales of Symphonia, which I really really really loved for a significant part of my youth, but for some reason, I tended to drop it right at the warp sigil to the final boss. Infinite Space- I've begun it after so long of wanting to try it, yet the start has been a bit rocky, so I haven't gotten very far. Shovel Knight- The last stage and boss I guess of Plague Knight remain. Tinker Knight is not yet defeated on Specter of Torment. -More of my endgame curse. Boxboxboy- Some of the final stages remain in the last main world remain. Persona 2: Innocent Sin- Just begun my first Let's Play ever, and this is it. Assuming I don't run into problems with uploading the screenshots, anyone who wants to see what Persona was like pre-3 will have a chance to do so here on SF. @Glennstavos I can understand your criticisms of Golden Sun, it was cool when it first released, awesome animations for the GBA and it was an original JRPG for the system. But now, its faults are certainly there and it doesn't hold up so well for a more seasoned JRPG player.
  3. Well, here is the first part of what will hopefully be an LP allllll the way to completion. Covers the opening to when the shops open up, which could be done in a half hour I guess, but LPing and exploring the beginning made it take longer than usual. No actual controllable fighting in this segment, but at least this isn't Dragon Quest VII PS1. Part 1: From Bikes to Blue (lots of screenshots for so little actual game) Section 1: The Sin Begins Section 2: Just Chatting at School : Section 3: Guidance to Guidance Section 4: No Laughing Matter, and Eccentric Entrepreneurs: Phew that was a lot of work! Future entries should be shorter. And for the PSP version, they probably could've replaced the Nazis with General Munakata and his goons from Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army. A fictional Japanese 1930s evil military hawk sounds more appropriate for a Japan-centered story. Japan never fought the Nazis in WWII or suffered their atrocities though, so I can somewhat understand how this would slip through. They are evil, but not so intimately evil in the Japanese psyche that they wouldn't consider using them more freely than say the US (the land of Wolfenstein be truth as truth is) or Germany.
  4. Not to mention doing so callously might make Robin decide to kill Chrom instead. If Robin has no appreciation for friendship, they'd be more inclined to become Grima. Still, Chrom needed to display more tact at that scene. Or at least add another where they pull back and say "Sorry I was emotional earlier. I'll miss you if you choose to die, but I'll respect your decision. I'm leaving it you and only you to decide.". As is, it makes him terribly weak for me.
  5. I'm just not familiar with them. Any reputable and free ones you'd recommend? I'll see about this imgbb you mention. SF gives 10 MBs total, which at 200kbs for a screenshot of just the title screen. Not good... Yeah, I'll have to join one of these image sharing sites then. No problem. If you wish to join Alice, play the first SMT, that is the game where she first appeared. No seriously, she is in SMT. Although she didn't actually do any fighting against the player until SMTII (later games make her summonable for the player). She became a superboss in Devil Survivor 2, and usually has an exclusive skill called Die For Me! (in Japanese it's more like "Will you please die for me?")- a very high success rate Death-element party insta-kill. She is never important to the plot, but she is something of a popular recurring demon. To be more serious, Devil Survivor- the 3DS Overclocked enhanced port to be precise- is a great entry point to SMT. No dungeon crawling due to an SRPG gird for movement unique to this spinoff, but it has the general themes of mainline SMT done fairly well and isn't too old or too difficult. Combat once you select an enemy team to fight is the usual stuff for SMT with only a few tweaks (no insta-death nor -kaja buffs and -kunda debuffs in Devil Survivor). SMTIV for 3DS is very modern and accessible as far as console go. But I'd say Devil Survivor, my own entry point, is just better on the whole for being a starter SMT.
  6. How'd I miss that!?!??????????????????? Still, I think I'll stick with Innocent Sin and return to Persona 1 later. From what I hear it isn't so accessible or fun compared to P2. The two games I know aren't linked save for being continuations of the same general war in the collective unconscious. Editing the OP for that humungous blunder.
  7. Hello everybody! I've chosen to try making my first ever Let's Play. And I hope to finish it unlike so many other projects, which for understandable reasons fall to the wayside. Fortunately, I think this game is only ~30-40 hours, so it's on the moderate side of JRPGs, that's good. I can't promise to be the most insightful, witty, or irreverent of LPers, I could be as dry as the Atacama and not be suited for the role at all. But I'll try this once and see, if you don't mind. So, for the first game I've chosen to LP, it is Persona 2: Innocent Sin. This is the 2011 PSP version to be precise, the original 1999 PS1 release was Japan only; it has a few additions and updates compared to the original. Why did I pick Persona 2: Innocent Sin? Well I've stared at the Persona franchise from afar for years. I'm not fond of major life sim elements, and from what I'm aware, they're not present in Persona 2. Persona 3 is responsible for the creation of that half of the successful modern Persona formula, and it is perfectly fine to like it. This said, Persona 2: Innocent Sin does have a dating sim element, and that I'm totally fine with, P3 and beyond just sound like they have too much of it for me. I also picked Persona 2 because of the rise of "modern" Persona: which began with Persona 3, gained great niche popularity with Persona 4, and has since exploded to the point of getting in Smash Bros with Persona 5. Persona 2 predates this and hasn't received any attention in the Persona intra-series crossovers I think, yet I've heard good of its narrative. Thus I wish to show to others this "forgotten" earlier part of the franchise, before it hit it big. Why not start with Persona 1 then? It is the very first Persona. I'll tell you why. It appears Persona 1 has never been retranslated. Why is that a problem? The PS1 original's English translation engages in an atrocious de-Japanizing of the entire game, keeping the Shinto shrines but little else. It replaces dollars with yen, Japanese food with American food, likewise, they renamed all the locations and characters from Japanese to English names. And they even made a playable character African-American when they were originally white. Did I mention they cut an alternative route with an ending from the game? This is too much, so it must be skipped, or played in Japanese -but then I couldn't understand it. It won't be enough to simply see Igor smile at me, I need to understand what he says. EDIT: For some inconceivable reason I thought the PSP version wasn't translated! I'm going to stay the course with Persona 2 though for now. I'll get to real origins of Persona later, that game is apparently a bit more archaic (I can manage- Soul Hackers I completed and that originally released months before it) and not so memorable in itself, compared to Persona 2. Why not start with Shin Megami Tensei: If...? If... is the SMT game which inspired Persona. For this, I just don't feel like trying it at the moment, I'll get to it later. And it isn't that Persona-y I hazard to guess. As a disclaimer, I already looked up this game's plot in summation a long time ago, thinking I'd never have the means to play it. That's understandable I think. Nonetheless, though I know how things will end, there is still the journey and all its minutiae to experience, that should be plenty of fun. Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies everyone knows will end the one way or the other, but that doesn't stop the Bard of Stratford-on-Avon from having been so treasured over the centuries. -Not to call this game, or any other, on par with Shakespeare, I won't make that call either way. For a content disclaimer, Nazis and Hitler himself do appear in the main plot as pure evil villains. I don't think they were needed, and I have a Nazis in popular entertainment aversion myself, but I'll stomach it for the sake of Philemon. For those who have an aversion to Nazis (totally justified), I will issue a "WARNING!" when they first appear. And another warning when he one of the most disgusting human beings to ever exist appears. And I'll even put him in a spoiler box inside the usual spoiler box I'll be putting my LP entries in so you don't have to look at his mug and sprite, you can skip right past it. Now having mentioned If... and Persona 1 above let me provide a little timeline around Persona 2 for context.: So what was the entire point to that chronology? To show when this game was released, what Atlus had done before it, and what they had done afterwards up to just after they released Innocent Sin PSP- where they had gone. Now as you see, while I've spoken of Persona 2: Innocent Sin, there is something called Persona 2: Eternal Punishment on that chronology as well. That is a direct sequel to Innocent Sin, which I intend to get to some time after finishing the first game. Maybe not right away, but eventually. Persona 2 is a duology, and you need both games to fully appreciate it. I like chosen subtitles on face value, one sounds sympathetically sweet yet criminal, and the other sounds like a terribly harsh reprimand for the innocent sinning. Besides Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment, Persona 2 had two Japan-only cell phone games. The first is a bridge between IS and EP, and is an okay game I hear in what bridging of the two stories it does. The second cell phone game is absolute trash that has absolutely nothing to do with P2 narratively and is best forgotten forever. To end this opening post, I'm going to post off of YouTube the two opening trailers to Innocent Sin, just to actually show off the game for once in this post. The first is the original PS1 opening, the second was added in the PSP port. The PSP port keeps the original opening too, you just have to wait two seconds on the title screen for it to show. This reminds of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, which rereleased in 2012 on 3DS. It features its original Sega Saturn opening and a brand new one exactly the same way as Innocent Sin PSP before it. Next time: I begin my journey as an LPer. Leave comments if you're interested in this!
  8. I'm not quite sure how much Killer Bows affect things, but Hunter's Volley is a guaranteed and decently accurate range 1-5 doubling, with a nice Crit chance. It rends the Spd stat junk for a Sniper due to that Brave effect and the HP cost is nothing to be feared since they can play it so safe from so far. Nothing is quite as good in the Bow category, although a Longbow's Encloser (also on the Deliverance DLC Python's Bow) and a Radiant Bow both might have niches. All you need for a Killer Bow is 100 Silver and a 1* (15 more Silver) Silver Bow. Although given how late it is until you get a Silver Bow, evolving a Steel Bow is going to double the cost. I'm a bit curious on weapon forging logistics for a no-grind run. Beloved Zofia is totally being skipped because Celica is better with Magic, and Zweihanders make the best swords. Though whether a Rapier is worth making for Alm's route interests me. And just because I like them, not because I'd ever expect a serious tier list to factor them in due to being paid DLC, I'll propose placements for the Cipher characters. I'll assume an early Act 3 recruitment for all of them, say after getting Catria and Palla on Celica's side and no later than getting to the Forest village on Alm's; though you might be able to clear their maps at the very end of Acts 1 and 2.: Alm!Randal I'd put in A Tier, a few spots above Mathilda since he is a few levels higher than her but with appropriately higher bases sans Luck. Growths say a similar story. Celica!Randal would be B Tier. Her only Paladin he'd be and a very good one in itself, but the desert and swamp still get to him. Alm!Emma is just a worst Clair or even Pegasus Faye perhaps, and few Terrors and bad terrain to benefit from. Celica!Emma should be roughly comparable to a insta-promotion Palla, but you can probably only afford to invest heavily in one or the other. Yuzu tier pretty low on either route I think. She is fragile, stuck with 4 Move, and has only two weak spells- Fire and Saggitae. She has awesome bases and growths, and another Recover is a slight help, but she has to be healed after fighting up close and her opportunities on either route to do so are limited. Pitchforks make everyone good so they shouldn't be considered at all. Shade on the other hand would be just below Silque and Cleric!Faye on Alm's route, and just below Genny on Celica's. Besides having a little less availability, it takes Shade until level 10 to get Rescue, nor does she have Genny's Invoke, and Freeze & Silence are a novelties b/c they have so little range. But she has Physic at base, and when maps are so big and Faye or Genny can be busy with other things, having another ranged healer is not at all redundant.
  9. Just reminded me of this: The Ford Nucleon, a concept car that didn't run on gasoline. Instead, it had a miniature nuclear reactor.
  10. I'd hope something like the Photo Shop returns, even though we already have screenshots with the Switch. Something has to fill in that otherwise empty space, and I expect something new will, but what I do not know. They should eventually. I'd rather they used ALBW's aesthetics, but I'd take any form of OoX remakes. Ideally they could give us a brand new Oracle of Courage to boot. Zelda isn't all about the big titles- the OoTs, WWs, TPs, SS, and BotWs. The petite Zeldas might not get the same resources, but they've still got love in them. Nintendo can certainly crank out one or two of these miniblins to every hulking hinox. And I want a very modern Adventure of Link sequel. I have no real expectations, only light hopes at most.
  11. Because cancer is Latin for crab. And the Greeks liked Joe's Crab Shack so much, that they decided to name a prime chunk of the heavens above after the delicious legs served there. The disease gets it name because of how the veins around tumors caused by uncontrolled cell growth looked like crab limbs. And the person who came up with the name for a disease was both allergic to shellfish and had also their left pinky almost severed when playing at the beach as a kid because of a mean crab. Should I try making a screenshot Let's Play?
  12. Well they were the only portable games not Super Circuit (which has obvious issues directly porting tracks from), so I can see why they'd pick those. I thought I heard somewhere this game was destined for a summer release. There HAS to be multiplayer somewhere, but not testing it now is going to lead to ALOT of complaints later about the connections and stability of races when the game does actually release. Hopefully Nintendo has another beta planned where the focus is specifically on the PvP, get at least some of the server kinks and whatnot ironed out before the iron is hot. This is a realllllllllllll longshot, but I'd like a mode based on Excite Trucks and Excitebots. Mobile games do have to keep have to add stuff to keep things fresh. For the 99% of people who have never heard of or played those games, they're racing, but getting to the finish line first isn't the be all end all. Your goal is to earn the most Stars by the race's end, finishing first gives a 50 Star bonus, which is nice. Yet the primary source of Stars is by completing minigames and QTEs of sorts on the racetrack and performing various tricks- driving very close to trees but not into them and doing midair spins (with a successful landing) being two forms of them. It's certainly not Battle Mode, it's far closer to traditional kart racing, but still distinct. MK could always use more spice, this could be grains of paradise. Excitebots also had Poker Race. Collect cards to complete hands you then chip in for Stars. You want to drive carefully enough to pick the cards that give you the best hands you can get. But not so slowly that other racers beat them to you first (they're aligned like item boxes on a track), or get the 1st place finish bonus, which again can be a winning edge if everyone is playing comparably otherwise. Not a main feature, but a pleasant side where there is no actual gambling involved, despite the name, the only luck is in the spawned cards. Regardless of how this game plays out, it's free so I'll be downloading it. And I've a relative who'll be looking forward to racing me from hundreds of miles away.
  13. Never did a single one of these, haven't used a single Blessing, I don't have enough units for it anyhow. Maybe if I feel real desperate for Orbs I'd tap into these for a few, but otherwise I won't. The nice thing about it being over maybe is that one can say definitively what you want blessed for each element- since all the maps including the most nefarious ones are known and that won't be changing.
  14. Going to agree. Although Lana is a disconnect, she seems too "anime" for Zelda when things set in. At first though she isn't so much, thanks to the goddesses and oracles for me I think. And on the topic of the Oracles, Cia-Volga-Wizzro has since I saw someone say it, have a lite parallelism to Veran-Onyx-Twinrova. On places, FE's aren't as vibrant as Zelda's. Not to say seeing actual FE locales wouldn't be good, only that due much to a difference in format, Zelda places are more memorable and detailed than FE ones. One world is the explorable world of an adventure game and the other an SRPG's world restrained to battle maps and CGs (and FE is a little more realistic than Zelda). I could easily make nine distinct battlefields from the nine dungeons of Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess's eight dungeons could still yet be distinct from the nine of OoT. Couldn't quite say the same of FE and its maps.
  15. Congratulations! You managed to liberate the Lava Fields! Although devoid of precious resources and highly dangerous, you will be able to use this path to invade southwest Hoshido. Your strategic brilliance clears the way for Team Ryoma to conquer his homeland. ...Is how I wish this mode felt. An SRPG vibe well beyond this game's means. It has been discussed in this very topic, just inch back to the bottom of page 2594 and all of 2595.
  16. Part time and a reassignment of duties is possible if IS shows clemency. They didn't send Jagen into a retirement of dumpster diving in FE12, they just trimmed some of his lines for Kris to take them, gave him a job as the first boss in the new Prologue, and had him provide Kris with comments on his/her stats and an optional recap on what they're doing during the preparations of each chapter. There was a salary cut of 50% and Jagen lost most of his health benefits, but Marth was kind enough to make up the difference. I played the DS reimagining as an okay Action RPG some years ago, but not the SNES original. I don't recall much of the details about the Maxim-Selan relationship, but I do remember somebody said that the SNES and DS versions portray the relationship differently. However, one take is not better than the other, more each provides something the other lacks. Sounds like this could be interesting to check on YouTube. This isn't quite that, since the personalities are limited and you have no choice in their actions, but I remember hearing Super Robot Wars Alpha let you pick the main duo. You had to pick a male and a female, but you could choose which was the hero and which was the hero's lover. You had four male and four female appearances to pick from, and could assign one of four personalities to the hero and the hero's lover: hot-blooded, cool, weird, and I think kind was the last. Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden (or 2, not sure which came first) declared as Alpha canon Kishua the kind blue-haired girl the heroine and Bullet the hot-blooded blond-haired boy her lover. Super Robot Taisen Original Generation set in another dimension added Yuuki the brown hair and Carla the pink hair as Male Cool and Female Weird lovers, Ryoto the other brown hair and Rio the black hair as Male Kind and Female Hot-Blooded, and Tasuku the purple hair and Leona the blond hair as Male Weird and Female Cool. Kishua and Bullet were brought back as well. They gave Ryoto and Rio the Huckebein Mk. III and AM Gunner- the mecha not canonically in Alpha chosen by Kishua and Bullet, who get the dragon-tiger and tiger-dragon shapeshifting super robot called RyuKoOh and KoRyuOh. ...Can they downsize the RyuKoOh/KoRyuOh and put it in FEH? Please? Durable Armor Dragon on odd turns, Speedy Armor Beast on even turns. And no skipping on the attack animations. I want the full Random-Spike-nunchaku-into-Sonic-Javelin-naginata-into-flurry-of-punches-and-kicks combo known as Tyrant Over-Breaker! -My apologies, one thing led to another, to which led to me awing over the spectacle that is SRW attack animations. While they lose their luster eventually, it always comes back in eventual time.
  17. I don't get the problemo of no bonus units when they always give you one for free. It doesn't take very long to get the 4*, and a lesser bonus unit still offers a nice points boost. -Although I'm an island in the middle of an endless ocean. I'd don't put the bonus unit on my main team b/c I don't want to mess with it. I just do two runs at the highest setting for the bonus points, and then burn the rest of my stamina at Hard 1 using a different trio and the freebie bonus unit. Do this every day for the duration of the TT, and throw in either a second complete stamina drain at Hard 1 on a just few nights of that entire time or pop some stamina potions, and I just manage to hit 50k by the event's end. Why care about a few extra from Feh's perpetual molting?
  18. You reminded me of this (Zelda related), you've probably already seen it though. Agreed that RPG protags should be more frank about their love relationships. Always have to give them points when they play it cool and aren't "I... -no... -we aren't -It isn't like that! *blushes*". How is love so hard when war is so easy? Marth's games need more characters showing up in the main plot, Caeda is third on my list for this, behind Hardin and Minerva. So I'd approve.
  19. Marty should be crazy min-maxed then. If they wanted to make him true to his origin self then, with 168 BST: 60 HP 28 Atk 0 Spd 40 Def 0 Res 40 Con; Axe with Wary Fighter and Steady Breath 4. Because he deserves a stat nobody else has. Shames you don'ts emulate. A new translation patch is on the verge of completion, to be released no later than early next month I believe. The old one had menus that were neither Japanese nor English, they apparently were as understandable as the Voynich Manuscript. This new patch should also get rid of any "just hit puberty and I so want to f***!" novice translation errors and outright changes.
  20. How lucky we are to have an SFer who is in it! Always better to have primary source evidence over secondary (or less secondary at least). Thanks for the insights! ???? Things do sound better now. Makes sense, it would encourage you to get more stuff, and for race sets, strategize about what to bring. Just to make clarify beyond any ambiguity, by "bought", you mean obtained in store sans gatcha? Non-premium currency = non-gatcha, premium currency = gatcha? Can you speak of what courses you've seen? Or at least how many new ones and how many old?
  21. Just a random Xenoblade character for personal kicks. Full Metal Jaguar: Elma Colorless Dagger Infantry (or Armor since her "body" is technically mostly metal) 161 BST: HP 36 Atk 34 Spd 35 Def 28 Res 28 Weapon: Diamond Ralzes- Noninheritable. When initiating combat, if the target enemy's current HP is 70% or less of their maximum, prevents them from counterattacking and increases damage dealt by 4. When initiating combat, inflicts -7 Def/Res to the target enemy and all other enemies within two spaces of them. Special: Glimmer B Skill: Special Conversion Atk/Spd 3- Inheritable. When Special triggers, cancels the Special's effect and instead provides this unit with +6 Atk and Spd. This effect lasts through this unit's next action, but if this unit's Special triggers beforehand, the duration of the buff is extended until the following next action of this unit. Can only possess an extension for one action at any time. So to explain this, player Elma procs Glimmer, no damage increase but instead +6 Atk/Spd in the midst of that battle. Either Elma gets refreshed or its the start of a new player phase, Elma attacks and does not proc Glimmer, at the end of this round the +6 Atk/Spd ends. If Elma had proc'ed Glimmer, then the effect would have continued into her action. If she then got into enough combat on the enemy phase that Glimmer proc'ed again, she would either not have any effect happen or it'd just be Glimmer normally (I don't know which would be more balanced), and the Atk/Spd bonus would still wear off after her next initiated action (unless she proc'ed Glimmer during it). C Skill: Ghost Factory- Noninheritable. If an ally or allies are adjacent to this unit at the start of a turn, applies a buff this unit and the others reducing the damage received from the next hit by 30%. Explanations: I balanced the Def and Res because I don't recall there being defense growths in XCX, it's all HP, arts, and the multiple aspects of armor. If I had to slant them, Elma would probably lean Res, since I think her default armor gives her very high Beam Resistance. The Ralzes are the Grenada Galactic brand Dual Sword Elma starts with in XCX, Diamond is the highest melee weapon tier quality- like Iron/Steel/Silver in FE. Though Dual Swords, they're not full FE sword size, they're called Dual Swords because they are bigger than Knives- another weapon type in XCX, but smaller than Longswords. Elma never throws her Dual Swords, but she does use Dual Guns too, so it isn't like she doesn't know ranged combat. The Ralzes are carrying Shadowstrike, the first of Elma's two Signature Arts. Shadowstrike deals more damage from behind the enemy- which the HP condition represents- the idea that somebody other than Elma has distracted the enemy by damaging them. Shadowstrike also inflicts Stagger- which momentarily stuns them from whatever they were doing (and makes them more vulnerable to Topple- but that didn't get referenced). Ghost Factory is Elma's other Signature Art. It in XCX applies the Decoy buff to her and nearby allies, negating a fixed number of hits altogether. I converted this into a less broken for FEH damage reduction for a single hit, the first hit in contrast to the Deflect skills. And also because the weakness of the Decoy buff in XCX is multi-hit attacks, even weak ones shred right through them. Could have made this an Assist easily, but I chose to go C Skill. Special Conversion Atk/Spd 3 is me trying to find a way to shoehorn Overdrive into her setup without making another personal skill. Overdrive in XCX is a state of heightened awareness which in gameplay makes Arts recharge faster with tertiary cooldown unlocked for additional power, allowing for you to unload more damage more quickly. That explains the Atk/Spd boost in this particular case. The ability to extend the buff while already under it is because it's possible to extend Overdrive's duration while in Overdrive and you can break things by doing so. Why does one sacrifice their Special for this? In XCX, Overdrive requires Tension Points, which are also used for reviving and powerful Tension Arts. Whilst it is possible to go into Overdrive and then use Tension Arts while in it, you do have something of a choice to be made. XC2 if you obtain Elma via DLC gives you the option of using the Party Gauge to fuel the game's usual Chain Attacks or her Overdrive, but you can't use Chain Attacks during Overdrive. So this is my logic for having to pick and chose. A stronger single burst in the Special? Or a buff that could improve multiple attacks in the Conversion?
  22. We already do have Bride Peach of course: And Swimsuit Daisy too, thanks to the Mario & Sonic Olympic Games games.: IS likes having it easy with alts sometimes, the FEH Summer Seasonals have had most of the Awakening and Fates swimsuit DLC characters, we're only missing Chrom, Tharja, Ryoma and Hinoka and the entire swimsuitted TMS crew!, so I'm expecting at least two of these to come this year. Chrom hasn't had an alt in a while and Tharja's daughter dearest is in a swimsuit, so I could see it being them. -So what I mean is that Ninty may indeed include the two above Peach and Daisy alts because they already have the designs. And the topic of Mario sports makes me wish Square would let Ninja, White Mage, Black Mage, Cactaur, Moogle, and Slime in in a collab. But SE is stingy about giving out their stuff.
  23. I'd assume plenty o' alts. Not all alts, but more than FEH should (the reality is so different) have. Classic Mario would be a freebie. Metal Mario a 4*, SMS Shine Sprite Shirt + Sunglasses Mario a 5*.
  24. Eh, gatcha again? I thought Nintendo might hesitate to use that. DL is never competition against others. FEH does, but I can't see MK having it being totally better or totally worse. MK could be better in that player skill in the form of reflexes does matter, FEH is skill-free; worse in that MK while I enjoy it plenty single player, definitely has a stronger multiplayer aspect. Verticality for a race isn't all that bad I guess. Less room for bumping into other players or seeing them do so, but more of the track ahead can be seen. Signature items sounds like a way for gatcha uniqueness and powercreep. A Red Shell+ today, a Red Shell+++ eight months from now. Retro courses are to be expected and good. Though I'd be disappointed if the first batch (more will certainly come) had that classic-but-overdone Baby Park.
  25. "You pleb! Don't you DARE get rid of that other man I just saw walking by! He reminds me so much of myself, he looked like me, acted like me, it is possible he was me? Who else is there that's worthy of the perfection I am? Nobody, that is who! I will wed none but one of my own perfect nature!"
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