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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I've been playing it and having alot of fun with as well. I especially like the time rift mode, to get to know the lore and the Characters. I gotta play the main game some time! I also love the 4th wall breaking the game has going on xD This so much xD I also like the active abilities focus this game has, makes it more PP focused and not Armor/Dragon EP spam that is feh While it does have the usual stuff that annoy me in Gacha, the item farming is atleast bearable thanks to the sweep function. Once you clear a map (and 3 star it) in Time rift, you can just press a button to gain the rewards. So Farming for necessary items is basically 2 Minutes before sleeping pressing some buttons to waste all your bread. Since i am not really connected to any of the characters yet (since i never played the main games), i will save the Vouchers for the Trails crossover (if it ever comes here, that is xD) If anyone wants to add me, name is Shrimpy on Salrath server (I am gonna add some of you if you guys don't mind)
  2. In Gen1. FE4 drops the ball hard when Gen2 comes around and all Politics and stuff doeasn't matter anymore. It becomes typical we good vs. them bad. On the topic in general, i notice that alot of people complain about Story in newer FE, but let's be honest, Fe never had any really good Story. The only games i would call good Storywise are Tellius and Jugdral... and even they have stains on them like . So i really don't get that complaint. Even if Fates story is another levels of bad. What Fates did really wrong however is the shoved in fanservice. FE always had fanservice (especially legservice), but never had shoved in Panty and thong shots like Fates did. Those are really really annoying. I love CQ gameplay to death, and for me it's the best gameplay Series wide, but those random shots are a really stain on an otherwise amazing experience. And i can see how it can put people really off.
  3. Favourite: Tellius. For me, It's the only FE Era where both gameplay and Story are good/fun. Other FE usually only succed at one. Least favourite: GBA/DS no questions asked. It's unexlainable to me how one goes from FE5 -> FE6 while removing so much stuff. Games are supossed to improve/add stuff every iteration, not remove. Same with FE10 -> FE11. DS Era has even less stuff then GBA era
  4. I hope it will be something like RD. One problem i have with SS structure is that you got only to play one 'side'/Run. I really hate it when it's like that.
  5. honestly, i don'T get this complaint about the Trailer at all. FE has always, always been anime, and while Fates took it way too far, especially in regards to fanservice, it doesn't to be the case here.
  6. -Durability is back -RSL/END battle Stats? :thinking: what could those stand for. Could be def stats? -0 AS i guess weapon weight is back? Also -Axes, Swords, Arts, Magic. All on one Character Interesting...
  7. I agree. I am excited with new way they are taking, and aslong as they are fun and fluid, i am in
  8. This looks good and different I am excited!
  9. https://store.steampowered.com/app/790820/Valkyria_Chronicles_4/
  10. If FE16 isn't announced at E3, i will organize a fanbase wide SSF2 Final Destination No items Kirby Only Tournament
  11. are they so? they may have lower MT, but they deal 4x dmg on crit instead of 3x. tbf tho, everything that isn't a Sword in FE6 is inaccurate to the point of making the game unplayable
  12. Afaik this used to be a popular opinions back then, but not so popular anymore... Jagens are useless. The first chance i get to replace em, i do. Even the good ones like Titania will be weak compared to other trained units by chapter 10 or so. Even if they have good growths, their low exp gain due to their High level and their supbar stats makes them really only good for tanking stuff for the first 3 or so chapters.
  13. Drama CD - http://www.trailsofcoldsteel.com/cs2/memoirs1.html (read first one after you finish CS1, 2nd one before Finale CS2) Ring of Judgement Manga - https://www.esterior.net/2016/01/translation-tuesday-the-legend-of-heroes-zero-no-kiseki-pre-story-the-ring-of-judgment-prologue/ (read after Sky Trilogy)
  14. If a dictator took control and has the military under him, i doubt Civilians with guns will be able to do anything.
  15. I think Gameplay wise, they are, especially if the continue to build upon Conquest. They need to get their Stories in order however.
  16. Should stay gone. Outside of Tellius, all FoW Maps are damn obnoxious
  17. Imo, NISA Trails is one of my current worst Nightmares. And will probably lead to me not 1 day buying em anymore and waiting for a 75% sale or something. If even that. After the Ys 8 fiasco, i don't wanna give a cent to NISA.
  18. that's on grinding being possible tho and not on weapon durability not existing
  19. I'd rather they balance the unusable stuff over replacing weapons over and over again. And Silver/stronger weapons weren't useless in Fates, they worked great in Attack Stance because they don't debuff the user then if he is the secondary attacker.
  20. No. Just no. I am not gonna use some of the best weapons in the game for EXP. They are great boss killers, but that's all i am gonna use such weapons for. or hoard em and use em late game when they are powerful for one shotting stuff. While i did use Pugi on generic units for capturing, Mareeta's sword was strictly boss stuff thanks to Nihil. When iron/steel do work fine, why should i use stronger weapons i might need later?
  21. does it? In CQ, until late midgame, you have to think where to invent the money, because you need Master Seals and weapons are expensive af. Buying 2 eff. weapon for a chapter can easily break your wallet.
  22. Does it? When i can kill everything with Iron and Steels, why should i ever use silver and waste precious resources? It adds only hoarding and annoyance, since outside of FE10 you have enough money to buy whatever you need (or capturing in case of FE5). Atleast with Fates there is drawbacks with using stonger/effective weapons. without playing the games you can't say that.
  23. Durability leads to only 1 thing: hoarding. Fates did the right thing by removing durability. They just needs to balance it. Removing Forging would go a long way towards balancing, as you can't just make an Iron weapon +7 that surpasses everything and has no drowbacks. The difference between Silver and iron will be huge then. The drawbacks also need a rework, but it's still much better then durability. It's not like durability ever matters anyway. The only game where it really matters is RD due to limited resources.
  24. Last chapter. Aslong as durability exists, hoarding will always be there. Exceptions being RD due to limited Resources and FE5 due to capturing
  25. Changes look good I think Bows can be useful, as some FE (fan-)games and hacks showed us. FE10 Bow units were awesome. Not only did they have great stats, on 3rd Promo they get 3 Range. Fates gave Bows pretty high Might. That and nerfing Handaxes/Javelins made Bows pretty useful FE7x has Bows always having WTA on 2 range, but always have WTD on 1 Range. The Lion Throne made all normal Bows have 2-3 range, with longbows having 2-4 range, and Snipers lvl15 getting +1rng skill. Archers were super scary in that one.
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