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Everything posted by vikingsfan92

  1. I got 3 reds and 2 greens as my options and got the king of the dragons
  2. But wow the rest of the stuff is amazing quality of life stuff
  3. not going to lie I really I am kind of disappointed on the female side. Happy for one of them but not really excited for the other.
  4. Been seeing a lot of duo Lyn sweeps seens like Astra is the main season for it so might want to prepare for it as much as you can for next Astra season. Makes sense with the extra slot that it would be on Astra tbh.
  5. Got an ok Serios -hp +def. I think I got a formation I like with her on ar defense its mostly a three houses team.
  6. Free pulled Julia on the serios banner but she is minus attack
  7. Duo Peony makes my take all the turns team even better. Managed to kill the entire final tempest trial map in one turn with duo Lyn without the enemy getting to move lol. For the record its duo lyn, duo tiki, duo peony and insert dancer here.
  8. finally after a bunch of attempts got Plumeria oh and duo peony too. Looking at that rate makes me a bit sad lol
  9. Well the stuff I would have to talk about is eniterly three houses and would probably derail things to make it be a three houses discussion I will just leave it at that.
  10. Its entirely to do with three houses itself and stuff that is probably not fit for this section tbh since this is a feh section not a three houses section. I think I will skip the rant but yeah suffice it to say I extremely don't want hegemon personally.
  11. I will be brutally honest I hope we never ever see Hegemon. Not even once do I want it although I can see it happening which makes me sad.
  12. Break the three houses lords free from "cannon" and actually give them something unique. Make them mages or bows and give Claude a melee weapon. But please no more Axe Edelgards, Lance Dimtri and Bow Claudes after Claude gets his legendary version. Also please no fallen three houses units. I want to see unique takes on them not story locked versions for the umpteenth time.
  13. I meant more of see it with our offensive teams and how much she improves them.
  14. Used double harmonics because I can, Duo Lyn and Bridal Ninan. Killed every last one of the enemies with no real issues. Duo Lyn is real nice for resonant battle for the same reason as Legendary Edelgard is non special version of galeforce.
  15. I think my main disappointment with Reginn is that they dropped her during light season so we can't properly see what she does in Aether raids quite yet. You make big changes to aether raids but we can't even see them yet 😞
  16. Are there answers yes there are but he still does a lot better against even some green unit than he probably should.
  17. What the actual fuck is story mode Dussel. Straight up cancer thats what he is tbh. Good thing Edelgard (both Legendary and Brave) deals with him so well as some other units not so much.
  18. Took me until the last day but finally got Freyja and Trinandra
  19. Legendary edelgard makes quick work of this map easily clean up the mages turn 1 and the rest of the units are no problem
  20. Only reason I reason I don't use Edelgard on Ar-o is she is blessed for Ar-d Anima to be specific. Its the one team I actually have gotten to somewhat work for Ar-D lol. Although I do have a random ar-o anima team where she is on there anyways although she is weaker because of wrong blessing lol. But I do use both versions of Edelgard alot and probably am using more of the brave version lately.
  21. Trying out Ninja Lyn. Whats an enemy counter attack?
  22. I do like my stave units too one of brave veronica, Winter Erika (for armor teams or where Legendary Edelgard needs armor march) or brave Camilla is usually on my teams.
  23. Legendary Edelgard for sure for me. My lightseason aether raid offense consists of finding a place to shove her in and have her kill a bunch of the enemies and if she needs help use duo micaiah's duo skill to ensure she kills. Speaking of duo Micaiah she would be probably number 2 on the list since she is duo effective and has a busted duo skill. Third probably would be Brave edelgard as she is such a great tank. Now that I have finally summoned her I suspect duo lyn will be in this list as well its so fun using the team I have for her to take all the turns with her without ever giving the opponents a chance to attack.
  24. Fun thing I learned Legendary Edelgard gets multiple attacks in this mode just like in other modes
  25. Counterpoint in regards to CF: You have an additional support rank in the form of Edelgard to do in addtional to the all the out of house students. Sure its probably easier to rank her up since she is in house to begin with but its still one more support rank requirement than other paths have to worry about That is a good point that I forgot to mention that you lose possible prof rank level ups by using faculty training so you can't spam more activities with faculty training. Obviously not a worry in new game + but in a fresh file yeah its probably going to be better to do other things until very late part 1 or early part 2 just to max out prof rank.
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