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Ice Sage

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Status Updates posted by Ice Sage

  1. happy birthday bruh. have a good one

  2. stress stress and more stress! meh >_>

  3. Best name bro

    1. riariadne



  4. Happy Birthday Charlie! hope its good man :D

  5. Happy Birthday bro!

  6. Life is goooooooood

    1. Ema Skye

      Ema Skye

      only because i'm here right?

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      Yes. you're the best Lucy ^^

  7. Heya Cam. Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday Specta! hope its amazing~! :)

    1. Specta


      It's been so far! > w< Thank you~

  9. Ah, Hi Prax! how are things going?

    1. Prax


      Things are okay. lol Despite some.. foolishness I went through earlier today. What's up? XD

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      nothing much XD nice to see you're doing well. are you doing requests now?

    3. Prax


      Did I ever get to reply to this?? Lol.. Sorry if I didn't! I am not good at understand how the commenting system works in these things. XD

      I won't be doing requests officially for a while, but sometimes I do get in a random mood to. But really.. it's like you have to catch me at a random time while in chat or in my tumblr. lol

  10. Happy Birthday! hope it was amazing!


  12. Will do bro :D

  13. Glad to hear bro :D

  14. definitely XD. thanks for showing me this bro :D Hope everything is going well for you as well! :)

  15. Its Great! :D Misaka has to be my favorite character so far. I usually like the main character in stories a lot lol. who's your fav? :D

  16. Yo ZM how's it going? i've been reading more of To Aru Kagaku no Choudenjibou Manga. really like it so far haha

  17. Happy Birthday Bro. hope its a great one!

  18. Hey its the 11th here! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO. Have an amazing one~! :D

    1. Jedi


      Thanks! It has been so far!

  19. happy birthday fre! new format keeps eating my comments D: I hope yours is good!

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Awwwwww bad new format =< Thank you Icey~! So far it has been! =D

  20. Happy Birthday esme~

  21. Happy Birthday~ have a great one!

  22. Happy Birthday SB! hope you have an amazing one! :D

  23. Happy Birthday Xinnidy! I hope you feel better and I hope you have an amazing day! :D

  24. haha the same thing is happening in my H5 file lol

  25. yess bro xD marth never proc'd def for me in my loony run lol

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