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Everything posted by X-Naut

  1. The plots of the Blade games are barely related to one another whereas Mystery and the Radiance games are direct sequels. It wouldn't have the same impact.
  2. Wolt definitely deserves to be one for Binding Blade, but finding a second member is difficult. For FE8 Eirika, maybe Joshua could have his role expanded? He has story importance for Jehanna but could certainly start chiming in earlier.
  3. Damian from Port Badon stands out for his battle quote and being able to live up to it (outside of HHM). Fargus from the same place for being Fargus.
  4. So who else is hyped for that glorious trailer with Awakening's Summer Scramble track playing in the background?
  5. I like Fates' take on RNG the most. It helps pad out the high hit rates to reward more "reliable" strategies while the lower end doesn't punish inaccurate attacks that don't need it. Dodge-tanking is not supposed to be a reliable means of defense.
  6. Favorite is Binding Blade: -Roy gets a Heaven Seal after Chapter 12/x for liberating the Western Isles. -Melady joins pre-promoted and joins with Guinevere as another Lord unit. She's a Level 1 Sage with A Light, C Staff and D Anima and has weak bases but fantastic growths. -Give the bosses of 10A/B a stealable Guiding Ring/Knight's Crest respectively; make the Chapter 12 Elysian Whip a Guiding Ring; and add a guaranteed Knight Crest in Chapter 13. There, promotion times fixed. -After Chapter 8/x you are required to send six units with Cecilia to help protect Guinevere. They rejoin you after Chapter 15 (where they're held prison) at Level 20 or very close, with two being promoted. Weapon ranks are given appropriate boosts too. -You have to liberate both Ilia and Sacae. Roy goes to Ilia and Guinevere goes to Sacae, both having a few units locked to that route. Units deployed on one route cannot be used on the other either. -Insert generic smooth out the gameplay jazz here. Can't name a least favorite so whatever.
  7. In FE12 the final boss has caps of 40 and I've seen one FE11 hack that raised stats into the thirties, so at least 40 should be possible. It depends on how much memory is allotted to storing each stat, and caps of 40 may require class bases to be raised. And I don't know the specifics but stats *can* go over 31 in the GBA without resetting thanks to modding, this happens in The Last Promise and also happens in vanilla Sacred Stones, although neither of the two classes that do this come anywhere near their caps.
  8. As Jotari said I'm skeptical of giving all bows 2-3 range by default for balancing purposes: with such a large attack range it runs the risk of being too good unless bow stats are bad. Instead, smaller range additions could be done individually, with Longbow (+1 range for infantry at the cost of worse Hit), bringing back the Curved Shot art (+1 range for any user but forfeits doubling), and as a class bonus for the bow specialist (bow-lock deserves to be the exception here).
  9. Maybe the remnants of the Sable Order cleaned him up and buried him at sea in secrecy? That's the only explanation I have.
  10. I just completed a fully trained 5* Michalis, and as he happens to be very good against his own GHB it was a cakewalk. Alfonse actually helped out with his Spur Atk enabling Micky to OHKO the lance flier! Then two runs of 9-1 Lunatic for the Michalis kills and it's the quickest redux I've ever completed.
  11. You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm a huge fan of the new double-attack manipulating Breaker skills as well as them being more restricted; it feels so much more elegant than lol hit/avoid. Reposition and Pivot are also wonderful.
  12. This is a feature where I find the "if you don't like it, don't use it" approach really helps. You won't feel like you're missing out if you don't bother. ;)
  13. This sums up my issue with joining them together. Outside of the Zephiel assassination plot and perhaps Athos unsealing the Divine Weapons, the two plots are completely separate entities with their own themes. At most you could add a few more continuity nods (i.e. perhaps an older Marcus/Bartre support, Erik commenting on his last attempted coup) or fixing errors (Rebecca dying despite being Wolt's canon mother), but otherwise they should remain distinct stories. As to what I'd like to see, general gameplay polishing and better access to supports could go a long way to enhancing the experience.
  14. Finally hit 50k for Quickened Pulse this morning and I'm not touching any of the other achievements. The orbs would probably go to waste on junk anyway.
  15. A magic system that does not have a fixed attacking stat: there is no Magic stat, nor does any other stat handle all spellcasting. Instead, different types of magic run off of different stats. Skill would likely be the primary one (for generic Fire/Thunder), but other tomes might use Speed, Resistance, Strength, Defense, or even a combination of the two. Luck may even see use for a joke spell!
  16. I want to see a proper Mystery of the Emblem (both books) remake because I really want to see the cast of Archanea getting the same treatment as SoV. However, they should remake Binding Blade above all else because Roy is an iconic character with no international releases (as opposed to Marth's one) and doesn't receive nearly as much exposure as Marth.
  17. Morning of Day 4: I'm finally getting the hang of this. Current at 14k and tight on stamina potions, but with ten and a half days left I should make it to Quickened Pulse. Only having one solid team hurts but I'm learning the ins and outs of it. Team is Tharja, Olivia, Julia, and Catria. Maps are less of an issue now, and with careful positioning and use of Catria I've been getting around the mage killers. Between last night and this morning I've been seeing runs that clear Lunatic 7.
  18. Because Luck is the Black and White Morality stat in the early games.
  19. But hey, some people are so fascinated by "going wrong" that they're bound to get some sales! Time will tell if this is actually a significant improvement, another mediocre piece or it remains a travesty.
  20. Maybe Kamui returned to his homeland and told old neighbors of Valentia during his travels, inspiring some of them to emigrate to Zofia and start their own country. Well that or Jesse's death is canon :p
  21. Altitude is possible but I think time of year is at least part of it, since the grounds around Zaxon castle are snowless at the start of Chapter 5. The Silessian civil war could have occurred during the winter while the invasion of Grannvale from the north happened once spring warmed the area up. There may have been snow in other parts of Jugdral too.
  22. Thracia 776 New Mystery Binding Blade Genealogy Shadow Dragon Sacred Stones Blazing Blade These are all the games I've played. Thracia 776 tops because several key characters are not free recruits. New Mystery comes second for being harder with full recruitment due to the game actively picking on you with character recruitment, including a few free characters (I'm looking at you, Norne). The rest is just a measure of how much the missed characters contribute to any given playthrough compared to your other options.
  23. Shanty Pete is Anna's world-hopping pirate archenemy, stealing booty and selling it on black markets across the Outrealms.
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