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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. No. If someone denies either, it's not worth arguing; the best thing to tell them is good night.
  2. That's a hard concept in general for some people. Though a lot of people are so quick to disregard something as irrelevant, they are not any better off. For what it's worth, topic titles are more guidelines than the law. If you can clear up two or three issues in one topic, why shouldn't you? And no issue is going to be so cut and dry that something else can't be brought up.
  3. Eh, theoretically that's just a matter of editing the image to proportionately fit. . . Not that I can accomplish that. But it's not suddenly impossible for that reason.
  4. Just presenting the fact that not much of anything has happened.
  5. It really depends on what is stolen. It'd be one thing if people were generous enough to give food to the poor, but that's not how the world works. I'd be willing to say that stealing clothes isn't so bad either, because the market is screwing over everyone anyway.
  6. I like the games because they are fun to play when you aren't outright button mashing. The story could be a lot less predictable, though. I can already tell you how KH3 will more than likely play out and it's not even planned yet.
  7. Debating evolution is like debating lunar cycles.
  8. If you cut BEXP and the Knight Ward/Stat Boosters/Growth increasers from the equation, you pick up a few more options. Which, really, in this type of PT, you should be doing anyway.
  9. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Or Peter piper picked a pack of porcupines positioned perfectly in the plains.
  10. To repeat the sentence in similar terms. Bison [that] intimidate New York bison intimidate bison [that are] intimidate[d] [by] New York Bison. OR. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Kind of like how Fish fish Fish fish.
  11. For what it's worth, Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide aren't exactly the same thing. Some deaths would end up being both, but they have their differences.
  12. Intelligent design and the concept that God engineered the universe/evolution are the same thing. Saying you think the former is 'an absolute joke' and the latter is what you 'think' is rather dumb. Creationism vs. Intelligent design is how much God did. Intelligent design is simply the 'a wizard did it' concept to destroy odds placed against something like the Evolution or the Big Bang. Creationism is when God creates everything that isn't a human construct. The issue with Creationism as stated in the bible is that everything appeared at once. Which is what makes it retarded. And if that's not the case, where is God making new things now and what the hell is he making? Honestly, intelligent design really only exists so you can ignore these long odds until they can be drastically improved or removed altogether. It really sucks to understand just what happened and to find out that, at the time, the chances of the event were less than a millionth of a percent.
  13. Anything about a specific patient. It's not illegal to state that 80% of AIDS tests that you've performed have been positive, in theory. It also depends on what the patient signs.
  14. Early on, yeah, but it was kind of made clear that it wasn't as powerful as the original(seeing as how it can't be duplicated). Which makes the Cap a bit scary.
  15. They'll be carrying a white rose in their lapel.
  16. This one isn't worth a whole bunch. I mean, most babies can't be determined to be mentally handicapped at that stage - They don't even have a brain. They could easily have all ended up mentally handicapped if they lived. This one is also hard to use as backing. A baby doesn't do much damage to the body during the stages it can legally and safely be aborted.
  17. Considering stem cells can repair hearing and vision damage in animals, abortions have the potential to be as beneficial as cutting down a tree.
  18. lol understanding sarcasm. There's that teenage girl that lived without a heart for four months. So I don't think you need a brain to be considered alive. It's just easier to consider someone that is missing a brain dead if they seem dead.
  19. Dude. It's like this. You loan a guy 3/5s of your money. Say 60 of 100 dollars. You get a phone bill and you have to pay it. Your broke though. And the guy you gave your money to? He's broke. And you're saying you aren't screwed? So much of their economy is our economy that they aren't doing any better.
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