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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. I've only played the 4 games released in english. Sure, I can alter my team a little.
  2. Ike Boyd Oscar Rhys Jill Marcia Edward Dart Raven Sain Canas Priscilla It has a little bit of everything except laguz (not a fan of them).
  3. Boyd got 23 defense on my last PoR PT, no bexp. I used a dracoshield to max it out. My Boyd always maxes out speed in RD before reaching -/20/20, also maxes speed in PoR around lvl 16 On my 2nd RD playthrough, my Haar was speed blessed but that hasn't happened in a long time :(
  4. FE7: Ereshkigal FE9: Thoron FE10: Rexflame, Rexcalibur, Rexbolt, Balberith, Verrine, Carreau, Cymbeline, Bolganone, Thoron, Tornado, Creiddylad Overall: Really close between Rexflame, Rexcalibur, Rexbolt, and Verrine. I was really impressed with most of the magic attacks in FE10.
  5. Swords - Ike Lances - Oscar Axes - Boyd Bows - Shinon Fire Magic - Tormod Wind Magic - Soren Dark - Canas Light/Staves - Rhys
  6. That's an awesome team. You're probably not using anyone else cause those guys are pretty high. The rest of the game should be really easy for you.
  7. I was thinking of something similar. The game says that he leaves when stability returns to the continent. Then I thought, "What if stability doesn't return?" There might've been peace between beorc and laguz at the end of the game but for some reason I can't see that lasting for too long. There's always gonna be little groups starting up rebellions and such. So Ike can't leave cause the Greil Mercenaries will be needed to keep the peace all across Tellius, then they'll all become legends. This is my ending, I don't care if it's not canon.
  8. Happy New Year everyone! (I'm 3.5 hours late)
  9. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=OsWwurePpto&...re=channel_page Watch the last match in that video. I'm sure you will be satisfied.
  10. I usually tell myself that Ike does leave for a little but he comes back to Tellius to return to his friends and family and tell his stories. If Ike doesn't get A support with Soren, he gets lost and doesn't actually leave Tellius. Somehow, he finds his way back and life continues on like it normally did. Ike commands the Greil Mercenaries and they travel around Tellius protecting villages from bandits and doing other mercenary work. He has to carry on his father's legacy until Mist and Boyd have a child who will succeed Ike as the new commander.
  11. I'm pretty good with Ike but probably nowhere near pro level. I'd say he's one of my best characters but I suck with a lot of them.
  12. I never bexp abuse cause I don't have the patience for that.
  13. I don't bexp abuse either (I'm too impatient for that). My Boyd usually ends up with less than his average resitance but it doesn't bother me. He was major defense blessed on my last playthrough. He ended with 23 defense at 20/20 so I gave him a dracoshield to cap his defense to transfer over to RD. He's also maxed speed on my last 3 playthroughs without bexp or speedwings. I'm really lucky with Boyd on random mode. Maybe I'll try fixed mode one day.
  14. I got Jill, Ena, Mordecai and Nealuchi to max everything with bexp. I don't really care about them maxing everything as long as they max the important stats.
  15. So we can pick as many as we like? Ok then, I'll vote for Jill, Edward, Nolan and Zihark since they're the only ones I actually like. Aran's a good unit but he has no personality so its hard for me to care about him.
  16. Yeah, I hate Ike's ending. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would just abandon everyone close to him. But if IS wanted to, his ending opens the door for him possibly being in future FE games. Maybe other continents survived but they're very far away from Tellius.
  17. The rating system is alright but something bothers me. Why are swear words censored in T rated games? Most teenagers know most, if not, all the swear words anyways and its not like its gonna make them start swearing more often than they already do.
  18. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Guitar Hero World Tour Rock Band 2 Mario Kart Wii Super Smash Bros. Brawl (sometimes) Someday, I'll play Metroid Prime 3 Corruption and Super Mario Galaxy again.
  19. I played RD before PoR so I didn't know who any of these people were except Ike from SSBB. I was shocked that they gave us such a broken unit early into the game. He dodges almost everything and takes no damage except from poison but he instantly heals with imbue. I know they usually give us prepromos that do the same thing but they gave us so many of them in part 1 and BK and Nailah were in a whole other league above the others. It made 1-9 kinda pointless, they could've shown that in a cutscene.
  20. It depends on the map and how the enemies are spread out. I'll rush the chapter if I feel like my characters are strong enough to kill without dying themselves. Otherwise, I'll play a little defensively then slowly get more aggressive as the chapter rolls along. I try to kill every enemy on the map before I complete it. I play as every character at least once then I just use my fave characters cause it's hard for me to play as characters I don't really care about. I usually bait enemies with strong characters then have the weaker ones kill them on the player phase. I try to kill as many units as I can on the enemy phase. I set my characters up against as many enemies as I think they can handle without dying. I use one or two healers to keep my characters close to max health as often as possible. If a character dies, I usually restart cause I don't like anyone dying on me. If I'm too far into the chapter, I might consider continuing without them unless it's one of my fave characters.
  21. They have 46 for some unknown reason. I honestly don't know why iron swords have so much uses. Maybe new players like swords more cause they are more accurate and are more likely to use them? Maybe IS thought we'd use swords more often due to a lot of axe users in the first few chapters?
  22. I hate this battle so much. I finished my last playthrough about 2 weeks ago and Ike didn't activate Aether once in this battle. Maybe I should give him wrath and adept or something next playthrough cause I've only beaten BK once out of 6 playthroughs. I'm sick of Ike being unable to defeat the BK when he's supposed to in the story (maybe not PoR's story but RD's mentions him defeating the BK). How do you give Ike resolve when you get it in this chapter? Is there another one hidden somewhere?
  23. I think that Ike and Soren are just really close friends, kinda like best friends. I think Soren clings on to Ike cause he's the only person that he trusts and if he went off on his own, he'd probably feel like the same things would happen to him that they did during his childhood. Soren probably thinks of Ike as his protector or something. Ike's not ready to get into any kind of relationship. The whole thing was blown way out of proportion.
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