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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Well Batman respects the law, and none of the villains have had the death penalty.
  2. I felt like the atmosphere did a much better job of telling the story than the story itself. This chapter was the only storm the castle chapter in FE history that actually felt like the enemy was making a last stand, and I have to applaud the designers for that.
  3. So I have gto ask: what was your opinion on that chapter? I thought it had some of the best atmosphere/music in the game.
  4. So uh, what happens when the Lord dies? I don't want to have to start from the beginning.
  5. Link: http://www.revolutionspodcast.com So for the past few months when I haven't been posting lovably snarky bits of wisdom on SF, I've been absolutely binging on this excellent podcast. Really, I can't recommend this enough. Has anyone else listened to this guy or his work? Basically, it's a podcast about historical revolutions that summarizes them and spices it up with a very casual voice for the whole thing. He also did a podcast about Rome, and it's just as good, although it starts a bit rough due to technical limitations. But yeah, listen to it, you won't be dissapointed, and who knows? You might learn something.
  6. Monster Garon wasn't threatening in the least. Mike Wazowski is scarier than he is. Takumi I feel was actually a better antagonist than Garon, and the only good part of Conquest's story, until he joins the Corrin Blowjob Brigade, that is. He was the only one in that entire damn story that acted like a real person. But yeah, the gameplay is euphoric, and the final chapter itself is good. Unfortunately it was a real Dick move making you replay Chapter 27 if you fail the Endgame.
  7. So by far the worst two abominations of writing I have seen this year are Batman v Superman and Conquest. Now, Serenes Forest, I need you to decide for me: which of these is the worst abomination of writing? In the red corner: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, where Batman tortures more people than Dick Cheney, Superman is responsible for more deaths than the other Man of Steel, Lex Luthor's master plan is brought about by feeding people jolly ranchers, and the titular conflict gets resolved because Batman and Superman's mothers are both named Martha! In the blue corner: Fire Emblem Fates Conquest, where the main villain is a pile of blue goo, Corrin commits genocide but it's okay because he said sorry, Xander is a moral relativist straight out of /pol/, Iago makes Shakespeare roll in his grave he could provide power to all of Africa for decades, and the menace of the Corrin Blowjob Brigade is ever present! 3... 2... 1... FIGHT!
  8. I look quite a bit like Leo. Do I remind you folks of Leo? We're both certainly Monarchists.
  9. Well that method worked damn well for Indiana Jones at least.
  10. Ocean horn for IOS is pretty good in my experience. It's basically 2d Wind Waker.
  11. Yeah, FE4 doesn't really have any spoiled characters, does it? I don't know, I guess Levin could be this if divas could be male?
  12. I somewhat agree, but I feel the writers were very confused as to what they wanted Gangrel to be. For example, he later said that his motivation was to unite the continent against Walhart, which was an obviously stupid motivation. Also, he just wasn't given enough humanizing moments for it to be believable that he was driven by hated and a true love for his people, as opposed to just insanity. But of all the three Awakening villains Gangrel certainly had the most potential, so he has that I guess.
  13. First off, terribly sorry for the replying delay. I was in Dubrovnik. I generally agree with this, although I don't think using Russia or France as examples of successful revolutions really works, given one produced horrific mob rule and the other produced STALIN, but America works. My problem with what the Black Fang are doing fundamentally, however, is that what they are doing will never solve the problem. There will always be corrupt nobles, and killing one or two won't change anything, and will make the situation worse. What is needed is a King who is willing to reform the system. I'd like the Black Fang if they concentrated on getting Zephiel on the throne, but they don't.
  14. Well it already was a flaw in RD's writing making the occupation so one dimensional, especially when there are so many good opportunities there. For example, what if Micaiah is presented with a choice on whether or not to work with some Ashnard loyalists? Instead, all of the people of Daein, we are told, are saints, despite what the last game told us, and indeed, an issue with racism is grout up only for the plot to instantly toss it out the window! Sigh. But yeah, the Camus in this case could be an opponent of Ashnard who is made the new King of Daein, but is only a puppet for Begnion. That would be interesting because he has goals that we legitimately sympathize with beyond just loyalty, which is generic and boring. The only other Camus I can think of that does something like that is Ishtar, and that's because she's the Harley Quinn to Julius's Joker.
  15. Actually they pissed off the Tirks so much the Turks allied with RUSSIA to fuck over the French.
  16. The 1789 one. It checks all the boxes: literal mobs ousting government after government, the law essentially being thrown out the window to appease these mobs, nationalism coming to the fore... etc.
  17. Really? I think it certainly happened in Revolutionary France, for one.
  18. Well that's just about the most Ostrich in the sand (no offense) thing I've ever read. The elites, quite frankly, created this monster, with their inaction, with doing nothing as jobs were outsourced, with both parties abandoning the working classes. And the Democrats are still saying Trump is the Republican's Gauls and the Republicans are still saying Trump is the Democrat's fault. Niether of them have considered doing anything to actually address WHY Trump has risen. The same applies to the British establishment. All I know is that democracy in general has devolved into mob rule exactly as Bismarck said it would.
  19. FE1 could work if I squint. It would have to be streamlined, but it could work. I can see the main cast as being Marth, Caeda, Nyna, Medeus, Garnef, Camus, Michalis, Minerva, and Hardin. Maybe to streamline it more Macedon could be having a war of succession that Marth participates in.
  20. I have to say that Fates' one defining trait approach worked quite well for the minor characters. Is Arthur a complex character? No. Is he well written? Yes. Why? Because he's hilarious. On the other hand some are done poorly, especially Peri, but the ones that work show this approach to be really the only viable one.
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