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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Jamke gets a rerun. It is uneventful if you have a 5* Jamke. I did not. Fjorm cleared with Genny, Legion and Roy. Fjorm took out the ranged units after a retry or two. Legion helped pretty well in fairness. 4* Jamke cleared with Ishtar, Genny and Daggerick (I was hoping to do full colourless, but alas.) This was pretty tricky, but Genny and Jamke do just enough to take out Jamke and Ishtar sadly needed to be there because of the red mage. Armour cleared with DD!Ike near soloing alongside Eirimas, Vamp!Henry and Wendy. Henry took out the blue mage while Ike just stood there and enemies dropped. He doesn't even have Spd Wave on.
  2. Kaden has Goad beasts and a Link skill, alongside his weapon which I would say is more grounds for him not being demoted versus Velouria. Velouria would also be the better choice to improve the questionable colourless 4* pool against the green 4* pool which needs less changes imo, so I will admit to a bit of bias on the preference.
  3. There's a teaser. I'm not sure how cursed the Growlithe is, or if we'll see the whole Mr. Mime scene before the movie comes out. Also, there's a release date (at least for the US) in early May, so we're less than 90 days away.
  4. Yikes, my bad. That does bring Selkie down a little as she shares colours with both free units (and if Panne's like Naesala she'll at least be alright) and Nailah. Still, that does leave the question of who drops a bit more open: Kaden or Velouria? Edit: Turns out Kaden and Selkie are cavs. Which pretty much confirms Velouria's getting demoted out of this lot imo and means that Kaden works amazingly with Eirika after all. Honestly that might have raised him up in my book.
  5. You know, I am not surprised. With that, Fates is done too (With their beasts). Keaton is.... alright? He's red, his weapon has a brave effect (Meisterschwert style), he's got Nailah's effect for transformation and he's also got DA, Special Spiral and Beast Valour (So he's not going down). Velouria is blue Colourless, her weapon gives her spd +3 and cooldown on turn 1 to herself and her support partner and she also has Luna, Close Def and Ward beasts (Is she about to drop?). Kaden's green, his weapon gives Def +3, doubles ally's stat boosts and while transformed decreases enemies' Atk/Def by 4 and pervents them doubling and he's got Pivot, Spd/Res Link and Goad Beasts (I'm a bit mixed on his weapon, the transformed effect's great but I can't tell how useful the regular effect would be). Selkie is Colourless Blue, her weapon has Res +3, raises her stats by up to 50% of her opponent's differences with hers (to the maximum of 8!) with hers if she's got 3 or more Res than them and if they're melee units and her transformed effect is Kaden's (So she's ridiculous) and she has Iceberg, Atk/Spd Bond, Even Res Wave and her new Sabotage Atk (which reduces Atk on an enemy when they have less res and are next to an ally) (No way she drops). On another note I want to shut her up, christ that voice hits just right on pissing me off. And at the end, Panne's here..... for some reason (She's going to be crap isn't she?). Either way, her likely GHB isn't going to play. Selkie's nuts, I might consider her after the other banners but man that voice is super grating.
  6. >Taguel communes intensify I'm kind of surprised to see someone mention Stahl's supports with characters not named Cordelia here but I must admit I forgot about that support chain. As an aside, I am personally biased towards Canas/Nino's support chain. I really like how Canas also has to learn from Nino when she calls out how Hugh has been treated with dark magic and Canas becomes a metaphorical uncle to Nino within this new army before we even get to the confirmation that he's her uncle(-in-law).
  7. Back to Ike. 4 Red, 1 Blue 5* VA!Ike (THERE WE ARE. I hope I'm his friend. Also +HP/-Res, bit of a shame.), 3* Eliwood (Ward Cav. +Def/-Spd), 4* Sylvia (I wish I pulled other dancers. +Atk/-HP), 3* Sophia (Just... stop. +HP/-Res), 4* M!Robin (Should I make a +10? +Atk/-HP) We got him. Thank you, good night
  8. I'll be honest and say that my situation is that a unit (the gameplay relevant factors) and a character (everything else) are treated somewhat separately. Take Peri. Hate the character, hate the appearance but she's still one of Conquest's better units, especially in comparison with some of the trash that game hands you. Meanwhile, just try to use Wendy seriously in BB or even poor old Bantu in the DS era, but I'm at least alright with either of them while Nino has bad bases for her join full stop but her character is a compelling part of BS.
  9. I knew you'd mention this somehow. Hopefully I still have the chance to make a joke with this in mind in the future. You also missed the Linhardt meme (proving they're the only canon ship in Heroes?), but still. Yeah, I was especially terrible and got SoV's special edition for under 50. Well worth it though. They're acting too respectful for even that argument! I see, in the sense of picking fights you know you can win. Even if there wasn't a fight there to begin with. :P It's an elegant dance of death though. Like I could see Clive and Mathilda doing. They've been partying every day clearly. I must humbly request the immediate removal of this image from the internet. ......Haggis isn't Irish. I wasn't worrying about trying to make him the Archanean equivalent of Irish either, never mind Irish Irish. It just seemed like he was about to say haggis, which seems like s strange and Haddockian insult. I'm going to have to see just how many more parallels I can pull off. It's also nice to realise that a certain nation is the baddies this time. I recommend you take the lead. I wouldn't trust me with making the meme levels sufficient to make Frost great (in the eyes of the general fanbase). Because he's kool? I mean, I'd wish he had a camel for being a Mamluke. That is a lot of 0 fucking damage. ........ That implies Maerchen was taken seriously ever. This is Kaga in Dark Dragon reuseage and he has no excuse at this point. Sasha's just going to either be the hero this run needs or the moment it all goes to hell's right after her death, isn't it? Did he learn the Blink spell? I mean, it'd be nice if he cast it on someone else. .... Did you just waste Norton's use this map just to show this screen? Mixed offence Sasha. I think she needs a sequel for that album. She's got 21 speed already and the other bases are nothing to sneeze at. She'd be amazing in most FE titles and would likely have better growths too. It's like she's just there going "You'd wish I was merciful." as she keeps getting stronger. Some say that Ests are to blame. But they're wrong- I assume Leonie will be a regular from now on. If only she could hit the final boss. And not get copied into FE in some form. Hell, the age even sort of fits for this one. This seems fitting, even if Ruben's elsewhere. (It took me longer to find this than I'd expected. Thanks Abba and the show Gimme Gimme Gimme) ...... Oh he's totally trustworthy. OF NOT BEING TRUSTABLE FOR A SECOND! Considering Enteh, I could see that somehow working. Not sure why though....... You have to applaud such laziness on occasion. Disappointed that his name isn't Sonnet so we'd have a stupid reason for Neyfa to have been captured by Poem. ....... Maybe he considers himself a brother in arms or something. Thinks Maerchen's just not recognised for the master he truely is.
  10. >Chrissa took 4th I feel like I contributed to that, that was a welcome surprise (Shame it wasn't enough for top 20). All that aside, Myrrh, Azura and Duma I all saw coming. L!Lyn though? Of all the green units, her must surely be explained by her popularity and as it has been suggested, place on the map. Maybe some people also didn't want to be voting for another meta unit, or trolled by picking one that had a chance to win.
  11. "You know Corrin, this Byleth seems similar. Mysterious powers, talks to dragons, has a powerful sword, odd cos-" "Camilla, I'm not so sure about that." "He's even got a bunch of kids under his command-" "Please stop."
  12. Well, it's not the best price for what's in it, but it could be worse. That being said, I wouldn't pick it up for that much as it (or the others, I picked SoV for 45 because it was on sale. Absolutely more than worth that much.).
  13. I am absolutely going to find a true main when I do play ultimate, but I'll try with the second main I have in the series aside as Marth was covered. Pikachu manages to take advantage of the Uair and Detect to survive the onslaught of the beams of light. Of course all the PP for Detect was used so Protect has to be used instead of their shield. As an aside, Mr Game and Watch literally just stands sideways and the beams can't touch him.
  14. In the footage of Linhardt healing Byleth in the trailer, we get to see the full body model and hear an effort grunt, both of which are masculine. Threw me for a loop at the time when I first saw that being said. If I am proven wrong later, strike me down as unreliable.
  15. I could see Kliff (before he left) and Faye being among them on Alm's side, While Conrad would likely also have gone too from Celica's end. Not sure who else right now, I'd have to think on it.
  16. This is accounting for the Full Content patch made by Cirosan which allows Frey to be used in the higher difficulties. It allows him, Norne and the Gaiden units to be in with the rest of the army in SD.
  17. Linhardt's a he. I was surprised too. And yes, I can see the resemblance too, I swear this is intentional. It also turns out there's a Leonie in 3H. I wonder if Kaga will sue.
  18. Dashed indeed. Not mine, but I guess IS knows where the next level of powercreep is for Heroes: So, Reinhardt X Lyn is canon then?
  19. Another attempt at pulling for Ike. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 3* Sophia (Could you not? +Atk/-Spd, got it before), 3* Draug (It's Ward Armour. +HP/-Spd) 3.75%
  20. I hope these are useful to you this Valentine's day. Especially BK's.
  21. Alright, here we are with the first not-smash direct in 5 months. No wonder I was concerned. TL:DR: SO MUCH WITH THREE HOUSES, TOO MUCH. Aside from that, bit limited but not terrible, nothing for AC or Pokemon fans and no Joker gameplay (Just, why?), but Oninaki or Astral Chain could be cool, Link's Awakening has to find some way to convince me to play it again and FF9 is out and those who haven't yet PLAY IT. I'm off to look at the Three Houses footage again. If you want to do so, can you recommend Rune Factory?
  22. Does Paragon affect Sacrifice then? Just asking as I hope that's the case. Also good to know if a unit's just trash that their fixed skills aren't totally fixed.
  23. So, two free pulls. Part 1 first, would love to get Amelia somehow after all the other banners got me squat. 4 Green, 1 Red (AAAAAAAAAAAA-) 4* Barst (It's Reposition. +Res/-Atk) On Part 2, a Nino merge would be neat. 3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* Gunter (A merge for the angry old men I guess. +Def/-Atk) Back to trying to pull for Ike again. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green 4* Stahl (Please.... just go to the 3* only pool. +Res/-HP) 3.5%
  24. You do realise a persona is not the same as a person? Not a bad call to make, I only got Fates and Echoes on sale after all. Holmes was supposed to be on the outside of the carriage anyway, the character he replaced wasn't on the inside. I remember BB. I know this isn't BB, but Kaga's BS rating's kind of off the charts in this period, even if he'd peaked with Thracia. Just look at Attralm. I decided to make it Tom's theme. We all know it doesn't. She still gets a brave alt though. That's not a cat fight though. It involves actual fighting, in the most cliche way with scratching at each other, often with handbags involved. I don't think I've seen any of that since I was a child. I mean, he'd be less likely to die. He wouldn't get to avenge Eisenbach though. I... wasn't complaining about it here. I do remember how you can raise levels in this game. :P That's still neat, not hard to see hit it could fit with that portrait. Are they the siblings? Skiller clerics? Are they the clerics who gut fish? I don't think an apology's needed there. Is this him practising for a dance with Mel? Could be they've been partying the whole time since they took it. I think Eugen just confirmed he's named after Eugenics and he uses it to be a dick. You always have to watch out for the calm ones through, you never know when they'll turn. I know there's that meme about looking precious while smiling, but don't let Runan do so. There we go, that's what we've been missing. Albertus! (Okay, maybe the rest Matthis's army and himself and Margaret too). Was Albertus about to say Haggis? Good Not Jack Black. Why didn't we indeed? Maybe his is another campaign that got cut for time (Dammit Kaga, that'd be No. 3 for Tearring if true?) Upon thinking on it (and looking at the map), I may be onto something with Bizzaro Sacae. I asked you not to be a dick, please respond. Speaking of those, more Ippei does obscure FE units!
  25. Ah well. Well, an update. I beat chapter 2 (Who knew not leaving Michiah in the range of the archer who could 1-shot her was a good idea?) fine enough, was working on Chapter 3 and things had been working out until reinforcements came from the entrance and the partner characters were in range. Shame, because some good levels, steals and whatnot were lost. Also I think levels are going alright so far, though is Michiah being around the same level as Leonardo and Edward a bad call?
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