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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I got a small question. How good is the blessed lance and can you get a second one? I seem to have accidentally discarded it because you don't have access to the convoy during cutscenes.
  2. Work and three houses kept me away from heroes for a bit, but I did get a quick clear in. Another loli dragon means the kid team gets another go. Haven't gone with Abyssal yet, but for now Infernal will do. As far as LHB's go this wasn't too hard. Only Sothis and the tin cans where a slight pain. @Landmaster @Nanima @mampfoid @Robert of Normandy
  3. This banner doesn't really seem to like me very much. Few colours I want, no five stars yet and they even handed out nothing fodder wise. All interchangeable healers/daggers with absolutely nothing worthwhile to pass down or green units that also happened to have no good fodder.
  4. Guess my final clear on this BHB came a bit quicker then expected. The team of Setsuna, Clueless Tobin, Naive Eirika and Leanne was not the original plan, but it works well enough.
  5. Nice clear and also nice theme. Soren's resistance is usually a little bit lacking so I was surprised to see him take 0 damage from Morgan's second attack. Katarina was pretty powerful you don't often see Innes being used. His high res and there being a lot of flying units do make him a good fit for the stage. You also beated me to it since I had the same idea about tactician's vs tactician's in training. I've also been toying with dummies vs Morgans, but so far that hasn't gotten a victory just yet. @Nanima Team star had a pretty smooth ride. Takumi got of to a great start and Reyson got his boss kill pretty easily too. I was surprised to see Sakura no being able to double Morgan, but she still did a good job tanking that instant Glacies attack.
  6. Exactly one hp left despite two res bonds boost. Morgan packed a pretty good punch. I heard people refer to the Hermit tome as the 'tsundere' tome, but yeah he gets stronger with other people around. Nice clear. Always surprising how strong Flino is against red units. Lugh also put a good amount of work in at the start of the battle thanks its always fullfilling to make units work that are often underestimated. And Raigh is indeed something like a underdog. The newcomers did great too. Leavatain supported the team, while Lyn and Tiki went to town. Male Morgan got quite a few hits before going down. Meanwhile Raven stood back insisting they could handle it, but he had wings of mercy just in case. I doubt the Morgans will fling any spells at their allies anymore after their 'spanking'😄 . Ah poor Wolt, but his brazen did serve evil Takumi well. He oneshotted all fliers perfectly well and did the exact number of damage against the ravenmage. The rest only had mop up the enemy. Male Morgan went down thanks to a nice breaker and OG Takumi twiddled his thumbs. A pretty fitting matchup. awaking kids vs fates kids. Team noontime did well for themselves. Male Kana did a good job fighting all those green units. Also oh yeah. I only now noticed the only two serpent tome users went up against each other. Chrom did a good job at taking over for Hector, despite the weird skinny arms his OG version has. After a good smite the rest fell pretty quickly. Yeah I did't expect the twins to cause such a terror. The adults only needed to step in against male Morgan. I actually was surprised since Marth was at 1 hp before he attacked that wyvern too. I keep forgetting the Falchion has a renewel effect stored inside it. But this too went pretty well. I only had to give Ceada a minor speed boost so she did't tie with Morgan.
  7. This map was pretty alright. It has flyer warping, instant charge specials and Mmorgan is a pretty though opponent, but its made much more manageable by enemies lacking a bit in power. A good playground for some experimentation. @Flying Shogi Lugh and Raigh are back and this time with a family theme. The twins mostly got through this by themselves with only a little help from Lucius. Raven never got to reach the enemies which is a bit of a shame. I trained him to complete the team and he did't get to do anything. Maybe next time. @mampfoid @Robert of Normandy @Nanima @Landmaster Ive also been working on a Caeda. So she, Marth and Merric got to practice their parenting skills on some unruly teenagers. Big bro Gordin came along to give them some pointers. Also not a too difficult run. Male Morgan and the flying archer took a little planning, but everything else went smoothly.
  8. I have exactly one orb left, but I got two the units that I wanted. Now all I need is Fiora and I have everyone who interests me. My Wolt is +atk Yay.....also -speed which isn't nearly as yay. Here's hoping his weapon/brazen/seal can compensate for the meh 31 speed. I also got myself a Lilina. +def is a worthless boon and -res is not the ideal bane, but her atk should still be pretty good.
  9. @Nanima DreamCorrin is indeed a powerhouse. her atk/speed gets pretty insane with her bonds and her weapon breath. Probably the only one of the 3 that has absurd combat stats Also nice clear. The taku's did't even break a sweat. Evil Takumi barely took any damage from that blue flier and no one else got any more threatening. @Landmaster Team frownyface had a harder time with the happy couple then I thought, but some expert swapping/reposition kept them safe and sound. Also have you tried Nina's reading glasses on Hardin? He looks amazing with those on. Team husbando was a funny sight. The entire map fell against just Keaton with the rest only needing to gang up on Marth. @mampfoid Well in the Japanese version of Fates Corrin could invite people to his/her room for some inapropiate face touching. They reference it once or twice in heroes too I believe. Its weird, but I thought it was so weird that it became kinda funny. @LordFrigid Just wait until you see my Roy team. No colouring will save you there 🙂
  10. Well Hi there Fiona. One of my favourite Elibe ladies. Lilina is nice to see too. Wolts a good pick too. Being Roy’s bro makes him semi important and he looks cool. Ursela is a bit odd, but sure. Glad she ate a snicker and is looking like herself again. I’m confused about Lyn over Roy though. Best friend/GF, milk bro and maybe mom are at the beach. So kinda bummed Roy is not there.
  11. Ow thats a very fitting team @LordFrigid. Also the first time I saw Jagen anywhere. I was about to ask why Elincia needed armoured blow @mampfoid, but I see its a cute themed run of one of the lesser used skills in the game. ----------------------- A few days ago I noticed that I had a Corrin collection so I decided to give the face touchers their own little run. They ambush couples so they satisfy their creepy face rubbing needs. @Landmaster @Nanima Sabotage atk combined with Marth buffs made everyone on this map surprisingly durable. It was a bit tricky to work around that, but I eventually found the answer. I could have one shotted Caeda with NY Corrin, but to my great surprise OGCorrin could double and kill Caeda. I don't know how that happened.
  12. Nice to see that both Raigh and Matthew are getting refines. my Sharena team will be very happy with that. I wonder if Raigh's tome will have a Nosferatu effect. I don't think Raigh has the stats for that, but the tome he stole from Hugh was a nosferatu tome.
  13. Oh nice clear. The start reminded me of my own first clear on this one. Also nice to see how you make the Leo's work. Neither are super impressive, but they work well here. Ike was a bit tricky, but Towel Sakura not eating counters made it easier. First cheering Merric on and then flying to his aid when it gets though. Pretty in character yeah. No one bullies Merric on Marth's watch. Ike was pretty tanky for my not too fast team, but Silas is a nice little wall. So much for them not being capable of harming people. I do like Curious teams and skills. I haven't been able to get the most out of CC Corrin yet, but it does its job well enough. Marth is partly lazyness, but I do like myself some nice teleportation once in a while.
  14. Its the return of one of my first Bhb's. I remember cheesing a little in my first video with me taking a long time to get ready. So now I decided to change that around and not slowly make my way through the trees for multiple turns. It would be all action this time. I changed my mind after remembering why I hated that asshole blue flier with her almost infinate range and blade tome/super speed stat spread. So the lords and their friends also need some time to get going. @Landmaster @mampfoid @Robert of Normandy @Nanima Cool choice in music. That theme kinda made up for Zinnia herself not being all that great. Also cool clear. Almost all enemies stopped being threatening when hit with a dual pain blast. Still surprised Reyson even did 18 damage with weapon triangle disadvantage. though I would have been more bulky. Sakura made short work of that annoying guidance jerk too. I remember taking her along for the first clear too.
  15. Shame that the leak turned out to be true. I would much rather have the better oc’s or characters from previous games. This banner did not improve when I saw Gunthra. She joins the Lucas, Palla and Sigrun club of characters I like, but who have a slot wasted on AR stuff. Only Gunthra is worse with not one, but two wasted skill slots.
  16. I am hoping the leak ends up being fake. Otherwise its a very easy skip.
  17. I did try sending Boey at a blue mage way back in the day, but that almost never ended well. So I think i'll go with the +def or +atk. Atk smoke and Silas wave skill are also pretty easy to come by with fodder so that build will work out pretty nicely. Giving Fury to Lugh seems like a good idea. With his +Speed boon, tome and fury he'd reach a nice 45 speed while also patching his atk up a bit.
  18. It seems our Pokemon opinions could't be more different😀. Gen 4 is just all a big blur to me with me not finding any of the places, teams or the rival very memorable. The battle with Cynthia is the only real standout moment that still comes to mind. Meanwhile I can see gen 2 (and HGSS) flaws and it has a lot of them. On the other hand I think the Johto region has a lot of charm. The old Japanese style gives the region a unique vibe and it has a lot of memorable inclusions such as Kanto and things like the bug hunting contest. Nostalgia probably plays a big part, but Johto is one of the only regions where I can name every location and still remember how they look like. The selection of pokemon now is really solid now too. Its flawed, but I can easily look the other way when playing heartgold. Meanwhile BW2 is my favourite game in the series with Hugh and Bianca being pretty high on my list of favourite characters. I don't remember much about gen 4, but I think gen 6 is my least favourite. It had a lot of quality of live improvement which I liked and the selection of pokemon was great too. The game itself was way too easy though and I did't like any of the trainers at all. Gym leaders where back to being statue's in their gyms and their teams had never been less interesting. team flare is the worst enemy team by far, the rivals where pathetic and Lysandre's deal is undermined by Kalos essentially being one big utopia.
  19. Currently i'm looking into some help with two of my green mages. One who has fallen of lately and one thats still doing fine, but who could be a bit more flexable. I have a Boey thats in need for a merge with a better nature. My +res/-speed isn't really doing all that much for Boey's assets. I am wondering what the best boon would be for Boey though. I have two options for the tanky green mage -+atk to improve that awful 40 atk. 43 isn't winning any awards either, but its an improvement -I also have a +defense one in my barracks which would help Boey's already good defense growth. His current not too optimised build is -Gronowl (+def) -Recipical aid -Bonfire -Close counter -Renewel -odd/even def wave -Renewel or atk/def bond seal I'm also looking at new builds for my Lugh. I'm not really interested in getting rid of the serpent tome, but I am considering a less enemy phase related build. I have a swift sparrow in my barracks waiting for a new owner, but a bond skill might also work to give Lugh something that benefits him in both phases. Any advice on what the best A skill would be for him? I also gave him Leavatain's speed wave skill in a failed LHB strategy. Its pretty rare fodder so I think of making him use the skill for good.
  20. Oh a +10 Broy.. I like it. That probably took a lot of orbs. Also impressive how managed to one round Cyntha despite the colour disadvantage. -------- Glad you liked the theme. I thought it was a good match. I've held off on giving Sieg galeforce for the longest time, seeing how I already had a galeforce sword pony. He became a lot more effective since i've gave him that skill. -------- @Landmaster (Can't seem to quote a message thats on another page) You seemed to have been busy on this latest banner. You already gave the watermelon dragon some pretty fancy skills too. Congrats on the latest unit(s) But cool and fitting clair. Mmorgan is always cool and you don't see spring Lucina very often. Nah did a good job of tanking most of the map, Yarne did his killing and Morgan got a few nice hits in as well. Poor Lucina struggled a bit, but she contributed nicely on the support. And thanks. Siegbert did pretty much see all corners of the map and no blue lance cav can stop a triple brazen Alfonse. ------------ I also remembered that my Royboy team hasn't been used much lately. @Nanima
  21. Cynthia is a pretty bombastic little lady. So the chosen team for today really isn't. These serious, normal, proper or cold guys would't want to be cought dead posing or doing hero stuff. I experimented a little with Boey, but that made the team lack some offensive 'oomph.' Luckily Soren is another source of frowns for this team. @Landmaster (No thumbnail for some reason. The video still works so meh. Don't care enough to try and fix that) No sweats here yeah. The whole map went down like flies. Smite is amusingly unfitting on Fmorgan. This map was low on bulk and high on annoying mages and not that bulky cavs. Easy work enough for the Takumi's. Only real source of trouble was the last mage that went after OG takumi
  22. I can respect this Banner and them giving the focus to some of the none superstars. No trio alts here. The problem with this banner for me is that I’m just kind of lukewarm about most non Morgan/Lucina/Owain/Inigo kids. I like that someone like Yarne could make it in, but I also think he’s meh. Kjelle is one of my least favourite characters and she even comes with a lame Aether raid skill. Nah is fine. Just a normal pick. Brady is probably my favourite, but he is looking oh so unimpressive. I think this is a skip for me, but I do hope they wil keep making banners like this.
  23. I doubt maladus was to blame for other characters not having screentime. Malladus only sporadically appears himself even. He basically just pops up out of nowhere several chapters into the game without introduction and is quickly replaced with Nyna for the majority of the scenes.
  24. Don't know if you used it before....I also forgot where this one plays, but Nier Automata music is always cool. But nice job beating the shit out of your grudge. It always feel nice to break down the brick wall. I can also see why this map would be tricky for a all physical colourless team. That armour took 0 damage from all, but specials and Gharnef's instant charge special means he can't be underestimated either. All the fancy teleports and repo's really came in handy. It seems you did't stop at revenge and went on a revenge spree afterwards😅 Tiki and Tak-Tak made for a surprisingly fun duo last summer and they where formidable on the battlefield together. Oh hey its my favourite Fire Emblem Lord and two lords that are amongst my favourites. Leif is cool too. I probably should bring him out some time too. Yikes at the speed banes on Roy and Alm though. But good job. LMarth made short work of those manakets and Alm shredded through all. Leif's job seemed to be to get Alm untrapped from his corner while Roy was up to his usual galeforce tactics. Haha glad I could be some inspiration :) But yeah Fallen Tiki and the twins had a terrible time with those high res fliers with me too. But cute team. Fallen Tiki was a unstopable self healing wall and both twins got a few good hits in while supporting each other. Ninian's babysitting helped everyone too. Planning on a family team in the future then? Also i've gotten used to Sam Riegel (normally very good, but sadly miscasted here) as Raigh, but after hearing it I think his Japanese voice suits him better. ----------- I seemed to have been unable to clear Gharnef last time, but it took surprisingly little tinkering to beat Gharnef this time. Such a mustache twirler should be dealt with by more noble figures. So its best girl Louise, two good girls and one good boy vs Gharnef https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vzPnGeCXxk
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