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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Karla? Really? Of all the units to put on a banner they went with Karla? Legault and Canas are cool and Pegasus Nino is good as far as alts go.....but seriously Karla?
  2. I thought that Binding Blade would finally get a banner now that every single other game/generation has had one. I'm still rooting for Pent and Louise to make it in, but I can't help, but be a little disappointed about this.
  3. I haven't used Female Corrin enough to properly rate her, but Azura has been my dancer for a long time. Even with all my time with Azura she's still a bit hard to rate. Dancer utility is amazing as always, but there are a lot more dancers so the competition is rising. I think i'll go with an 8.5. Most of it is because of her amazing dancing ability, but she does have some utility outside of dancing. She is far too frail to be a reliable combat unit, but her saphire lance, combined with her high speed and decent res means that she can kill red units on counter or tank a red mage when needed.
  4. Going by ingame logic i'd say the normal Nohrian troops would be the weakest of the bunch. They generally don't have skills and they are in the easier birthright game. I believe that makes some amount of sense since all Hoshidans take their duties very seriously while Nohr seemingly doesn't have many standards. Going by people like Hans and Peri I can see Nohr just giving every random psycho or lunatic a weapon and sending them out on the field. Meanwhile yes most Hoshidan soldiers are royals, but there isn't a single one that doesn't take their duty very seriously. They are all trained from birth too so they are probably elite soldiers . That being said the final (human) opponents on both routes are Nohrian soldiers. They are some of the strongest enemies and that makes sense too. Nohr is a warlike country so they probably have a lot more practice in warfare then their peaceful opponents. Their magic is better too since Iago and even a lower ranked mage like Zola shows some skills that Hoshido can't seem to replicate. Their mages can also create faceless which would only cause Hoshido to be further outnumbered. Nohr probably has fewer elite forces, but their elites are probably stronger then their Hoshidan counterparts. They outnumber Hoshido with their normal forces and have access to powerful magic and monsters. I don't really see how Hoshido would stand a chance if we go by the things shown ingame.
  5. Chrom Normal Chrom is a bit too skinny, Christmas/spring Chrom are a bit too goofy, but I like the knight exalt look. The gold and white combo looks nice while also giving him a more royal look. Roy This one is a lot more tricky. Normal Roy is ok, but it can't compare to the brave Lion and youthful gifts Roy who look amazing. I think I'm giving the edge to Brave Lion since I like the artist and Roy dressing up in his dad's oversized clothes is kinda cute. Camilla Don't really have a strong opinion on any of Camilla's outfit, but I think I like the holiday look best Azura I don't understand why there are 3 options for Azura. That blue haired woman in the black outfit most certainly is not Azura. But yeah Azura's nohr costume wins out and it was a crime she did't wear that outfit in conquest.
  6. I'm a little bit sceptical, but i'm willing to give these games a go. My only concern is that the removal of random battles will start to sting eventual. I don't believe just tossing pokeballs will be fun all the way through while it also gives you less of a chance to use your captured team. I have one big annoyance though. Going back to Kanto is fine and because of that they should have a big focus on the 151 first pokemon. However I think they cling to the gen 1 Pokemon to an annoying degree. Is there anyone who actually think not allowing Golbat to evolve into Crobat is a good thing? Why should't Espeon and Umbreon be in these games?
  7. Xenoblade Chronicles X is a game I really wanted to like. The setting wasn't the one I wanted, but its still Xenoblade so I bought it, gave it a chance and stopped after 20/30 hours. I found the game annoyingly designed with party switching being both not encouraged and a massive pain to do. You had to use Lin and Elma and you would like it! It did't help that Lin's comedy routine with Tatsu got annoying real fast. I stopped during the mission where Tatsu was being a moron. Just getting to the infected area was a huge pain with me constantly dying and the checkpoints being far apart. Once there I got oneshotted by an enemy after which I decided to give up.
  8. I got a +speed/-resistance Ryoma out of this banner and a +res/-hp Ryoma. No guessing which one I end up using.
  9. Oh wow I completely forgot to name my best dressed characters. For the females that honour would go to Titania, Cecilia, Sigrun and Louise. Males would be Roy, Klein, Xander/Siegbert and Pent.
  10. Camilla does go a bit overboard with the fanservice, but the black and purple colour scheme do look pretty good on her. I'd actually call the design great if she put on some pants. My least favourite design is Sophie. I think going too far with the fanservice hurts designs more then it helps, but at the very least I can see Charlotte and Camilla go for an outfit like that. Sophie not wearing pants not only makes her look worse, but there is also nothing in her character that suggest she'd walk around in her underwear all the time.
  11. A very long time ago I remember playing a Call of duty: Black ops campaign mode and actually enjoying it. I'm not one of those people who rag on call of duty for being popular, but military shooters never appealed to me. Still it was a birthday present I gave my brother and he recomended me playing it. So after a lot of urging I finally played it and enjoyed a short, but good train ride with a story that did a good job of keeping me invested.
  12. Not doing it like the Tellius games would be a good start. In there the open minded main cast are pretty quick to assume all nobles are evil until they prove otherwise. I think the Python/Clive support almost touches on something. In medieval times a noble family probably did provide some amount of form of structure. Their name and bloodline carries weight and perhaps even trust. The nobles could use that to collect taxes and offer protection. With the world being a bit more violent in those times some characters could argue the stability nobility might bring is important, while others could argue that their still is a great amount of unfairness about such a system.
  13. Setsuna and Mmorgan: Morgan likes digging pitfalls and Setsuna keeps falling into holes. Its a pretty natural combo for a wacky awakening/fates style support. Nino and Raigh: Nino isn't aware that Raigh is her son and Raigh might not know she is his mother either. I can see Raigh giving Nino the cold shoulder until their A support, while Nino tries to become friends. Siegbert and Spring Xander: There could be some humour in Siegbert being in shock about seeing his father in such a goofy outfit.
  14. True Bride Cordelia would probably be a better firesweep archer then Klein or a better brave bow user then Gordin, but i've decided to spare my orbs for the next character banner.
  15. I have another question with 2 heroes that I have. I have a level 40 +speed/-resistance Klein that I have laying around. He's mostly outclassed by my +attack Gordin who has more strength when using the brave bow. Would a firesweep bow serve Klein better instead? I just got a 5 star +attack/-resistence Marth as well. I assume he's best just by giving him Tailtiu's drive skill, a rally and his falchion refine?
  16. I really hope this turns out to be untrue. Going back to Kanto is fine in my book, but severely limiting the list of Pokemon purely to pander to gen 1/Pokemon Go fans is something I don't like seeing.
  17. The series going back to Kanto was already in the cards with the many many references that region got. I'd be a little disapointed that its not a new region, but i'll live. Its the pokemon go stuff that makes me a little bit more worried. Also would't this be the easiest version choice ever? Eevee has a lot more options then Pikachu with its many evolutions while Pikachu has always been kinda meh ingame.
  18. I took a few month break so I forgot the exact promotion time from some of these, but this is the general gist of things 20/3 Corrin 20/1 Takumi 20/1 Hayato 10ish/7 Sakura 15ish/3 Oboro (Usually tanky, but still gets two shot by the armour knights) 10ish/2 Beruka 10ish/2 Arthur level 16 dark flier Subaki level 4 Reina Level 16 dread fighter Hinata.
  19. I was all ready to compliment Revelations and say that the fire chapter where you fight Hans was kinda cool. That was before I died in the next chapter and had to restart the fire chapter again. It was annoying in Conquest endgame and its really annoying now too. So the thing I want to know is any advice for the map where you recruit Xander and Leo.
  20. The trash collection is the reason why both Keaton and Velouria are on my list of characters I could't like, despite trying. Both are very well designed characters, but them going on about trash all the time doesn't really tell us anything about the characters and it stops being funny after the first time. There is also Yukimura. Strategists are always cool and I liked his design. Sadly like all Corrinsexuals he only has one support and Yukimura ended up as one of the bigger victims of fate's writing. There was no reason for him to go berserk about Corrin going neutral when he is so chill about Corrin siding with the enemy.
  21. Fire Emblem 4: Quan, Ethelyn, Azelle and Lex Sword of seals: Niime, Lugh, Miledy and Wolt Sacred stones: Wyvern-riding Natasha with Garm, Pegasus Dozla with Latona and Excalibur Ephraim Path of Radiance: Kieran, Boyd, Calill and Petrine Radiant Dawn: Nolan, Edward, Leonardo and Laura
  22. I used to think skill wasn't very important since hitting enemies was rarely a problem even when a unit did't have high skill. That was before I had to stop using Nyx as a combat unit since she could barely hit anything. So the rest of the game she was glued to Niles for the magic boost instead.
  23. Oof this grand hero battle was hard. The defense tiles combined with the abilities made these characters annoyingly tanky. Kana with his wrath skill made him almost impossible to attack too without taking a lot of damage. Still I managed to do it. A Attack honed/ triangle attack Deirdre could one shot Kana which dealt with the most annoying enemy on the map. Ryoma honed Deirdre, repositioned her out of danger and dealt with the green mage who attacked him instead of Kana for some reason. Kana just sat on a defense tile and started tanking everyone who attacked him.Only the iceberg flier was capable of doing significant damage to him. Ny Corrin with bowbreaker buffed some defense while dealing with the flier and taking a bowshot once I believe.
  24. I think the Tellius games have a lot of good tracks in them. power hungry fool, on black wings, caineghis theme, Elincia/pelleas theme, etc. But my unpopular opinion is that I found the battle music in the tellius game to be lacking. I always found it loud and lacking in a coolness/catchyness factor that other Fire emblem games had.
  25. Nice that Julius got into the game, but there is still one red haired jugdral mage missing in heroes. Also i'm wondering what they will do with Forseti now that Mjolnir has the darting blow skill build into it. It'd be weird if the wind tome known for boosting speed won't be boosting speed anymore. I think I am going to pass up on the banner myself though. I never found Ares very interesting and Lene/Ishtar are units I do like, but not enough to spend orbs on after a legendary banner.
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