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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Xenoblade Chronicles X I played the original for about an hour originally and left it on my shelf for years after that. Shortly before X I picked the original up again and I loved every second of it. So my hopes where pretty high for X. Sadly the bland story and boring/cringeworthy cast did't do it for me. Combat was still fun, but the many design flaws of game stopped me from enjoying it. Forced character selections, running around the entire city to change characters and the bad tutorials started testing my patience. I stopped during some mission where the area was tainted because an overleveled supermonster kept one shotting me on the way over there. I finally arrived....and was immediately one shotted by the story monster I was supposed to fight. After that I did't feel like playing anymore.
  2. In my eyes Camilla is one of the characters that annoyed me most. She is a bit like the Fates story as a whole. An interesting premise that just had to go stupid. I believe Camilla's character had a lot of potential. An emotionally damaged woman that showers people with love and affection in the hopes they'll love her back. Sadly the 'fanservice' part of her wanting to sleep with her 'brother' is just cringeworthy and should't have been part of her character. Just needy and smothering would get the point across. I have the same complaints about her design. What works well works really well. The purple long hair and black armour are a very good fit, but the lack of pants really bring her design down for me. Peri would be my pick for worst character in the game. Not only is insane, but she drags the entire cast down by making them surprising ok with her being a complete lunatic who threatens to kill people when someone doesn't give her some cookies. The character could work with some small story changes, but at the moment it just doesn't.
  3. I like the ultra beasts, but I still could't help but feel a little dissapointed by them. I found them a bit similar to the ba'als from bravely second. Strange otherworldy creatures who are always presented as a threat, but both don't show up in the story nearly as much as they should. Nihiligo is my favourite of the bunch thanks to its weird powers and its unintentional impact on the plot. It fits the weird and strange aura around them. Kartana and tree guy are also good for their quirky behaviour.
  4. First of all I would use the different Nohr siblings to show different perspective about the war on Hoshido. In the current story they all don't like it, but blindly follow Garon. I can understand some daddy issue's, but making that the only focus makes the conflict uninteresting and makes for some terribly descisions on Xander's part. Leo is the pragmatic of the bunch so have him be cautiously in favour of the war. He doesn't like it, but feels like Nohr needs the spoils of war to support itself. Elise is the most innocent of the bunch and would be the biggest anti war voice. Xander could be a balance between the two. Seeing the need for the war and being conflicted between his loyalty to his country/dad and about his distaste for war and its victims Camilla would probably focus more on the affects the war would have on her family and Corrin. Garon would be rewritten as him actually pretending to give a shit. He gives no solid motivation for the war or anything else for that matter. Him being possesed by Anakos is all fine and dandy, but he should at least bother to make a case for why war is good. As far as Nohr knows they are only going to war because Garon is hungry and he already ate all the Nohrian babies. Hoshido is a bit more tricky, but I would start by making some sense out of Ryoma. Why is he in Chev and not his own country and why is he not actually the one in charge? I would also cut the scene in which he admits he was jealous of a toddler since thats the most pathetic thing I ever heard. Edit: Also yeah being able to marry the Hoshidan siblings should never have happened and they should have been his actual family as the game advertised.
  5. Final fantasy 4: The after years would be my main one. Everyone seems to hate the game, but I had a lot of fun with it. I'm not blind to the games flaws. The main story is not very good and the game likes referencing the original a bit too much. Still I thought they showed how the old cast turned out very well and the giant roster and the new band attacks made things fun from the gameplay side.
  6. Eternal Sonata is somewhat Tales like in style. Its visuals are similar and it is action orientated in its own way. Its not the best rpg out there though. The combat is fun and the game has a lot of charm, but its a very flawed game as well. It has lots and lots of filler and the plot is not very inspired. I heard they added a lot of stuff to make the game better for the ps3 version, but I don't know if that fixes all problems.
  7. Felicia did't end up impressing me when I used her. The amount of damage she does with normal weapons drops like a rock and she's already struggling to do significant chip damage before the flame shurikens arive. I did't use her anymore when I got the weapon so she could improve after that, but she still faces competition. Jacob performed a bit better. Crappy magic did't prevent him from being an ok healer in a pinch and he did quite a bit more damage then Felicia.
  8. Agreed. Females outranking males in Hyrule warriors was kind of neccesary. I mean Zelda, Impa, Midna and Fii would be too important to leave out, while characters like Ruto simply had more to work with then others. Important male characters or male characters with unique movesets are much harder to find in Zelda. The Dlc also sort of adressed that concern with more male characters. I don't have a problem with the amount of males or females in Hyrule warriors, but i'm still hoping for a Rauru/Kaepora combo character. I think that would count as an unpopular opinion though. But back to Fire Emblem. I'm not inherently opposed to the Hoshido bias that I often see thrown around. Sure some greyness is prefered, but places like Pherae, Altia or Renais weren't the most morally ambigous countries either. My main problem isn't that Hoshido is the good country, but more the Nohr simply got nothing to work with. No goals, no motives, boring villains and no reason to support them. I'm also not the biggest fan of the Parent/child festival. It was neat at first to see the parents and kids interact, but after a few they all started to feel similar to each other after a while. I prefer the Halloween and Awakening festivals with more conventional conversations.
  9. I never really made a top 10 list so lets see what I can come up with. 1. Drifblim: My first shiny pokemon and a lot better in battle then I innitially gave it credit for. 2. Espeon: I just like the way it looks. 3. Mimikyu: Its so pitful that it starts becoming adorable. 4. Alakazam: The original psychic powehouse. 5. Male Meowstick: Cute and a good support mon. 6. Mamoswine: It looks a bit goofy, but it has always been a powerhouse. 7. Venesaur: I like the look and it has everything I want in a grass Pokemon. 8. Hydreigon: It just looks cool. 9. Xatu: It served its purpose very well for me when I put it on my online team. 10. Flareon: Mostly because it turned out to be surprisingly useful in my heartgold Nuzlocke. I may have a bit of a Psychic bias.
  10. I'm sure there are some seats stupid enough to push for an EU superstate in this anti EU climate, but it means very little other then that the populist parties have something to scare people with. The EU itself is mostly against it and the different countries still need to approve of an EU superstate. I have a feeling no political party will start pushing for that idea anytime soon.
  11. I could get behind this version of Lysandre as well. Him being actually good at being seen as a benevolent tech maker and public do gooder makes him a lot better then whatever it was that they where trying to do with him in the games. I did expect a deeper voice from such a giant of a man, but I got used to his current one pretty quickly.
  12. Oof the battle tree sure gets cheap later on. A double team/Substite/Rest spamming opponent is not fun to fight.
  13. I have a small question. Does anyone know if its possible to have 6 vs 6 matches online with random people? I recall being able to do that in XY, but so far I have only found 3vs3 pokemon battles, doubles and some things I have to make an acount for.
  14. That was quite a surprising apearance at the end yeah. I had a feeling that the fusing of Kyurum would be the subject of todays episode and its nice to see Ghetsis again. Personally i'd have prefered to see his Hydreigon too, but this was still a good episode.
  15. I defeated the Elite Four yesterday. I heard they where though and they did not dissapoint. They where still quite manageable though and I managed to beat them on my first try. Anyway with the main game these are some things I did and did't like. Things I liked Streamlining: Sun and Moon introduced many features that remove the more tedious aspects from previous games. No HM's is the best thing they could have done and it is very convenient to be able to add a captured Pokemon to your party immediately. Presentation: The game looks very nice and I was pleased to see how they reworked several moves to look more impressive. Moves such as Astonish look much better then they ever did before. Setting and story: The vast majority of characters in the game are either likeable or interesting which is a nice change of pace compared to the boring characters of XY. I was a bit sceptical about Totem battles and the Alolan region, but I ended up liking both a lot while playing. Difficulty: I did't use the exp share so that might have something to do with it, but this game had a lot more bite to it then XY. Things I did't like Fishing: I stopped bothering with fishing since half of the time I got nothing and the other half consisted entirely of Magikarps. Most games eased up on the Magikarps later on, but I haven't seen that here yet. Low encounter rates for new Pokemon: I've seen a lot of 5% encounter rates while looking for search rates and certain Pokemon like the ones requiring fishing are an even bigger pain to catch. Ultra Beasts: I have no problem with the UB's by themselves, but they have the same problem as the Ba'als in Bravely Second. They barely show up in the main story. Its probably the only thing about the story I think did't work too well. Minor complaints aside I do think Sun and Moon are one of the better Pokemon games alongside BW2.
  16. With all the Kanto references in this game I would't be surprised if the next game will be set in Kanto as well.
  17. It took me a while to find a Comfey as well in Lush Jungle, but its there both day and night. This gen is just a little shy with their new pokemon. For some reason almost every new pokemon after island 1 has an awful encounter rate
  18. It seems like the important story trainers have stepped up their game a bit in sun and moon. I had my Alolan Raichu outsped by a Hypno which wasn't very threatening, but it was something that surprised me. The boss trainers as a whole seem to get a lot more threatening just before the fourth island with more then 2 pokemon and some solid mons to use. Its nice to see that it isn't just the Totems that can be challenging. I did't notice that. Perhaps your team is a bit slower with so many of the new Pokemon being slow.
  19. So far most of my names have been video game related this time around with: Yewfelle: Datrix Hanbei: Pichu Profiteur: Alolan Rattata Magnolia: Cutiefly
  20. A very good episode. The Unova episodes are quickly becoming my favourite of the bunch. Also is it my imagination or is Zinzolin voiced by the same guy who does Fiore Derosa in Bravely default?
  21. I finally got my copy of Pokemon Sun today and so far its pretty good. Team Skull is charmingly dumb and Hau and Lillie are good so far. Starting today i'm the proud owner of not one, not two, but fourteen cutieflies. only the last one decided not to have the useless honey gatherer as ability.
  22. It was quite the badass episode, especially Brycen not waiting for his Pokemon and just kicking the crap out of team Plasma by himself. The voice acting was a bit sub par this episode though. The 7 sages and Skyla sounded a bit off in my opinion.
  23. I'm sure there was bias on the part of the media, but there could have been other reasons as well why everyone was so wrong. One of those reasons that I hear a lot is that people often gave desireable answers, instead of truthfull answers. People did't pick what they voted, but picked what they thought people wanted to hear. Another one is the Trump voter base. A lot of those are seen as people who don't care or don't trust politics and never vote as a result. Those people did show up to vote for Trump and the media might have underestimated the size of that group since you can't exactly pick them out from a crowd. The elections themselves might have made the polls less trustworthy as well. Polls have been made in about every election so prior experience probably gets you very far in a conventional election. This election was anything, but conventional so it was probably a harder to make accurate polls as a result.
  24. I would't be too scared of the Netherlands getting a populistic goverment. The PVV has made every effort in making sure that not a single party wants to govern alongside them and coalitions are absolutely neccesary in my country to rule. A party getting more then 50% of the vote is practically impossible with 10 other parties all competing. So the PVV will be stuck in the opposition for a very long time to come. Anyway i'm not a fan of populism. They generally portray the world as much simpler then it really is to get votes and when things go their way they don't perform all that well. Either with the Brexiteers who had no idea what to do when they won or with the PVV who ran away when the situation got though. its probably something we just need to get out of our system. They are popular now so let them prove that they have what it takes. If they do perform well then good for them, but if things like Brexit turn out to be a disaster then I think people won't fall for the same tricks again.
  25. Yikes it seems Trump was right. This really is Brexit 2.0. First going to sleep, confident everything will turn out alright and then waking up to see something went very wrong. I wish Trump luck and I hope that unlike the Brexiteers he actually knows what to do now that he won. Good luck to al Americans on here and I hope he doesn't mess up as much as I think he will.
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