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New Heroes & Rearmed Lumera

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Are you fucking kidding me --

Just what is it about those two? Seriously?

Really disappointed that m!Byleth isn't on here, considering that every other avatar pair with a fallen version had both present. Even more disappointed that there isn't another fallen priestess from Marth's game, considering that Lena and Nyna and Elice need a better version badly. The only thing I'm actually happy to see is Nergal.

This is the most disappointing Fallen banner for me personally, and I never even liked the theme. I don't think I'm going to spark here anymore.

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Posted (edited)

Like Gharnef and Validar before him, surprised it took us this long to get Nergal. Why am I even here? I'm getting drunk off this whine. It's called pairing. The game's been doing it for years. Calm down.

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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I'm very, very happy to see Nergal and Lloyd, although I am concerned that Nergal will get the Ashnard treatment and they'll just say this is good enough for him and he'll never get anything else. But other than that, I'm not really giving this banner a second thought. Not that the other characters don't make sense, more that...why now? Why do we need Ursula and Lumera AGAIN, when we have Male Byleth and Lena and Nyna and Elice and both Shezs and Morva and so many other characters sitting on the bench? Meh.

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All these picks look strong to me. Ursula feels the least exciting, but continuing to expand the morph roster is perfectly reasonable. Maybe this will finally get us Brendan or Uhai one of these years.

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Friendly reminder that Ursula has the same Japanese voice actress (Kaori Mizuhashi) as Eirika. I seriously doubt we'd be up to four Ursulas if this wasn't the case since she's definitely not popular enough to justify four versions.

Personally, I'm stunned by the lack of Three Houses / Hopes here. As much as I would've rolled my eyes at seeing Shez (either gender) here, they're both certainly way more popular than Lumera (a character who did not need a second alt already).

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Llyod finally has art that does him justice!  I only really care about Veyle, though I am glad Nergal is now finally in the game because boy was his absence annoying. I don't think the rest of the maidens from Marth's games are popular so not surprised there, but no 3Hs unit does kind of surprise me but IS likes to throw curve balls so I gave up expecting anyone on any banner a long time ago.  I will do my 40 pulls since I saved up in case Veyle was here and she is, hope I get some of the others as well.  I wonder with the absence of 3Hs if this means the next new heroes banner will be a 3Hs one and that is why IS didn't put M!Byleth or the Shezs here?

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I'm not exactly in love with the fact that Still Water 4 and Life and Death 4 got new side grades/variations. Heroes needs to chill on making like a bajillion variations of various skills when half of those variations exist on only one unit, oftentimes a seasonal or other limited unit. Would be nice to get Flared Mirror on someone who's not Ninja Sanaki, for example.

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Holy Ash (she is a divine cow). Nergal: Traiter to Nabata is like Tina on steroids. Tina steals all the Bonuses of just one foe at the start of turn and gives them to her allies. Nergal: Traitor to Nabata needs to attack, but he takes all the Bonuses of the foe AND foes around the target and gives them to his allies wherever they are on the map (as long as they were near each other at the start of turn). And with Dancers/Singers, he can can hit the entire opponent's team and take everything.

I think this is the first time that a normal focus gave two free summons? I can see the obvious free summon as usual, but is there a reason for two in this case? I do not see a second Hero type. No Legendary, Mythic, Duo, Harmonized, Ascended, Attuned, nor Emblem. Nergal: Traitor to Nagata is a really strong meta unit, but I am not sure if Intelligent Systems gives an extra free summon for meta units.

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17 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm not exactly in love with the fact that Still Water 4 and Life and Death 4 got new side grades/variations. Heroes needs to chill on making like a bajillion variations of various skills when half of those variations exist on only one unit, oftentimes a seasonal or other limited unit. Would be nice to get Flared Mirror on someone who's not Ninja Sanaki, for example.

Meanwhile, Brazen Atk/Spd 4 is still crying in its lonely corner. It was given to a random seasonal unit from 2019 and has never seen the light of day since.

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After a long time, we finally got Nergal in the game. I would've liked him to be a Mythic, but with how slow that's been it's probably best he got a solid Fallen version instead of waiting in line for who knows how long for it.

Otherwise, the banner's... OK. I'm honestly more excited for Lloyd then I am the other banner units.

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16 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Meanwhile, Brazen Atk/Spd 4 is still crying in its lonely corner. It was given to a random seasonal unit from 2019 and has never seen the light of day since.

I totally forgot that Brazen Atk/Spd 4 existed

No other Brazen 4 skills even exist, now that I think about it.

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Posted (edited)

As usual, I'll read the skill descriptions later when I have more of an attention span.

I'm a bit sad Nergal doesn't have his gigantic Dark Druid sprite, even if there wasn't any chance of him having it in the first place. Ereshkigal's animation is as good as I remember it, though.


Anyways, the usual translation notes:


The banner name, "New Heroes & Rearmed Lumera", is "新英雄&魔器ルミエル" (shin'eiyū & maki rumieru), "New Heroes & Arcane Weapon Lumera". As usual, "魔器" (maki), "magic weapon", is the term used for both Rearmed Heroes and Arcane weapons.

Veyle's epithet, "Fell Successor", is "邪竜の後継者" (jaryū no kōkeisha), "Successor of the Fell Dragon".

Fell Child's Might is "邪竜ノ娘の力" (jaryū-no-musume no chikara), "Power of the Fell Dragon's Daughter". The "ノ" (no) in "邪竜ノ娘" (jaryū-no-musume), "the fell dragon's daughter", is written in katakana instead of as "の" (no) in hiragana. This is a substitution occasionally seen in surnames and in titles in order to highlight that the name or title should be treated as a single entity instead of as separate words.

Crystalline Water is "明鏡止水" (meikyō shisui), "Serenity". "明鏡止水" (meikyō shisui) is an idiom that literally translates as "like a clear (polished) mirror or still water". "明鏡" (meikyō), "clear mirror", is also the stat indicator for Res in Blow and Stance skills, and "止水" (shisui), "still water" is the name of the Still Water skill.

Fell Successor is "邪竜の後継者" (jaryū no kōkeisha), "Successor of the Fell Dragon".

Ursula's epithet, "Blackened Crow", is "闇に舞う蒼鴉" (yami ni mau sōa), "Blue Crow Dancing In the Darkness". "蒼鴉" (sōa), "blue crow", is Ursula's epithet among the Black Fang.

Dead-Crow Tome is "魂なき鴉爪の書" (tamashii-naki asō no sho), "Tome of the Soulless Crow Claws".

Verge of Death is "限界死線" (genkai shisen), "Verge of Death". "限界死線" (genkai shisen) literally translates as "(at the very) boundary of the line (between life and) death". "死線" (shisen), "the line (between life and) death", is the name of the Life and Death skill.

Nergal's epithet, "Traitor to Nabata", is "理想郷を捨てし者" (risōkyō o suteshi mono), "One Who Abandoned Utopia".

Ereshkigal is "エレシュキガル" (ereshukigaru), "Ereshkigal".

Essence Drain is "エーギル奪取" (ēgiru dasshu), "Aegir Seizure". "エーギル" (ēgiru), "Aegir", is localized as "Quintessence".

Def/Res Oath is "守備魔防の信義" (shubi mabō no shingi), "Def/Res Loyalty".

Lumera's epithet, "Corrupted Dragon", is "異形なる竜王" (ikei-naru ryū-ō), "Corrupted Dragon King".

Arcane Fellstone is "魔器・歪神龍の竜石" (maki: wai-shinryū no ryūseki), "Arcane Weapon: Dragonstone of the Distorted Divine Dragon".

Spd/Res Scowl is "速さ魔防の竜眼" (hayasa mabō no ryūgan), "Spd/Res Dragon Eye".

Corrupted Dragon is "異形なる竜王" (ikei-naru ryū-ō), "Corrupted Dragon King".

Lloyd's epithet, "Vengeful Wolf", is "復讐の白狼" (fukushū no hakurō), "Vengeful White Wolf". "白狼" (hakurō), "white wolf", is Lloyd's epithet among the Black Fang.

Dead-Wolf Blade is "命なき狼牙の剣" (inochi-naki rōga no ken), "Sword of the Lifeless Wolf Fangs". Still can't just be a sword. Compare with Linus's Dead-Fang Axe, which is "命なき狂牙の斧" (inochi-naki kyōga no ono), "Axe of the Lifeless Mad Fangs".

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Gonna say, not much of a fan of the Fallen theme... but at least they went with Veyle and Lumera if they had to put in Engage representation.

15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Crystalline Water is "明鏡止水" (meikyō shisui), "Serenity". "明鏡止水" (meikyō shisui) is an idiom that literally translates as "like a clear (polished) mirror or still water".


最喜愛的熱血動畫:G鋼彈劇情大綱印象,國中時候看的..(劇透) - 巴哈姆特

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Some New Heroes banners having multiple Asset hero types at the same time really takes the gloss off the Fallen banners, which really don't feel special at all these days. This is especially true as it'd be really hard to make full use of Lumera's SI regardless of breath weapons being fairly niche in the first place.

Not that it was particularly relevant anyway with me having all but quit in recent times.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:


Yeah, getting repeats of those two is bizarre, but at least Lumera's art is simply incredible?

Anyway, I was cautiously hoping for F!Veyle and she's here. I'm surprised she wasn't the Rearmed but at least this means she's staying in the regular pool! ...as a colorless Hero. Boo. There's a small voice in my head telling me to get as many copies of her as possible but I'll just settle for one probably the one from the spark given my luck.

Anyway, FE7 got a massive boon with this banner too! Nergal made the wait worth it and Lloyd looks cool too, he finally beat the drug addict allegations!

P.S. I'm surprised LaD and Still Water 4 already got powercrept.

Edited by DefyingFates
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Very surprising banner. Only Blazing Blade and Engage. No one at all is surprised about Veyle, I'm sure, but it is a bit surprising they gave the premium spot to Lumera of all people. Kind of weird that Engage is scarcely a year old and we have three Lumeras already (and no Wille Glanz).

I kind of wished they'd given Mythic Veyle Misercorde so Fallen Veyle could get Obscurite instead of something she never actually does in game. But I guess our first Veyle had to be a tome user. Still, what could have been cool here is if her attack was actually using the Fell Dragon Crystal whatever the time travel mechanic she steals is called. Or hell, just gives us Misercorde as a tome and call it a day. It deals magical damage in Engage anyway and it's not like they haven't done weird stuff like that before. Byleth wields a sword as a tome unit and Alear has dragon punches.

Ursula is definitely the most surprising one here. She was of course on my list, but not only two morphs, but tripling up on Blazing Blade characters. Wowzer! Feast well Blazing Blade fans, feast well. Unfortunately, I feel like this means that the Morph who most deserved the Fallen Spot, Brendan, will probably be overlooked next year. I say he's the most deserving because that's the only incarnation of the character you actually fight in the game. Though, on the other hand, maybe that means he's a shoein for next year. I doubt it though, as he's not really completing a set, since Uhai, Jerme, Kennith and Darin all exist too and there's no way any of those guys are getting in.

But the big news really is that Nergal is finally in the game! We can stop bitching! Unfortunately it seems to be in his base form, like Ashnard, so we won't get mad Nergal summoning the Fire Dragon any time soon (and by that I mean ever).

All in all, I'm very surprised, though not necessarily disappointed, they didn't give us give us a Fodlan character. Also a shame they seem to have no desire to break into the Thracia Deadlords and aren't in any rush to make the Archanea Fallen Maidens a set.

Edited by Jotari
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4 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:


Eh...it's better, for sure, but it still doesn't feel like it's doing Lloyd justice.

4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Friendly reminder that Ursula has the same Japanese voice actress (Kaori Mizuhashi) as Eirika. I seriously doubt we'd be up to four Ursulas if this wasn't the case since she's definitely not popular enough to justify four versions.

That might help, but they're not going to invest in a character who doesn't sell. Flora shares her JP voice with Edelgard and Flora's only alt is from before Three Houses even released.

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This is a message from lord Nergal. He waits you in Askr instead of on the Dread Isle. 

Its nice Nergal finally manage to get into the game and not be a lame freebie to boot. His art seems suitably nice too.

Evil Veyle was kind of a stupid plot point but I like her as an antagonist so I'm glad she's here.

Ursula is....ugh but at least she seems to not be cosplaying as Sonia this time around.

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6 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm not exactly in love with the fact that Still Water 4 and Life and Death 4 got new side grades/variations. Heroes needs to chill on making like a bajillion variations of various skills when half of those variations exist on only one unit, oftentimes a seasonal or other limited unit. Would be nice to get Flared Mirror on someone who's not Ninja Sanaki, for example.

I feel your frustration. I’m looking forward to the summer banner with Wolt to rerun so I can get Brazen Atk/Spd 4 and have Karel inherit it from him. Too bad it’s just that one skill I would find useful, but Karel would really benefit from the +19 stat boost (Atk/Spd bonuses combined) it grants.

6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Meanwhile, Brazen Atk/Spd 4 is still crying in its lonely corner. It was given to a random seasonal unit from 2019 and has never seen the light of day since.

See above. I hate that kind of skill distribution, unless it’s on “important” characters like Legendary, Mythic, Ascended Heroes, CYL winners, etc.

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The devotion IS has to Lumera is pretty strange. Her death scene is often brought up as a laughing stock, and that IS themselves decided to immediately kill off Lumera just to adhere to the dead parent trope imply they had neither much ambition nor affection for the character. 

And sure she's got big boobs but Lumera is hardly the only character who's got that going for her. 

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Veyle's dress reminds me of Giratina.

Anyway, this time it focused basically entirely on FE7 and Engage. Glad Nergal's in, but it feels weird that he's on a Fallen banner (since it implies that he's not normally wicked/engaged in the dark arts.) Also, looks like Loyd joins his bro! Cool. And dang, Lumera's voice acting is so good. (I haven't beaten Engage yet but I have some theories now that are making me regret not finishing it yet. Ugh.) Veyle calling her foe a defect is sad for Engage plot reasons. Also Ursula's here. Her tome has a cool animation.

All in all...I'm not actually all that excited about any of this, which is kind of disappointing since I LOVE fallen banners. For Engage representation, I would have preferred Hyacinth and/or Morrion so they could join their kids. Maybe next year there'll be a bit more variety.

I may still pull a bit on this banner. Like, Lumera's voicing was amazing, so I might go for her, and she was VERY smart pick for a fallen- ... Nevermind; she's rearmed. I thought she was one of those heroes who have strong ties to another one, like how the recent Azura was referencing Corrin or how Nino was referencing Jaffar. But yeah, Fallen is a great theme for heroes like that since so many fall while clinging to bonds. (This would be a fantastic thing to go with for Fallen Rinea, for example, even though she's already in Fallen Berkut's art.)

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