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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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So, I'm at chapter 26...the 72 Conquer chapter turn, and I think that there may need to be some fine-tuning of the balance in terms of enemy strength. I mean, I love a good challenge and it does get boring in the original FE games on the GBA when I have more than double the stats of most enemy units for some characters and they are mowing down enemies, but...I think the jump is WAY too sudden, like Mageknight said earlier. Once you hit one chapter, the enemies just start getting so much stronger than before than actually they just suddenly outclassed a few of my units that were lagging behind, when they were doing okay before. I think that perhaps the build up needs to be a bit smoother, like build the difficulty up more slowly than the sudden increase it had. This could help people prepare those characters that might be lagging behind. Something you can think about anyways.

Also, I hate Munio and it's +20 Def and Res. I've only got a few people that can even damage the Dark Mage, much less do decent damage.

I'll obviously be playing this hack again once I do finish it, as I missed a few things and I'll obviously be more prepared.

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NPC Alexian Soldier Leader, Sam just doesn't appear on mission 14 for me, therefore i can't recuit two characters, can anyone tell me how to trigger his appearance?

You seem to be talking about recruiting Noah on chapter 17. I am talking about chapter 7. The character recruitment guide states that you can recruit him on chapter 7.

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Some help (hopefully)

IIRC, Cia appears on turn 8, and a turn after that 'Sam' and his NPC troop appears, 'Sam' is not named he's the Soldier with the shield icon in the corner. Talk to him with Anakin and you'll get Zach, an archer, and Lirin, the middle pegasus sister, who has a battle convo with the boss.

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Some help (hopefully)

IIRC, Cia appears on turn 8, and a turn after that 'Sam' and his NPC troop appears, 'Sam' is not named he's the Soldier with the shield icon in the corner. Talk to him with Anakin and you'll get Zach, an archer, and Lirin, the middle pegasus sister, who has a battle convo with the boss.

hmm...i don't recall a shield icon guy appearing, maybe i had too many people surrounding the spawn point as i didn't know that would happen and might've blocked his appearence.

judging from this, i should redo chapter 14 just to make sure.

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They spawn in the southeast corner, i actually had to fly anakin over with karina just to get them at the time they spawned. It's a troop of about eight NPCs including Sam, Zach and Lirin. Tamiko spawns with them but she's already on your side, Sam was in the SE corner of a 4-wide 2-deep setup.

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So, I finished the hack. Here's my review.

Plot: 7/10

Great overall plot and story. Each chapter had great moments, far more than most Fire Emblem games, and the characters were, for the most part, believable. However, I did have 2 problems. One, the war. I don't know, but the whole reason the war started seemed sort of petty, or stupid. Perhaps this shows the stupidity of those that started the war, but it just didn't really mix well in terms of seriousness. Also, the namesake of the game, "The Last Promise". That promise just seems small overall, yet it seems to be played to such a big picture. It's a promise that every mother/wife would want their husband to make, yet it's played so big in the game.

Gameplay: 10/10

Classic Fire Emblemness, great characters, awesome custom animations, lots of strong, Legendary Weapons, what more could I ask for? Perhaps better bases of some of the characters obtained later in the game, but that's it.

Character: 9/10

Character development, nice characters, not much to add here really.

Music: 10/10

The map music made this hack, as well as a few event songs. Great job done here.

Overall: 10/10

I know the averages don't average to 10/10, but the hack was so great I couldn't give the game any less. I know I'll be replaying this game again, as there's quite a few things I missed that I learned from the Sidequest Guide.

EDIT: Some songs aren't unlocked in the Sound Room even though I heard it in game. Just a heads up.

Edited by Taku
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Ok, I have FINALLY beaten The Last Promise, after a week since it came out.



When I first booted up the game, I at first thought that the people of Magnus were a bunch of bigoted assholes that were trying to conquer the world because Louis wanted a 'utopia' where Magnians would live in prosperity. Basically, a really retarded reason to start a war. Likewise, Siegfried started his rebellion to supposedly save the other countries from Magnian oppression. As I dived deeper into the plot, it turned out that Magnus started the war because of a ether related disease that inflicted a good portion of Magnus, and took many lives there, including Galagar's sister, Lanmark's brother, and Louis's entire family. While the reasons were still selfish and retarded, they were actually well-intentioned in their reasoning for the war. As for Siegfried, the reason he started the rebellion in the first place was to save Lily's country(Magnus), which was his final promise to her. Which comes to the name of the hack itself. The promise made seems small at first glance, but Blazer surprised us by making the promise play a big part in the end.

And Siegfried being the final boss was a pretty nice twist. At first, I thought I had to fight Lahar. Good going, Blazer.



The hack plays like your typical Fire Emblem game, but it just added so much more. The characters as a whole were pretty fun to use, and with the exception of a few, I felt that no characters were truly bad. I'll get into a full unit review later on when I get my internet back on my PC. Also, nice use of custom animations. And the new weaponry in the game? Very nice. Though I will admit that some items did completely blow, but overall, I liked most of the weapons put in. And the sidequests? Love em. The only gripe I have with the game is the huge difficulty spike between Chapters 23 and 24. What I mean is that, once you get to Chapter 24, enemies start not sucking and unless you have decently high stats, you're going to have severe issues with the enemies in the lategame maps since they are all promoted with good weapons and hover in the high 10's-low 20's in terms on stats. While this didn't bug me too much, it can cause people who have gotten RNG screwed to be screwed later on. And like Taku said, perhaps give some lategame units better bases(Rachel comes to mind here). Despite this, giving this a 10.



Character development as a whole is good, and as I've said before, most characters are useful enough to earn a spot on most teams.



Not much to say here. The only gripe is that much of the music doesn't show up in the sound room. Still, great choice of music.

Overall: 9.25

This is a very well done hack. It does have some minor flaws involving character balance and the lategame difficulty spike, but otherwise, no complaints, and the hack holds a lot of replayability for me, especially since I did not get all the sidequests. Once again, good job on the hack, Blazer and everyone who took part.

As for the units I used...

Anakin   	15/16 42 19 24 24 26 11 20 09
Kelik    	20/20 60 27 30 30 25 24 18 12
Shon 		15/09 49 20 20 23 12 14 11 09
Ace      	17/15 58 27 20 26 16 23 15 11
Shuuda   	15/20 55 25 30 26 14 16 14 11
Kevin    	20/20 60 29 23 21 14 30 13 16
Asch 		--/20 60 25 25 26 30 19 12 11
Karina   	20/17 59 25 27 27 19 22 12 07
Cia      	18/20 46 30 23 26 25 12 25 06
Mark 		20/20 60 32 24 27 16 17 08 16
Lyam 		--/13 50 22 18 22 12 16 13 11
Shadow   	--/13 38 16 25 26 11 14 10 08
Yue      	20/09 39 27 22 23 16 15 18 08

[spoiler=Unit Reviews]

Siegfried Mode Units:

- Siegfried is very useful throughout most of the game. His bases really blow for his level, but he has some of the best growths in the game. Not only that, he's mounted with his own prf weapon that smites mages. He does disappear very late, but by then, he has been a huge positive.

- Shon isn't as bad as he was in the last patch, but he still has a rather poor start. Rapier does help against some of the armored brigand bosses early on, but his durability is lacking. He does, however, get a very nice Prf at the beginning of Chapter 22 that makes him very good, and a sidequest can make that prf even better.

- Corben is pretty good. His offense is about on par with Shon's, though his durability is generally superior. He does suffer from speed issues, but otherwise functions like Kent.

- Tamiko is your standard healbot. Nuff said. Her combat post promotion isn't anything to write home about, and her durability is pretty bad(unlike in some of the earlier versions of the game).

- Shuuda is amazing. He has great offensive bases(9str/12skl/12spd)for the point in the game he joins, and has high growths in all 3. His durability is sorely lacking, but nothing a robe or shield can't fix.

- Inanna's combat isn't anything to write home about, and it takes a while for her to get going, but flying utility is useful no matter how you look at it. She also has the potential to promote in Sieg's route, which is cool.

- Kevin is fairly unimpressive. He has good durability, but his offense blows early on with only 7 str and 5 spd(Thankfully, his str growth is very high to counteract. Spd, not so much.) He also has movement issues due to being armored and 16 con means only Storm and Shon can carry him post promotion.

- Arthur sucks. The only thing remotely good about him is his high base res which allows him to tank the mages in his join map, but other than that, he's pretty much cheap chip damage since his offensive bases suck worse than Kevin's despite hitting res. Also, he rejoins very late in Anakin's mode, which makes his usefulness nonexistent.

- Storm is decent. His stormbringer gives him much needed power and speed early on, and he has great offensive growths. He'd actually be very good if he didn't rejoin at the same time as Arthur, though unlike Arthur, he's usable.

- Althares's combat isn't too great since his base stats are worse than Shuuda's(who joined 4 maps earlier.) He does have +15 crit, but otherwise, I just used him for stealing shit.

- Cia is very good as well. Her base skill sucks, but she has huge magic and speed bases as well as a very high speed growth. Low durability, but again, nothing a robe can't fix.

- Noah is awesome in Sieg's mode. Stats aren't the best for his level, but he kills enemies just the same. Props to him being the only axe user in Sieg's mode. In Ani Mode, he's still good, just not as great as he was back in Sieg's mode.

- Haas is godly overpowered in Siegfried's mode, but rejoins too late in Ani Mode with the same bases, at which point, he's no longer anything special. Also, his growths suck ass aside from HP and str.

Anakin/Kelik Mode Units:

- Anakin's combat is better than Arthur's, but has worse durability than him. His main use, however, is his ability to motivate(identical to Ninian's dancing), which helped me shave off many turns in otherwise long maps.

- Ace is another excellent unit. His only real issue overall is his low base str, but otherwise, he's good with acceptable speed and durability bases.

- Eduardo is like a mounted Dorcas. His strength is utterly massive as well as his HP, but his defense and resistance just blow, and his skl/spd are average at best. He also gets a nerfed brave lance, which can prove useful, even though the hit is shaky. At least he's a LOT better here than he was last patch, where he was inferior to Lyam(then known as Nayr)in every way.

- Karina is basically Haar if he joined as a Lv10 unpromoted unit with good bases(and good growths). In other words, she's basically sex on wings. Not much to say here.

- Kelik is fucking godly. He's everything that made Shuuda good, but taken up to 11. Well, ok, he's not perfect as his base HP is only average. But still, pound for pound, he's the best unit in the game statwise.

- Levion is Marcus 6.0 in the first map you get him, where he ORKO's literally everything and never dies. You get him for real far later, though. While he's still good, he just isn't AS good as he once was. Also, being a 'Jeigan', his growths suck.

- Logan strikes me as unimpressive. Yes, he has good speed and skill, but he has issues with his str and durability. Also, getting him requires you do the harder version of Chapter 13, and prevents you from getting Asch.

- Asch is another jeigan of sorts, except unlike Levy, he actually has growths. His base speed is rather middling for his level, but he has high strength+axes. He also has a triple digit luck growth for some reason.

- Itsuke is basically Cia with less speed, but more power and durability. While there is a debate on who's better, I say that he's inferior to Cia.

- Zach is rather interesting. Unlike some archers I've seen, he has good str/spd bases, but his hit is shaky at first due to a low skill base. Also, he has a rather high HP base for some reason.

- I don't have much to say about Lirin. She has pretty good durability for her class as well as a massive str base for her level. Speed and skill could be a little better, but at least she has an existent luck base in this patch. Also, flying utility, yada yada.

- Tekun is essentially a watered down Kelik, which equivalents to him being useful overall. His skl/spd bases are rather low for his level, but he does have high str/def for his class, and even his skl/spd are great.

- Emma is basically Priscilla if she traded luck for defense. Her base def is just godly, as well as having one of the highest speed growths in the game. Overall, a solid pick.

- Ben has a surprising bases spread for his class, since he has 10 res at Lv10 unpromoted, when most wyvern riders fail to get 10 res at 20/20. Also, his speed growth is surprisingly good for his class.

- Mark is in many ways similar to Geese in that his growth spread is reminiscent of Geese's. Thankfully, his bases aren't as bad as Geese's. Another thing in his favor is the fact that he joins in an armor heavy map, so he can net a few cheap kills with the hammer.

- Lyam is generally speaking quite good for the most part, being a mounted unit with great bases. I do have one complaint about the guy, and it's that his rate of exp gain royally sucks. Even against promoted enemies, he only gets like 10 exp a kill. In the next version, I recommend raising his exp gain.

- I haven't really used Rex, but from what I can tell, he's an inferior Ace. He's an ok substitute if Ace got RNG screwed, but generally speaking, don't bother.

- Howard is kind of like Isadora; he's a filler mounted unit that can be fitted on any team, which is nice. He also gets a lot of res for some reason, but his growths for the most part are mediocre. Also, his base skill sucks.

- Yue is alright if you want to promote him and use him as a staffbot. He has a good magic growth as well as decent everything else, and comes in map full of dracoknights, which is a double edged sword for him.

- Sai sucks. Typical late joining growth unit. He's kind of like Ross, except without the earlygame or the option to use Hero or Berserker. Don't use.

- Risk has some durability issues, but has decent enough offenses and comes with a good weapon. His base speed could be slightly better due to enemies hovering around the 15AS range, but otherwise, he's good enough.

- Liquid sucks. His bases are 'only' ok, but his growths are some of the worst I've ever seen. Also, he shows up too late. Lethality is kind of cute, but gl getting his skill high enough to get a reliable proc rate(he has 25% at base with a killer axe).

- Leopold is unimpressive. He really needs better base str, and even then, it's better to pass him up since the Sylmeria is far more useful than he is. Still, he has good enough durability, but otherwise, fuck him.

- Shadow(Thanatos)is useful in that he can act as a more durable Althares that can kill things once in a while with Lethality procs. He's still not too impressive combat wise, though.

- Alice has ok combat for the most part, since she has 17str/20spd and can use silver lances at base. Also, flying utility.

- Rana is useful as a last minute heal/chipbot, since he has 20 magic at base, which gives him 35 atk with his Fenrir tome. His only issue in regards to utility is his E staves. He should probably be given something a bit higher.

- Gary is great as last minute filler considering his godly bases as well as his good weapon ranks and growths. Also, capped luck is very nice as a whole since enemy crit can get rather high past this map.

- Frederick is a literal neotank in that he has capped defense as well as massive res. And he also has good enough offenses that he can hit decently hard as well. Again, like I've said with Kevin, armor move sucks.

- Rachel sucks. Her base stats are simply unacceptable at this point in the game, and her growths are NOT good enough to get her out of the hole that is known as poor bases+underleveled. She is also hard to recruit unless you rush your lords over to her and Fred's location. At least she comes with a good bow.

Edited by Mercenary James
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Figured I'd post my units as well.

Anakin   	16/20 44 23 27 27 30 23 25 09
Kelik    	20/20 54 27 30 30 30 25 16 12
Shon 		19/20 56 25 28 27 21 24 17 09
Ace      	20/20 60 27 28 26 30 25 19 11
Shuuda   	20/20 53 25 30 26 16 16 10 11
Inanna    	20/20 45 24 25 29 22 17 16 08
Tamiko 		20/14 44 25 23 24 18 19 22 05
Karina   	20/15 54 25 27 27 20 22 12 07
Cia      	20/20 46 30 27 26 25 18 21 06
Tekun 		20/20 57 25 29 32 18 22 11 09
Althares 	20/06 40 18 16 24 14 12 09 07
Emma            20/15 38 25 17 27 15 16 19 07
Gary            --/20 60 30 25 26 30 18 14 13

I also used Kevin and Corben a lot. Sadly, Kevin was the only character that fell, in Chapter 27 to Mister Mage General.

It's surprising to look at the huge differences in stats in some characters that Mercenary James posted up, like Anakin's defense. RNG in a fickle mistress.

Edited by Taku
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posts on the blog + page on the hack's website says that the requirements for chapter 7x were messed up by the 1.1 patch in some way. some people said that saving during the battle and switching to a rom on the 1.0 patch works to get the chapter. anyone with the early version of the patch want to test this?

also wouldn't mind if someone uploaded the 1.0 patch somewhere so i could try this. or i could just wait for 1.2, whenever that comes out...

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posts on the blog + page on the hack's website says that the requirements for chapter 7x were messed up by the 1.1 patch in some way. some people said that saving during the battle and switching to a rom on the 1.0 patch works to get the chapter. anyone with the early version of the patch want to test this?

also wouldn't mind if someone uploaded the 1.0 patch somewhere so i could try this. or i could just wait for 1.2, whenever that comes out...


This should be 1.0. Tell me if it's not, I may have it somewhere else on my computer. If not, then sadly I don't have that version anymore.

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So did anyone here actually get into chapter 7x before or after 1.1?

yeah, i just got it to work. i had to replay all of chapter 7 on the 1.0 patch, resuming a suspend save at the end of the battle didn't seem to work. beat the map in 14 turns and it unlocked.

e: also visited all the houses, of course


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This is a lot of fun, though i'd argue picking up a random Talisman out of nowhere is an awfully arbitrary sidequest requirement. Also Shon hates me:


Hasn't gained a single point of Strength. I'm at 5x and he is legitimately becoming a hassle to use.

Any hope of a world map for this being made? I find it tough to have perspective of what's going on without one.

Edited by Rambo M
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@Rambo M: So is that how Shon usually turns out? My Shon as a level 20 Gallant has 16 strength with so stat boosting items.

Same. My Shon at level 8 on my second playthrough has 9 Strength, 9 Skill, 12 Speed, 9 Luck, 7 Defense, 3 Resistance. Really only Defense he's getting screwed in. He has some decent growths, albeit a bit low bases, especially his HP. It's horrid.

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Anyone not get chapter 17x even though the target is only 21 turns? I did it in 16 and didn't get the chapter. ._.

You mean the one were you rescue Sieg? That's chapter 17 and I got it so maybe you had an extra turn or something like that.

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