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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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@Juice el Savior what does TLP even have to do with FE4 I don't even know even I haven't gotten past the prologue of FE4, it was WAY too boring...

Sigurd dies at the end of part 1, then the children of part 1's units pick up the fight 20ish years later.

The parallel is between Sigurd and Siegfried, obviously. They are the only main lords to die in the games they are the lords of (that, and Sigurd is literally just an alternate spelling of Siegfried).

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Alright I worded that poorly

im well aware of the inspiration for Siegfried, the issue is that there's no way he'd know of it unless he played FE4 already or something, but he said TLP inspired him to play FE4 or something, which makes little to no sense unless someone has been saying "if you like TLP, play FE4" and I can't fathom why when they're so different


Sorry but it's not that easy posting growth rates for so many characters, and knowing them wont help you get better level-ups, I assure you they're there and they help, but as for your bad luck, all I can really do is suggest that you do some community service or something

As for the glitch, please update to the latest patch and don't report bugs without first doing so.

@Replica what patch are you using? I really need to know when tackling these issues ._. Thanks

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He said that it inspired him to play FE4 a second time. The parallels between the main characters are probably the cause for that. It's really not a far-fetched relation.

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He said that it inspired him to play FE4 a second time. The parallels between the main characters are probably the cause for that. It's really not a far-fetched relation.

Just finished this for a 2nd time...

Blazer... seriously; if it weren't for TLP I wouldnt be playing FE4 for the first time, thank you!

no he didn't

o 3 o

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It's 7AM. I misread. Bleh. Probably heard of the parallels and gave it a shot. Fuck if I care anymore.

Everyone just play FE4.

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Heh. I still haven't gotten past the prologue of FE4 yet. Although it's largely due to me picking this hack almost right after I started FE4... so... yeah.


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wow I make one post an everyone thinks im an idiot! XD

I havnt played an FE in a couple of years, and the only ones under my belt (before now) were the handheld titles.

TLP made me say "hey, I should try to play all of the older FE games too, im bored as hell with current new games and the SNES was my favorite console"

i never drew any paralels to FE4 from TLP because Im not even passed Ch 3 in FE4 currently,

Sorry for the mass confusion and the visual retardation

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@Shugey lol, it's alright (it didn't show up for me either)

@Juice ah alright, no issue, we all just had a little confusion, it's perfectly normal/fine. Arch enjoys popping out of nowhere to make me look like an idiot... XD

In the end

Everyone just play FE4.

I tried like 5 times and I couldn't stay up

but one of these days I will get like, 20 hours of sleep, wake up, take 5 hour energy or something, and try to play the game. then I shouldn't fall asleep for a few hours...

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As for the glitch, please update to the latest patch and don't report bugs without first doing so.

@Replica what patch are you using? I really need to know when tackling these issues ._. Thanks

Its the 8/18/12 patch.The method I used to patch was NUPS (if that really makes a difference).

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but one of these days I will get like, 20 hours of sleep, wake up, take 5 hour energy or something, and try to play the game. then I shouldn't fall asleep for a few hours...

Turbo button is your best friend. The first time I played it was without the turbo, but I was enamored with the game so it didn't matter. In retrospect, that took forever.

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Eh, I don't wanna sound like a pest, but when will the next patch be out? I'm curious to see what these secrets do. And I'd like to start another new game with the support system installed.

PS: I'm gonna use Arthur. :O

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Welp, I finally finished the hack. Congrats, Blazer. Although you should reconsider the C25 and onward difficulty. Having to Savestate every turn in order to guarantee not starting from the beginning is annoying. Mostly in C25 and C26. 27 was easy once I triggered the reinforcements, and Final 1 and Final 2 took little effort. Final 3 took ages, but hey. Final boss.

Anyway, units:

[spoiler=Yay Units!]TheLastPromise_01.png

ANAKIN: Turned out good in the end. Got the C27 Boots to give him better movement and he used them well.


KELIK: His PRF is insanely broken. I didn't even use Imperius, but it's nice to have, I guess.


INANNA: Once she got Leviathan, she became unstoppable. She killed Holton, Galagar, Louis, and Siegfried. Inanna is LEGENDARY.


KARINA: With Leviathan she probably would've been spectacular, but she fell behind later on. She was one of the few to not get ORKOed by Siegfried, so I do give her credit for that. Heroslayers are her friend.


EMMA: I used the last two Energy Rings to cap her Magic, which helped with healing in the endgame. She still fought well throughout. Namely in C27, where if Kelik, Howard, or Gary didn't kill it, Emma did.


ASCH: Great unit throughout the game. Asch helped a lot in the early stages of C26. He worked well with the Brave Axe.


TAMIKO: She healed stuff.


RISK: He didn't do anything later on except help kill a few enemies. He seemed to never proc crits, even with the Wo Dao.


ITSUKE: He was an INCREDIBLE backup healer. He used Meteor well. Didn't end up using the S-Rank Animas, but oh well.


GARY: GARY! Lategame AMAZING unit. He was one of the few who fought Siegfried, and he was spectacular with everything. He was one of the two units who fought Galagar. He also tanked Holton forever.


LYAM: Didn't do much near endgame besides snag some kills.


ALICE: Great backup flier. She helped in killing Holton, and her flight was eternally useful.


HOWARD: Why is he not useable in Final 1? He got Oblivion, and proceeded to wreck the rest of the game with it. He killed a majority of C27 for me.


SHON: His speed friggin' sucked. Could only do x2 with Silvans, making it a royal pain for most enemies. He did ORKO a lot of magic units, thankfully.

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