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Lulz i thought there camp was near the outskirts of town.

But i guess you can say that since Helios was in a forest fighting off bandits.

EDIT: Ha im first

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Kelas seems to want to run away from the camp and I'm not sure why we would be super inclined to stop her.

Plus, I had to interact with Rayton/Irina at the time, so yeah. Kelas has the issue of having no real reason to join up.

I forgot we don't have the axe wielder yet when Morgan was talking with Irina. Oh well.

Also, do you think Morgan/Esphyr interacted enough for a C? Seemed kind of like the first level of a FE convo to me.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Nad's right. I noticed some issues with our posts. It's easier to make a post with yours and another character reacting to one another when you know how they'll respond ahead of time, then you can put something down like this:

"Hey, Joe! Let's go kill all those bandits"

Joe shook his head in disappointment.

It helps expand the post a little bit before the other person actually has to say something, and it keeps the story flow going. Either that or we could all be on at the exact same time... which ever :unsure:

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I've tried to do this to some extent.

For example, see the Morgan/Esphyr convo about destroying weapons/demons etc. I inserted some puzzled looks/etc for Esphyr, but let Snowy answer the bigger questions.

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I actually approve of it entirely. I find it fun to see how other people see your character acting/reacting and interesting to see what sort of situations they can get people in to. However, many years on gamefaqs, where you on occasion need to ask to even see other peoples characters in passing, has subdued it greatly.

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Bit confused at the current situation: I thought I'd just come rushing yelling into the camp where everyone (i.e. Crimson bearers) was planning for the attack on the bandits and fired a warning shot before realizing that they weren't bandits.

Did people just ignore that, or did they not realize that I was "attacking" the main group? (If it's the latter I'll edit, since that was supposed to be the bit where I met the main group.)

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As I understand it, the main party is a fair distance outside the town, surrounded by the bandits. They know that they're there, but don't consider them a serious threat/haven't moved yet.

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Sorry for missing the question Cynthia. No, I do not think they interacted enough for a C-level. Mainly because we didn't actually learn anything about them or see them developing a relationship. I would be interested in at least seeing them try for one though.

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There's only one group that can be considered main :/ There's the Damian group, and that's it. I'm going to join up with my other two characters Dalton and Jones but that's only 3 and they're all controlled by me, Likewise Helios and Mark are in the same boat I am, (just not the same side)

If I somehow misinterpreted the comment and your talking about the enemy, then Group A is the main, Group B is reinforcements, and C is a random assortment headed to town. Not sure what you're talking about either way. :/

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That was kind of beyond me (My last post)

I think i increased Ian's character a bit

Forgive me Ether

@Nadesico: I let Mark go for now because im only going to have one NPC with me at a time.

@Pheonix: Its a dude?

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@Kai, There's no rule against having Npc's so you should be fine, though whether Ian can have stats or not is really completely up to Snowy.

My concern would be how you switch the two, in and out. You can't exactly have Mark tail the group the whole time, and appear conveniently when you need him, and make Ian leave at the same time repeatedly. (I think at least anyway) But if you think you can realistically switch the two I guess I could thrown in a few scenario's where one or the other decide to stay behind. I however still don't think over exerting yourself is a good idea unless you plan to be really active from here on out.

I wonder what's keeping everyone busy, It's as if everyone's losing interest XD

Also start the damn battle already XD

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@Kai, There's no rule against having Npc's so you should be fine, though whether Ian can have stats or not is really completely up to Snowy.

My concern would be how you switch the two, in and out. You can't exactly have Mark tail the group the whole time, and appear conveniently when you need him, and make Ian leave at the same time repeatedly. (I think at least anyway) But if you think you can realistically switch the two I guess I could thrown in a few scenario's where one or the other decide to stay behind. I however still don't think over exerting yourself is a good idea unless you plan to be really active from here on out.

I wonder what's keeping everyone busy, It's as if everyone's losing interest XD

Also start the damn battle already XD

I wont abuse that.

Mark will come when the time is right.

Its all apart of the story.

And yeah no one seems to be posting that much

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I think it's important to decide if anyone falls for the trap (Group C) before we start. I guess if they attacked immediately we wouldn't have to make that decision, but I'm not really in charge of the bandits here.

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What happened was that Kelas ran yelling into the middle of camp where everyone (i.e. Crimson Bearers) was planning for the fight with the bandits, almost attacked but realized that the people she was about to attack weren't bandits. She then saw that they were heavily armed and started looking for the quickest escape route, since presumably they wouldn't take well to a random yelling person on a horse nearly attacking them.

However, people seem to have missed and/or misinterpreted the post in which this took place. I might retcon it because of this, since it was supposed to be noticed.

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We can still use you as bait :awesome:

Then join the camp or something

As far as im concerned Ethers camp is where everyone is

And Snowy said he is going to go on to chapter 2 after everyone meets

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I'm waiting for Kiryn/______ to respond,but if she doesn't,then I'll post by the end of the day.

Maybe you could just ignore her for now and decide whether you want Damian/Aiya to chase after the pretty lights or not. We can get this battle moving once people have decided to stay or go (people are staying atm).

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