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Let's Play: Empire Total War! - Knights of St. John run


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Hey guys, I'm going to put this LP on hold. I'm not sure what's up with my computer with all this freezing.

However, there could be a sequel one of these days......in the form of either Napoleon Total War or Shogun 2 Total War, which should be much more stable.

Sorry for the inconvenience, apologies to everyone, especially to Acacia and eclipse, who barely saw any action... ohmy.gif

In the meantime, I have something else planned..... it should be awesome, I hope.

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Ah, well. It was a good run while it lasted.

GG, Tarii. I look forward to the next project.

Hey, no problem!

I'll remember to post something if/when you start a new one!

(hopefully it will be as awesome as the Chainsaw Brigade)

A teaser...


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  • 5 months later...

So um...you guys gave picked Empire Total War (hoping it doesn't crash!!!).

So, should I just start afresh? Continue my USA campaign?

If I have to continue the USA campaign should I rebuild it until where we left off and then start posting pics or just reset it?

So, just to reiterate some faction choices that I'll be willing to do:

United Provinces - Dutch, starts off in a rather weak position and will probably rely on colonies for income instead of pissing off the other European nations.

Maratha Confederacy or Mughal Empire - Archaic technology, relies more on bow, arrow, sword than muskets and cannon. Units are generally cheaper and inferior compared to European ones.

Ottoman Empire - See above, but more technologically advanced. Less bows, more guns.

Sweden - Most Cavalry units are somewhat larger in number compared to everyone else, otherwise will probably see more naval action.

USA - Tends to love light infantry, cavalry, regular infantry, and elites tend to suck compared to those of other nations, which is historically correct. Mod downloads have unlocked a lot of Native American units for the US.

Knights of St. John - Starts off on one tiny island, no university to do research, and a pitiful income. Basically if I want to turn the LP into a suicide then I can play as these guys. They're descendants of the Knights Hospitaller from the Crusades, but now they're just mortal enemies with the Barbary Pirates.

Personally I'm having a hard time picking USA or Knights of St. John.

Edited by skitarii
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It is, but as long as you can get them in melee, they shouldn't last long. Heck even Provincial Cavalry can screw over Ferguson Rifles. Just don't let them shoot, or else they'll just rapid fire.

USA starts off with not a lot of tech, while the Brits pretty much can steamroll you if they bothered to. Generally you should go take out your frustrations on the Natives, and then when you think you've teched up enough and have enough armies you can go march against the British.

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It is, but as long as you can get them in melee, they shouldn't last long. Heck even Provincial Cavalry can screw over Ferguson Rifles. Just don't let them shoot, or else they'll just rapid fire.

USA starts off with not a lot of tech, while the Brits pretty much can steamroll you if they bothered to. Generally you should go take out your frustrations on the Natives, and then when you think you've teched up enough and have enough armies you can go march against the British.

Provincal cav will rout after the first volley, if not the second

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Provincal cav will rout after the first volley, if not the second

Well, I meant to add in flank/rear attack, heheh. But just try your best.

Hey, you're reviving this? Cool...

Voted USA to have my dragoon divisions back... *shot*

Hope to have a successful revival, if it doesn't start crashing on me again.

And alright....but I'm limiting everyone to 2 units.

God dammit I was gonna Get dem guys.


Well, aside from dragoons, we also have mounted riflemen and mounted grenadiers (no grenades)....

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Voted United Provinces, but if we end up with St. John I'll probably end up naming them after various regiments in my O&G~

...Hell, if we get any melee cavalry I'll probably name 'em after my Big 'Unz.

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Meh Rifles it is.

I could use some in RTI Brits spawned 18 units of rangers in 1 turn .


And there's still 2 units of Dragoons who haven't been claimed.

18 rangers in 1 turn? Dang. Cavalry time.

By the way, you can throw out names since in Empire you can actually name your units.

Voted United Provinces, but if we end up with St. John I'll probably end up naming them after various regiments in my O&G~

...Hell, if we get any melee cavalry I'll probably name 'em after my Big 'Unz.

Probably will end up USA again with the current number of votes, heheh.

East Gruen Foot Guard and Charcatra Foot will see action again, it would seem.

As for melee cavalry.....not a lot, but there will be some, if the dragoons don't take over their jobs.

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Probably will end up USA again with the current number of votes, heheh.

East Gruen Foot Guard and Charcatra Foot will see action again, it would seem.

Oh, yeah! I remember those gits. Hopefully they'll learn to shoot straight, given that they're named after battalions of swordsmen...

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